It was still dark outside when Moira's alarm started blaring, the alarm was Tol Vonthongchai's "Bpradtoo", the opening song for Love Sick the Series. Moira slowly got up, her hair was all over her face, her eyes still heavy as she stopped her alarm. She sat on the side the bed, grabbing her phone that was still charging to check the time – 5:02 AM.
Her lock screen was bombarded by notification banners from Tweeter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube, mostly from all the Thai BL artists she follows. She scrolled down from the list of banners to check if Min messaged her regarding the International Student Council President and Secretary but did not find any notification banner from LINE to indicate that Min messaged her back.
"I guess they never replied" Moira told herself before giving a yawn. Placing her phone back to her bedside table, she flipped the light switch just above the headboard and illuminated her entire room, revealing the different posters and fan arts from different Thai BL series; Love Sick the Series, 2Moons, SOTUS, Make it Right, Water Boy, Love by Chance, Reminders, Great Men Academy, TharnType the Series S1 and S2, and WHY R U. Her bookshelf in front of her bed was filled by different types of Japanese publications, such as Yaoi mangas, Potato, AnAn, and Popolo.
Moira stretched her arms up in the air before she got out of bed, walking towards her study desk beside the bookshelf to unplug her laptop. On the top shelf of her desk, there is a corkboard that has pictures of her different OTPs and ships, among the most prominent were MewGulf, ZeeSaint, TaeKook, and YoonMin. In addition to the pictures on the corkboard, she also has a sketch of her newest ship – MinAiden and JasperBank. After taking her laptop from the desk, she placed it inside her bag before grabbing her towel and headed towards the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a shower.
After taking a shower she immediately started her skin care regimen, blow drying her hair afterwards before getting dressed for school. After putting her uniform on, she unplugged her phone from the charger, sliding it inside her pocket before grabbing her bag and leaving the room to head downstairs.
As Moira descended the stairs, she could smell the breakfast her mom was cooking in the kitchen. Hearing someone walking down the steps, her mother turned and looked who it was, surprised to see her eldest daughter up early, "Moira!" her mother, Clarisse called, surprised that she was already dressed for school.
"Morning Mom" Moira greeted her mother as she walked towards her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Why are you up so early?" Clarisse asked as her daughter sat down on the chair by the dining table.
"I have a meeting at 7:30 with the International Student Council President" Moira replied.
"Why is your meeting so early?" Clarisse asked as she plated the egg she just cooked, adding a few pieces of longganisa and garlic rice before placing it in front of her daughter.
"I want to get this out of the way before my classes start" Moira responded as her mom passed her a spoon and fork.
"What's your meeting going to be about?" Clarisse followed up as she grabbed a mug and a stick of instant coffee from the cupboard.
"I'm going to go over a few talking points about the Gang of Eight and confirm the joint meeting we'll have with the International Student Council later this afternoon" Moira said as she scooped a spoonful of garlic rice, topped with longganisa and putting it in her mouth.
"It's only the third day of classes, and you're already this busy" Clarisse lamented as she poured hot water in the mug and started stirring, walking towards her eldest daughter and placing the mug beside her plate.
Moira swallowed her food before responding, "We're going to be really busy, the Student Council just finalized the proposed events and activities for this semester, and Aiden will present the proposal to the Executive Council tomorrow" Moira explained before she took a sip of coffee.
"How's Aiden by the way? I haven't seen him since last semester. He's such a sweet boy" Clarisse said, nearly causing Moira to choke on her food.
"Sweet? Mom, you have no idea what you're talking about" Moira thought to herself.
"What's wrong?" Clarisse asked, worried about Moira almost choking.
"It's nothing Mom, food went down the wrong way" Moira said in excuse as she took another sip of coffee to clear her throat.
"Be careful now, don't be choking on your food, it's expensive to die these days" Clarisse chuckled as she jokingly teased her daughter.
"Mom! I barely choked, don't kill me off so easily!" Moira responded, her face showing annoyance from being teased by her mother.
"I was just kidding, anyways, I have to go and wake up your siblings, when you finish eating just leave your plate and mug in the sink" Clarisse said as she headed upstairs.
Moira finished her breakfast while her mother was upstairs. She left her dirty dishes on the sink as instructed and put her backpack on before heading out the door. Moira lives in Tandang Sora, which was a 20-minute commute to Mount Juliet if on a good day, it usually takes her about 45-minutes to an hour if she gets caught in the middle of traffic, which is notorious in Quezon City.
Luckily for Moira there wasn't that many cars out on the road yet, and she was able to hail a jeepney that only had a handful of people inside. Moira was able to reach Mount Juliet Station in about 25-minutes, as she got off the jeepney, she took her phone out and checked what time it was – 6:40. Although she still had time to spare, Moira decided that she would head to the International House and see if anyone was already there. She slid her phone back in her pocket as she started walking towards the university's main gate. As Moira walked on the sidewalk, she noticed that she was the only student heading to the university, almost everyone that was walking towards the direction of the main gate were faculty and staff members of the university.
As Moira walked towards the International House, she saw a company of ROTC cadets marching towards her destination, of course she was wondering why the ROTC was deploying this early in the morning. Moira dismissed it as one of their early morning drills and continued walking. As she neared her destination, she noticed that the ROTC company she saw earlier was standing in formation outside the International House, curious as to what was happening, she started walking faster than normal, thinking that something must've happened. When the International House came into full view, she noticed that the only people over there were the ROTC cadets, no students or anything out of the ordinary.
Moira walked past the cadet formation as she headed towards the main entrance of the International House, where she noticed that there were four cadets standing at attention, two on each side of the door, and two at the base of the steps that led to the door. When she got closer, she felt someone grab her arm from behind, startled, she turned around and saw that it was the commanding officer of the ROTC company. The commanding officer didn't look familiar to Moira, as the only one she was really acquainted with in the ROTC was Amy.
"What's your purpose here ma'am?" the company commander asked, letting go of Moira's arm, his voice was deep and stern. His facial expression was serious, typical for an ROTC officer on duty – apart from Amy on certain occasions.
"I'm here to meet the International Student Council President" Moira replied.
"I'm sorry ma'am, no domestic students are permitted inside" the company commander responded.
"On whose orders Cadet-Lieutenant?" Moira shot back, curious on whose orders the ROTC officers was acting upon.
"By orders of the Student Council President, no domestic students are allowed near or inside the International House, except for members of the Student Council and International Student Organization" the company commander explained.
"I never heard anything about this. When was this order issued?" Moira responded, confused as why she was not informed of the ROTC's orders and deployment.
"I'm not at liberty to discuss that ma'am" the company commander replied as he gestured to the cadets at the Gazebo in front of the International House to approach. The cadets cantered towards them, one was a female cadet that was holding a clipboard, and the other one holding a radio in his right hand.
When the cadets approached, the company commander gave them an order, "Please escort this student away from the International House". As the two cadets were about to escort her out of the area, Moira pulled out a black double ID holder from her back pocket, opening it and showing the company commander her MJU Student ID and her Student Council ID.
