Chapter 1 – Slice of Life
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South Virnir || Human/Catfolk Border || Village of Larnsol || Race Majority: Catfolk

**bell chime**

“Hmm? Again?”

I'm not surprised at this point. My dreams have lose their privacy over the years. While I should be angry at this, I'm actually grateful. She taught me how to use my magic for at least a decade. You could say she is my master now. Well, actually more of a guardian to be quite honest. I can talk to her about anything and she would listen to me. I never feel terrible when I'm around her. It's probably when I'm most calm. Her motherly demeanour helps in a way since I don't know my real mother.

I live in the village of Larnsol. A neutral village between the human kingdom and the Catfolk. Whilst this village is operated by the Catfolk, it is a adventurer hub for resting and gathering. Fighting is forbidden here. To be quiet honest, I never really seen any fights start here.

The reason for me living here though is a strange one. Apparently I was found in the forest when I was a baby. That's all I know. I never really questioned it. I enjoyed my life here with the Catfolk and the family that raised me.

Welp! Let's see what she wants today. She wasn't meant to “invade” my dreams today, so this shouldn't take long.

I start walking through what looks like a normal forest.

“Titania!? Where are you!?”

“Please stop shouting, Nao.”


Her voice was clear and close, but she was no where to be seen.

“No need to look confused. Today, I'm communicating only by voice.”

“Why? In all the years I've known you, you've never done this.”

“I'm am unsure at the moment, but I have a hunch. It was all a matter of time.”

“Hmm? Okay then I won't press for details. So, what you need me for? Was hoping I have some nice dreams tonight.”

“My apologies, maybe one day I'll make up for it, but today is not that day. I've come with a warning.”

“Hmm? A warning? Another cryptic sentence?”

“Beware the foxes, who seek their lost cub.”

"Huh!? How is that a warning to me?"

“That is all I can say, just be careful. Anyway it is time to sleep some more, you have a visitor, by the way.”

Visitor? She's at it again. She says she's the “big sister” but I have my doubts...


“Fine, thanks for the warning. I'll be careful. I promise.”

“See you next time... hopefully...”

“Yeah, I'll see you next ti... wait, “hopefully?”

Within seconds everything begun to fade away as I drift back off to sleep.


“Beware the foxes, who seek their lost cub.”

These words travel through my mind as I begin to wake up. What does it actually mean? It doesn't make sense. It would help if I didn't have someone lying on me at the moment. I don't even need to open my eyes to know who or what it is. Xeeta...


She's rubbing her face into my neck. She must be pretty comfy. She has her own room, yet every night she sneaks into mine. She's meant to be the “big sister”.

Suddenly I start to feel some light scratches on my chest. Wait, didn't I have a shirt on...

I lightly grab the hand that was scratching me by the wrist to get her to stop, but to my surprise, it was a trap. Within seconds she was now embracing my hand with both arms. Well least she looked cute. Wait, why do my fingers feel wet? I look down to see Xeeta licking a couple of my fingers.

“muu~~ Nao~yaa~~~”

Well isn't she enjoying herself. I need to stop this before it gets serious. I'd lose if it came to that.

I move my free hand around to locate something furry. There!

“Sorry Xeeta, time to wake up.”


Without warning I yank the furry object, hard.


She jumps up in the air, now fully alert and probably in a little bit of pain too.

“You awake now?”

She sits on my stomach with her tail coiling towards her. Perhaps I pulled it too hard. She starts pouting at me. I give her a apologetic smile and then notice something about her.

*sigh* “Xeeta... why you naked?”

She blushes lightly.

“Ermm... I was cold?”

I give her a doubtful look.

“Anyway, don't you have somewhere you need to be?”

She shoots me a questioning look, then proceeds to look outside. Her ears and tail jump up upon realizing the time of day. In an instant she jumps off me and runs out of the room. I knew it. She was meant to be going to the next village north of here to meet a potential new companion we needed.

15 minutes later

I was downstairs in the kitchen when Xeeta ran in finally ready for her errand.

“Nao~~! I'm leaving now. Give your big sis a goodbye kiss!”

I look at her and tilt my head slightly to the side.

“Why you pointing at your lips? I'm not giving you a kiss.”

She pouts, something she does regularly.

“Pleaseeee~~! I promise I won't sneak into your bed tonight. How about that?”

This was a trap but very tempting. Be nice to sleep by myself for once. I don't remember the last that happened.

I walk up to her and lean in. I could see her instantly growing red. Unfortunately for her, I give her a quick peck on the cheek.

“muuu~~ Not good enough!”

“Well... that's all your getting. Now go before your even more late.”

“Fiiiinnneee... Just you wait till later. Look after the house. I'll be back soon!”

I smile as she leaves. Something tells me I'm going to regret my actions.

30 minutes later

After finishing some minor chores around the house, I return to my room. I don't really have much to do since we need a new companion before we can set out on a new adventure. Xeeta is strong but she can't really take too much damage, even with my healing.

I opened my window, immediately hit by the summer heat. Yep, summer was here and it is HOT! Looking down at the village square, I can see various adventurers and villagers going about their daily life. It's like this pretty much everyday. It can be a bit boring but least it's peacefu... huh!?

“What the!? Why is everyone leaving the square?”

They're rushing... What's going on?

Suddenly hairs on my arms start to stand up as goosebumps formed. It was cold. But it was hot just a moment ago. Something strange was going on, like mag..!?


Knocking me out of thought, something hit the side of my window. An arrow... this wasn't aimed to hit me but to get my attention. I looked down at the village square... nothing. Scanning the area more I look towards the gate north of the village. There lies the owner of the arrow, looking right at him. I notice her ears as the cold air blew across the village. They were much larger than Xeeta's ears and sharper looking...

Kitsune... but they never come down south and why was this one looking at me.

I stared at this Kitsune but then remembered Titania's words.

“Beware the foxes, that seek their lost cub.”

I continue staring as she fully lowered her bow, shooting me a soft smile, that slowly turned into a mischievous grin.

So... foxes equal Kitsune... but what about the cub?

I felt a chill run down my spine as she smiled more at me.

I think it was time for me to run.

When do we start going NSFW (18+)?
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