Take Me To Your Leader (20)
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A few months ago

Mushro stirred as he woke up soundlessly.

He jumped to his feet immediately and surveyed his surroundings.

The room was empty and Mushro stood still, trying to hear anything that could indicate movement.

He heard nothing.

Mushro then stepped carefully through the neon blue room, no furniture or objects besides the bed in the room.

Mushro crept down the stairs alertly, his warrior instincts keeping him on guard, his memory was extremely hazy and his senses were a bit fuzzy. His eyes scanned the room again but he saw nobody, he explored the rooms of the house slowly becoming more at ease when he discovered each to be empty.

"Who brought me here?" Mushro thought aloud, the last thing he could remember clearly was crash-landing onto the water and struggling onto the mainland.

He opened his neon blue door from the inside and peered out.

Mushro was speechless.

He saw massive skyscrapers all intertwined by a series of transparent bridges; the floor changing colour under the step of each person looming over huge mansions and condos all joined together by pathways. Above all this, humanoids encased in metallic armour flew left and right leaving streams of colourful ki behind as the weaved in and out of these structures before vanishing into the sky painting it vividly. On the ground level where he was, herds and groups of those same humanoids strolled down the streets happily, occupying the full distance between his house and the one opposite.

Mushro had never seen such advanced structures before, as part of the top force on Planet Vegeta he at least had a surface level understanding of most materials used in Saiyan architecture, especially after the influence of other aliens more adept at infrastructure however he was rendered clueless.

'I have to find their leader'

This was the only consistent thought in Mushro's mind as he walked down the steps in front of his house and leapt over the gate in front which was as tall as him.

Naturally, Mushro still dressed head to toe in traditional Saiyan body armour, stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the Tsufurians who were wearing sleek figure-hugging clothing and had multiple cybernetic augmentations.

"You're a Sayain!" a random bypasser called out to Mushro who was deep in thought.

Mushro was certainly caught off guard by the four-foot adorable gremlin that immediately called out his race.

This only heightened his worries and urgency to consult an authority.

"How do you know who I am?" he asked worriedly.

"Everyone knows who you are!" the Tuffle woman replied cheerily.

An answer but not the answer Mushro was looking for.

"Where does your leader live?" Mushro asked quickly.

"Queen Nana?" the Tuffle responded confusedly.

'Queen?' Mushro thought.

"Yes her...where does Queen Nana live?"

"She lives in Tuffle Queen Castle! That's why it called "Queen" Castle silly!" the Tuffle chuckled happily.

Under Mushro's cold harsh glare she quickly pointed north, her finger landed on a huge crystalline shard that pierced the sky, its rainbow-coloured surface shining brightly in the midst of the sky-scrapers that swarmed it.

Mushro almost slapped himself for not seeing it earlier, it was obviously the type of place royalty would live.

Without saying thank you, Mushro charged towards the castle, encasing his body with ki and flying towards it like a missile, his streamline application of ki piercing through the air.

"Oh my!"

"Look at him go!"

"He doesn't even need a Horizon Suit!"

The Tuffles in the city exclaimed as the saw Mushro weave in and out of structures with his body alone. They couldn't help but marvel at Mushro who was in their eyes performing superhuman feats without the aid of technology.

"Warning! Unidentified Flying Body has been detected! Please land immediately or face the consequences!" a robotic voice erupted.

Mushro didn't bat an eye and continued to barrel towards the castle, uncaring of the loud noises that were produced continuously.

"Disciplinary action will be enforced!" the same voice erupted, the entire city alerted to the event taking place.

A small off-white coloured Hatchiyak soared into the air chasing Mushro, jets off pure white ki blasting out its feet propelling it into the air.

Mushro sensed a strong ki signature approaching him and turned around only to see two ki blasts point-blank about to hit his face.

Pure instinct struck as Mushro slapped one into the other and the resulting explosion knocked him down towards the ground but he picked himself up now flying at ground level.

"Executing hand to hand combat protocol!"

The white Hatchiyak was nowhere near as advanced as the Red Hathiyak and so its self-preservation protocols were nowhere near as advanced. This caused it to take the worse course of action and get closer to Mushro.

Seeing this Mushro intentionally lowered his speed, allowing the Hatchiyak to catch up to him and when he was close enough, he spun swiftly attaching himself to the Hatchiyak's back and blasted ki upwards, momentum forcing him and Hathciyak down to the ground where Mushro then moved forward and brought Hatchiyak's head to the pavement.


A loud scratching sound was emitted as Hatciyak's head defaced miles of pavement, one continuous track in the ground forming as parts of metal peeled off Hatchiyak's fracturing head.

Mushro then let go and fired a single ki blast through his palm as he used the last of his ki to land outside Queen Nana's Castle.


A small explosion sounded out in the background as the ki blast hit the Hatchiyak.


"That was so cool!"

"It was like an action movie!"

The Tsufurians in the background all exclaimed and gossiped as they saw they Saiyan fight first-hand, surveillance droids had already captured and uploaded the complete event to Tuffle Media where a variety of articles and videos were being made regarding the events.

Mushro silently charged his ki, his reserves replenishing partly and stepped into the castle curiously.

He was immediately met with a woman behind a crystalline counter who had a strange machine on the desk. The women had two strange cubes where her ears were supposed to be which had several wires extending out of them.

"I wish to speak with Queen Nana," Mushro said clearly.

"Do you have an appointment?" the receptionist replied not even looking up.

"Will an appointment let me speak with Queen Nana?" Mushro asked.

"Of course!" the receptionist said slightly irritated, continuing to scribble on her notepad.

"Then yes I have an appointment," Mushro said, not quite understanding what the word appointment meant.

"She's on the seventh floor," the receptionist said dryly, not quite believing someone would make up having an appointment with the Queen of the Tuffles.

Mushro wordlessly walked past her, his eyes glancing over the ground floor with fleeting interest.

The Castle seemed to be uniformly made of the same crystalline material, which was stretched and bent to form all manner of shapes, even the smooth floor was made out of it. Furthermore, he sensed faint traces of ki from everywhere. he couldn't lock it in on a particular target, it was like the whole castle gave off a low ki signature.

Beside the elevator were two huge black Hatchiyaks who silently scanned Mushro.

'Saiyan detected! Access Granted' they both thought without saying anything.

Mushro operated the elevator as his mind whirred completely oblivious to the massive hunks of metal that had already scanned him.

'The citizens have treated my amicably so far but the authorities sent that robot after me, the public probably don't have any problems with the Saiyans but the Authorities do, I'll have to adopt a more aggressive approach' Mushro concluded after a few moments of thought.

Mushro stepped out of the elevator and saw a long corridor that connected to multiple pathways which all led to the same door.

He walked towards the door at a brisk pace and opened the door powerfully, knocking it off of its hinges.

"AHHHHHH!" a loud feminine scream came from within.