Chapter 1: The Apocalyptic Ending for a New Greater Beginning, Part 1 & Part 2
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Sorry guys that it took longer to release the next chapter. I'm kinda facing a writer block during the week. And I also sometimes doesn't got the mood to write. Anyway, here's the new chapter.

To read a chapter ahead, follow my patreon too.

Have fun reading. Do leave some comment.

For the record, the frequency of my release is random.

Part 1

It’s the year of 2288 AD. The entire World can best be described as magical, full of wonders and surprises.

            The World consists of countless different realms around it, separated by four major different planets and each has its functionalities and purposes. The four major planets are connected by massive sturdy space bridges. These four planets form one World.

            The World is named CTMH, an acronym for “Cthulhu Mythos (C), Terraform (T), Mythology (M) and Human (H)”. The four major planets are ‘Cthulhu Mythos World, Mythological World, Human World and lastly The Terraform World’ also known as The Centre World. The four planets is a world of fantasy. In another word, this world is magical. All of this was created by a God widely known as ‘The Almighty One’. The God has numerous names such as ‘The All-Wise One’, ‘The One Who is Beyond Life and Death’, ‘The First and The Last’, ‘The One Who Never Sleep or Unconscious’, ‘The One Who Decide Everything’, ‘The One Who Set the Thread of Fate and Destiny of Creations’, ‘The All-Forgiving One’, ‘The One Who Sit on the Highest Throne, ‘The All-Seeing One’, ‘The All-Knowing One’, ‘The All-Creator’, and many more. But the most prominent of them all is ‘The Almighty One’.

            If one could describe in detail The Almighty One creation of this World and its system, one could say it is almost like reality has already mixed with a dream and one could say it’s like a game world. However, this world is a reality and its system has already been put in place by The Almighty One to allow his creations to thrive.

            Like all games, it has its limitation so thus this world has it too. Just like in a game, The Almighty One has set the maximum level cap of one-hundred for every single ‘Rulers’ (if in a game is similar to players) in every single world. This law is also applied to ‘Residents’ (if in a game is similar to NPCs-Non Player Characters). ‘Rulers’ and ‘Residents’ are some of the creations of The Almighty One while some ‘Residents’ are the creation of the ‘Rulers’. However, there are thirty-six beings and some others that are not bound by this law at all. That is because these thirty-six beings the others has existed even before the entire infinite omniverse itself. The thirty-six beings are among the third group of creation of The Almighty One while the others are in a different group.

Like the laws of creation said, ‘Rulers’ are born from one another and some ‘Rulers’ can even spawn another ‘Rulers’.

The CTMH had over three thousand basic and advanced classes that every ‘Rulers’ can be achieved by learning.

            Every class had a maximum level of fifteen, and so to reach the overall level cap of one hundred, one would need to learn about eight or nine different classes. However, ‘Rulers’ could acquire as many classes as they wanted as long as they met each of the class requirements. A ‘Rulers’ could even take one-hundred classes or more at level one each, but that was very ineffective. In another word, the system of this world was such like that, unless this world was deliberately created that way, there will be no other characters or ‘Rulers’ in that world that will look the same as the other.

            Afterwards, by using the ability known as ‘Customize’, ‘Rulers’ could change the appearance of their weapons and armour, as well to fully customize one’s armour, weaponry, flavour text, appearance, and other cosmetic settings.

As been mentioned before, the CTMH is a world divided into four major worlds and inside the four worlds there are many countries and inside each of the countries, there are numerous provinces and realms.

            The environment of each world was vastly enormous since it’s divided into four different worlds, namely ‘Cthulhu Mythos World, Mythological World, Human World, and The Terraform World’. Every single world has various countries and provinces except for The Terraform World.

            Every single of the four worlds is ruled by ‘Rulers’.

           One such world is the Mythological World. It consisted of various mythological countries from many different cultures and folklores such as Greek, Chinese, Norse, Japanese, Egyptian and others as well. This world has various mythical creatures such as dragons, phoenixes, large sea creatures and so on. The Mythological World is considered the ‘World of Myth’. This world is controlled by many guilds such as one from the Greek myth known as The Olympian and one from Norse myth known as Yggdrasil, an alliance of nine guilds. ‘Rulers’ of the human world refer to this world as ‘Myth’.

