#2 Origins
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                It was during my first year of high school that I came to know of Andrew, and developed feelings for him. Whenever the school’s basketball team held a practice session, I would be among those spectating. I would try to not to make it too obvious, as male spectators aren’t a common sight to say the least.

                One boy in particular caught my eye. A boy of roughly 5 inches above my height with a build on the leaner side and wavy, earthy-brown hair. I assumed from his face that he was also Asian, which was probably also the reason why I was only infatuated by him as opposed to any of the other guys. I came to know him as Andrew Lu Xian after coming across an excerpt on the basketball team in the school magazine. I was able to see his features more clearly in the picture there; his gazy eyes sported thin, sparse eyelashes which gave him a boyish appeal. I bought an issue, cut out Andrew’s picture and kept it, tossing aside the rest of the magazine.

                On the occasions that  I would lay dazing into the cutout, I would fantasize us being a couple. We’d pretend to be close friends at school, but outside of that we wouldn’t hold back. We would watch movies or go to the amusement park. When we had lunch together, I’d pick off bits of rice stuck on his cheek while he apologizes for being clumsy. Then, come the time to part he would kiss me goodbye on the cheek…

                It never occurred to me for a single moment that I would ever be acquainted with him, though. Enter the first day of my sophomore year, I stood in front of the information board, scanning the class list for my name. Miles Lee popped up in class 2-5’s registry, as did a familiar name, Erina Nakamura .

I’m not stuck with a bunch of strangers, that’s good.’ I remarked. Erina was my classmate and close friend from the previous year, so it was a relief knowing I’d be with her another year. ‘Who else do I know?

Hold on…’ On the top of the list was a name I hadn’t the slightest expectation of ever seeing.

‘Oh! So I’m in 2-5!’ Said a male voice behind me. Height just shy of 6 foot, brown hair with wavy locks, and eyes with sparse eyelashes. Andrew.

‘W-we’re in the same class, it seems.’ I greeted sheepishly. ‘Oh, are we? I’m Andrew!’ He greeted back.

‘I’m Miles…’ I replied. ‘This year’s gonna be unbearable.’ I thought.

                I soon found him to be a rather enterprising individual. A go-getter, if one feels so inclined. He immediately applied for the post of class rep, to which everyone agreed unanimously. I guessed I wasn’t the only one who found him charismatic.