Intelligence Test (19)
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Broly was in the laboratory playing with the yellow robot while the scientists were in the other room. The white room Broly woke up in quickly turned into the only room he spent time in for the last few months he was in the Tsfurians care. The room was simple in structure, it had a bed in one corner, a table in the centre for studying and two bookshelves filled to the brim at the other corners.

They would frequently feed him as they found his appetite was near endless, and perform various tests and training tasks through the yellow robot they had reprogrammed. As more time passed, they re-wired the cleaning robot entirely, catering it specifically to Broly. It now was rather humanoid in appearance, becoming Broly's size at a reasonable 4'9 and was notably skinny.

Initially, the Tuffles feared that having no person to person contact would weigh heavily on Broly but he seemed to react normally to the yellow robot treating it like a real person.

Every now again the robot would play various games with Broly and Broly's favourite game by far was Tag.

"Tag your it!" Broly said as his palm made contact with the Robot.

"Drats! I'm going to get you now!" the Robot chimed playfully, it's voice almost indiscernible from a Tsufurian.

Broly turned tail and ran, the room was  3 metres long, 4 metres wide and 5 metres high and this gave Broly all the manoeuvring room his child body needed.

In a single leap, he jumped over the table and made a sharp turn left, disorienting the robot who quickly followed.

"No fair! You're flying!" Broly whined at the Robot's cheats.

"You can fly too if you used your ki in the way I showed you!" The robot echoed.

"Ehh! Using ki is too hard!"

"Sounds like a you problem!"

"Hey! Bet you can't catch me even with your fancy ki!" Broly said, his childlike eyes firm in his challenge.

"Is that a fact?" The robot said, draining its ki reserves and charging towards Broly.

"Waaaaah!" Broly shouted, barely dodging the robot's acceleration.

"Drats! I missed" the Robot said dramatically.


Broly stuck his tongue out and taunted the Robot.

"I definitely going to catch you now!" the Robot said determinedly.

The Robot and Broly then proceeded to have a spectacular chase around the room, Broly managing to swerve in and out of furniture, juke the Robot in front of him and even wall-ran for a few moments at times.

The scientists behind the one-way mirror whenever work life got too daunting or tiring watched Broly play with the yellow robot and immediately felt their spirits rise.

"The results are in!" Dr Propellor announced grandly, entering the room with a spring in his step.

The scientists who looked after Broly were all seasoned biologists who happened to have an affinity with children and so their job was much more fulfilling now that they were taking care of Broly. The other scientists in the room all stood up from their workstations and crowded round Dr Propellor who held a white envelope in his right hand.

Dr Propellor opened the envelope with a smile on his face, he had grown a deep attachment to Broly and he couldn't wait to announce the news of Broly's excellence to the rest of his team. Broly was a combat prodigy, over the last few months Broly engaged in rigorous training in his limited free time and could already beat level one androids at the age of 4.

They had taught Broly the basics: the alphabet with basic literature, numbers up to a thousand and basic algebra, simple geometry, basic biology, entry-level chemistry and physics and even some Tuza - the Tsufurian coding language all of their robots ran on.

As soon as he saw the results, the smile on his face vanished.

His eyes scanned the sheet of paper, needing less than a second to examine the contents and his skin paled.

Tears welled in his eyes and he resited the urge to cry.

The rest of the scientists were flabbergasted.

"Surely the results can't be that bad?"

"Don't beat yourself up!"

"Even if he did a little worse, it's only been a few months!"

"There's still so much we can-"

Dr Propellor couldn't take it any more and handed the results to the rest of scientists.

The scientists browsed the sheet of paper and despaired.

- Language Knowledge: 37/120

- Mathematic Knowledge: 12/180

- Geometry Knowledge: 9/130

- Science Knowledge: 45/300

- Tuza Knowledge: 0/50

- Average: 13%

"He-He actually scored a zero!"

"Not one but two single-digit results!"

"How is this even possible?"

"Surely there was a miscalculation!"

All the scientists in the room simultaneously resisted the urge to cry. They were all professionals in the field of psychology and some even held themselves to be the pinnacle of Tsufurian teaching and so to get results this dramatically bad was a once-in-a-lifetime slap to the face.

In all Tsufurian education data, the lowest ever recorded result during public examinations for children of Broly's age was 80% even the mentally handicapped scoring 60% so the fact that Broly scored 13% was a tough pill for the scientists to swallow. Although Broly was from another race, he was still in his infancy stage meaning that his brain was still growing and adapting to outside information.

While Paragus, Aspa, Celery and Mushro were all hardened warriors who spent the majority of their life so far fighting the same could not be said for Broly who was 4 years old and had more or less the same time for neurological development as the rest of the Tsufurians.

The word to properly describe the level stupidity the scientists believed Broly possessed hadn't been invented yet. The scientists couldn't help but think that Broly had reached levels of idiocy thought impossible, that he was thoroughly retarded. A deep sense of pity was ingrained of the faces of the scientists who looked at Broly who was being tucked into bed by the yellow robot after he had fallen asleep.

However, the Tsufurians could not be blamed as this was the first time a result of this magnitude was produced in Tsufurian recorded history.

"L-let's assume the worst and chalk up the results to his biology, all this means is that we need to revamp our teaching methods and make the understanding process more intensive!" A scientist said desperately trying to be optimistic.

The scientists in the room all nodded in agreement while they all liked a challenge this was almost bordered hopelessness.

This was going to be a challenge unlike any they had experienced before.