The Greater of Two Evils (23)
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Like a flash, Lord Beerus and Whis appeared on Freiza's ship, traceless ki dissipating into the environment harmlessly.

Their arrival was met with a plausible number of gasps, who would be bold enough to enter Lord Freiza's personal ship? A number of aliens immediately turned and were further confused when they didn't release who had teleported.

'Who the fuck are these people' they all collectively thought, they were able to deduce these people were reasonably powerful as they managed to teleport but that was the end of their wisdom. They all quietly went back to their former tasks, not wanting to be involved in whatever would occur.

"L-Lord Beerus!" Freiza exclaimed panicking.

"Spare me the greetings, Freiza" Beerus said sourly.

"Yes sir!" Freiza said, quickly bowing his head.

The ears of the workers perked when they heard Freiza address someone as a Lord and their jaws practically hit the floor when they saw Freiza bow his head. If asked beforehand, the workers would have confidently bet the lives of their entire species on Freiza not bowing for anyone yet here it happened. The event was like a table growing a mouth and talking, strange and unsettling.

"I have a job for you Freiza, so you don't need to act quite so scared," Beerus said moderately amused that the Prince of arrogance was suddenly showing humility before him.

Freiza leaned back in his pod, still as apprehensive as before but trying to appear relaxed, his face was stiff and his eyes were narrowed, struggling to think of any line he had crossed that would set off Lord Beerus.

Freiza remained silent waiting for Beerus to finish his sentence, who had stopped to gauge Freiza's reaction.

"I need you to destroy Planet Vegeta," Beerus said plainly.

The workers in the ship, obviously eavesdropping on them all gasped when they heard this.

'Freiza was going to destroy that Planet anyway!'

Freiza physically recoiled, caught off guard by the request, as he planned to do it initially and something about being told by a higher power put him off destroying the planet.

"Better yet, don't destroy the Planet immediately!" Beerus said, conviction growing in his voice.

The emotion from his words disturbed Freiza who was still confused at what his toys had done to earn the ire of a God of Destruction.

"Let them simmer for a bit then destroy their planet," Beerus said a wicked smile forming on his face.

Freiza was once again thrown for a loop as Beerus' wishes fell more and more in line with his initial plans however he didn't dare to show this.

"Yes Lord Beerus!" Freiza said concisely and looked back at Beerus as if to say "what more do you want."

"Whis, what's next on the agenda?" Beerus said, bringing his hand to cover his yawning mouth.

"Naptime, you have 39 years of sleeping planned," Whis said peering into his staff and narrating his ordained schedule.

"Only 39?" Beerus whined.

"You have a meeting with your brother planned after, you know how important meetings between Gods Of Destruction are," Whis said keeping his composure.

'God Of Destruction! What kind of scary title is that?'

"Ah-We should get going!" Whis said, taking note of the scared faces he saw when they heard Beerus' role. He tapped the floor of the spaceship once and traceless ki began to surround them, the tip of his staff flashing blue.

"Oh and Freiza?" Beerus said, his face turning serious, a sliver of his ki escaping his body.




The internal pressure inside the ship increased fourfold, terrifying the workers who stared at the windows that were on the verge of collapse.

"Don't let me catch you doing my job again," Beerus said, his soft tone in sharp contrast with the fearsome image he was portraying.

As quickly as they arrived, Beerus and Whis vanished, all pressure and trace of the presence disappearing also.

Freiza let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding, he was sweating bullets and even when he closed his eyes he could still see Beerus' glare.

He was visibly shaken up.

The workers in the ship were beyond dumbfounded.

'What kind of horrible existence can make Freiza tremble so severely?' they thought, wondering who the man with the staff and the cat-like humanoid could be.

Freiza didn't even have the strength to yell at his crew members, he just climbed out of his pod and entered his own personal stasis chamber, drifting to sleep.

An unusual silence descended among the workers on Freiza's ship.

Collective life or death scenarios by Freiza's hand, knitted a brother-like bond between them all. If they hated each other on top of Freiza's abuse, life would just be too unbearable.

"I think we got off lightly," one announced, sighing a breath of relief.

"Definitely, did you see how quiet Freiza was?"

"I didn't even know he could be so quiet! The bastard!" one cursed.

While Freiza was sleeping in the stasis chamber, it was also common practice to curse and slander him behind his back.

"If only I could be so powerful..,." another lamented.

"Keep your chin up, young man! It's because of people like you and me the Planets turn round, not lazy gods that sleep forever!" an older worked exclaimed.

"Still wouldn't it be nice to take a break whenever you want!" the young alien complained.

"Keep your dreams in check! They could get you killed," the older responded, providing tough love.

In this type of unhealthy work environment, it was only a matter of time until something went wrong.

"Incoming transmission! It appears Dodoria and Zarbon have finished their missions and are requesting permission to board!" the pilot narrated.

"Eh! The meat pie and the pretty boy?" an alien said with tangible disgust.

The rest snickered at his comment but continued to do their work diligently, they knew better than to neglect their duties.

"Permission Granted! Dodoria and Zarbon will be boarding shortly," the pilot announced once again, signalling for any work banter to end.

"Haaaaaaaa...back to the grind," the young alien said wearily.