CH-2 Where am i?
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Where am i?

Im currently in some strange black space, i thought i was just asleep but i can see my hands and feet so unless this is a dream im floating in nowhere.

The i hear something deep in the back of my find,

Please allocate S.P.E.C.I.A.L points.


Please allocate S.P.E.C.I.A.L points

As i was questioning how i was suppose to do what the voice was asking me a box appeared with a Orange tint with a list i very similer to the menu screens from fallout 3

ST 05
PE 05
EN 05
CH 05
IN 05
AG 05
LK 05
Points 05

I look at the screen in front of me and decide to close my eyes a few times and hope that im just dreaming in a coma or something


It did not work its not going away it just keeps on flashing back in front of me every time i look away and i hear it say to choose my S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats for the third time while trying to find a escape from the thought of being reborn in one of the most dangerous worlds that i know of.

So if this is a dream cool but if it aint then i gotta be smart about this so i take away points from what i think won't help me much vs what i think will

ST 06
PE 05
EN 08
CH 02
IN 09
AG 08
LK 02
Points 00

After i had put in my points the screen disappeared from my sight and then a new screen appeared in its place with a the voice speaking to me yet again.

Please choose two or no traits before we continue.

I had wondered why it would ask for traits since im already well, me what is it going to do just add some whole new personality quarks to me based off of what i pick?, maybe i should not joke about this.

Built to destroy  May your shots be true as they are many!
Fast shot! Who needs to aim got lead for days.
Four eyes  Just hope i don't break my glasses.
Good Natured I may be a sissy but i aint a prick.
Heavy handed Can crack a can of spinach with these!
Kamikaze Go get them lad we wont hold you back.
Loose Cannon Get to tossing!.... Some grenades!
Small frame if you want that hair dryer you take it
Trigger Discipline Got a gift for you hold still to get it between the eyes.
Wild wasteland I'll have what he's having.
Early Bird Then why are you last?
Hoarder If you take even a spoon i will skin you!
Hot blooded You gunna just sit there and take it!
Logan's loophole Do drugs kid... wait no don't im not, your dad.
Skilled Any thing you can do i can do better!

I don't know what the say.... Yeah i do what the hell is this!, for those of you who do know what these are great, wonderful , fantastic, but i don't i avoided looking up spoilers and lets plays the whole time so that i would have a whole new experience so i bet this is real funny to some people but if my life depends on these at any point im pretty much screwed.

Alright uhhhh i guess i should pick something right?, so i spend some time looking at all my options but these descriptions all sound like jokes so i choose Trigger discipline and Small frame as by their names i know that they can't possibly be that dangerous to myself.

After i picked my traits i was expecting a new menu to show up for skills as that's one of the main parts of the fallout games and this seems like the character creation but after a moment i hear a faint humming sound and the voice returns.

 These affairs have been settled and you are now ready to take your place once again in the land of the living, Good luck Hahaha

Wait why are you laughing! what's going on! where are my skills!
as i began mentally yelling into the void everything starts to go white and i begin to feel my limbs again and it feels like they are screaming, then suddenly poof my pain is gone and im standing in the middle of nowhere with sand and what looks to be four points of interest in front of me.

The first one which is directly in front of me is what looks to be a crashed plain in the sand surrounded by giant rad Scorpions, the second one being some ways behind it what looks to be the rubble of a ruined building and some cars, to my right following the road from the ruined building is what looks to be a smoking town and at the other end of the road is two large statues shaking hands?

"You know this might not be so bad maybe an adventure is what i need!"
I take a step forward and my left leg slips of the small cliff face i was standing on that i had no noticed and fall the whole way down and land on something hard and something squishy and wet before passing out.

after i wake up i notice some time has passed as i can see from laying on my back face to the sky that it has gotten slightly darker but not by much so it can't have been long so i start picking myself up to check what i have since i did not run inventory before.

I appear to be wearing a Vault suit with a number i can't see without taking off the suit to check and im not doing that out here, secondly there is a hunting rifle held in a death grip in my right hand it was very hard to ungrasp my hand from it to check its condition and it was really bad,
Rifle looked Cracked along its barrel and stock and the iron sights might as well be as useful as the ones from fallout 3.

I have what looks to be some pads for my knees shins and elbows and a dust mask, no hat or outer armor besides that and while looking at my Gear i found a hidden knife in my left boot, just a switchblade im probably the most ill equipped person to survive out here, i found 4 more mags of ammo for my rifle and finally the thing i hoped the most for the Pipboy 3000.

This was what i think my only god send is as it has a inventory menu, map menu, stat menu and... ~RADIO!~, i was slightly scared if i would have to find away to carry everything i find on myself but turns out my pipboy still has its Legendary pocket dimension for holding my loot but there is a problem.

It does not hold stuff based off of weight like in the games, here it just a limited space for items in general i got a total of 60 slots and 10 are currently used for ammo for guns i don't have but it seems items on my person such as my outfit and such don't take space since they are not inside my pipboy so that's good at least.

One of the things i hoped for was that i could loot using it since when i fell i had ended up crushing a Golden gecko and a Radscorpion
but nope no quick looting i gotta do it by hand including skinning, i was not looking forward to it so i decided not too instead i took a look around the little ditch i was in.

I did not fall very far it was just the landing that hurt i was in the middle of a small indent in the ground where i found a truck had fallen, all around me lay bodies of Radscorpions and golden gecko's they seem to have fought each other to the last man with me ending it in a tie with my fall on the wounded two, at the truck i found a dead man in a partly eaten Rad suit stained red and brown on the inside and out the dried blood leaving a nasty and crusted look around its wounds and a laser rifle that seems to have been crushed beyond repair with what nonexistent tools i had with me so decided to leave it but i looted the suit off of the man maybe i could patch it with leather or something for protection.
I know we just went over inventory but wanted to show everything at one place since i went and rambled 

Ammo: 308 30

Ammo: Energy cells 30
Ammo: Shotgun 12
Ammo: 10mm 18
Ammo: 9mm 12
Aid: Stimpack 4
Aid: Radaway 1
Food: Pork and beans 5
Food: Purified water 3
Food: dirty water 4
Weapon: Switchblade 1
Weapon: Hunting rifle 1

I had dumped half of the ammo as i felt i would not need it and it just took up space, like who needs 223 or 38 when you only have one gun and it does not use them, so i walk out of the little beast battlefield and start heading towards the two statues shaking hands under the cover of slight night.

While sneaking my way around the backline of the sandy fields i feel a strange mental ping as i walk i seem to have noticed that something is ahead of me and hostile so  i aim down my sights and the world kinda slows down so i stop and do it again three more times to make sure im not freaking out.

Cool i found vats!
"What the hell is a night stalker?"

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  • Chicken nuggets Votes: 5 71.4%
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