Chapter 2
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Sorry I couldn't update earlier, had a lot of work to do for 3 weeks straight and it was pretty hard to write anything.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Also thanks to AMissingLinguist  for the first review! Sorry for my inproper use of Grammar and punctuation, I am not a native english speaker and it takes me a while to present it in an readable state.

Also this is the first chapter where I will try to include a picture. It is nothing great or very good, but I would still like to hear your opinion about it, since this is one of the first times I used an PC to draw anything.


As Henryk entered his room the sun began to vanish from the sky and the moon slowly rose from the horizon. 

It was a simple room with a dark brown wooden floor that made noise if walked upon, once bright furniture where the color faded from a long time ago and a rather nice bed that looked like it would carry the biggest of men. The bed was covered some soft looking material. The merchant praised this inn for it's comfortable beds and Henryk was somewhat excited to test them out. However he first went to the window and opened the wooden doors to let fresh air, before it was too late.


In the letter that Henryk got the bed was praised as especially soft. The Merchant apperantly knew the owner of this inn very well.

It was clear that the Merchant didn't just recommended the inn, because it was so good, Henryk knew that. Maybe they had some kind of deal or the Merchant does it because they are friends , this didn't matter to Henryk for this was already a good start. He would try to talk to the Owner of this inn if they would employ him. After all, it was more likely he would hire an aquiantance of a friend than some random guy that nobody knows. While some may call it unfair, the employer and employee would need some basic trust between each other, after all what if he just decided to steal some money and flee? The Owner of this inn would likely never see his money again and take an eventual huge financial blow. That is why many employers also employ the children of trusted and good workers who are dependable.

Moonlit sky

Cold and fresh wind blew against Henryk young and tired face, a yawn escaped his lips and his Mind became tired. The round and full moon

lit in the sky,sharing it with a few distant but brightly shining stars. Only they were seen in the sky, showing it's full beauty, unmoving like a painting.

Henryk let out a serious smile. He was always thinking about weird stuff when the moon shines. He became more mature and felt that it wasn't really like him.

''Maybe his journey made me more tired than I realized?'' His Mind felt heavy, it was as if something is trying to abduct him into the world of dreams. He resisted and closed the window. he didn't even had the power to take off his clothes. He just took one slow step after step to his really attractive looking bed. He let his body fall onto the bed and stopped resisting.



His eyes were ripped open. His heart beat louder than any drum ever could. he could feel the something pushing against a wooden door. His mind fell into panic, he felt hypersensitive to any sound made.

''The window!'' Henryk screamed.

He felt as he became smaller and smaller. As he arrived at the window it seemed colossal. He pressed his tiny body at the wooden door. Something pushed itself from the outside, almost desperate to get in.

Something sharp brutally scraped against the door. Pressing with savage strenght against it.

He felt that if the couldn't hold the door than something would rip and tear him until he is done.

His arms felt weak, his legs felt heavy.

A big creek, he got ready.

He began to panic more and more, asking himself how long he could keep it at bay.

Every second he felt it getting closer and closer,nearly breaking the obstacle between them.

He began to imagine himself getting brutally violated and his soul stolen by whatever there was.

He began to cry and to plead with a God for salvation and rescue, but there was no answer.

An dark and deep abyss awaited him, no use in resisting it.

Henryk jumped out of the bed.

Confused, disoriented, maybe lost?

All these words could be described for him at this moment, he was unsure himself.

He shivered and needed a moment.

His breath began to calm down and he could think straight again


He could still remember everything clearly.

It felt so real.

He didn't knew if it really happened

It was still in the middle of the night and he almost couldn't see anything.

Yet he could hear something from the outside, wich was something that worried him. It was a indication that something was wrong.

No normal human would ever walk outside during this time. Not in a city, and rarely elsewhere.

It was simply to dangerous, for Nighttime wasn't where humans belonged.

He quickly and quitly as possible walked to the window and opened it slowly.


He could see two things on the street.

