Chapter 2 – Jade Revealing
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The pulse was so strong every worker could feel it growing stronger. We had been mining for months as we finally picked up where it was. The sound of metal against rock echoed through the stone tunnels as everyone heaved away smashing metal against rock. The fruits of our labor were soon to be revealed.

“BARLAR! I FOUND IT!” The scream echoed through the tunnels as Barlar took off running down the intricate paths. The tunnels wined in odd angles and shapes but contained a sense of beauty to it that only those who knew what to look for would realize how structural sound it truly had been. Barlar finally came upon one of the younger lads proudly standing aside as he revealed protruding from the dark stone a rock glowing a faint hue of green and blue.

The above was included in the previous chapter. Everything after this is new material.

The whole mine filled up with bodies as everyone came to Barlar. Each miner gripping pickaxes in thick callused muscle that game proof to long work in the tunnels. Quickly Barlar became surrounded by the many bodies surrounding him, making it the brightest spot in the tunnels from all the miner caps pointing upon him.

“We have been searching for years for this very source. We all knew it was here but could never find it. This could change things for everyone back home, so remember to be careful and focus on any disturbances!” The quick hoot from the miners gave peace of mind to Barlar that they all understood him. Although it was unnecessary to remind them, it was always better to do so during riskier times. The banging of pickaxes against the stone echoed the smile of Barlar as it widened during his inspection.

The mine was lighting up brighter after each focused strike against stone, peeling back the light behind it. Although hours passed and a new shift arrived Barlar stayed for the shift in management. Most of his lifetime had been spent searching for this very moment and he wasn't planning on missing a single moment of it. Sleep eventually overtook Barlar for a short while as he rested against the softest stone wall patch he could find for a nap.

“Barlar. Barlar.” The shaking of his body and hearing his name softly awoke Barlar. Panic quickly set in as he didn't hear the striking of metal against stone. Clearly written across his face was quickly softened by the young miner follow-up.

“It's done. We opened enough to see how big the vein is. And there is something you might want to see.” The thick arms locked as the young miner helped Barlar up from his resting spot. The excitement inside Barlar was almost reaching a boiling point of hooting. Although his composure did not reveal much of his inner feeling, the quick pounding of feet was all that showed.

“They found the top and have a small tunnel running the length of it. That's when they found it. You wont believe it.” The miner smiled in glee underneath his stubble beard. Jumping and climbing up the exposed rock formations from previous miners they reached the top of solid glowing stone. Entering into another tunnel barely wide enough for one of them to fit. Walking for what felt like a few minutes over glowing stone was getting Barlars heart racing harder than even his coupling day. This was far larger than anything he expected or had heard of. A vein like this could change cities if not the whole continent.

Finally the young miner slowed down and started looking underneath him as they walked, eventually fast walking a few steps as he came to stand over a spot. Awkwardly turning in the tight tunnel the young miner pointed down below them. Amongst all the glow a dark spot was clearly evident inside the semi opaque stone. It was clearly evident something seemed to be in the middle of this all.

“Can we safely find out what it is?” Barlar openly asked as he began to judge it himself.

“Probably not without help. Splitting this is beyond our normal power. We would need outside help. . .” The young miner openly spoke what Barlar was truly thinking. It frustrated him more than anything to request help from others over his personal find, but it was a reality that he was not against accepting.

“Lets send them a message to bring over help. Meanwhile we should bring this back.” Barlar sound looking at the younger miner. Although not better than any other miner this younger one Harkle had shown proof of his ability to manage like Barlar. It took years to find an adequate replacement but Barlar had started to lean more against Harkle for help in the mines, and this latest success solidified his feelings for having him second in command. 

“Send word for more mine laborers and make sure that message is sent out in an emergency.” The orders were followed by Harkle’s nodding head as he left the tunnel. The other miners had taken a break mingling around the area and moving stone debris to get a better look at their work. The tunnel opened up back into a semi domed area that much of the miners had turned into the working hall, offering a great speaking point for Barlar.

