1 – Discovering the Room
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“And that’s that!” the kindly office manager smiled, “Welcome to Misty Breeze Apartments.”

“Thanks, Leon” I replied, his enthusiasm inspiring a smile of my own.

I came to this apartment complex at the recommendation of my best friend, Andy, but it was this kind middle aged man who convinced me to stay and sign a lease. Leon eagerly answered all of my questions and made sure I got the best deal possible when it came time to sign. He even went as far as to let me sign for a two bedroom apartment at the price of a one bedroom - simply because there were no other rooms available! How could I say no?

Leon handed me the key. Seeing our hands next to each other greatly highlighted the age gap between us. “I’ve already sent the moving truck around to your building. I hope you enjoy your time here.”

“Me too,” I agreed, “thanks again.”

Leon saw me off with another of his smiles and I headed off. I called Andy over and we spent the next few hours getting everything inside the apartment and unpacked at least a little bit. Satisfied for now, we lounged on a couple of folding chairs we brought over.

“Man, I can’t believe you managed to get a room here. People grab ‘em fast,” he said, still catching his breath a little. Like me, he wasn’t exactly the strongest person in the world. He could hold his own, though, and what few muscles he did have were showing themselves pretty well in his steady breathing. He really was a good looking guy. I looked away for a moment before he could catch me staring.

“Leon said that the girl who lived here was on her way out when I applied. Just a bit of good timing, I guess.”

Andy’s left eyebrow raised, highlighting his blue eyes. “She was in a rush? I hope nothing got left behind.”

“Haven’t found anything so far. I don’t think I’ve checked the second bedroom yet, though.”

Andy laughed. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

I shrugged. “I guess we’re taking a break anyway,” I said, standing up. I made my way into the hallway with Andy on my heels and opened the one door we had yet to touch.

The sight before us left us speechless for a moment. We stood in what was unmistakably a fully furnished room. A girl’s room, if the vanity in the corner was any indication.

“Dean… this is a little more than just ‘left something behind’,” Andy whispered, finally breaking the silence.

“Yeah,” I couldn’t help but agree, “it’s like she never left.”

“Maybe she just left the furniture here?” Andy guessed.

“Nah. There’s still makeup on the vanity,” I observed.

“Maybe we should tally up what’s around and report it to Leon.”

“Probably the best we can do for now,” I said, finally walking inside. Andy and I started checking around, finding to our great surprise that nothing seemed to be obviously missing. The drawers and wardrobe were filled with a variety of women’s clothing and there was even a fully stocked bathroom attached to the room. Once we were satisfied with our sleuthing, I sat on the bed.

“Oh, man. This is a good bed,” I grinned, feeling myself sink into the sheets.

Andy just leaned against the wall. “Nap time?”

“Not yet,” I said, sitting up. A question came unbidden to my mind. “Say… what kind of girls are you into nowadays?”

Andy chuckled. “Nowadays? It’s not like my preferences have changed much. What brings this up, anyway?”

“I dunno. Maybe sitting on a girl’s bed inspired me.”

“Ha. Sure. Well, as I said, they haven’t really changed. I still like feminine girls. Not weak, mind you, but girls who are happy and confident in their femininity. Someone affectionate, but who knows that a few kisses and cuddles don’t always need to lead to anything more.”

He left out the obvious stuff, like having enough interests overlap and other things like that. The basic ideas that create a friend in the first place. I always found it neat that what Andy wanted most out of a girl was simply someone who was fun to be with, no matter where they were. Our current relationship, essentially, with one big difference. Looks didn’t factor into his eye very much. Still, that didn’t mean he didn’t have a preference, and my curiosity continued to flare.

“And what does this girl look like?” I asked.

“Geez. Inspired by a girl’s bed, indeed. I prefer… a balanced package, I guess? I like it when no one feature dominates her appearance. I like long hair, with a bit of a wave to it, and I’ve always been fond of green eyes.”

Listening to him describe his ideal girl, an image rose into my mind. It was of a girl - one so obviously feminine that nobody would ever question the fact. She wore a white dress that ended two or three inches above her knees. Below the hem, slender and shapely legs were enhanced by heels that rose about three inches. The dress clung to her torso just enough to reveal a slim waist and breasts that were generous without defining her. Soft, wavy brown hair cascaded down her round shoulders, perfectly framing a gentle face enhanced by striking green eyes. As I stared at this mysterious girl, she smiled… and disappeared.

