Chapter 57- Remember
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Underdark- Unending Abyss Region
Nightwell Fortress

Candles were lit all around as the majority of the populace turned out for the small ceremony that was being held. I studied the marble rock, it stood nearly ten feet tall and was easily the same distance around. The top was carved into the shape of a kneeling soldier or guardsman, but you couldn't see the face or sex of the warrior due to the design. It was meant to represent all those that fell in defense of the Dark Oak Grove and Nightwell Fortress. 

Three names decorated each side of the memorial, each burned with a purple-black fire I had seen Moonlight also burn with. So Magrum or someone else had infused the stone with the Umbra to cause the effect. I looked at the Duergar and nodded my thanks in appreciation for all his efforts to build such an item within the time frame I had given him. 

He bowed at the waist in deference to me, "No, today, here, and now we are all people of Nightwell Fortress my friend." I told the Duergar who raised his head in surprise but he did stop bowing. "We are all here today in remembrance of those who died fighting for all of us. They protected us from the people that wanted to dominate and control just because they think they are entitled to it." I told them and could see more then one nod of agreement.

"House Dhalmass, in their infinite ambition, not only manipulated events with both the Blood-Fang and Earth-Cracker Tribes, they were trying to build a Keep here. One based on death and the lives of all those around them!" I told the people of Nightwell causing more than one look of surprise. "We stopped them with a united effort. Yet even after their plans were thwarted and their garrison destroyed, they sent a small army to reclaim this place. TO CLAIM OUR HOME!" I yelled causing more than one frown to appear.

"Yet our people stood form and once again told them, NO! This is our HOME! OUR LAND!" I called out as I walked around the monument trying to meet all their gazes. "Twelve of our people died for our home and House Dhalmass will atone for it one day soon," I told them as I looked around at the people, my people as both anger and determination shown through.

"One day soon House Dhalmass will be thrown down and destroyed. Every settlement taken, all their House Guard slain or imprisoned, their slaves freed, and their Matron dead for what they have done." I told them as I looked around. "This world has forgotten us. They think just because they are in the Underdark that they are safe, but Vampires are born and thrive in the dark. Our people fear no darkness for it is where we hunt and one day soon I swear by my blood and life, we will throw down House Dhalmass, and the whole world will remember us and never strike at us again!" I called out as I sliced my hand open upon Moonlight's edge letting my blood coat the blade and drip onto the ground as the crowd worked up roared in response. 


Notice: You have given a Blood Oath* to destroy the House Dhalmass. To fulfill this oath the majority of their armies (90% or more) must be killed or captured, all their Settlements must be conquered or razed, and the leader of House Dhalmass must be killed. As you have not given a specific time with your Blood Oath, it must be completed within (365) Days.

Notice: You have Received a Buff Blood Oath of Vengeance I: +10% Damage, +5% Critical Hit Chance when fighting any House Dhalmass followers. (Duration: Until Oath is fulfilled or 365 Days)

Notice: You have Received a Debuff Marked by Vengeance I: The followers of House Dhalmass will sense when you are near, Stealth and Illusions will be less likely to succeed when you are near House Dhalmass followers. (Duration: Until Oath is fulfilled or 365 Days)

Note* Blood Oaths, like Accords, are binding to an individual or group. Abandoning a Blood Oath or failing to fulfill a Blood Oath can have grave consequences for an individual.


Quest Alert: Vengeance is Mine!

Description: The Goddess Nemesis, has taken note of your Oath and witnessed it. She has charged you with ensuring that you will fulfill the requirements of the Blood Oath. If you fail to fulfill the requirements, the Goddess could turn her vengeance upon you and your followers.

Quest Class: Divine; Personal 

Quest Difficulty: Legendary

Success: Fulfill the requirements of your Blood Oath of Vengeance within the allotted time period.

Failure: Do not fulfill the requirements of your Blood Oath of Vengeance within the allotted time period.

Rewards: Unknown

Note* This Quest is compulsory and cannot be declined.


Quest Alert: Gone but not Forgotten

Notice: While you could have ignored the deaths of the guards that fought for you and your settlement, instead you honored their sacrifice. Your people will remember not only their loss but how you honored the dead. Your Settlements Loyalty and Morale has increased by 200 (Current Loyalty Status: Enthusiastic, Current Moral Status: Happy), Cairn of the Fallen.