"My name is Moira Sato, Student Council Chief of Staff, and Chairwoman of President Kobayashi's Joint Chiefs of Staff" Moira introduced herself as she held her ID holder towards the ROTC officer and cadets.
"I-I'm sorry ma'am! I didn't realize you were the Chief of Staff!" the company commander was surprised and immediately apologized as he gave Moira a salute, followed by the two cadets. The Cadet-Sergeant of the company who was standing by the cadet formation behind them said in a booming voice, "Attention!" as the cadets clicked their heels in unison, creating a loud thud, as they saluted Moira.
"As you were" Moira said in a loud voice, "When was this order issued Cadet-Lieutenant?" Moira asked again as she looked at the company commander straight in the eye.
"About 30 minutes ago ma'am, orders came down from Cadet-Major Del Rosario per President Kobayashi to deploy an ROTC company to the International House and initiate security operations" the company commander responded.
"Where is Cadet-Major Del Rosario?" Moira continued.
"She's not on campus yet ma'am, our orders came through the ROTC Brigade's Headquarters via email" the female cadet interjected as Moira faced her.
"Who has command authority over this operation?" Moira asked.
"Until Cadet-Major Del Rosario arrives, Cadet-Lieutenant Policarpio has command authority" the female cadet replied.
"Do you have an ETA on her arrival?" Moira continued.
"No ma'am" the female cadet responded.
"Very well" Moira said as she turned towards Cadet-Lieutenant Policarpio, "Cadet-Lieutenant, I'm assuming command authority, from this point on until Cadet-Major Del Rosario arrives, this ROTC company is now under my command, is that clear?"
"Ma'am!" Cadet-Lieutenant Policarpio acknowledged as he and the two cadets gave her a salute. Moira nodded her head in response.
"Cadet let me have that radio" Moira ordered as the cadet handed over his radio, "Cadet-Lieutenant deploy your cadets, establish a perimeter and have four three-man teams patrolling the perimeter, radio me if anything happens and if Cadet-Major Del Rosario arrives" Moira added as she clipped the radio on her belt.
"Roger that ma'am" Cadet-Lieutenant Policarpio responded as he signaled the company's Cadet-Sergeant to deploy the company.
After giving her orders, Moira excused herself and started walking towards the entrance. As she passed the two cadets at the base of the stairs, they clicked their heels while the cadets by the door saluted before one of the cadets slid his card into the card reader to open the glass doors. As Moira walked in the empty lobby of the International House, she immediately headed towards the elevators, and pressed the "up" button, almost immediately, one of the elevator doors opened. Entering the elevator, she pressed "10" on the console as it started ascending.
When Moira exited the elevator on the 10th floor, the first thing she saw was a glass wall and glass doors, behind the glass wall, there was a desk with a person sitting behind it. When she entered, the person manning the desk greeted her before Moira spoke, "My name is Moira Sato, Student Council Chief-of-Staff. Are there any members of the International Student Council here?"
"Yes ma'am, I believe the International Student Council Secretary is in their office right now" the desk worker said, "Do you want me to inform her that you are here?"
"Yes, please" Moira responded.
"Please hold one second" the desk worker said before picking up the phone to call the ISC Secretary, "Hello? Feng Mian? A member of the Student Council is here to see you" the desk worker nodded her head before hanging up.
"She will be right with you ma'am" the desk worker said as Moira nodded her head. The desk worker then turned towards her computer and started typing, the clacking of the keyboard filled the lobby of the lounge. Moira stood in front of the front desk while she waited for the International Student Secretary, holding her binder and several folders on her left arm.
As Moira waited, she scanned the lobby area of the International Student Lounge. It looked like a modern office building from the furnishings it had. The front desk where the worker was sitting at was long enough for at least three people to sit at, there were two computers on each end of the desk, and the middle had an ID Card Reader next to a monitor facing the entrance and an office chair behind it. Immediately behind the desk was a wall made out of walnut, that has words carved into the wood that reads, "Mount Juliet University International Student Lounge" and below that was "Welcome!". To the right-hand side from where Moira was standing was a bathroom, in front of the bathroom are two couches and at least four armchairs with a coffee table in the middle. On the left-hand side was charging stations and desktop computers. Behind the desk, to the left-hand side was the corridor that led to the main areas of the lounge.
As Moira observed her surroundings, a student emerged from the corridor, "Are you the Student Council Chief of Staff?" the student asked as Moira and the desk worker turned their heads towards where the voice came from.
"Yes, I 'am. My name is Moira Sato, Student Council Chief of Staff" Moira introduced herself as she walked towards the student and offered her hand.
"My name is Feng Mian Wong, International Student Council Secretary, nice to meet you" Feng Mian introduced herself as she reached for Moira's hand and shook it.
"What brings you to the International Student Lounge this early in the morning, Ms. Sato?" Feng Mian asked as she let go of Moira's hand.
"I was hoping I could meet with the President of the International Student Council, I have matters that I wish to discuss with her" Moira replied.
"I'm sorry, but the International Student President has a meeting this morning at the International Exchange Program Office" Feng Mian responded.
"Is that so?" Moira said, looking disappointed.
"If you have time though, you can wait by her office" Feng Mian offered.
"If that's okay with you, I can wait for as long as possible" Moira responded.
"Yes, please follow me" Feng Mian said as she and Moira started walking down the corridor.
As they walked towards the ISC office, Moira noticed that the area behind the walnut wall are all glass walls, separated into different rooms. The first room to Moira's left looked like a large living room, complete with a couple of flat screen television, couches, coffee tables, coffee makers, shelves filled with DVDs, bookshelves, and magazine racks. There are also several stations that has gaming consoles such as PlayStation, Xbox, Wii, and Nintendo Switch. The room did look a little bit messy with snacks and magazines all over the coffee tables and the couches, some of the office chairs for the gaming stations were also all over the place. To the right was another room that has study tables, white boards, projectors, and desktop computers, the room was also a bit messy, with chairs all over the place, books and magazines were scattered on some of the tables, the whiteboards were full of doodles and notes. Past those two rooms was a fully stocked and equipped kitchen, with two refrigerators, stoves, microwaves, ovens, sinks, cupboards, and a walk-in pantry with its door left open, like the previous rooms, it was a bit messy, with plates, glasses, mugs, and silverware dumped on the sink.
Across from the kitchen was an open area that has bean bags, coffee tables, a flat screen TV sitting on top of a TV stand, and book shelves. It wasn't messy as the other rooms, but it was still disorderly. Beside the open area is an actual physical wall that houses the restrooms. There's another hallway between the open area and the restrooms, that leads to other sections of the lounge. On the other side of the restroom was another hallway that they turned to. Past the restroom wall was another glass wall, that looked like offices, next to that room was another room that has a conference table, and at the end of the hallway was a glass door that they entered. Inside, there was a desk to the left, and across from that are two arm chairs, a coffee table, and a couch, beside the couch was another glass door, that leads to the other hallway they passed, at the end of the room was a large with an open double-doors, and inside was a desk with a desktop computer, two arm chairs in front of it, and a book shelf behind it. On the left-hand side of the desk from where Moira was standing, was a white board, a table with four chairs, and shelves that are filled with different types of magazines and books. From how it looked for Moira, that was the office of the International Student Council President.