“ey… hey Dean, you listening?” Andy poked my shoulder.

“...Huh?” I shook my head. That image must have been quite vivid for me to lose myself like that. A gentle warmth flowed through my body.

“Man, you really zoned out,” Andy said.

“You described that girl so well I think I saw her,” I tried to laugh and recover from my embarrassment.

“Really? I don’t think I did that well…”

“You did great,” I assured him. I felt one last bit of curiosity come to me, “say, what’s your favorite name on a girl?”

“Oh? That’s easy. It’s Rebecca,” he said, smiling a little at the sound of the name. As he said it, a sharp tingle passed through my body, disappearing just as I took real notice of it. I shook my head again to clear it and hopped off the bed.

“I think it’s time to get back to work,” I chimed, leading the way out of the room.

Andy seemed relieved to be free of my interrogation, and we probably both shared some confusion about why I did it in the first place. Still, it caused no harm, so the questions went unanswered as we finished unpacking enough stuff for me to rest easy for a couple of days.

“I. Am. Pooped,” Andy sighed, slumping down in one of my chairs.

“You’re telling me,” I sighed.

“Still, it’s not bad for one day’s work,” he nodded, admiring our handiwork.

“Only a couple more days of this and it might be a home,” I grinned.

“Oh, come on. You expect me to jump up and do this again tomorrow?” Andy sighed playfully.

“Awww, and I thought we were friends,” I pouted.

“I’m pretty sure slavery isn’t in the job description. But, seriously. Call me up anytime you need some help, but let’s not do it tomorrow. I might die.”

“Me too,” I sighed.

Andy stood up and put his hand on my shoulder. “Heh. Anyways, I’ll head back home for the night. Enjoy your first night as an apartment renter, man.”

“Yeah. See you,” I waved him off. Once the door closed behind him, I found myself alone in this new apartment. With little else to do at the moment, I whipped together a quick dinner, relaxed in the shower, and got ready for bed. We blew up an air mattress in the room that wasn’t occupied, but my thoughts kept drifting to the bed in the girl’s room. Aside from being one of the most comfortable beds I’d ever had the honor of lying on, it was a bed. Why in the world would I choose an air mattress over it? Not even the bed’s original owner would blame me. 

With that decided, I put on some comfy pajama bottoms with a light shirt and let my long hair out of the ponytail I usually kept it in. I’d always liked having long hair. I just... liked the way I looked with it. With a smile I climbed under the sheets, letting the soft mattress, silken sheets, and a faint pleasant scent lull me into an easy sleep.

I see a girl walking across one of the courtyards in the apartment complex. She looks familiar, and it takes me a moment to realize that it’s the same girl I saw when I was talking to Andy earlier. I guess he did put a name to her, didn’t he? So... I see Rebecca walking across the courtyard in that white dress. She’s moving with a slight bounce in her step, leading the dress to teasingly reveal tiny bits of leg above where the hem would ordinarily rest.

It feels like I’m a floating camera, watching her walk from a distance. I hear the click of her heels as they step on the concrete, but I can’t say I feel anything. No breeze, no sun, no nothing. My camera self follows Rebecca as she approaches another building. I recognize it as the one where Andy lives, although I don’t quite remember the exact room for some reason. She presses one of the buttons at the entrance and someone buzzes her in.

With a practiced route, she approaches one door in particular and gently knocks. During the short wait, she positions her hands behind her back and leans forward ever so slightly. The posture probably emphasizes her breasts, but I can’t tell because I’m behind her. After a few moments, the door opens…

...to reveal Andy.

I woke up, marveling at the strange dream. It certainly startled me, but I couldn’t exactly call it scary. Maybe it was a cross between a dream and a nightmare? Regardless, I’m feeling more awake than I expected given the situation, and a glance at the clock showed that I climbed into the bed nearly ten hours ago. With a small stretch I slid out of bed and, forgetting what room I was in for a moment, opened the wardrobe… only to immediately feel much more alert.

The clothes had changed. Before, they contained a nice mix of clothes, but now it consisted almost entirely of skirts and dresses. As if the owner of the room was unashamedly feminine. Yet not even that proved to be the freakiest thing about this sudden change. No, the big winner hung on a simple hanger tucked into one of the corners.