           While the Human World is a place much like a modern world compared to any other world. It consists of seven different continents with many various countries. The seven continents are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia or Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America. This world possessed many various technological advancements and great civilizations. Although the ‘Rulers’ and the ‘Residents’ in the human world has technological advancement on their side, they also possess powerful magical capabilities and can fuse magic with science and technology. Such a thing was considered impossible in normal circumstances. However, this was allowed by The Almighty One. Like the mythological world, numerous guild control this world such as The Millennium Order which controls parts of Europe, The United Shining Stars which control parts of North America, The Kingdom of Sun which control a large island in the East Asia region and The Great Four Brotherhood which control most of Southeast Asia.

           The Terraform World was also known as The Centre World is located in the centre between the Mythological, Human, and Cthulhu Mythos World. This world was considered a barren wasteland. This world has little use by the three worlds at first thought. There are few ‘Residents’ in the Centre World which most of the ‘Residents’ are monsters. Although this world was considered a barren wasteland and has little use (again at first thought), it was a very strategic location and possessed vast hidden resources. Consider its place on the centre between the three major worlds, if any of the guilds from the two worlds were to take this world, it will grant any of the guilds a stepping stone to invade the other worlds. There is currently only one guild that controls this world and this guild is not to be taken lightly.

           The Cthulhu Mythos World is a completely different world from the Terraform World, Mythological World and the Human World. There are ‘Rulers’ and ‘Residents’ in that world but the ’Rulers’ and ‘Residents’ in that world has a bizarre and grotesque appearance which is much hideous in appearances than some of the ‘Rulers’ and ‘Residents’ of the Mythological World. The ‘Rulers’ and ‘Residents’ in the Cthulhu Mythos World possessed monstrous strength and powerful abilities that rival the strength of the ‘Rulers’ and ‘Residents’ at the Mythological World and the Human World combined. The ‘Rulers’ in the Human World called this world as ‘The World of The Alien Deity’ due to the appearance of the ‘Residents’ that live there, while the ‘Rulers’ of the Mythological World called this world as ‘The World Where Evil Was Born’ due to the evil nature of every single ‘Rulers’ and ‘Residents’ that live there. This world is considered hostile by both the ‘Rulers’ of the Mythological World and the Human World. The leader of the Cthulhu Mythos world is Azathoth known as the Daemon Sultan or the Nuclear Chaos. He is one of the nigh-omnipotent super-powerful monsters in that world and also one of the thirty-six beings that existed before the entire universe. The Cthulhu Mythos world is not ruled by a guild but is ruled by a single unit family of Azathoth which includes Cthulhu himself.

           To summarise, the CTMH was a vast world full of surprises beyond any wildest dreams. A world where humans, demi-humans and heteromorphic races live and thrive. Competing against one another for supremacy in which none of them has achieved except one group.

           However, this was all in the past by now of course…The Almighty One has issued an apocalyptic decree upon that world.


The Centre World, Great Palace of Eclipse, Underground Level 18: Meeting Chamber

Inside the meeting chamber, there was an enormous circular table. The table shone like a black stone would be shone. Around the table were one hundred and one magnificent grand seat. However, one of the seats is much grander and much larger than the others.

Each of the seats is filled with its occupants and all of them wore military-style clothing with a cloak. Each of their attires has distinctive colours that are pretty eye-catching. However, the most eye-catching of them all is the one that sat at the much larger seat.

That person has an impressive height of about nine feet tall if he stands. Because of his height, he dwarfs the others around him. Wearing a jet black uniform with numerous silver buttons. Also, there are three golden buttons on the end of each of his sleeves. The man chest was adorned with numerous and magnificent badges of different shapes and sizes. The man also possessed two large swords in the sheath that is tucked at his waist.

The others also adorned their chest with badges too akin to a military three-star general but this larger person seems to be a higher rank than the rest of them.

If the others were a three-star general then this man –which is the guild master– has a rank of a Field Marshal.

After seeing all of the guild members are present, the guild master sits back on his seat and after making sure everyone is paying their attention to him, he spoke.

“Everyone is present. Good then. I was thinking some of you will decide to skip when something big is going to happen next.”

