Ch5- Me vs Drake
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I sprinted with all my might and saw that Drake was entering the trade center. After a few seconds I entered the building by slamming the door open. I almost bumped into a dark skin toned girl. She was blonde girl who was wearing a red dancer’s clothing.   

“My my, you're awake. I'm Krisha" she said happily.

Krisha's picture:

"I don't care!"

"Hehey. Why the rush? Where are you hurried to?” she said happily.

“Where is Drake?”

“Oh, he went into the changing room”.

“Which way is that?”


She pointed with her finger towards the hallway on my left. I rushed towards the door at the end of the hallway like a raging bull and slammed the door with my shoulder. But it was only my shoulder that was bullied from that impact. It hurt so much that I rubbed it and hopped around.

“The door swings towards you, you’re supposed to put the hand on the handle, push it down and-“

“Shut up!”

I angrily did what she said and opened the door and entered. There were a rows of metal lockers in the room, long seats placed between them. And worst of all, there were two doors in the room. One on the right, and one in front of me. I vehemently pulled the door that was on my front but it did not budge. Instead I pushed it to get in.  I was greeted by a spacious room. At the end of the room was a long wide mirror. Before it were wooden dummies for martial arts training. There weren’t much else in the room. Aside from one door in the corner of the room. Curious, I walked towards the door but a creak sounded behind me.

I turned around to see Drake. He looked at me with his eerie dark eyes with a shock and left.

“Ugh, you asshole!”

I ran out of the room but someone wrapped their arm around my neck and pulled back violently.


I tried flailing my arms but it did not reach my back. I tried to put my chin between his forearm and my neck. But it was too late. His arm pressed on my throat.     

“Never knew a sheep could be stupid enough to chase after a wolf” whispered Drake into my ears.

He pulled back, I grabbed his forearm and attempted to free myself. But it wasn’t working. I dug my nail into his sleeve but it didn’t seem to have any effect either. With it continuously becoming harder to breath I started to panic, realizing that I made a terrible mistake.  

“Stop struggling if you don’t want this to be messy. You’ll just pass out from this. It’s okay”

Pass out? No, that’s what you all want. I won’t let that ever happen to me again!

Then I remembered the self-defense lesson I watched recently. I stepped sideways to create a gap. I slammed with my elbow towards my back. The hit connected! Drake groaned. I must have hit the groin. I lifted my elbow to hit his face. It didn’t connect but Drake released the chokehold and I was free. But I didn’t run away. I took my distance from him and turned around. I panted hard, he was holding his crotch with a constipated face. Serves him right!   

“Y-you bastard. I-I’m gonna…kill you!” I roared. 

“You can barely stand up. Quite a dreamer”

I balled my hands into fists and charged. But Drake was quick to react with a roundhouse kick. I raised my hands to block and the kick landed on the back of my hands. The sheer force of the kick slammed into the locker with my back. After recovering from the blow, I lunged forward but a fast jab landed on my nose. I grabbed my face and fell backwards in pain. I couldn’t believe that asshole actually punched me!

Tears started running down my cheek. It was embarrassing. I can’t show any weakness in front of shitheads like him. And yet I was crying! I removed my hands from my face to see that he was gone. Wiping my tears and pulling myself up I exited the room. No one was in the hallway. I somberly exited the trading center and took a deep breath. I looked towards the the deep blue ocean. It’s calmness seems to steady my riled up emotions. I stood for a while but decided to go to the inn. Crying and self-pitying wouldn’t help me much.