"If you don't mind, you can wait over there" Feng Mian said as she gestured towards where the couch is.
"Thank you" Moira smiled before walking towards the couch. She placed the binders and folders she was carrying on top of the coffee table and her bag on the couch and sat beside it. Moira looked at the clock hanging behind Feng Mian's desk, it was already 7:35 AM.
As Moira was waiting in front of the International Student Council President's office, a group of 35 – 40 International Students came in the lounge. The International Students tend to hang out at the lounge before their classes starts, and so it was pretty normal for a large number of them to gather early in the morning. Feng Mian got a call from the front desk informing her of the students' arrival, to which she acknowledged. Just as she hung the phone up, an International Student entered the room.
Moira looked at the student that entered, observing her appearance as she walked towards Feng Mian's desk. The student was about Moira's height, has a slim figure, curled red hair that went down to her shoulders, has a fair complexion, typical from someone that came from either North America or Europe. Based on her breast pocket sigil, she's a student from the College of Arts and Modern design.
"Is Monica back yet?" the female student asked Feng Mian revealing her British accent.
"No, not yet. She should be back at around 8:15 or 8:30" Feng Mian responded as the female student gave out a sigh of relief, "I feel you right there".
The female student turned around and noticed Moira who was sitting on the couch, "Who's that?" the student asked Feng Mian as she tilted her head towards Moira.
"Oh, that's the Student Council Chief of Staff, she wanted to meet with Monica, but I don't think she was aware that Monica is not here" Feng Mian responded. The female student nodded her head before she walked towards Moira.
"Hi, my name is Emily" the female student said as she extended her arm to give Moira a handshake. Moira immediately stood up and reached for Emily's hand.
"I'm Moira Sato, Student Council Chief of Staff" Moira said as she introduced herself, shaking Emily's hand.
"It's nice to meet you Moira. I'm Monica Sawyer's Assistant" Emily said as she ended their handshake.
"It's nice to meet you too Emily" Moira responded as Emily sat on one of the arm chairs close to Moira.
"So, are you a foreigner too?" Emily asked crossing her legs as she got comfortable on the armchair.
"Technically" Moira smiled, "I'm actually half-Japanese, half-Filipino. My dad is Japanese, and my Mom is Filipino" Moira responded.
"Oh? So, did you move here from Japan?" Emily asked out of curiosity.
"Oh no, actually, I was born in Japan, but I grew up here. My parents moved here in the Philippines a few months after I was born"
"Really? Can you speak Japanese?"
"Just a little, I don't speak Japanese unless I'm talking with my Dad. I'm not as fluent as Aiden"
"Aiden? The Student Council President?"
"Yes" Moira nodded, "You've probably heard during the orientation welcome ceremony that Aiden is half-Japanese too, though I don't know which side he got it from. He doesn't talk about himself"
"He seems like a cool guy to hang out with" Emily responded, "He looks too serious though"
Moira chuckled as Emily gave her a confused look, "He is too serious, though he's not the type to hang out with people though"
"Really? That's too bad, he's kinda my type you know?" Emily chuckled as Moira slightly blushed at Emily's bluntness. Just as the girls were talking about Aiden, Feng Mian suddenly stood up from her chair and started panicking, "Oh my God! No, no, no!". This caught Moira and Emily's attention who just turned towards Feng Mian.
Feng Mian threw her phone down on her desk and picked up the phone, "She's on her back! Let everyone know!" as Feng Mian was on the phone, a male student came in through the door, carrying some folders and boxes of chocolates. Emily immediately stood up looking at Feng Mian, and then towards the male student that came in, her face shocked and surprised.
"I thought she wasn't supposed to be coming back until 8:30" the male student said in a French accent as he placed the folders and boxes of chocolates on top of Feng Mian's desk.
"Min just messaged me on LINE saying Director Guerrero won't be in until this afternoon. God these people" Feng Mian replied as she applied powder on her face, her voice panicked.
The male student then walked towards the door right next to the couch, stopping as he stood in front of the door. He mouthed, covering his face with a folder he grabbed from Feng Mian's desk using his right hand as he pointed at Moira using his left "Who is that?".
"That. I'll explain it to you later" Feng Mian said as she finished powdering her face.
The male student then opened the door and shouted at the top of his lungs, "Everyone Battle stations!" turning back around, the male student said, "Did someone eat garlic?" shaking his head before heading out the door, Emily frantically followed suit.
As Emily left the room, Moira exhaled on her hand to smell her breathe as Feng Mian frantically ran around the office, grabbing a bunch of stuff that was laying around and hiding it in the drawer on her desk. She then grabbed a box of chocolate and ran inside Monica's office, placing the box on her desk. She came running back out and went towards the cabinet beside her desk, pulling out a mug, coaster, and tea bag as she went back to Monica's office, placing the coaster right next to the box of chocolates, followed by the mug, putting the tea bag inside. She then ran out again, this time, turning on the electric kettle on the table next to the cabinet. As Feng Mian was running around, Moira could hear commotions coming from the door where the male student and Emily exited through. She stood up and looked through the glass door, and she could see the International Students who were in the lounge running around, tidying the place up as fast as they could. Moira could only look in confusion as everyone was frantically tidying up the lounge, as if they were children who forgot to do their chores and learned that their parents are on their way home from work.
As Moira was observing what was happening in the lounge, Cadet-Lieutenant Policarpio radioed in, "Ma'am, the President of the International Student Council has just entered the building". Moira grabbed the radio she clipped on her belt and responded, "Copy that Cadet-Lieutenant, Moira out".
When Feng Mian overheard what was said on Moira's radio, she immediately went to her computer and printed something off before grabbing the paper from the printer and clipping in on the clipboard, she also grabbed a small notebook and her phone. As Feng Mian was about to leave the office, she faced Moira, "Stay here for a bit, I'll be back!". Feng Mian hurriedly ran towards the direction of the lobby. Feng Mian had to run and dodge the other International Students who were frantically tidying up the lounge, trying her best not to bump into anyone as she ran towards the elevators.
Just as Feng Mian reached the elevators, one of the doors opened. Monica stepped out carrying some folders, "It baffles me why it was so hard to confirm an appointment", Monica said dropping the folders on top of the clipboard that Feng Mian was carrying as she started walking towards her office.
"I apologize Monica, but, I did confirm with the International Exchange Program office yesterday" Feng Mian argued as she handed Monica the clipboard she had, walking beside her as they made their way to the office.
"Save the tales of your incompetence for your children. Tell Katelyn I strongly disapprove and deeply horrified of the decorations that she did for our floor. I asked for welcoming, lovely, serene. She gave me unhospitable, threatening and depressing. Inform Fiona Ridein that I can go with her for lunch on Friday, tell her to meet me at the International House lobby at 11:30 AM sharp. Call Justin Rivington and tell him no for the 40th time. No! We're not going to do a rap battle for International Night. Then call Min and inform him not to be late for the meeting with the Student Council tonight. Then inform the International Students that there will be room inspections next Monday, so be prepared for it" Monica said as Feng Mian wrote what Monica was saying, before opening the glass door that led to the office.