“As if we going to skip this big of an event, Armada. You don’t think we’re all going to hide right? Or is it something else that you think we would do in these desperate hours?”

Armada. Yes, that is the guild master name or his full name, Armada D. Blitz. Many of his colleagues were questioning, what is the meaning of the D in his name means? Some say the D stands for Dragon, while others say Divine and others say, Devil. However, Armada himself said in the past. It’s up to you all to decide what the D means is in my name. I keep it to myself.

“Hide? I don’t even think anyone of you wants to hide especially you, Lisbon. Although I think some of you want some alone time right now.”

Yes. The one who spoke after him is named Lisbon Amadora. A man known as, The Menacing Malice. According to records, his reputation in the homicide was legendary. It’s even said that this man can kill just by looking or emitting his malice at his enemies. This man is not human. Although his current form is a human –just as a disguise– his true form is a beastmen. A werelion to be exact.

“Why would we need some lone time?”

After getting one more look at every single member, Armada spoke again.

“We are all teetering at the edge of the apocalypse as you all might know now. The world as all know it, will not last much longer.”

There were numerous murmurs after he said that. Most of them were talking to the one beside them and some just sit at their place and stay quiet. For an outsider, they would have no idea what’s currently happening. But for the occupants of this chamber, the situation is as clear as day.

Currently, the world where they are living is facing an apocalyptic event. The CTMH are now on the verge of total collapse. To put it simply, Apocalypse or Armageddon. The first world to get hit is the Human world where a series of cataclysmic events such as major earthquakes, continuous tornado events, volcano eruption, mega-tsunami and other cataclysmic events.

The next to get hit is the Mythology world where they would share the same fate as their human counterpart would suffer. However, the cataclysmic events that happen here would eclipse the suffering of the human world. The events are such as a fire of hell burst spontaneously from the ground that burns everything up, gigantic meteor crash landing upon that world with an enormous number that can even make famous of all heroes and the monstrous of all monster tremble in fear, earthquakes much more powerful than the one happening in the human world occurs here and many more horrors to come.

The third to get hit is the Cthulhu Mythos world. Unlike the two previous worlds, this world inhabitants would first die mysteriously and then the world gets sucked into a void of total darkness where even light can’t escape. In comparison to the other two worlds, this kind of death is instant where you don’t even know that you’re already dead. One could say they wouldn’t have to experience the horror of the situation before death.

Finally, the Centre world or the Terraform world. Once the three worlds surrounding the Centre world has been destroyed, the Centre world would be consumed by the star that orbit. The world would be burned until its core and leaving no traces of the existence of the planet. As if the world is not there, to begin with.

With the final destruction of the Centre world, the entire system of CTMH will be gone and will be remembered in the history of the universe.

Due to this event the guild master of Leaders 101, Armada D. Blitz decided to hold this final meeting.

“So the Human world will be the first to get hit huh. Well, bad luck to them anyway. They are always on the first of the receiving end.” Said one guild member that possessed two pairs of beautiful wings. Zoifen Von Norzig.

“You are right Zoifen. They always face bad luck one after another. Luckily, our guild base is in the Centre world. So we will be the last to get hit.” Said the other one. Rudolf Galland.

Then, a cute voice spoke up, “Still I feel sorry for those humans. If only they don’t have to experience those horrible scenarios before death.” Shiota Takanaka.

A hoarse voice speaks beside him, “…You don’t have to feel sorry for them Shiota. Considering what they did to you a long time ago. Have you forgotten about it?”

“I-I haven’t forgotten about it brother Murmansk. It’s just that I-I have forgiven them already. It’s not good to hold revenge, don’t you think brother Murmansk?” The young cute boy turns to look at Murmansk with angry-looking eyes that befitting a young teenage boy. But due to his cute face, instead of scary, it looks rather cute.

Murmansk feeling defeated replied with, “Haaa, you are right. It is not good. Although I must say, some certain human does not deserve to be forgiven.” Shiota hit back with, “That’s up to you brother”.

Seeing that this kind of conversation will go on and on, Armada decided to click his fingers once and the room quiets down. One of Armada’s hobbies is that he likes to click his fingers no matter the occasion.