I read the information that popped up and grimaced. It was a double-edged sword, one that incited and assured me that I would see the oath fulfilled. "Keep heart, while they are gone, they will never be forgotten," I told the assembled group before turning and leaving them there.

I headed for the area set off to the side near the town hall, over two dozen stone tables had been set up as a communal eating area. Several fire pits were located nearby and like the guards that had remained on duty, Miss Dotts and her staff were working to prepare food for the people of the fortress. "Where do you need help?" I asked the Gnome earning a hard look and shake of her head.

"Well as crazy as it is, I need help getting the food from the fires to the tables. After that, pitchers of water need to be distributed." Miss Dotts replied and I nodded as I moved to assist the Gnome and her staff. While much of the basic work had been completed around the fortress, some key buildings had yet to be completed. We still needed some form of a storage building, not to mention cold storage for perishable foods. 

The list went on and on, the work is never done. Yet it was both a duty and honor these people entrusted me with. While a part of me felt like I had failed them somewhat in losing twelve of our guards, I knew carving out this settlement and pushing out the borders of Eternal Night would not be bloodless. As I worked silently, I pulled up my Harbinger Skill Tree and started sifting through the information there. While it was a risk to do both at once, time was limited and with an extended trip through the Underdark, I needed to be ready. 

    Harbinger Skill Tree    
  Shadow Bolt (Journeyman) Charge of the Dark (Initiate) Umbra Embrace (Initiate)  
Shadow Strike (Initiate) Dread Presence (Initiate)   Shadow Aura (Novice) Umbra Potential (Initiate)
Bog of Plagued Shadows (Novice) Shadow Armor (Initiate)   Shadow Forge (Initiate) Umbra Strength (Initiate)
Shadow Flame (Unlocked) Sense Intent (Unlocked) Dark Light (Requires Level 30) Dark Strength (Unlocked) Umbra Unlimited (Requires Level 30)
Dark Blast (Requires Level 35)       Umbra Resurgence (Requires Level 40)
    Dark Storm (Requires Level 50)    

I read the three new Skills that had been unlocked by my level gains. Dark Strength, like Shadow Forge, was a strait buff increasing all physical attributes and all regeneration rates for twenty minutes. Sense Intent was a passive skill that increased the chance to block or parry incoming attacks and increased the chance that counterattack would trigger, a basic bread and butter skill for any tank. Shadow Flame was a strait offensive spell and like all spells for a Harbinger, guzzled Spirit like a frat boy did beer.

Three new skills and five skill points, after a moment of hesitation I unlocked all three new skills. After some thought, I invested my last two points into Bog of Plagued Shadows and Shadow Aura. While the active Aura had been of little use to me as of yet, eventually I would go up against those that followed the Light and it was a crucial skill to have. The bog spell was simply critical for crowd control and its damage, while minimal, was still a boon in fights.


Skill Name: Dark Strength
Skill Level: Initiate
Skill Type: Active
Skill Description: Dark Champion's can augment their physical attributes, and their allies strength, with their connection to the Umbra. Use this spell to as the Dark Champion to embrace that connection and crush your enemies.
Damage: N/A
Effect 1: Increase Vitality, Constitution, Strength, and Dexterity by 20.
Effect 2: Increase Health, Stamina, and Spirit Regeneration by 5%.
Range: 30 Yards
Duration: 20 Minutes
Cast Time: Instant
Cost: 300 Spirit
Cooldown: 10 Minutes

Skill Name: Sense Intent
Skill Level: Initiate
Skill Type: Active
Skill Description: A Harbinger is forged to battle for the Dark and thus they have an almost preternatural sense to defend themselves from attacks.
Damage: N/A
Effect 1: Increase the Chance to Block and/or Parry incoming Attacks by 10%.
Effect 2: Increase the Chance that Counter Attack will trigger by 5%.
Range: N/A
Duration: N/A
Cast Time: N/A
Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A