A simple hanger carrying a very familiar white dress.

I stood there in disbelief for a moment. I wanted to tell myself that I simply missed seeing the dress the first time around - why would I be imagining a girl in a dress I’ve never seen, after all - but I couldn’t deny that the rest of the clothes were absolutely different. Geez, this was weird. I didn’t want to get too worked up about it, though; I was one talk with Leon away from getting the previous tenant to come back and take her stuff. With that on my mind, I figured I might as well get it out of the way. I went back to my real room, put on some clothes, and stepped out.

Just as I expected, Leon was already in the office and far more chipper than anyone his age ought to be first thing in the morning.

“Dean! Come on in! What brings you back to me so early in your tenancy?” he asked.

I walked into his little office and sat down. “I’m just a bit concerned about my apartment. One of the bedrooms still has all of the stuff inside.”

Leon nodded knowingly. “Oh, yes. That’s been a common issue with your apartment. All of the women who’ve lived there left that room as-is.”

“Only women have lived in that apartment?” I asked, the image of Rebecca flashing in my mind for a moment.

“Yes, indeed. You are the first man to sign a lease for it. As for that bedroom, feel free to do whatever you wish with it. Although I always make sure to contact previous tenants, nobody has ever returned to reclaim the belongings. I see no reason that the pattern would change.”

“Ooookay…” I sighed. Apparently the mystery room was here to stay.

“I’m sorry I can’t be of more help. If the room is particularly bothering you, I can arrange a crew to clean it out,” Leon offered.

“No, I don’t think that’ll be necessary,” I told him. After hearing this new info, I wanted to keep investigating the mystery of that room for at least a little while longer, “there’s still another bedroom, after all.”

“Indeed there is. On the upside, you’ve got a room all ready for you to invite a lovely lady,” he said with a wink.

I laughed, “I guess I do. Thanks for the info, Leon.”

“Not a problem. Enjoy your day!”

I left the office after exchanging a friendly handshake with the kindly man. Walking across the courtyards to get back to my apartment reminded me of my dream. Well, except that I was heading for my apartment instead of Andy’s.

When I got back home, I headed straight for the room. Opening the wardrobe revealed the same clothes I saw this morning. I took a picture with my phone just in case. I tried looking in the drawers, too, and the contents seemed to be the opposite of the wardrobe. There were lots of pants and t-shirts in them, although they were obviously of a feminine cut. There wasn’t a bra to be found in the lot, though. I’d have to ask Andy if he saw any; he got a better look during our initial foray. The vanity contained what appeared to be the same makeup as before and the bathroom didn’t look any different.

As I tried to ponder why the clothes seemed to be changing, my phone rang. I picked it up.

“Hey Andy,” I greeted my friend.

“Yo! How’s the apartment going? Leon have anything to say?” he asked.

“Leon said that all the girls who lived here before left the room behind, so I can do whatever I want with it since nobody will come back to claim it,” I explained.

“Well, what are you going to do with it then?”

“Probably just leave it alone for now. If anything, that bed’s definitely worth keeping around.”

“Man, why did we even blow up that mattress when we both knew you wouldn’t use it?”

“Asking the real questions,” I grinned.

“Someone’s gotta. Anyway, done anything for breakfast yet?”

“Nah. I was snooping around in the room again,” I admitted.

“Oh? Find anything good?”

“How ‘bout I tell you over breakfast? I can come by and whip something up,” I offered.

“Sounds great. Man, you’re gonna spoil me now that we’re within walking distance of each other,” Andy laughed.

“You could always learn to cook for yourself,” I teased.

“And miss out on your expertise? Naaaah,” he chirped. I could hear the grin in his voice.

“Okay, you. I’ll be right over,” I said, hanging up.

Walking over to Andy’s building, similarities to my dream definitely didn’t escape me. Remembering the bounce in Rebecca’s step and the feminine posture she took just before seeing Andy… she definitely seemed happy. Happy to see Andy, specifically. I wondered if sleeping in that bed again would trigger the same dream. Maybe it held some sort of clue about the strange things happening in the room.

