The True Beginning (Part 17)
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Before the sun was able to peek above the tree line Adriana was wide awake. Normally, she would have to wake up really early to help her family around the house. They were all busy people and everyone was necessary to get through the tough day. Since she would normally not have to leave for school until 7 am she would cook breakfast, iron the clothes, and check the family vehicles to help their day go smoothly. Everyone else in her family also had a wide range of things they would have to do before most of the family left for the morning. Even leaving the world you know doesn't break hard ingrained habits.

She was already hard at work preparing the new gear for the patrol team. Over a few hours of work, she has created 3 mana-embued metal spearheads and was finishing her fourth. To pull off this process Adriana would pour mana into the spear tip every time she would heat it. The mana would settle in the pockets of space between the iron atoms causing the tip to form easier until it cools. Once it cools the spearhead would maintain its shape and sharpness removing the need to sharpen the spear after the forging process was complete.

With the last spearhead, complete Adriana takes a break. As she finishes her water she sees X walking over to her station. "Buenos días captain. How did you sleep?"

"Like the dead, yesterday took a lot out of me. How about you? I remember you used a lot of mana yesterday during the last part of the fight." X stood arms crossed.

"Your fancy system lets you keep track of all of that?" Adriana Asked?

"That and a bit more, I actually was coming to go over your level up. Is now a good time?" He asked.

"You caught me at the perfect time actually, I was just about to go and get breakfast. Let's do that as we eat." She grabs X by the arm and pulls towards the camps kitchen area.

After they ate X opened up her stat menu. "So as of right now, your highest stats are a tie between Wis and Int. Those are good stats to focus on as a mage. Furthermore, your governing stat is Int. The more Int you have the more Stat Points you get every time you level up."

"So the logical thing to do would be to dump all of my points into Int for the next few levels," she said matter of factly.

"But what about things like health and stamina? You don't want to put yourself in a bad position." He said thinking about what he would do if he was playing a mage in a video game.

"We will just have to obliterate anything that tries to hurt us." She puffed out her chest to make herself look tough.

"Well If that is what you want, then that is what we are going to do." X said as he placed all her new Stat Points into Int. Now they both had nine points in Int. This would give them 5 Stat Points next time they leveled up.

The tingling feeling shot through Adriana's body once more. "Stat Point allocation could almost get addictive. Better watch out for that."

"Well, I am going to make the others feel it too," X said as he stood up.

"Have fun, I am going to get back to work. I think I may have enough materials left over to make some better gear for all of us when I am done."

"Sounds good. Catch ya later." X goes off in search of the rest of his party members.

After remembering that the rest of the party was working on building the fire for the body burn he headed towards the field they would grow crops in. Once he got there Darius spotted him and waved him over.

"Just in time, we needed another hand setting up for the burn. We are placing the wood to make little beds for the goblins to lay on and spreading them around in a similar formation to the growing plots." Darius hands some of the wood to X.

"I was going to suggest that we update your stats so that we can be stronger for the next fight." X was hesitant to start placing the wood.

"We have time for that. For now, let's get this out of the way. Even if we are going to be the savior of these people you still have to pull your weight." Norman said as he brushed past X as he carried away a few stacks of wood to make another pyre.

"Many hands make work light. Might as well knock this out, after we can all go to find Zack. Darius patted X on the back as he walked off.

Ten rounds of picking up wood later everything seemed to be ready. Members of the Patrol Team lined up with torches and lit up all of the pyres at once. The kindling caught immediately, and soon after all of the wood was on fire.

"Now that we got all of that burning, let's get over to the field hospital to find Zack," X said impatiently.


Zack was in deep meditation. In his mind, he was referencing the notes on Anatomy. The recent notes he was studying was on muscles. He traced the diagram in his mind, following the blood vessels inside of each muscle in the leg. When he opened his eyes he looked down at his patient. He was one of the members of the Patrol Team. He was injured in the previous night's battle. He had a long cut traveling down the length of his leg. Zack finally got the hang of using his mend skill. This was his chance to use his skills as a doctor and as a magic-user. He places a hand on the leg of the injured man making sure to not touch the wound. With a deep breath, Zack surges mana out of his fingertips into the leg of the injured man. Retracing in his mind the image of the muscles he causes his mana to follow the same flow. When mana reaches an area where the muscle is not in line with the image it causes the muscle to move back into position. After doing this for a few seconds the Patrol Team member grimaces in pain, his leg was in agony. He writhed in pain until the cut on the leg was no longer open.

Zack knew that this would be the hard part. Once again he pulsed out mana, however, this time electricity arced over the surface of the newly pushed together wound. Each arc almost cauterizing the cut closed and reconnecting the damaged tissue. The leg was good as new.

"I guess sleeping is probably the best bet when dealing with an extreme amount of pain," Zack said as he was looking at his handy work. The Patrol Team member was fast asleep.    



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