"Tell Emeline I saw the pictures that she sent for Arianne's official International House pictures and they're all so deeply unattractive. Is it impossible to pose for a lovely, decent, official picture? Am I asking for a miracle here? No. Not really. Also, I need to see the revised proposals that Augustin has drafted for the International Night's program. And check on that girl from the 6th floor, I wonder if she's lost all of that body odor yet" Monica continued as she dropped her cardigan and clipboard on Feng Mian's desk before walking towards her office. Moira was just standing in front of the couch, listening to what was happening.
"Who's that?" Monica added as she got a glimpse of Moira.
"That's Ms. Moira Sato, the Chief of Staff of the Student Council" Feng Mian responded as she followed Monica into her office.
"Bring my hot water" Monica ordered as she sat on her chair.
"Right away" Feng Mian replied, "Should I send the Chief of Staff in?"
"Unless you plan on making her wait all day, by all means, don't send her in" Monica sarcastically replied as she opened the box of chocolate on her desk, "That's all" Monica added as Feng Mian fetched the electric kettle for Monica.
After grabbing the electric kettle, Feng Mian walked towards Moira, "She wants to see you" before going back inside Monica's office.
Moira put her backpack on and collected the things she placed on the coffee table before walking inside Monica's office. As Moira entered, Feng Mian poured the hot water on Monica's mug, filling it over half-way when Monica gestured her to stop and leave her office.
"Who are you?" Monica asked turning on her desktop computer as Feng Mian exited the office.
"My name is Moira Sato, Chief of Staff of the Student Council, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for Student Council President Aiden Kobayashi" Moira introduced herself as Monica turned her attention to Moira, who was standing in front of her desk.
"What are you doing here?" Monica said looking straight at Moira as she crossed her legs and arms.
"I wanted to discuss some things with you, as well as talk about some of the agenda for tonight's meeting with the Student Council" Moira responded.
"So basically, you're here to discuss matters that would be discussed in the meeting tonight?" Monica replied, uncrossing her arms as she reached for the cup of tea on her table, "If that's the case, what point is there in having a meeting tonight if we're discussing it now?"
Moira was taken aback, she didn't expect that the President of the International Student Council had an attitude, cold and straight to the point, but nothing in comparison to Aiden in any respects. Moira was just now realizing what Min said last night about, "Don't worry, if you can handle Aiden, you probably could handle Monica" and "Monica already has a reputation among the International Students".
Obviously, Moira was appalled by the fear that Monica was able to bring to the International Students. She was beginning to understand why everyone was in a frenzy when the International Students learned that Monica was heading back to the International Students' Lounge.
"I just wanted to go over some few points before the actual meeting, not discuss the main topics for tonight's meeting" Moira answered.
"That can be done before the actual meeting starts right? So why bother coming here?" Monica responded before taking a sip of her tea.
"I just wanted to make sure that you and the International Student Council are up to speed with the topics to be discussed, to ensure a smooth meeting tonight" Moira explained.
Monica placed her mug back on the coaster, "I'm very much aware of what the topics that are to be discussed tonight. The International Student Representative said as much in his email last night"
"I understand, but-" Moira tried to respond, but was cut off by Monica.
"As the Student Council's Chief of Staff, shouldn't you have heard this from the International Student Representative? I had high hopes for you, given your position in the Student Council and as a close aide to President Kobayashi" Monica added.
"I was informed by Min last night that he sent an email to the International Student Council" Moira replied, growing annoyed and frustrated.
"If that's the case, then your business here has concluded" Monica said, as she grabbed a book out of her backpack, opening it and removing the bookmark in it.
"I haven't even-" Moira tried to reason with Monica but was once again cut off.
"That's all" Monica said shooing Moira out of her office as she started reading the book she took out.
Moira snorted, unable to comprehend that this was the elected President of the International Student Council. Yielding to the pointlessness of the situation, Moira did a slow 180-degree turn, walking a few steps before stopping. Breathing in deeply to calm herself, she turned around again and walked up to Monica's desk, leaving a folder on it, "I apologize for the inconvenience Madam President".
"I hope you understand that I'm doing this to smoothen everything in prepa-" Moira continued before Augustin walked in the office.
"Alright, I have the program's revisions for International Night. The problem is, Justin is being adamant about adding a rap battle and so we can't finalize the lineup for the International Student performances" Augustin explained as Monica turned her attention on the draft that Augustin was showing her.
"Right, thank you for your time Madam President" Moira said as she walked out of the office.
"Who is that person? Are we doing an interview for another assistant that I don't know about?" Augustin added as Moira exited the office.
"The Student Council Chief of Staff" Monica responded as she skimmed the revisions Augustin brought.
"She's cute and pretty though, too bad Min is my type" Augustin chuckled to the annoyance of Monica.
Meanwhile, in the International Exchange Program Office, Min was waiting inside his adviser's office, Christine Angeles, to talk about exchanging his money to the local currency. As he waited, he looked around the mid-sized office, it was extremely clean and organized, except for the stack of folders and papers laying on the desk. There was also two diplomas and a group picture hanging on the wall.
The door suddenly opened, and Christine stepped inside, "I'm sorry for the wait Min, I had to print off some things", closing the door behind her. She walked towards Min and placed her hand on his shoulders before placing the stack of papers she was carrying on top of her desk, "I heard you wanted to talk to me about something?", Christine added as she sat on her office chair.
"I do have a question Ms. Christine" Min said as he looked at his adviser, "Where can we get our money exchanged to the local currency?".
Christine cleared her throat as she leaned forward, resting both her arms on her desk, "We do have currency exchange centers at the mall. You can use credit cards around the area as well, though some local eateries and stores only accept cash"
Min leaned on the chair he was sitting, sounding disappointed, "I understand, but I think it would help all the International Students if we could get our money exchanged to the local currency"
"I do agree" Christine replied as she pulled a piece of sticky note from the pile she has on her desk, "I'm going to write this down and talk with Director Guerrero and see if we could arrange a trip to the exchange center sometime next week".
"That would be really helpful" Min smiled as his adviser wrote what he said on the sticky note.
"Is there anything else you would like to add? I could bring this up on our morning meeting" Christine continued, "As you're aware, we are still pretty new at this, so any recommendations would help us a lot"
"As of right now that's all I have to ask, if something else comes into mind, I could meet with you again" Min responded with a smile.
"That's all right, don't hesitate to drop by if you think of something" Christine said as Min got up from his chair, grabbing his back pack on the floor and putting in on.
"I will. Thank you again for taking the time to meet me this morning" Min replied.
"Don't mention it, you're always welcome. I hope you have a good day Min" Christine added as her advisee left her office.
When Min stepped out of the International Exchange Office, he noticed that some of the students on the corridor started taking their phones out and taking pictures of him. He could also hear some muffled squeals from both the male and female students. Min just snorted in response and started walking towards the elevators, ignoring the line of students taking pictures of him as he walked by.
