Chapter 3- Shadows Fall
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Fate Online
Underdark- Unending Abyss Region
Unknown Location

I followed Talia out of the cell and down several corridors until we were finally dumped in a hall. It was heavily damaged, the walls were cracked, the tapestries singed and stained with what I assumed was blood, it was apparent sculptures and other artworks were missing from pedestals and other places. "What happened here?" I asked out of reflex and Talia grimaced.

"An echo of a war long forgotten. Repairing the keep has not been my priority, survival is." the woman replied as she continued to walk, leading me deeper into the keep. 

I could see an occasional person hurrying down one corridor or another as we continued to walk. Based on the distance we were traveling, we were in a large keep but based on the décor it was part keep, part palace. One that had been attacked and sacked. 

So why was anyone still alive? Why did it look like no one had cleaned or repaired this place in centuries if not longer? I knew this place was hidden and unless you found a way to unlock it, no one could get to it through normal means. It was why I had pursued all the information I could dig up about this place. About the Covenant, and the potential for power to fight the Light, but what I was finding was disappointing, to say the least. 

"So why don't we start with something simple, what is the Compact?" I asked Talia and she snorted in amusement.

"What year is it?" she asked in return and I frowned.

"The year is forty, twenty-five A.S. (After Sundering), how can you not know what year it is?" I asked Talia as a pained look flashed across her face. 

"You know what we are, correct? Isiah revealed that much about us unintentionally." Talia replied enigmatically. 

"Yes, something I have questions about as well," I responded but did not bring up the fact that her people were Vampires. Sure they existed in the wider world, but most were borderline insane monsters put down on sight. The few sentient ones were older and more powerful kind and while Immortals tried to take those out as well, they were stronger and more powerful due to their age and abilities associated with their age. Elder Vampires, or Master Vampires, were capable of creating both more Vampires and Thralls, which was why they were hunted down and destroyed as soon as possible. Yet, they also had the lingering insanity that plagues all known Vampires. 

However, here I was talking to what I assumed was a group of Vampires. Something I would consider an impossibility before actually doing it. "Well before you ask, yes we are Vampires and our Race is the predominant species here. One of the few sentient Undead Races here on Ithea, and one that is nearly extinct. Now, what can you tell me about world events from about two thousand years ago?" Talia asked and I frowned as I racked my brains for the Lore. 

"There was a war, against who or even why I do not know, but it spanned the whole Arakon continent," I responded causing a smirk to play across Talia's face that turned to anger. 

"Of course they would do that, couldn't have the masses know any different could they?' she asked but I had no idea what she was talking about. 'Our story begins a couple of hundred years after the Sundering, who or what created our Race is shrouded in time, even forgotten by us. Due to our nature, we isolated ourselves from the other Races, not wishing to come into conflict with them but it didn't matter, we still hunted and killed despite our self-imposed isolation. The followers of the Light and the gods with Light Alignment that were considered 'good', hunted us only caring that we existed and were considered a physical representation of the dark and evil." Talia explained as we continued to walk up one set of stairs after another. 

"That is the story for most 'Dark' Races, both the living and Undead, it doesn't matter. For some reason, those of the Light Alignment are far more judgmental and less understanding than those of Dark or even Neutrals." I responded earning a slight smile. 

"Yes, some things will never change.' she responded, ruefulness lacing her voice. 'Now back then, you Immortals did not walk Ithea, you were just part of myth and legend, but one we knew someday would come. Yet that is a story for another day. Our people continued to be persecuted, killed, for no other reason than existing so eventually we banded together, lead by the oldest and strongest of our Race. We eventually found this place after a long journey away from all the known kingdoms back then. It was completely isolated and remote from any other Race, so we thought we would be safe...We underestimated their hatred for us." Talia explained as we reached a terrace that revealed a view of the surrounding area and the keep. 

"Yet we were not a Race separated any longer, we had a home, guards, and people other than Vampires that lived among us that knew what we were and didn't care. Eventually, the followers of the Light came though, but we finally did something they did not expect and fought back.' Talia explained as I studied the wreck and ruins of the keep and city below. 'War came to us, but by then we were united as one people. We fought and won. The survivors were told to leave and never return. They did not listen." anger flashed across the woman's face as she took a deep breath as people brought food and drinks out on the terrace before leaving. 

I eyed the food and drinks, "Do you mind?' I asked and gestured towards the food and drink, Talia just nodded. 'So I am guessing they didn't listen?" I prompted her and she snorted. 

"Of course not, they were filled with good and righteous anger to stomp out the evil Vampires despite the fact we lived in isolation. They should have listened to the warnings, this time we killed them all. No mercy, no warning, we went to war for survival and the future. If they would not learn to live with us, they would learn to be ruled by us.' Talia replied anger and frustration lacing her voice. 'We started with the nearest towns and villages, they were given two choices to surrender or die. No compromise, no middle ground, we embraced what they feared we would become and made it our strength." Talia explained as I ate. 

I snorted in amusement. "I assume that went over well with your neighbors and kingdoms?" I asked her, bemused at how the story was playing out. 