There stood a person in a fine dark coat, wearing a white cap and holding some kind of weird mix between sword and saw. The saw teeth were sharp like knifes and had blood dripping from its savage edges. In its left hand a unnormaly bright torch, it's light illuminating the area with flickering light.

On the other side of the street there was what people would descirbe as a monster.

Some kind of animal hybrid abomination. It was a disgusting mix between horse and wolf, it's very flesh was an insult to biologie. No being in the world should have the right to posses such a body.

It's hind legs possesed hoofs, while it's forelegs possesed razorsharp claws that looked like it could easily cut through metal and make any kind of defence useless. It had a face that gave the word ''ugliness'' a  new meaning.  Its dark flesh seemed to absorb almost all light, however it had eyes with a clear sign of savage and unforgiving desire.

Gerald stood there waiting for his opponent to move.

It was a night like many others for him. He was getting on with the years and his body became older and older. His partner Patreschka tracked this down into this alleyway, now it was his job to slaughter the beast.

He had to be careful however.

Night was the time of beasts and monsters. He didn't know why, but he knew that for whatever reason monsters felt like at home in the dark. They had better senses during the night and a few could quite easily slaughter a lot of people if given enough time and space.

That is why he never left unprepared. While no human could mess with the in terms of bodystrenght, they still had their minds. Skill, experience and Intelligence were things that allowed humans to slaughter beasts of greater height, speed and strenght than themselves.

He tightly gripped his saw in his hand, sweat, blood, dirt and he was certain many other things were glued on his weapon.

It was old, almost ancient in his line of work, but there wasn't any rust on it, eventhough it slaughtered many beings, a proof of good maintainance.

 The beasts eyes focused on the hunter. 

Maybe it was something that came with his rather high age, but Gerald started to ask himself one thing.

What will this beast feel in its last moments?

Will it felt fear death? Trying to escape the cold embrace of its inevitable demise? Or maybe it will just feel rage. Certainly those eyes already look at him with hatred, he would be already dead if looks could kill.

There was however not a single thought of remorse, he felt no remorse for killing beasts and had no problem seing one suffering.

It was just a beast, a killing machine.

Also, he could smell it..

The smell of blood.

The metallic stench, coming from it's hide, primarly from its claws. Fresh, probably from some poor innocent guy that couldn't find shelter for the night and had the misfortune to encounter this abomination. Clinging onto the beast like a warning from the dead to others.

That doesn't matter anymore. Gerald has to concentrate, if he doesn't concentrate he could be suprised and suprise could mean death. And if he died it wouldn't matter anymore.

The beast seemingly noticing his distraction, made its move and started to rush towards him. A newbie would be suprised about how fast it could move with these seemingly crippled legs, but Gerald wasn't a newbie. He threw his torch close to him onto the ground and took out a rifle.

The distance between him and the beast began to shrink.

The young lady was the weapons name.

It was rather new to the hunters arsenal, but has already proven its worth. 

Made by an rather eccentric man, it was lighter and smaller than other firearms, but was rather lacking in range, that is why it isn't much more popular than its Counterparts.

He loaded his special bullets into the chamber, they were perfect for this kind of weapon.

The beast was just a few meters away from him. The torch starts presenting the nasty look to Gerald.

He could smell its disgusting breath, smelling of rotten flesh and disease, its yellow and black teeth showing, dropping salive from the gaps in its mouth .  He took aim and shot at the creatures face. The mercury bullet broke into a dozen smaller parts, shredding the creatures face. Dozens of bullet holes tormented its face,staggering it. The beast released a cry filled with pain, but Gerald with no mercy for its kind swung his sawbblade with his old body full might during the creatures weak moment.

The beast fell on the ground, its clouded eyes stared directly at Gerald,pupils moving eratically.

Gerald didn't look away, he just took his sawblade and quickly ended its miserable existence.

He cleaned his weapon and started walking away, the smell of the dead beast started to fill his nose.

Over the years he got used to the smell, smelled it countless times. Perhaps too many times.

Eyes began looking into the sky, looking at the moon, saying nothing just staring. He just stared, as if he waited for an answer, one that never comes.

''Coming from the old age.'' said Gerald quitly to himself.