As Min got closer to the elevators, the number of students looking at him and taking pictures steadily increased. Min has no idea why the students started taking pictures of him out of the blue, he suddenly felt that he was surrounded by the Hunters. When Min reached the elevators, he pressed the "Up" button and waited for the elevator to arrive.
As Min waited, he suddenly became more conscious of the number of students converging around him. He started feeling nervous as he remembered the first time he arrived at Mount Juliet, and the night before, when they were almost mauled. When the doors opened on one of the elevators, he saw that there was only one person in it – Moira. Min quickly stepped inside and pressed the "> <" to close the elevator doors. When the doors closed and the elevator started ascending, Min was able to breathe a sigh of relief. He then looked at Moira who was visibly annoyed and frustrated.
"I'm guessing it didn't go well with Monica?" Min asked, looking straight at the elevator doors.
Moira snorted as she tightened her grip on the folder and binder she was holding, "I just met her, and she already got on my nerves". Moira's eyes were squinted, Min could see in the corner of his eyes that the veins on Moira's neck was bulging, she was seriously in a bad mood.
"I know Aiden could be cold sometimes, but he's not comparable to the International Student Council President. She has no filter or compassion whatsoever. I can't believe someone like her was elected as President! Do you know how she treats the International Student Council Secretary!?" Moira continued, her voice getting louder as she vented her annoyance towards Monica.
Min sighed, "I guess that was too much for you, huh?"
Moira groaned, "She pisses me off so bad! I really don't want to deal with her to be honest"
Just as Moira was groaning, the elevator doors opened on the 3rd floor. Moira quickly got out of the elevator as Min followed her out of concern. Moira's footsteps were heavy, she looked like she was about to start a fight as Min walked a few feet behind her. Every student in front of Moira stepped aside, trying not to be a hapless victim.
When they reached the Student Council office, Moira pushed opened the door and walked in, Min followed her inside and closed the door behind him. Moira threw her folders and binder on the conference table creating a thud, followed by her bag before walking into the kitchenette. Min just pulled a chair and sat down, as Moira started ranting loudly from the kitchenette. Aiden's office door suddenly opened, "What's all the ruckus out here" Aiden said as he stepped out of his office, his face looking confused and annoyed with all the noise going on.
"Aiden!?" Min was surprised, he didn't expect anyone else to be in the Student Council Office this early in the morning, "What are you doing here?"
"I work here, you do know that right?" Aiden quipped, "What's with all the noise?"
"Uhmm...." Min hesitated as he turned his head towards the kitchenette. Aiden then looked towards where Min was looking, and a few seconds later, Moira came out with a water bottle in her hand.
"What the hell happened to you?" Aiden asked after seeing Moira's face.
Moira pursed her lips as she walked towards the conference table, "The International Student President has some real attitude problem Aiden!" Moira explained as she took another sip of water. Min sighed as he turned his attention towards Aiden who seemed unconcerned with what Moira was ranting about.
"This is my problem me how? Whatever happened between the two of you is none of my concern. My concern here is that my Chief of Staff is throwing a fit and making a ruckus so early in the morning. You need to calm down!" Aiden coldly said, his expression the same as usual.
Moira took a deep breath and sighed, "You're right. I'm sorry"
"Good. Once you've calmed down, I need an update about the meeting with Prince and Oscar" Aiden said as he walked back in his office and closed the door.
"I don't know if Aiden is in a bad mood or not" Min commented as he looked at Moira who pulled a chair and sat across from where he was sitting.
"That's just the normal Aiden. Don't think too much about it" Moira responded before she took another sip of water, "I'm sorry you had to see me in such a bad mood so early in the morning"
"it's okay. Monica tends to get on everybody's nerves like that, you're not alone" Min said as he tried to comfort Moira in his own way.
"I feel bad for the International Students having to deal with that kind of President" Moira added, her voice and expressions returning to normal.
"Don't think too much of Monica, I don't" Min responded.
"I'll try not to. Thank you Min" Moira replied as she reached for the TV remote between them and turned on the television, changing the channel to WNN.
"Repeating our top news this morning, Student Council President Aiden Kobayashi has sent a university-wide email last night in response to the stand-off with the Hunters that happened outside the Mount Juliet campus. In the email that was sent out, President Kobayashi has stressed the importance of restraining the stanning of our students and to not further add to the culture shock of the International Students. In response to this, Oscarlito "Oscar" Hernandez, the leader of the MJU Hunters has this to say" the newscaster announced as a video of Oscar's interview was shown.
"I understand the concerns that President Kobayashi has stressed in his email, and the Hunters are open in holding a dialogue with the Student Council to address this concern. As a matter of fact, they have already reached out to us last night and we are scheduled to meet with the Student Council President at noon to discuss the matter regarding the International Students" Oscar said in the pre-recorded interview.
"Do you have any comments in regards with the encounter that happened last night outside the Mount Juliet Campus?" the reporter asked as she held the mic towards Oscarlito.
"While I admit that our Hunter team that intercepted Mingyu and his friends last night went a little overboard, I believe the lack of guidelines in regards with the interaction with the International Students seemed to have caused a rift between our Hunter team and President Kobayashi" Oscar responded.
"Do you think that President Kobayashi's reaction last night was justified?" the reporter followed-up as the cameraman zoomed in on Oscar's face.
"I wouldn't say it wasn't justified at all. President Kobayashi was just doing his job as Student Council President, although his tone was colder than usual, he still looked pretty cool and handsome, don't you think?" Oscar smiled, blushing a little bit, causing the reporter interviewing him to chuckle in agreement.
"That was the official response of the MJU Hunters" the newscaster said as the clip from the interview removed, and the camera was focused again on the WNN newscaster, "This is Ericka Dizon for WNN Morning News, have a good morning MJU Wolves!" the newscaster said as the news program ended.
"I can't believe that WNN covered the encounter from last night" Min commented as he turned his attention away from the television and towards Moira.
"it did cause a slight commotion last night" Moira responded as she took her phone out and started typing, "That's going to be in the news cycle for a little bit".
"What's a news cycle?" Min asked in confusion.
"Basically, it's the news story from the past 24 hours. Since it involves Aiden, Mingyu, and Jasper, it's bound to be the story for the remainder of the week" Moira replied as she continued typing on her phone.
"Who are you texting?" Min asked as he leaned towards Moira.
"I'm messaging Angela, I need her to draft an official response for the Student Council" Moira said as she sent her message, putting her phone down before turning her attention towards Min.
"Are you not going to ask Aiden first?" Min asked as he leaned back on the chair.
"Matters like this doesn't need to be brought to Aiden, as his Chief of Staff, it's my job to respond and react to things like this. Unless this was a major matter, I wouldn't bother Aiden with it" Moira explained.
"It makes sense, if you handle matters like this, Aiden could focus more on important matters" Min said as he nodded his head.
"Exactly, that's the role of his Chiefs of Staff" Moira commented, "Anyways, are you going to stay here? I'm going to head to my office and work on some things for the meeting tonight"
"Do you mind if I hang out in your office for a little bit, I don't have class until 9:00" Min chuckled.
"I don't mind, I could use the company actually" Moira replied as she stood up from the chair and headed towards her office, Min followed suit.