They hated and feared them, and the actions of a few had created the very monsters they feared. "It went about as well as you think. All-out war ensued, but we were a different rule than what people had come to expect. We were not the bloodthirsty monsters they had been told about, but harsh rulers that brooked no dissension or rebellion. Yet we were fair and upheld the laws we laid out. Power was held by the skilled, not just the nobility, corruption was rooted out, trade flourished, the common people were happy which led to more and more flocking to our borders and eventual expansion. We became conquerors and undisputed rulers of Arakon." Talia replied and I wondered. 

"Did you live during this time?" I asked her, a little in awe and afraid of the answer as a smile flitted across her face as she nodded.

"We conquered every people, every nation, we won and peace we desired and needed, reigned throughout the lands. The Compact was forged, a binding magical document was created, so our people knew we would not abuse them. It bound all those in leadership positions, prevented corruption, helped keep the peace. For nearly six hundred years our kingdom ruled, but we became complaint and while the Compact was powerful, it was not infallible.' Talia mused and I could see she was fighting a sadness that was soul deep. 'Our peace and complacency led to a war we did not expect and were not prepared for. While we celebrated and lived, those that followed the Light schemed and eventually returned. An army appeared from nowhere and conquered a half dozen cities within a week 'liberating' them and killing any that were loyal to the Dark." Talia informed me causing me to frown.

"Thousands died that were not soldiers, just the common man or woman living under our rule. Those that had infiltrated our government sabotaged our efforts to combat the invaders at every turn. What we had built and had prospered for centuries was torn down and destroyed in one century. Eventually, their armies came here and laid siege to the city. We held out for a decade, but eventually, they broke us and sacked our city.' Talia openly wept as she studied the ruins of what had been a great city at one time. 'My father gave his life and cast a spell, that both protected us and hid what remained of our people and city here. Banished to the Underdark, a shell of what we once were." Talia informed me after she regained control of herself.

"Ok that explains how you got here, but why does it look like your city and palace, was in a fight only a couple of weeks ago?" I asked her confused and not understanding because the timeline was not lining up with the story she was telling.

"My father was a very powerful Archmage, not only did he move us through space, but froze us in time as well.' she responded as a smile played across her face. 'To you, we have been here a day at most, but when you broke the seal, it woke us six months ago. This is why time magic is both dangerous and forbidden. It can have unintended consequences, such as instead of waking after a thousand years, you wake a little over two thousand years later." she replied as I was sure the look of surprise was plastered across my face. 

Surprise and confusion warred within me in equal measures, "Ok, so according to my viewpoint, I woke you today, but in fact, I woke you six months ago. How could I do that if I hadn't broken the seal in the cavern?" I asked her making her giggle.

"Thus one of the conundrums of time magic and why Time is not supposed to be played with, even by an Archmage," Talia responded and I was frustrated but accepted her response and just considered it a part of the game mechanics. 

"So, the Compact which was supposed to lead to 'untold power' is part of an ancient treaty that no longer exists because both it and the kingdom that created it, no longer exists because of a long-forgotten war?' I asked her and she gave me a nod. 'Why am I here and what do you want from me?" I asked her causing a slight smile on her weary face. 

"That is a very complicated answer, one that you are not prepared for," Talia responded and I frowned. 

"Then simplify it. Start with one thing and go from there." I told her and she frowned as she considered her response before looking back at me. 

"I want you to become a Vampire, accept being Sired by me and join us," she responded causing me to spit out my drink as a Quest Notification popped up.


Quest Update: Eclipsing the Sun

Description: You made the sacrifice and plumbed the depths of the Underdark and found the ancient and hidden Vampire Race. Yet not everything is as it seems and Talia Sunstrider has hidden motives about what she wants to do. Yet she has offered to Sire you and make you a Vampire, in doing so, your Race will be changed irreversibly. Untold dangers, rewards, and secrets await you. Will you rise to the challenge and become a Vampire, or will you refuse and be cast out. The choice and future is yours to make.

Quest Class: Ultra Rare, Quest Chain, Unique

Quest Difficulty: Unknown

Success: Accept being Sired by Talia Sunstrider and become a Vampire

Failure: Refuse to be Sired and be cast out of the hidden Vampire city. 

Rewards: 1,000 Experience, Race Change Vampire, Unknown

Accept? Yes or No 

Note* If you accept the Race Change, your Character will be reset. Your Class and Class Specialization will be removed, your Attributes will be reset to default Vampire Race settings which can be viewed only if you accept the Race Change. 


I read, and reread the information in front of me with great care. I would lose everything, my gear, and would be cast back as a level, one newbie. Not to mention where we were, I looked out beyond the city that was lit by Mage Light and the yawning darkness of the Underdark. "If I refuse, what happens then?" I asked her and anger flashed across her face but then grudging acceptance. 

"I will personally create a Portal for you to go back to the surface, the offer to be Sired will never be offered again, and will be forbidden from ever returning to this city," Talia responded, but there was an undercurrent of a threat in her voice as well. I got the feeling, Vampires were like Elves and Dwarves, they would hold a grudge and would make you pay for it even a year or decade later if they had to wait. 

"So what is the name of my new home city and keep?" I asked her after squashing down my worries and fears. 

A smile broke out on her face, "The city is called Eternal Night, and the Keep is called Shadows Fall. This is going to hurt, and I am sorry for that Jacob.' she told me before her eyes turned blood red as she walked towards me and grabbed my head and gently but firmly turned my head. 'Do not fight it and this will be more quickly." she warned me as I felt a stabbing pain as it started to overwhelm me and drive me to my knees.