“As you all know, I’m not finished talking yet. I understand that most of you have something to say, but allow me to finish on what I’m about to say.” Armada leans back on his chair and continue.

 “The reason I’m calling this final guild meeting in this apocalyptic situation is…umm…is just to say that for my entire service as the guild master of Leaders 101, I may have done something wrong to most of you that I don’t realize about. For that, I wish to apologize for whatever wrong that I have done to every single one of you. As you all know, we going to die after this. There is no escaping apocalypse. And I don’t want to die with regret that I still hold sins to some of you”. After that Armada went quiet and look at every single member in the room and bowed his head a bit.

Every member wore a different expression but in all of their minds, they think the same thing.

You don’t have to apologize actually. We already forget what things you do wrong to us anyway.

The Leaders 101 guild is the most powerful in CTMH. No one comes in second when it comes to guild strength and strategy. Armada D. Blitz is the second guild master of Leaders 101. The first guild master is a silver paladin whose idea is that the strong must protect the weak doesn’t resound much with the rest of the members. This is probably due to many of the guild members races being different from one another. For example, the silver paladin in question is an Eternal, an immortal type human who basically can live forever while Lisbon is a beastmen who is also immortal due to his high race beast level view humanoid-like humans, other humanoid and Eternals as a weakling.

While Eternal is still a human despite being immortal still regard humans as one of their own and they protect each other. Beastmen like Lisbon rather goes with the idea of survival of the fittest. In other words, the weak perish and the strong thrive. This kind of idea doesn’t go well with the silver paladin and both often argue. Some members take a side with the silver paladin and some side with Lisbon. This conflict almost brings Leaders 101 into a civil war but fortunately, it was avoided due to Armada D. Blitz, the guild most powerful individual doesn’t taking any side. If Armada decides to take a side at that time, the other side will automatically capitulate or risk a one-sided slaughter. With him taking no side but warning them if they still decide to fight, he will intervene and both sides will suffer except him.

Technically speaking Armada is not the only one that is not taking a side in this conflict, few other members do not take a side also.

Armada is not any ordinary ‘Rulers’. He is known as the super-powerful being called Galaxy Class Threat or GCT for short. In CTMH, there were thirty-six Galaxy Class Threats and Armada is one of them. They were among the strongest and finest creations of The Almighty One. The appearance of just one Galaxy Class Threat in any certain area will change the situation drastically. Although they can communicate with others normally, they are not known for reasoning. However, some of them can be considered an exception and one of them were Armada. Strength is not only part of their absolute might, they were also absolutely intelligent. The knowledge they possessed would humble the sagest of humans or elves or any other beings. Galaxy Class Threat is either a guardian of a world or a harbinger of doom or they can be both.

Due to the presence of Armada in the guild (since he’s also a member of the guild), no such civil war ever occur after that. Also due to him, the silver paladin realised that no one is more suited to be the guild master than Armada. At first, Armada protested it questioning the reason why it must be him to be the candidate to take the position while others are more capable of taking the leadership role.

However, the others including Lisbon agree with the silver paladin proposal to make Armada the new guild master by saying, No one is better than you Blitz. You are far more capable than all of us if you think about it especially in the role of leadership. No one is better than you. Besides when it comes to strength too, not even all of us…wait, no…not even the entire world can beat you. Don’t you think? Realizing that giving another excuse is a futile effort, he finally said, Fine. I’ll do it. You guys are pushing me over the edge here. If I do something wrong, just tell me ok.

With that, he officially becomes the second guild master with unanimous support for him. During his reign as the guild master of Leaders 101, the memberships of the guild grew from seventy-five members –when he became the guild master– to one hundred and one members. After that, the guild stops recruiting. That is because to match the number 101 on their guild names.

Throughout the history of his reign, they were countless successful conquest and also multiple blunders when carrying out an operation. However, the success eclipses the blunder so much it is as if they were no failures in the record. This partly has to do with the member’s splendid teamwork, coordination and Armada’s impeccable might when battling multiple powerful opponents. Not to be outdone, Armada’s leaderships and strength also play a key role in every situation. Armada’s leadership role and absolute might are clear as daylight when an alliance of twelve guilds decided to assault their guild base in The Centre World.