But, enough of that. For now, all I needed to worry about was a fun time with Andy. I pressed the button for his apartment at the building entrance and he buzzed me in. A few minutes later, we were chewing the fat while I prepared some eggs and bacon.

“Do you remember what was in that dresser when we opened it?” I tossed the question at him.

“Eh, it seemed pretty normal to me. Bras, panties, shirts, shorts, pants. About what I’d expect to find in a girl’s dresser. Is something going on with it?” he replied.

I thought for a moment, and ultimately decided that I shouldn’t cause him worry by throwing around baseless theories. I’d give him the details once I became more certain of them. “Nah, I just wanted to make sure.”

“Yeah, that room kind of creeps me out too. But look at you, sleeping in there on the first night!” Andy guffawed.

“The allure of a soft bed is just too strong,” I winked, even though it wouldn’t be my only reason for sleeping there a second night.

“More like the allure of the girls who used to sleep there,” Andy shot back with a wink of his own. 

“Sounds like you’d like to sleep there,” I kept teasing.

“I’m perfectly fine with my own bed, thank you,” he shook his head.

“Your loss,” I laughed. Around that time, I finished up with my cooking and prepared a couple of plates for us. Even though this was far from the first time I had cooked for him, the whole experience left me feeling oddly domestic. Would Rebecca want to do this for him too? A scene flashed through my mind for a moment of her handing a plate to Andy with a gleaming smile.

“Man, how do you always do eggs so perfectly?” Andy gushed, interrupting my brief reverie.

“Practice practice practice,” I said, his praise bringing a smile out of me.

“Like that’s ever worked for me,” Andy scoffed, “I manage to burn the unburnable.”

I shook my head, holding my smile. “So I’ve heard.”

“Yeah, yeah. So, what’s the plan for the day?” he asked.

I shrugged. “I dunno. I’ve been ordered not to unpack today, so I’ve got nothing.”

“Ah, so it’s my fault as usual?”

“What can I say? If there’s evil in the world… it’s probably your fault,” I smirked.

“Alright, that’s it!” Andy stood up, still smiling. I knew exactly what that tone meant, but I couldn’t get away in time. He wrapped his arms around me and started tickling.

“Hey! Hey! Uncle! Aunt! Flying Spaghetti Monster!” I cried in laughter, accepting my punishment with the utmost grace.

By the time he finally showed mercy, it took quite a bit of effort to get back up. I may have been guilty of using him as a handhold to pull me up.

“Maybe I should have eased back a little,” he chuckled once I got all the way up.

“I’m still sore, you monster,” I laughed with him, continuing to use his arm for support.

He rubbed the top of my head, earning another playful frown. “How about we do some relaxing, then. We’ve still got that show to burn through,” he suggested.

“Sounds perfect,” I grinned, letting go and plopping myself on his couch for a fun afternoon of lazing about.

By the time I got back home, sleep was definitely at the front of my mind. Thankfully, we’d already eaten dinner, so I just did my standard rituals and climbed into bed.

“Did I ever tell you that you spoil me?”

“I’m only too happy to.”

The scene fades into view, revealing Andy and Rebecca talking over empty dinner plates. They’re clearly in Andy’s apartment, and I seem to be an outside observer just like last time. She’s wearing shorts and a tank top, the ensemble evoking a sense of casual comfort. It’s almost like she lives here. Andy stands up while she moves to put the plates in the sink. When she turns around, he’s leaning against the table.

“When were you planning on heading back?” he asks. Apparently she doesn’t live here after all. 

“Depends on what you wanted to do tonight,” she replies with a playful smirk.

“I can think of a few things,” he smirks back.

“Liiike?” she queries. He doesn’t answer for a few moments and she continues, “I could always teach you how to cook…”

“I’m pretty sure I nearly burned my eyebrows off last time,” Andy exclaims.

“I bet you could pull off that look,” Rebecca giggles.

“Is that so?” Andy raises one of those eyebrows.

“It’s befitting of a vicious cuddle monster!” Rebecca beams, pantomiming a mock roar.

“Okay, you!” Andy laughs, effortly scooping Rebecca up by her waist, “I’ll show you a cuddle monster!”

He proceeds to tickle Rebecca mostly into submission as she cutely squeals for all manner of deities and family members. Once he’s satisfied with his job, she’s left clutching to his arm for support.

