Chapter 1- magika.exe
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=Updating Holo-wristOS ver1.4=

=Integrating update ver1.5=

=executing program magika.exe=

=update complete=

Welcome Snake

-Ugh my fucking head. Wait where the fuck i am. 

I open my eyes to see green leaves and rays of sunlight. Quite shocking considering i was in a rusty cargo ship with antimatter bomb in front of me. Speaking of which didn't it blow up in my face? Am i in heaven? No definitely not, not after all I've done. I get up to check my gear and see just about everything is in place including my AKN-44 leaning on the tree i was laying under. I check my Holo-wrist and notice i got a new update, odd considering the company responsible for updating it went bankrupt 5 years ago and no one has been able crack their crazy OS security. 

-That's odd, i wonder. 

I begin checking all the programs in the system and spot one i haven't seen before called magika.exe. I start the program only to be met with an error message saying the program is already running. So i go thru the OS again and find a message sent to me from an unknown sender. 

Dear Snake 

You have been selected for a special program designed to integrate magic with technology. Your Holo-wrist has been updated with the appropriate programs and OS. The following are the new features now available only to you. 

°Equipment Shop: you will be able to convert both money and mana into points which you can spend on new weapons, gear, armour, vehicles and other miscellaneous items. Note that anything purchased can be given to others with your permission and that prices will be adjusted based on its real world price. Your starting balance will deduct 25% of your bank account. 

°Loadout: here you will be able to summon equipment you own or purchased from the shop as well as store any item you pick up on your journey. Note that you will only be able to carry 200 unique items but duplicates will decrease your storage and any item weighing less than 500 grams will also not take up space, additional space can be bought at the shop. Your weapons and equipment from your previous world will be available in your loadout as well as any ammo you have. 

°Data: this where any piece of information be it a document, book, picture or even audio log will be stored. You can scan any information to be stored using any scanner linked to your Holo-wrist. Do not worry about data storage space as you have been given unlimited capacity as part of the magika.exe program. Note to assist you with getting used to your new world we have given you a beginner's guide to the world. 



-What in the goddamn?