The guild headquarters of Leaders 101 is the Great Palace of Eclipse located at the heart of The Centre World. During the battle, the alliance forces manage to break through until the 11th floor of the underground palace. However, the alliance forces got stop there and failed to make a breakthrough to the 12th floor. This is because there is a huge number of powerful ‘Residents’ guarding that floor and Armada himself along with other guild members decided to go greet the invaders on that floor. The battle at that time was so chaotic that the invaders thought they were fighting against a Galaxy Class Threat. They were fighting against one, only they don’t know about it until the battle was over.

During that battle also, Armada coordinated the fight so well that the enemy has almost no chance to fight them back. Of course, a mistake was made during the ensuing fight. Quite a few members were taken quite a lot of damage due to protecting the others. Some are even near death but they didn’t die. If they do die, they have to resurrect them back at the expense of their level drop. Fortunately, no one dies.

Incidents like this and numerous other incidents also make Armada feel somewhat responsible. That’s why currently he bowing his head.

“Well…to be honest Blitz, we forget what things you did wrong to us?” Said Lisbon.

Hearing that Armada raised his head with a dumbfounded expression. “Huh? You forget?”

“Yeah, we forget. It’s really troublesome to remember every mistake that you do to us considering others uncountable mistakes we do to you too. So in truth, we all decided to forgive and forget. And we also like to apologize to you too actually. Given this opportunity of course” Every other guild members look at each other and nodded.

Armada blinks twice in surprise. This is because of all the people that he knows in this guild, Lisbon is the least he knows to say this kind of thing. “That was surprising coming from you considering your personality. Has the apocalypse reached you first or what?”

Lisbon only makes a mocking smile hearing Armada’s question. “Hey come on man. I’m a living creature too you know. This kind of feeling is the basics of living. You included of course. Wait…is it?”

After saying that, he took a sip of wine from the chalice in his right hand. Lisbon is always present with at least one chalice at his hand and it’s always held by his right hand. Kind of his traits.

When Lisbon said the sentences that said Wait…is it, Armada is kind of annoyed by that and he makes it clear on his face. After taking a sip of his wine he noticed Armada annoyed expression. “What, are you mad?”

“Not really. Just your last statement that goes by it is not even enough to set me off. But I still feel somewhat displeased.” It was clear that Armada doesn’t like it.

“But it’s true isn’t it is that part of your race is that. I mean Buragoth is basically that race.”

One of the members with only a skull for a face named Buragoth turned to look at Lisbon.

“You got a problem with me?”

“Nah I’m just saying that you’re basically an undead. Is it wrong?”

“Just when you said that race feel somewhat offensive to me.” Tension rose a bit and everybody noticed it. Lisbon is just the type that likes to rub someone the wrong way. He really should just stop it. Most members were thinking that he should stop it.

Then Armada intervene. “Alright, alright enough you two. Look Lisbon, I’m indeed part undead. However, not all of me being undead. You should know that since we all been living together ever since we got to know each other.”

“Yeah I know that but you know me.”

“Perhaps sometime you should just don’t. Is that clear?” Before Lisbon answered it, his face somewhat saddened up a bit upon hearing the word ‘sometimes’.

“Well, I wonder if there is another sometime after this.” All of the members knows what he’s talking about, even Armada.

“Perhaps.” That’s Armada only response.

It makes sense for that kind of response. Will there be another sometime after the apocalypse? In the afterlife, only Judgement awaits everybody. No matter who.

“Anyway, although we know the apocalypse is just on our doorstep, no one knows what The Almighty One plan after this, not even me to be honest. But it’s best to be prepared.” After saying that the Silver Paladin sitting next to Armada –he didn’t wear any armour, It’s just his nickname as the Silver Paladin, but he does wear his silver armour when in battle– begin uttering his word.

“It’s true Blitz. It’s better to be prepared for anything. But I was wondering, you have a special skill as a Galaxy Class Threat to see the Future right? If I recall it’s called Future Vision. Have you seen anything yet?”

Upon hearing that, every member is intrigued to know about it. This is one topic where every member is all ears for. But, Armada answer this time I going to be a quite disappointing one. “To be honest, I don’t see anything yet.”