“I don’t see… how that was a cuddle…” she huffs, pulling herself up straighter.

“Sometimes, it’s all about the destination,” he winks.

He leans his face toward Rebecca’s rising visage, preparing to meet in the middle for a…

When my eyes fluttered open, I once again felt surprisingly well rested. It was nice to know that the dreams didn’t seem to be hurting that at all. My mind mused over it as I threw on some clothes and started making breakfast. It showed Andy and Rebecca teasing each other, ending in a tickle not unlike what I experienced at his hands last night. Clearly, Rebecca and the room seemed to be linked somehow… but where did I fit in? The dream showing me that sort of interaction right after experiencing it myself felt deliberate somehow.

Of course, not even a balanced breakfast could answer the biggest question of all: Why did Rebecca seem like a real person? How could a girl who didn’t even exist until Andy described her exist so vividly among us?

...And why haven’t I ever been in the same room as her?

Finishing my breakfast, I stood up to look at a few unpacked boxes. I may be gainfully unemployed, but Andy wasn’t. Unpacking some more boxes seemed as good a way as any to kill some time. I sent him a text asking for his help after work and got cracking. While my muscles still didn’t like me due to Saturday’s activities, the only real irritant I experienced was a new tendency for my pants to slip down a little. Lucky me, choosing the one pair that didn’t quite fit. Andy came by right on schedule and all but relieved me of duty. Apparently, I looked as tired as I felt. I got back up after a little bit to keep at it but after my afternoon’s work and Andy’s day job, we were fated to stop soon.

“Whew!” Andy exclaimed once we finally started relaxing for the day, “Almost there!”

“At least the boxes are gone. Now it’s time to organize,” I said.

“That’s all you, man,” he smiled.

“Come on. Imagine the memories we’ll find while sifting through the movies and games,” I smiled at the nostalgia.

“I can’t believe you managed to take so many with you.”

“They were going to rot at home otherwise,” I shrugged.

“Got a point there,” he conceded, then looked at me a little closer, “you look like you’re about to keel over.”

“I could probably sleep for days,” I laughed.

“I could too, but I unfortunately have a job,” he sighed.

I shook my head, “I’ll be back on the market soon enough. Let me enjoy this, will ya?”

“Just as long as you’re squared away before your savings disappear,” Andy said.

“I’ve got that well under control,” I assured him. I’d easily last a few months.

“Just remember, I’m always around if you need a hand,” Andy smiled at me. 

I jumped up and hugged him. “Thanks. That means a lot.”

“Always. Now, get that butt into the shower and go to sleep. Preferably in that order.”

“Yes, sir!” I gave him a mock salute. “I’ll see ya tomorrow.”

“Likewise,” he gave another wave and left. As per his suggestion, I showered and ate a small dinner before heading to the room. I noticed that a pair of baby blue pajamas were hanging on the wardrobe door, but I was too tired to really think on them. Sleep called.

I see Rebecca walking through the courtyard again in her white dress. My view seems to be a little closer to her this time, but there are no other changes from the first dream until Andy opens his door. This time, the dream continues long enough for him to speak.

“Is that y--”

Rebecca silences him by gently placing a finger on his lips. “It’s me,” she says, the words filled with purpose.


As I wake up the next morning, I can’t help but feel a little jipped. That dream barely had anything to work with! I sat up and stretched my arms, noticing that my shirt moved around on my torso a little more than usual. Was it always this big? I wanted to ignore it, but my pants tried to fall off again when I stood up. They fit just fine last night. With a sigh, I went back to my room and tried on a few more pairs of pants. They were all slightly too large. 

That couldn’t be right… could it? Clothes don’t just grow, and the alternative didn’t seem any more plausible. With a huff, I tightened the drawstring on my pajamas and padded off to make breakfast. It was far too early in the morning to worry about these things, and I had some organizing to do.

That, of course, came back to bite me when Andy saw me.

His first observation was innocent enough. “You’re looking pretty chipper today. You seem… more vibrant somehow.”

The complement gave me a smile, “Thanks. Guess that bed’s doing its job.”

“Guess so, and say… did you do something with your hair? It seems a bit different,” he said next. That’s where things started to fall apart.

“Different? Different how? It’s in the same ponytail as always,” I said.