Meanwhile, Aiden has just finished writing his talking points and proposals for his meeting tomorrow with the Executive Council. He saved the files and started printing them off. As he was waiting for the printer to finish printing, he exited out of Microsoft Word, and opened the MJU database again. He paused for a moment before typing in his credentials to access the database. He searched for Min's personal file information again and opened it.
Looking at Min's personal information again, he started whispering to himself, "Nontanakorn... That sounds so familiar, I feel like I've heard that name somewhere before...".
Name : Thapthim Nontanakorn
Native Name : ทับทิม นนธนะกร
Date of Birth : 02/21/03
Age : 19
Country of Origin : Kingdom of Thailand
Place of Birth : Bangkok
Nationality : Thai
Blood Type : AB
Height : 185 cm
Home University : Thammasat University
Major : Economics
College Affiliation : College of Global Studies and Social Sciences (CGS3)
College Dean : Dr. Elena Baltazar
Classification : Sophomore (International Student)
Student ID : 960-99-0144
Net ID: ThapNon
MJU Email: [email protected]
College Advisor: Professor Ratanasuda Chiva-aree, PhD; CGS3, Dept. of Modern Foreign Languages
IEP Advisor: Christine Angeles, M.A.Ed.
Registration Status: Enrolled
Educational History
High School: Suankularb Wittayalai School, Bangkok, Thailand
GPA: 4.00/4.00
GED: 195/200
Extracurricular(s): Soccer Club, American Football (Varsity), Badminton Club, Golf Club, Honors Society
Additional Comments:
- Exchange Student - East High School, Des Moines, Iowa, United States
- Honor Roll (East High School)
- National Merit Award (East High School)
- Most Outstanding International Student Award (East High School)
- Graduated with Honors (Suankularb Wittayalai School)
Official College Transcript:
University: Thammasat University
College: Faculty of Economics
Department: Economics
Major: Economics
Cumulative GPA: 4.00/4.00
Overall GPA: 4.00/4.00
- Dean's List – Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University
- Chancellor's Honor Roll
- Highest Honors
Additional Comments:
- Accepted into Mount Juliet University, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
- Transcript forwarded and approved
- 1 Year Exchange Program (Sophomore Year)
Physical Address Information:
Home Address: Sukhumvit 21 Rd. (Asoke), Khlongtoeinuea, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
Mailing Address: Sukhumvit 21 Rd. (Asoke), Khlongtoeinuea, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
Home Number: 02-669-9966
Current Address: 189 Mount Juliet Ave, Quezon City, 1108 Metro Manila, Philippines
Current Mailing Address: Mount Juliet University International House, 1st FL. Suite 119 – Room 119-A, Mount Juliet University, 189 Mount Juliet Ave, Quezon City, 1108 Metro Manila, Philippines
Current Home Number: 63-881-7730 Ext. 119
Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact 01: Phraisong Nontanakorn
Relationship: Father
Contact Information: (T) 02-669-9966, (C) 02-669-9000
Emergency Contact 02: Chonnanee Nontanakorn
Relationship: Mother
Contact Information: (T) 02-669-9966, (C) 02-669-8513
Student Class Schedule:
HU – Humanities Building
GSB – Global Studies Building
FH – Field House
Aiden was pretty impressed by Min's personal file in the MJU database, especially his academic background, although he may not look like it he's pretty smart and was engaged in several extracurriculars during his High School years. "That would explain his toned body", Aiden told himself as he remembered what transpired in his office last night.
"Fuck.. Why am I remembering that now.." Aiden blushed as Min's toned body flashed in his head, "Shit! This is why I hate that Thammasat Kid" he grumbled as he shook his head to get the image off his head. Aiden placed his hand on his mouth, his face still red and warm, "What's the big deal about Min's body? Mingyu has the same build... But why am I remembering Min!?" Aiden was getting annoyed towards himself as he slammed his hand on his desk, creating a loud thud that echoed in his office.
"What's more annoying is that room number of his, and the fact that I have another class with that Thammasat Kid" Aiden continued. The reason for Aiden's vexation regarding Min's room number, 119-A, was the fact that Aiden's birthday is November 09, and the "A" happens to be the first letter of his name, the coincidence was extremely ironic. In addition, not only does Aiden have to spend an hour and fifteen minutes with Min on Tuesday and Thursday, he has to spend an hour and a half with him on Friday as well, not including their activities in the Student Council.
Just as Aiden was absorbing all this, a knock came from his door, breaking Aiden from his deep thinking, "Who is it!?" Aiden responded; his voice higher than usual. "It's Moira, can I come in?", the voice from the other side of the door said.
"Enter!" Aiden responded as he cleared his through to compose himself before Moira opened the door, as she opened the door, Aiden could see Min standing behind her.
"What was that loud thud earlier?" Moira asked, a bit concerned.
"My chair hit the desk is all" Aiden quickly responded.
"Right, anyways, I have the update regarding the meeting with Prince and Oscar. Also, I messaged Angela to draft an official response to the Hunters' comments on WNN" Moira reported as she walked towards Aiden's desk, Min closely following behind her.
"Did you confirm the time with them? Also, have Angela release the statement once you've approved the final version of it" Aiden replied, his eyes avoiding Min.
"Yes, today at noon, here at the Student Council office, I've confirmed it with them" Moira said as she looked at her clipboard, "Also-" Moira stopped halfway as she got a good look at Aiden.
"What, what is it?" Aiden asked, looking at Moira with wavering eyes.
"Errr.." Moira hesitated for a moment, "Are you blushing, Aiden?" she added, which caught Min's attention, causing him to stare at Aiden.
"Wh-What the hell are you talking about? It's hot in here is all" Aide responded defensively, his eyes shuffling, "Is there anything else?" he continued, deflecting Moira's question.
"Maybe he's not feeling well?" Min commented as he moved closer to Aiden's desk, and suddenly placing his hand on Aiden's forehead, causing Aiden to blush even more, his face getting a lot warmer, "He feels a bit warm", Moira's eyes widened a bit, her mouth slightly opened.
Aiden quickly pushed on his desk, rolling his chair away from Min's reach, "I-I'm fine! Just have a lot of things to work on!" Aiden replied, a bit perplexed and surprised at what Min just did .
Moira placed her hand in front of her mouth, trying to hide her smile, "Is it because Min is here?" she added teasingly, trying to hold her laughter. Min froze in place as his face started blushing, his heart was racing again as he realized what he just did.
Aiden and Min were both speechless and unable to react, while Moira stood there smirking, "Is that it?" she added as she giggled a little bit, causing Aiden to raise his brow in annoyance.
Aiden's cheeks were shaking a bit, "Do you want to be labeled as an outcast Moira?" he said looking at Moira with an intense gaze, "If so, just keep on going"
Moira froze in place, her smirk was quickly wiped off her face as she realized what she just said, "Shit! My feels slipped out! Fuck!" Moira thought to herself as Aiden's gaze intensified, Min still frozen in place.
