Ch 13 Revival
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- Feb 5, 2058

It took 7 days for my mind to recover from that genocide and I wasn’t even able to move. I believed in Kyro’s words and her emotional trauma had destroyed me for 7 days. This time, I won’t ever let myself be deceived by a girl again and let emotional trauma destroy my mind.

The city of Misbay was in ruins except for my mega-mansion. I teleported myself back home and turned on the ps5 to forget about everything that just happened. The servant’s corpses were still here so I dematerialized those from rotting up the place.

No matter how many hours passed by as I played the ps5, the pangs in my heart wouldn’t go away. I was hesitant in creating an ability to get rid of my emotional weakness. The words of Kyro, Prince Z, Princess X, and all of my bat people still echoed in my heart. But in the end, I did create an ability ‘zero emotions’ to get rid of all emotional weakness. Now I can no longer be persuaded by the words of people trying to use me. At the same time, the ps5 was no longer fun to me when I used this ability so I canceled it. The emotional trauma returned to my mind.

I didn’t understand why I can no longer have fun anymore with the ps5 even though the genocide was rightfully justified. It didn’t make any sense to me. I went to Kyro’s empty bedroom and sat on her bed. She had put up many pictures of me and her on the walls and her desk. It only made me angry that I let her destroy my mind like this so I cast a huge fire to burn down her entire room, the rest of the mansion was still intact except for a huge hole in her room. But it wasn’t a problem because I can create new walls to fill in the void as if her room never existed.

Visiting the spaceship, Mark, Dave and Simon were all hiding and weren’t licking up the spaceship anymore. When I showed myself to Mark, he panicked and tried to run from me but a barrier prevented him. He teared up and complained to me that I was a psychopath and wouldn’t even uphold the deal that we had. I punched him a few times and told him that I would. Yet for some reason, punching Mark only made my mood worse. Mark accepted my words and started licking again. It would take him a few days to finish licking at his current rate. Dave and Simon were both afraid of me as well when I confronted them. But they both resume licking when they realize that they wouldn’t be murdered and have a chance at life again.

I teleported to the forest to greet queen Rachel. She commanded the herbivore to construct a huge palace for her and her babies. The carnivores already ate the father rabbit before I came along, but Rachel didn’t want me to bring him back. It sucks that these herbivores wouldn’t be able to play the ps5 well without hands unless I gave them all human forms which I didn’t want to do.

I materialized a ps5 here and everything that is needed. I thought I would be able to enjoy playing the ps5 if I played it somewhere else but it didn’t work. Rachel’s rabbit babies were curious about it so I let them try playing with their paws. They didn’t play too well and were pretty bad at it. Their helplessness in playing the ps5 made me chuckle at their determination. Eventually, I made them stop and gave them new rabbit toys to play with. I thought about killing all of the intelligent herbivores but it would only make my mental trauma worse.

I couldn’t do anything so I slept for the rest of the day.

- Feb 6, 2058

Queen Rachel asked me for more powers and I decided to give it to her because why not. It wasn’t like there was anyone stronger than me anyways. She has been given the ability to teleport about 100 meters, increased durability, speed and strength, drunkfest, ice magic, flying, and immunity to sleep. She asked for more powers than that so I also gave her telepathy, resurrection, and mindmap to track anyone. After those 3 new abilities, she kept asking for more and more power but I decided this was a good stopping point. In the future, I may give her even more powers just to see what would happen.

Queen Rachel was super happy about being blessed with more power and she was able to rule over the herbivores with an iron fist. It brought a smile to my face because maybe I should have done the same to the bat people as well. I told her about my genocide and she told me that I was perfectly justified in what I did. I was glad Rachel understood me, it made me feel better.

Playing the ps5, it still wasn’t fun anymore. I cursed Kyro for doing this to me. The emotional damage she inflicted onto me was still crushing my mind and getting rid of the emotions wouldn’t solve the problem because I need it to feel the ‘fun’ from the ps5.

I sighed and teleported back to the city of MisBay to see my carnage. Dead bodies everywhere were rotting up the place, the air was vile and rancid. But it wasn’t a problem for me because I can eliminate my sense of smell. Dead maggots were eating into the corpses with flies buzzing around, it was a disgusting sight. Statues, artwork, and dolls of me were made by the bat people. Every home in the ps5 had multiple ps5 in it, the bat people really did worship me and loved to partake in my hobby. They were good times, now that I think about it...playing the ps5 with them.

A few carnivores were lurking around the places and eating up the free food. I recognized some of them as the intelligent carnivores that fled the forest. It bothered me that they were eating my bat people without permission so I set them ablaze until they were burned to ashes

I sat on top of the tallest skyscraper to look down on everything for a few days.

- Feb 9, 2058

The emotional trauma that inflicted my mind was still there and it wasn’t like I would be able to enjoy playing the ps5 any time soon. It didn’t make any sense to me because the bat people were just using me and they were originally dumb wild bats that I found outside. I should be able to enjoy the ps5 without the bat people anymore because I played it for 30 years before meeting them.

I was about to curse Kyro again in my mind before stopping myself. She was dead and I have been fussing over a dead girl for far too long.

After several hours of thinking about what went wrong and why I couldn’t play the ps5 anymore, I finally accepted the bitter truth. The bat people truly loved me and their actions proved it. I was in deep denial all this time. I thought I was a puppet to the bat people because they never wanted me to leave them but…. They probably would have let me do as I wished anyways. They weren’t like the church people or my parents who see me as a useful puppet that does as he's told. So there was such a thing as a pure-hearted person like Kyro instead of the vile sinister people like my parents.

I can probably revive the entire bat people and erased their memories of the genocide but I didn’t want to do such a cowardly thing. For the first time in my life, I thought it was my fault and I didn’t want to blame others anymore. I was originally the person who gave them intelligence that led to this disastrous outcome. Everything was my fault but I cannot bring myself to ever apologize to Kyro or the bat people. I was afraid of accepting fault because it was a sin to make a mistake according to my parents. Only when I realized my parent’s ideology was affecting me that I broke free from their indoctrination.

It’s too late for me to go back to how things used to be. However, if I let things stay like this I would never be able to enjoy the ps5 ever again.

I restored the city of Misbay to its original condition. All of the bat people and Kyro have been revived but they all lost their memories of me. All the statues, artworks, pictures, and other evidence of my existence has been wiped clean. They were the pure-hearted people that truly existed unlike the fakeness of the church people in my town. My bat people deserved to live free.

I betrayed them so I no longer had the right to be with them anymore. Even if they chose to forgive me, I wouldn’t forgive myself.

It was foolish of me to try and exposed Kyro’s love for me as fake. Her love for me was genuine, and perhaps if I were a little bit smarter, I would have liked to spend more time with her. Now that her memories of me were gone, she was free. Free to love someone else truly deserving of her love.