Almost all member has the expression of saying oh, I see. It’s a clear sign that was not an answer they were hoping for.

“I see. Well, maybe you can see it later. Anyway, regarding your apologies…well I accept it. Nobody doesn’t make mistake anyway.”

“That’s so nice of you Rastenberg.”

“No problem at all Blitz. It’s normal.”

Rastenberg Von Prussia. That’s the silver paladin’s name.

Upon hearing Rastenberg acceptance of Armada’s apologies, other members begin making sounds too.

“That’s not fair man, you making us look bad.”

“That’s right. What a way to take the initiative.”

“Now I feel guilty for not saying it first.”

Other members also uttered similar things. Rastenberg responds with, “The rest can just say it. It’s not hard.”

“Easy for you to say. We are not like you. But…you know what, let’s just get down with this shall we.” After one member says that almost all of the members stand up and row upon row of acceptance toward Armada’s apologies echoing in the chamber. Some were just giving a signal only instead of saying. It’s hard for anybody to keep track of who says what but not for Armada. For him, it’s like sweet music in his ears.

 Armada smile upon hearing it all and a drop of tear could be seen streaming down his cheeks. Most members were surprised to see that. This is because Armada rarely shows this kind of expression. Rastenberg handed to him a white handkerchief. Armada uses it to wipe his tears. “Thanks, Rastenberg and thanks all of you for your kindness.”

“Nah think nothing of it man. We all pals anyway right.”

“No. All of your kindness managed to soften my heart actually.” However, that’s not entirely true.

“Well if it’s not for her, you wouldn’t be this tamed Blitz. I-I mean soft.” Upon hearing the word her, all members have somewhat saddened faces especially Armada and Shiota Takanaka.

His response for that is “Yeah, that’s true. If not for her, I wouldn’t be this tamed or soft as you just said Lisbon.” A sombre atmosphere began to fill the chamber.

As if the break the saddened cloud inside the chamber, the one sitting next to Armada begin speaking, “I believe we all should now be heading for the throne hall. It’s near time isn’t it?”

Armada spoke up after that, “Ah yes. You are right Berlinaron. Everyone, time is of the essence. I believe we all should now make our final stand at the throne hall yes? Let’s all face this apocalypse like a gentleman.”

After saying that, one of the members that look like an elder among them stand up and said, “Yes. We should all go now. Move out, everyone!” Everybody stand up and headed for the exit. Well, almost everybody.

“You’re coming, Blitz?”

“I’ll follow up later. I got something to do. You go first Lisbon.”

“Hmm. Alright then. Oh! Before you go, don’t forget to take the sceptre too. It’s the symbol of our guild.”

“Yeah. I will.”

“Alright then.”

Before Lisbon leave, he glances at one more member that still sitting like a statue. Hmmm. He probably has something more to say to him. None of my business. After that, Lisbon exited the chamber. With that, only two people are left in the chamber while the rest are heading for the throne hall. One is Armada and the other one carry the air of a great killer. To be precise, he’s a great assassin.

“So, you’re not joining them. Kronien?”

Kronien or his full name is Kronien A. King. That is the name of the finest assassin that the guild Leaders 101 has to offer. In fact, the entire CTMH has to offer. Second only after the angel of death. Part Eternal and part Biomechanical, and he is among the quietest ones in the guild. He speaks when he only needs. Just now when the barrage of apologies was thrown at Armada, he is among the few who reply with only signalling. His face was hidden behind a mask that is like a gas mask. Armada once sees the face beneath it. His first word when he sees it was How Handsome and gorgeous is that. Armada does not know the true reason why he hides his face.

There is a special reason for that I believe. I wonder what it is.

Just as Armada was immersed in his thought, Kronien speaks. “I’ll be joining them later. Have you visited your mother?” Kronien voice sounds quite youthful despite already being an adult.

“You mean her mother?” The mother in question here is Armada’s disease wife mother. Basically his mother in law.

“You married to her. Technically she’s your mother too.”

“I know that. Yes. Before I called the meeting, I go to meet her first. She decided to stay in her room till the end. Alone.”

After hearing that, Kronien stand up and said, “Alright then. Perhaps you should spend more time with her. But if that’s her wish…I understand. I’ll be off.” With that, Kronien exited the chamber. Armada is the only one left in the chamber.