“I dunno. I feel like the color’s deeper or something,” he shrugged.

“Okay…” was all I could reply with. The topic faded away, but my curiosity didn’t. The moment Andy went home for the night, I ran to a mirror.

My hair had definitely changed. What was once a lighter shade of brown now stood one step closer to a deeper, darker hue. But that wasn’t all. A tiny wave ran across the ordinarily straight locks, and my eyes… they were definitely lighter.

I stepped backward, noticing for the first time that my pants were not only too wide around the waist… but also about an inch too long. There were now too many oddities to ignore, and as unbelievable as it sounded… I couldn’t deny my own eyes. I’d finally figured out the link between that room and Rebecca.

We accidentally created Rebecca the day I moved in… and now I was becoming her.

Seeking more proof, I went to the room. Perhaps it’d be more accurate to call it Rebecca’s room for now. The dresser contained the same clothes as last time, but a few experiments with holding them up against my frame showed that they matched my current size. Since I was clearly smaller than the last time I looked, it seemed evident that these clothes were adjusting to fit me. The clothes in the wardrobe, however, showed no such quirk. They seemed to be for her, and her alone.

Part of me wanted to go talk to Leon again and see if he knew anything, but I hesitated. I could barely believe what seemed to be happening and I was experiencing it. How could I expect anyone else to? I’d need to bring proof, and the only way to do that would be to let the transformation continue until nobody could deny the changes.

And Andy! He probably didn’t even realize what he’s accidentally become a part of. That I was becoming the girl - no, the person - he most wanted to be with. The thought that those dreams could come true… that Rebecca would come to replace me entirely… 

Dread gripped my heart in a vice, but I couldn’t just sit here. I needed to figure out how this worked. It definitely started the first time we visited her room, but I doubted anything truly began until the first time I slept in her bed. If that meant what I thought it meant, then all I needed to do was avoid the room. Don’t sleep there, don’t use anything inside, and don’t wear any of the clothes. That would hopefully halt the changes, if not reverse them entirely. The thought of abandoning such a nice bed hurt, though. A new mattress for my room would definitely be necessary.

I went about the rest of the evening in a bit of a daze, but I did make sure to sleep in my bed this time.

Two things became clear to me the next morning. One, I really needed a real bed. Two, I didn’t dream of Rebecca. Things were already starting to fall into my favor. I got myself into the bathroom to witness the ultimate truth: my hair was back to normal and my eyes weren’t as light anymore. The changes were reversing!

That alone did a lot to calm me down. The change wasn’t permanent, although I presumed it would be if I went all the way. Knowing that there was a way back - that I had a choice - singlehandedly transformed that room into an opportunity instead of something to fear. Besides, there were still more questions about Rebecca to answer and only one way to answer them.

I went back to Rebecca’s room and looked inside. Those pajamas were still hanging conspicuously on the wardrobe door. I wondered if anything would happen if I wore them to bed. Would wearing clothes from the room affect the transformation or the dreams? It wouldn’t be long before further transformation rendered my clothes practically unwearable, so it’d be best to figure that out sooner rather than later. I figured I could start by wearing the pajamas to bed, but I had a whole day between now and then.

A whole day… with no plans. Weekdays sure were lonely without a job. Part of me wanted to walk around and see if I could run into any other residents, but I’d end up having to introduce myself again if I ended up changing enough to be unrecognizable as “Dean”. Job hunting would run into the same issue. I couldn’t very well sign up as Dean and show up to an interview as Rebecca. For the sake of convenience, I’d need to completely solve this conundrum before branching out too much. I’d need to go deep in order to really figure this out; too deep to reverse enough of the transformation on a day or two’s notice.

I shook my head at the absurdity of the situation. Trying to plan things around magic, of all things. I hadn’t even brought Andy into the picture, either. He noticed that I looked different last night, so he’d undoubtedly catch on instantly when I go farther.

With the possibilities of my future still on my mind, I headed over to Andy’s place some hours later to make some dinner and watch some TV together. He didn’t comment on how my appearance seemed to have reverted from yesterday, which I was glad for. I didn’t want that talk to happen so soon. Instead, the atmosphere around us seemed perfectly normal. Absorbed into the show, I barely noticed when I rested my head against his shoulder and started to nod off… until a gentle shaking woke me up.