"I-I was just teasing" Moira responded, giving off a fake laugh, "You're too obvious-" Moira was petrified as Aiden's eyes widened, his face growing annoyed, "I-I mean you're obviously busy right now, so I'll get on with what I was saying"
"Prince and Oscar will be here at noon, that meeting has been confirmed, also the joint meeting with the International Student Council will proceed as planned at the International Student Council Conference Room this afternoon at 17:00, Director Guerrero will be in attendance as well" Moira continued as she explained Aiden's itinerary for the day.
Aiden breathed out to compose himself, "Fine, have Grace, Angela, and Katrina join us for the noon meeting, inform them of their attendance. Also, inform Monica Sawyers that she only needs to have her core officers attend the joint meeting tonight".
"Core officers?" Moira asked, confused as to what Aiden meant.
"All her officers, except for the representatives, they can be briefed by Monica afterwards" Aiden explained, "Also, how long are you going to remain in that position?" Aiden added as he looked at Min.
"Ah, I'm sorry" Min replied as he stood upright again, realizing that he was still leaning over Aiden's desk.
"How do you know the International Student Council President's name?" Moira asked Aiden, confused.
"Director Guerrero sent me the list yesterday, I'm aware of the International Student Council Officers' composition" Aiden replied as he moved closer to his desk.
"That makes sense" Moira commented.
"Also, Thammasat Kid, be in attendance in the meeting with Prince and Oscar, since this issue pertains to the International Students, your presence will be necessary" Aiden added as he looked at Min.
"Eh?" Min reacted with surprise, "I don't know if I'll make it though"
"Make it happen, your class should've ended by then" Aiden retorted to the surprise of Moira and Min, "What's with that reaction you two?"
"How do you..." Min started.
"...know his class have ended by that time?" Moira said, finishing Min's sentence
"Ah, fuck!" Aiden thought to himself, his face looking like he just slipped up big time. Moira and Min looked at each other before they both looked at Aiden.
"I-I just took a wild guess, that's all there is to it" Aiden stuttered as he answered, "In any case, just be here for the meeting Thammasat Kid" he continued in deflection of his slip-up.
"I'll do my best" Min said responded, "I can't make any promises though"
"One more thing Aiden" Moira said, "What's with the ROTC deployment this morning, I wasn't made aware of that"
"That was a last-minute decision, I was going to inform you about it before the meeting with Prince and Oscar" Aiden replied, "Given the situation last night, I thought it prudent to tighten security at the International House"
"It would have been helpful if you've informed me ahead of time, I had an encounter with them this morning, it was a hassle to be honest" Moira grumbled.
Aiden sighed before opening one of his drawers, pulling out a bottle of an apple flavored C2, "You're a member of the Student Council, there shouldn't have been any problems. My orders were pretty clear" Aiden explained as he opened the bottle of C2 before taking a drink.
"That's true, but it would have been nice to know, I' am your Chief of Staff" Moira replied her lips pouting.
"Judging from your reaction when you came in, you managed to see Monica this morning, so you were able to pass the security detail" Aiden continued.
"In any case, the entirety of the Student Council doesn't have to be in the joint meeting, it would be the same people in the Prince and Oscar meeting, but do inform Amy that she needs to attend tonight's meeting as well, have her bring her colleague from last night too" Aiden added.
"I'll make the preparations right away" Moira replied as she stepped out the room.
"Anything you want to add Min?" Aiden asked as Moira stopped outside of Aiden's office, turning around as she looked at Min.
"Nothing really, don't work too hard though" Min commented as he turned around and stepped out of Aiden's office, closing the door as he left.
"Your concern is hardly warranted Thammasat Kid, it's appreciated though" Aiden whispered to himself as he snorted, "I swear that kid is so weird, though I shouldn't be calling him kid, he's older than me by a few months" Aiden sighed as he rolled his chair towards his printer grabbing the materials he printed off earlier, laying them on his desk, he grabbed two black binders from his drawer and started compiling his proposal and talking points for the Executive Council meeting the next day.
"It already feels like an academic year, the first week of school hasn't even ended. This is such a drag, it's going to be one hell of a year" Aiden complained, grabbing the bottle of C2 and drinking everything in one go before returning to what he was doing. By the time Aiden finished organizing everything, it was already 8:45 AM. "Maybe I should skip classes today" Aiden sighed as he contemplated going to class.
Later that day, Moira was prepping the conference table for the meeting with Prince and Oscar. Moira was placing the agenda folder in front of the seats that were going to be used, the setup was for Prince and Oscar to sit across at the conference table closest to the door, while Aiden, Grace, herself, Katrina, and Min would be sitting on the opposite side, close to the offices.
After finishing with the agenda folder, Moira grabbed a laptop from the charging station in front of Grace's office, placing it in front of her assigned seat before going to the kitchenette to grab bottles of water, placing a bottle beside the folders she just laid out. As Moira finished her preparations, Grace and Katrina entered the room.
"Hey guys" Moira greeted Grace and Katrina as they walked in, "I just finished prepping, we just have to wait for Aiden, Min, Oscar and Prince"
"The news cycle has been about the encounter last night" Grace commented as she dropped her bag on the couch by the door, "How do you think Prince and Oscar would respond in this meeting?"
"Knowing Oscar, he would be amenable to anything, as long as it comes from Aiden" Katrina responded as she laid her stuff beside where Grace's bag was.
"This is true, the uncertainty lies with Prince, she can be hard to predict sometimes" Moira answered as she pulled her chair, next to where Aiden's seat, and sat down, starting up the laptop.
"Maybe Grace could help with that" Katrina suddenly suggested as she looked at Grace who was looking confused to what she just said.
"What are you talking about?" Grace replied about Katrina's comment as she walked towards her assigned seat, between where Aiden and Min would be sitting.
"Come on Grace, everyone knows that Prince has a crush on you" Katrina followed up as she walked to where Moira is seating.
"That's just a rumor started by the Freshman Council last year" Grace retorted, "Personally, I found that rumor annoying, for you to even bring that up is equally frustrating"
"I'm just saying, if would help us advance an agreement with the Hunters and smoothen this negotiation, you might as well take advantage of it" Katrina said as she sat down beside Moira.
"She does have a point Grace, if it would help us stabilize the situation with the Hunters, it would go a long way for the Student Council, especially in the long run" Moira added.
Grace sighed, although she internally conceded with Katrina and Moira's argument in regard to helping out the Student Council as a whole, she still had major reservations about that notion. By actually utilizing that unsubstantiated rumor, she will be legitimizing it by acknowledging that Prince may have a crush on her. It could personally be troublesome down the line if Prince gets the wrong signal and hit her up if the rumor turns out to be true. Like Aiden, and the rest of the Student Council, she was bound by duty to carry out her tasks for the sake of the Student Council and the general student body at Mount Juliet.
"Fine, I'll do what I can if Prince does hold up the negotiations" Grace reluctantly agreed with Moira and Katrina, to the delight of the pair.
"We have to remember, that we can't let our personal feelings affect our duties to the Student Council and the students. Sometimes, we have to make personal sacrifices for the good of the student body" Katrina said as she laid her back on the chair, "I'm glad you agreed with us"
"That's easier said than done you know" Grace snorted, "But you do have a point, and I'll try my best"
"This meeting should be a breeze then; Aiden seems keen to get this over quickly" Moira commented as she entered her credentials on the laptop.