Part 2

Left alone inside the huge chamber, Armada feels extremely lonely. Although he was quite used to it. Before he joins the guild he was a solitary predator and do everything by himself. He joined the guild when Rastenberg and his team stumble upon him when he was sleeping inside a huge cave. It was quite brave of Rastenberg to approach him that time considering Armada is in his dragon form.

Before joining them, he questions first the benefit of joining the guild. Seeing that it will probably benefit them more instead of him considering his strength and capabilities, they will probably decide to use him. Of course, during that time he views the humanoid creature as a selfish and greedy creature. However, after joining them till now his view of humanoids change drastically. But, some aspects of them previously he thought such as selfish and greedy justify from some of the member’s actions. But he decided to let it be considering he sometimes also like that.

Perhaps even worse than them sometimes.

“Haaaa. What a time for the end of the world. Hmm.” Armada glance behind him. Directly behind him, there is a single glass cabinet. Contain within it is the symbol of Leaders 101. Known as the Sceptre of Leaders 101.

It is a guild weapon design and builds by the guild. Numerous ultra-high quality items need to make this thing. The sceptre is silver-gold with numerous marks on it with a tip that resembles the 101 sign. Its power is comparable to some of the most powerful items in CTMH known as the Global Class Item. The sceptre is floating magically inside the glass cabinet. Constantly rotating clockwise.

He stares at the sceptre for a bit then decided to open the cabinet by using his magic. He then made a grasping motion using his right hand and immediately the sceptre reach for his hand. He grabs the sceptre, looking at it. At a certain time, the sceptre produces small fireworks like effect from the tip of it. “It took time and effort just to make you. At first, I question the reason behind doing this project but in the end, it was worth it.” He said that to no one but himself.

Then he pays his attention to the room. No one is there except him. The rest of the guild is already assembling at the throne hall. “Well, I believe I should get moving. Let’s go will you.” He’s speaking to the sceptre. Although the sceptre is not a living being when in battle the sceptre can be programmed to automatically engage its enemy. It will share a mental bond with its user.

Armada began to stand up from his seat. However just as he stands up, his Future Vision kicks in. Future Vision is one of the Galaxy Class Threats ability to see the future. The probability of the future they see will happen is almost a hundred percent correct. When Future Vision happens it will give the individual multiple glimpses of what is going to happen.

What Armada sees right now is the image of himself looking down upon two human girls and possibly two hostile knights behind her? Then it skips to another scene where he and some of his guild members are inside a house discussing something with someone to be in charge of a village. Then it skips to another scene where he greets someone that looks like an honourable warrior of some country inside the village. Then to the next scene where he fought against a group of unknown people. The group constantly cast attack magic upon him but it doesn’t affect him at all. Then he saw a scene where he saw himself spreading his arms and his three pairs of magnificent wings and a sadistic smile appeared on his face when he faced his enemies. The final scene that he saw is that he’s currently sitting at his throne at the Throne Hall where almost all of the Residents are present including the guild members. The Residents are kneeling and his guild members were saluting at him.

After that, the Future Vision end. He sits back on his seat with a heavy ‘bam’ sound. His left hand right now is massaging his temple. He is seemingly confused and feels weird about it. “Huh? What was that scene just now? Could it be…its impossible is it?” Of course, it seems impossible at first. That wasn’t the vision of my imagination. Was it? The thing about Future Vision is that it only can see the reality that is going to happen. Not an imagination. Then as if to answer his question and doubt about what he just saw, a voice speaks inside his head.

My dear eldest dragon of all. “Huh?” Upon realizing who it was that is speaking inside his head, Armada immediately straightens up his posture and release the sceptre from his grasp. The sceptre just floating beside him. What you have seen with your eyes is not an imagination or anything else besides reality itself. I have shown you the path of what is going to happen soon. Spread the good news to the rest of your companion for glory awaits them all and for I am the all-giving. However, you will not be the first one there. After that, the voice disappeared as if he never heard it but he heard it.