Skill Name: Shadow Flame
Skill Level: Initiate
Skill Type: Active
Skill Description: Tap into the dormant power of the Shadowverse and conjure a ferocious gout of Shadow Flame, scorching nearby opponents with powerful attack that deals a combination of shadow and fire damage.
Damage: SS X 3.0 Shadow Damage per Second
Effect 1: Enemies will suffer (SS X 0.25) Fire Damage per Second.
AoE: 5 Foot Cone
Range: 10 Feet
Duration: Until Cancelled
Cast Time: Instant
Cost: 75 Spirit per Second
Cooldown: N/A

Skill Name: Shadow Aura
Skill Level: Adept
Skill Type: Active
Skill Description: As a Harbinger, you can infuse yourself with the Shadow energy, strengthening yourself and nearby allies. At higher levels, you will deal constant damage to nearby enemies and even disrupt them from using their Skills and Abilities.
Damage: N/A
Effect 1: +40% Chance to ignore Light Debuffs.
Effect 2: +30% Resistance to Light Damage. (Self)
Effect 3: +15% Resistance to Light Damage. (Allies) 
AoE: 15 Yards
Range: Self
Duration: Until Cancelled
Cast Time: Instant
Cost: Initial 125 Spirit, Bank 75 Spirit for the Duration
Cooldown: N/A

Skill Name: Bog of Plagued Shadows
Skill Level: Adept
Skill Type: Active
Skill Description: Summon a bog of creeping shadows that temporarily ensnares your enemies, badly hindering movement while slowly damaging them. The Shadows of the bog are infused with a Plague from deep within the Shadowverse, damaging all your enemies while they are snared.
Damage: SS X 0.3 Plague Damage per Second
Effect 1: Enemy Attack/Movement speed is decreased by 80%.
AoE: 10 Yards
Range: 60 Yards
Duration: 50 Seconds
Cast Time: 1 Second
Cost: 150 Spirit
Cooldown: 2 Minutes


I winced, the Spell Cost for both the bog and active aura skills had increased. Yet the damage, duration, and effects had as well. With three new Vampires in my Warband, all with some vulnerability to Light-based magic, it was the smart move to invest in Shadow Aura. I dismissed the information with a thought as I dropped off the last of the platters and moved to the pitchers of water, juice, and wine.

Next, I pulled up the Warlord information, the Ability had proven crucial and more than helpful in fights. While it was negated in Dungeons, which I had learned only after clearing the Cavern of the Damnation looking back through my logs, as far as I knew could still be used anywhere else.


Ability Name: Warlord
Ability Level: 3
Ability Type: Passive
Ability Description: Warbands can be a powerful tool if properly used. With the Warlord Ability, you can form a Warband, utilize the Warlord Perk Tree, and harness the War Spirit to boost your troops' armor and damage. No matter what you want or do, war will eventually come to your doorstep, it is best to be prepared.
Requires: Minimum of 6 others.
Damage: N/A
Passive Effect 1: Title and Rank 'Centurion' Unlocked at current Warlord Level.
Passive Effect 2: Warlord Perk Tree, Battle Points, and War Feats (Group and Individual) are Unlocked.
Passive Effect 3: War Spirit is now Unlocked and boosts the Damage and Armor of all current Warband members. Damage and Armor Bonuses = Current War Spirit X 0.01.
Passive Effect 4: Can command up to (6) War Party Leaders and (2) Decurions at current Warlord Rank.
Effect 5: Can create a Warband with a Minimum of 6 people and a maximum of (30) at your current Warlord Level.
Restriction: Warlord and its effects only apply when a Warband is formed.
AoE: 130 Yards
Range: Self
Duration: Until Cancelled or all Warband members are killed.
Cast Time: Instant
Cost: N/A


I froze in surprise and whistled, the number of people I could include in my Warband had more than doubled but just as importantly the area of effect had increased by another ten yards. Yet as great as it was that I could include up to thirty people in my Warband, it was useless at this point.

While I would be taking a contingent of guards to ensure our party got to Ineford, from what I had learned anyone who gained rank within the City Guard also had unlocked the Warlord Ability so I was fairly sure Sergeant Thorgron would have a more advanced War Perks and everything else. I dismissed the information as people started to flood the area to eat, time to be the leader again.