"I hope so, I don't want any surprises. We need to get the Hunters under control before the Welcome Party starts" Katrina said as she took her phone out.
"Speaking of the welcome party, have you all finished your revisions?" Grace asked, looking at Katrina who was scrolling through her phone.
"Yeah, I just finished my revisions, I don't know about, Aaron and Angela though" Katrina replied as she continued playing with her phone, "I haven't sent it to Aiden though".
"As long as you're done with it" Grace said, "We still have another meeting tonight"
Moira suddenly slammed her hands on the keyboard, startling Grace and Katrina. Moira's face was showing annoyance and frustration again as Grace's comment reminded of her encounter with Monica that morning in her office at the International Student Lounge.
"You okay Moira?" Katrina asked, turning her attention away from her phone and towards Moira, who was sitting beside her.
"No, not really. I'm still pissed of at the International Student Council President" Moira exclaimed.
"Did something happen?" Grace asked as she leaned closer to Moira.
"Yeah! I met with her this morning to giver her a run down of the meeting tonight, and she gave me such an attitude! Can you believe that!? She also treated the ISC Secretary like she was some kind of a personal maid or something! Min was right when he said that she has a reputation among the International Students, I clearly saw that this morning" Moira vented as Katrina and Grace listened to her rant.
"Woah, woah. Slow down, is the International Student Council President really that bad?" Grace asked, surprised at how Moira described her.
"Yes! The moment the International Students learned that she was coming to the International Student Lounge, everybody was frantically running around, tidying up the place, and poor Feng Mian started running around like a chicken that lost its head" Moira explained.
"Who's Feng Mian?" Katrina asked.
"She's the International Student Council Secretary. She had to get things ready for Monica, like her tea and everything! She practically looked like a slave!" Moira added.
"Slave is a pretty strong word you know" Katrina replied.
"That's how it looked!" Moira defended her choice of words as she explained to Katrina and Grace what she was like.
"You shouldn't judge a person by the first encounter, maybe she was just having a bad day you know?" Grace said, defending Monica from Moira's tirade.
"Well, I'll let you both decide that when you meet her tonight" Moira said as she sighed deeply before turning her attention towards the laptop. Just as they finished their discussion, Aiden entered the room and walked directly in his office, dropping of his bag and grabbing a clipboard with blank pieces of paper on it before heading towards the conference table.
"Is everything ready?" Aiden asked as he took his seat.
"Almost, still waiting on Min, Prince and Oscar" Moira reported as she tried to control her breathing.
"Are you still throwing a fit?" Aiden asked as he got himself situated, pulling a pen out from his breast pocket, "You need to get over it"
"I'll do my best Aiden" Moira replied, her face twitching.
"Well, I need you to calm down and get your shit together, Prince and Oscar should be here any minute" Aiden replied before asking, "Where's the Thammasat Kid?"
"I'll message him" Katrina quickly answered as she turned her attention back to her phone.
"I need all your revisions submitted after this meeting, inform Angela and Aaron" Aiden continued as he opened the folder in front of him.
"On it" Katrina responded as she typed on her phone, "I'll send mine as well after the meeting is over"
As Katrina composed her message, Oscar and Prince entered the room, "Aideeeeeeeeen!" Oscar greeted cheerfully as he entered, with Prince following closely behind him, sporting a serious look on her face.
"Lively as ever Oscar" Aiden commented as he started writing on the paper on his clipboard, not even bothering to look up and make eye contact, "You seem to never run out of energy".
"Of course! YOLO!". Oscar was wearing the standard MJU polo that bore the sigil of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology. He was wearing skinny jeans, a pair of high-heeled shoe, and a pink cardigan wrapped around his shoulders. His lips were a bit pinkish, and his wrists had different types of bracelets around it. This was in contrast with Prince, who looked very masculine with the leather jacket she had on top of her polo, ripped jeans and boots. She was wearing a gold-chain necklace around her neck and a wrist watch on her left wrist.
Moira stood up from where she was sitting, "Oscar, Prince. Thank you for coming, your seats are over there" she greeted the leaders of the Hunters as she extended her left arm and gestured towards where they would be sitting.
"Thank you girl" Oscar responded to Moira as she pulled out the chair from the conference table and took his seat, directly in front of Aiden.
"Thanks dude" Prince responded, quickly nodding her head in acknowledgement as she sat next to Oscar, and assuming the figure four leg lock position.
"Thank you for inviting us today, I'm looking forward to receiving guidance from you Aiden. Private guidance would be welcomed as well" Oscar teased, as he winked at Aiden before taking his lip gloss out.
"We do appreciate both of you coming on such short notice" Moira replied with a cringe on her face.
"Should we get started then?" Prince suggested, her voice sounding like a guy's voice.
"Not yet" Aiden replied as he placed his pen down on the table before steepling his hands, his eyes focused on both Oscar and Prince, "The International Student Representative has not arrived yet".
"Oh? The International Students have a representative?" Oscar said before applying lip gloss on his lips.
"Where is this International Student Representative?" Prince asked, leaning her back on the office chair.
"Katrina?" Aiden said, keeping the same position, his eyes still locked unto Oscar and Prince.
"He's on the elevator heading up as we speak" Katrina replied as she placed her phone inside her pocket, "I've also messaged Aaron and Angela in regards with the revisions".
"So Aiden" Oscar puckered his lips before he giggled, "What's our topics for today?" he continued as he was making faces seemingly trying to seduce Aiden.
"Try opening the folder in front of you and enlighten yourself" Aiden sighed in annoyance, his face twitching.
"Why do you have to be so cold Aiden" Oscar responded, sounding like he was just rejected after giving a confession. Oscar placed his right fingers on his chest, his wrist arched, "You're breaking my heart".
"Oscar, why do you always have to be a drama queen!" Prince interjected as she elbowed her friend on the arm, "Don't mind him Aiden, you know how Oscar is, he can be overly dramatic"
"I can see that" Aiden replied, breaking his posture as he leaned back on his chair with his arms crossed, "Your dramatics and seductions won't get you anywhere" he added as he looked at Oscar.
Oscar started moaning, "Oh Aiden, you're so cold, but you melt my heart so much!"
Prince felt shivers running up her spine as her shoulders shivered; Grace could only look on as Oscar continued his moaning, her face cringing a little; Katrina for her part ruffled her hairs as she gave out a long sigh; Moira facepalmed in disbelief due to the cringy and embarrassing line that Oscar just said; Aiden stayed in the same position, he averted his eyes from Oscar and lowkey pursed his lips. Just as the situation was starting to become awkward, the door swung open and Min entered the room, he was sweating all over, trying to catch his breathe.
Min wiped the sweat under his chin using his right wrist, as rolls of sweat emanating from his face started rolling down his neck, his Adam's apple, and collarbone. His polo's collar and parts of his polo were drenched in sweat, looking haggard and unkempt compared this morning, "I'm sorry for being late Aiden!"