“Uh… huh?” I stammered, looking around.

“You dozed off again,” he chuckled. 

“Sorry,” I told him.

“Hey, no problem. But you should probably head back if you’re so sleepy. I’m sure a pillow’s tons more comfortable than my shoulder,” he said.

“I don’t think you give your shoulder enough credit,” I chuckled along with him. “But yeah, it’s about that time,” I finished with a yawn.

“Need me to walk ya over?”

“I think I’m good. I’m not going to fall asleep on the way back.”

“I hope not. Sleep well,” he said, lightly grabbing my shoulder.

“You too,” I smiled, heading out.

Soon, I stood just inside Rebecca’s room. The moment of truth. Could I really go through with this? Should I? Would I… lose myself if I went to far…?

I steeled my resolve. That I managed to sleep in the other room without trouble seemed proof enough that Rebecca’s room didn’t seem to be controlling me somehow. This would only go as far as I wanted it to, so I put on those baby blue pajamas and started getting ready for bed. The pajamas were a perfect fit and the cotton material felt surprisingly nice against my skin. If all the clothes in the room were this nice, I could definitely get used to it. I drifted into slumber, wondering what I would dream about next.

A scene of Andy and Rebecca sitting at the TV fades into view. They’re watching the same show we were watching earlier that evening. And, in a similar way to myself, Rebecca starts to nod off on his shoulder. Andy wraps his arm around her own shoulder, encouraging their closeness. I feel slightly irritated at the sight of this, but the sight of Rebecca’s gentle breathing calms me down. 

About an hour into her impromptu nap, Andy starts to gently shake her. He evidently intended to wake her up, but the sleeping girl doesn’t budge. With a knowing sigh, he gently lays her down on the couch and leaves for a moment to grab a pillow and blanket for her. He tucks her in, and I feel a hot sensation against my cheek as he kisses it good night.

I woke up feeling like I definitely had more clues… yet absolutely no idea how to interpret them. I’d now seen an event similar to what I’d recently experienced twice at this point. It couldn’t be a coincidence. A bit of the jealousy I felt in the dream seemed to carry over into the waking world, leaving me in a sour mood. Being that close to Andy seemed incredible… but I’d never reach that point. Only Rebecca could. Thinking on it more only made it sound more absurd… being jealous of a dream.

I brushed some hair out of my eyes, noting that it carried a stronger wave than two days ago. Wearing these pajamas sped it up, indeed. It didn’t seem to be much longer, though. I guess it was a close match to Rebecca’s to begin with. My eyes had also drifted very close to hazel, and I figured I’d probably lost two, maybe three inches so far. Andy was about three inches taller than me to begin with and the dreams showed Rebecca as standing about half a foot shorter than that, so I probably didn’t have much more height to lose. I might even be done already.

Of course, since I was losing size everywhere instead of just height, all of my clothes were starting to feel like tents anyway. I had to find my smallest shirt, roll up some pant cuffs, and wear my tightest belt to look even remotely presentable. Even if Andy managed to miss the increasingly obvious waves in my ponytail, he wouldn’t miss how odd my clothes were… let alone our new height difference. With a ragged sigh, I turned my attention toward the dresser in Rebecca’s room. Thankfully, the contents were still exclusively pants and shirts. They were feminine, but not obviously so. They’d let me look mostly like myself without looking like a kid trying to wear his parent’s clothes. It would at least curb some of the questions.

Still, it was only a matter of time before I’d have to come clean to Andy. I managed to avoid feminine underwear for today, but wearing these clothes now would probably push things far enough that I’d be forced to as early as tomorrow. I doubted I’d be anywhere close to a conclusion before then. I mentally shrugged. No point in worrying about it too much.

I left the room in fairly high spirits. I was well rested and happily enjoying the feeling of perfectly fitting clothes. All in all, I felt as vibrant as Andy once claimed I looked. I finished organizing the majority of my stuff to whittle away the afternoon hours, heading off to go see Andy once he got off work. 

When he saw me, he raised his eyebrow in that classic way… and then greeted me just like normal. Which meant he noticed. A flush of happiness flew through me as his willingness to let me bring the topic up myself reminded me just how great of a friend he was. I cooked his dinner with extra pride and we sat down for a completely normal evening.

I slept well that night.