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> Diary of depression > It hurts
It hurts
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Just turned 25 with no life experience, no friends, no job, no memories, no future. As the years go by it becomes harder not to compare myself to others and feel like shit about it

It's been 4 years since I graduated from college, by now I could've continued studying and have two graduations. But I didn't lived at all. Prior to college I never experienced any of the usual milestones of teenagehood. I never went to a party, I didn't had friends to hang out and do stupid things with. I don't have any fun stories or wild memories because all I ever did was go to school, go back home, sit in front of a computer screen for hours daydreaming about living a normal life like all the other kids. It was around this time I came to terms with being trans, and ever since the feeling of being an alien unlike everyone else consumes me.

College wasn't that different, I remained living at home with my parents. I didn't do anything either, I just went to college and then back home to my computer. I was still the quiet creep who doesn't speak to anyone. By a miracle I got an internship, but I couldn't keep working there after graduating, and 4 years later that remains my only job experience.

I had such a different idea of where I would be by now. I would have traveled a lot, I would have a few but good friends, I would have fallen in love and gotten married. I would be starting to think about children. But I was born a freak and will never be able to do that. I know nothing about anything, I never experienced things everyone does like their first kiss or the first time they got wasted. I never been anywhere, even inside my own state let alone internationally. I've never been on a plane. I've never been to a party, never been to a club, never went out drinking with friends because I haven't had any since I turned 14.

It hurts so much to see everyone around me going on with their lives while I never got to live mine. It used to be easier to brush these feelings aside, it felt like I still had time to make a change. But now at 25 I feel so old, the past 4 years passed by so quickly that I fear that I'll wake up tomorrow and find out I turned 30. 

My youth is all I have and I'm loosing it.

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