Armada takes a very deep breath after that. “Haaa. That was so sudden. So the vision that I saw just now is going to happen. What about the apocalypse? Does this apocalypse only happen in CTMH and not in another universe?” Armada leans back a bit at his grand chair and starts thinking with his right-hand cup his chin. If that is the case, then there is no need to fear the incoming oblivion. Hmm. What I saw just now was basically a scene from a different world. None of the four worlds has that kind of place. Then he started to recall back what The Almighty One just told him. From what The Almighty One just said to me, we will not be the first one there. Hmm. We need to be cautious. Who knows what might happen.

He didn’t have to guess what might happen actually considering what he already saw. But the reason why he thinks that way is because he can’t see beyond what the Future Vision gave to him. People who didn’t know how Future Vision work might say Just activate it again to see further. But that skills didn’t work that way.

Future Vision is a passive skill and not an active skill. Meaning that it will activate on its own at a random time. Some passive skills can be controlled to a certain extent but not Future Vision. Even Galaxy Class Threats can’t control it. That’s why he needs to be cautious.

An accident happens before. Can’t let that happen again. He certainly can’t. Well, he did say that but sometimes it happens again.

“Since the end is not near yet, looks like our reunion has to postpone, my dear.” He said that in a sad tone.

“Well anyway, I got to give the boys the good news. It's bad keeping all of them waiting for long.” After saying that Armada grabs the sceptre beside him and stand up and walk towards the door. Then, something comes up in his mind. Should I also tell mother? Maybe later.

Before he pushes open the door, he turns to look back at the chamber. Besides the glass cabinet that is used to store the sceptre, they were other glass cabinets too inside the chamber. Inside it was numerous models of weapons of war. Such example is super-battleships, battleships, super-dreadnought, dreadnought, aircraft carriers, panzers or tanks, large field artilleries, Zeppelins, jet fighters and many more. They were model only but that doesn’t mean the guild doesn’t have those in the arsenal. In fact, those weapons of war that was built by humans were ancient in Armada’s view. Leaders 101 has a much better weapon albeit futuristic in the arsenal. Just because these weapons were ancient doesn’t mean they are not dangerous.

“This is not our last. This is just the beginning.” Then he turns towards the door with his cape flapping. He also noticed that someone was waiting outside. I wonder who.

He pushes open the door and look to his left. A lone person is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He looks directly at Armada. At his waist, they were two swords like weapons hanging there and some other weapons too. The two swords like weapons were actually Keris. A legendary weapon of old. This weapon belongs to this man. Armada knew well what it’s capable of.

“Took you a while, Blitz. I was getting sleepy waiting for you.” Hearing that Armada just chuckled. Due to his height, Armada has to look right down at this person to speak to him. While for this person, he has to look up to Armada. Due to Armada's height, almost every guild members have to do that. Only a few can look at him eye to eye.

“Hahaha. You don’t have to wait for me Sultan Nizam. Hmm. I’m seeing and sense only you here.”

“I decided to wait for you alone. I realized that you took more time than usual. Something’s up right or perhaps you just saw something.”

Armada just smiles hearing that. Sultan Nizam is among the few members that are quite perceptive when the topic is about Armada.

“As perceptive as always are you. So they just let you wait here?”

“Not really, considering Reichenau just now wanted to leave some Schutzstaffel SS here to escort you. I said to him you don’t need to but he said he feared there might be hidden intruders.”

“What intruders in this kind of time and we deep below underground with multiple layers of defence floor above our head. No intruder can get here.”

“How the irony. I just said the same thing to him the same way you said to me just now. He finally said ‘fine’ and left. However, he left a few Schutzstaffel SS to guard the door of the throne hall.”

“Is that so? It’s good for him to be cautious but too much cautious can make one paranoid.” Sultan Nizam only replies with “I agree”.

“Well anyway, you are right about something. To be honest, my Future Vision activated.”

Sultan Nizam face has a somewhat surprised expression and then his face brightens a bit.

“Really!? What did you see? Judging from your tone is a good one I believe.”

Armada did not immediately answer him. Instead, he just looks around then he answered. “How about we talk about it while walking to the Throne Hall. Shall we?”

Sultan Nizam agreed. With that, they make their way towards the Throne Hall by walking through the wide hallway. While walking beside Armada, he feels like walking beside a giant due to Armada size.