“Everyone! Everyone! Come forth.” All the miners' heads once again turned to face him, although many mining lights were off due to the already clear glow from the stone Barlar stood upon.

“We will be seeking more help to bring this out. Meanwhile I want you all to clear and clean it up ready for moving. Widen the tunnels out, call friends and family if they can spare the help. This is our PRIZE!” The ending shout by Barlar brought howling by the fellow miners as they cheered. Some tossing caps into the sky while others grabbed each other in joy.

The Weeks that passed brought more miners into the tunnels than many had seen in their lifetime. A small town's worth of labor arrived to speed up the process. Manually hauling the stone slowly down the winding paths through rope, logs, animals, and brute force. After coming far enough through the tunnels that it entered the main shafts. It was painstakingly forced onto a train of carts that barely held the weight, screaming of grinding metal as its wheels turned. Over two months had passed before the giant slab of stone made it out of the main shaft and towards the winch to be pulled up and out of the mine.

“BE CAREFUL!” Barlar yelled at one of the workers bringing his prize up from the depths below.

“I am always surprised when I am summoned here.” Said the guest. Barlar had called for them some time ago but they still arrived a month before the stone had even left the tunnels. They chose to stay in the city instead, waiting out until the stone could be handled. They were often arrogant, but Barlar knew they couldn't be in the face of his achievement.

“We always work hard and have this as proof to back it up.” Barlar said between the smile of his lips. Not facing his guest but continuing to oversee the crew hoisting.

“KREEEEE!” The sound of wood giving out before it snaps gathered the attention of everyone in the area.

“BREAK!” A worker shouted loud enough for everyone to hear seconds before the snap and crack of wood. Like slow motion one of the hoists buckled on itself as its frame broke down, shifting the balance to the other two hoists which exploded far quicker due to the new increased load. The stone slammed against the pit wall before it started sliding down, dragging the hoists with it back into the pit.

“FUUUUUUUUUUUCK.” Barlar’s voice sighed out as he watched people scattering at the bottom of the pit. Those three hoists alone would set him back far more than any of the wealth he had at this time. The thick hands covered his face as he sighed into it, pressing against his temple to release the anger and pressure inside.

“It seems my work will be needed now.” His guest said with an attitude of factual confidence, without a hint of surprise. Barlar felt that he saw this coming before him, but chose to avoid telling him. Holding back his temper Barlar followed behind as they descended to the mining elevator for workers and light loads The ride was silent on the way down as they descended with a clear view of the stone resting flat down again as debris surrounded it with most hiding behind rocks or in the tunnels.

The second the platform stopped moving Barlars guest set off towards the stone with a quick stride, although nothing abnormal for him, but annoying for Barlar who had to run in a chance of keeping up. Coming closer the dark mass inside became more evident as they approached it.

“Your secrets will be revealed to me.” The guest said pressing hands against the stone as his face stared closely into it as if he was looking into the stone itself.

“Only way you're seeing its secrets is if we can break it open. Going to help?” The huff after from Barlar was only replied with the wave of a hand by the other. Barlar’s temper often got him in trouble and was struggling to contain itself like a fresh kettle on a scorching fire. Barlar quickly gathered his best miners and positioned them upon the request of his guest. Most of them on the top as they planned to try splitting it in half to lighten the load and reveal the shadow inside.

Again the striking of hammers attempted to lull Barlar into a nap, although his anticipation compensated for his lack of energy. The striking stone started to reveal work as the guest kept his hands against the beautiful glowing stone. Cracks started to shine clearly from the top as the workers continued, keeping focus to match the pace at the request of the summoned guest. Several more minutes it seemed like the stone would finally crack, and crack it did.

“CRRSHK! AHHHH!” *Thump Thud* The stone top exploded into a brilliance of light, tossing several of the workers from it and pushing the rest of them off. The force was strong enough to move all below the stone several steps back. Everyone blinked their eyes for a second as they regained their vision from the bright flash. Many quickly went after the hurt miners. Barlar stood with his mouth agape as he stared at the partial revealing of the dark mass inside of the stone. An arm stuck out from the stone reaching upwards.