064 You grew up so damn fast.
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Rimmer’s body was worn to the bone. Only a low-grade stimulant was keeping her upright. Lilithana had injected her when she was loaded onto the ramdart. This gave her the opportunity to finish any business with the treefolk since they had been interrupted earlier.

Azona had walked hand in hand with Rezu until she let him go to be mobbed by the other dryads. She turned to Rimmer. “I think we should talk now.”

“About that?” Karimere gestured towards the crowd.

“Rezu is the new Seedfather.”

“I know you need him to make Worldtrees. But do you intend to share him with all the dryads like Demeter suggested?”

“I don’t understand why you are confused. You know that dryads need a flesh male to reproduce. Treants only grow from the strongest males and Rezu is a Seedfather. Any dryad would risk death for a chance to breed him.”

“Do you plan on having him screw all the dryads?”

“No. I don’t think that will be enough. We will need others, but the treefolk have struggled in recent centuries to find viable breeding candidates.”

“Your people have captured, raped and eaten anyone who came within a hundred meters of a dryad forest for a thousand years. All but the dumbest mortals will heed that lesson.”

“I believe the deteriorating condition of the Worldtree caused distress in the treefolk leading to the undesirable behavior. I will try to address the issue, but that does not fix our more immediate problem of lack breeders.” With a nod and a polite gesture she said, “I humbly ask the Mecromancers to help us locate viable candidates from the general populace.”

“I know you just got the job, but I cannot turn a blind eye to how my people were treated here. Do you really expect me to just let you use Rezu at your whim and devote precious resources to finding you more lovers?”

“I have given you little reason to trust me. The battle could easily be seen as me using you for my own needs. And with the knowledge from my mothers’ you have even more reason to be cautious.” She stepped closer and spoke softly. “The treefolk are celebrating a rebirth but things are far worse than they seem. My people have always negotiated from a position of strength. I don’t have that option today. Without your help we will likely die out soon. ” Azona bowed low. “I am at your mercy Karimere Lifeshaper.”

“I have no pity, or mercy to give.”

“Can you finish your life’s mission without the treefolk?”

“What do you mean?”

“We only have forty-thousand six-hundred and twenty-one mature treants left. We lost four today.”

“Forty thousand?! That is catastrophic! There should be a million treants, bare minimum! One decent swarm and the treefolk will fall.”

“Yes. Dryads have been fighting whenever the Mecromancers were not watching, for centuries. We have been struggling for over a millennium, but it was the Summer of Blood that cost most of our forces.”

The Summer of Blood had occurred about two centuries before. It had been eight months of living in a meat grinder. The weather had been bountiful in the wildlands that bordered the county of Archinius, for decades prior. Then one spring, expansion swarms started popping up from colonies, one after the other. It felt like it would never end. The treefolk had held a large part of the line while the mecromancers pushed back into the densest areas with their forces. Every mecromancer had fought, along with all of their titans. The non-treefolk mortals had lost at least a hundred thousand as well. Barely ten percent of the Chosen had survived.

Karimere said, “But treants take decades to mature. Can you even hold on that long?”

“The residual world tree energy will make any treants grow to maturity quickly. Any bred today could be full grown in under two years, if they are tended well. The effect will lessen over time, so more now, is better. I am prioritizing the strongest dryads as breeders.”

“I am willing to put Rezu at your disposal and Lilithana can develop a comprehensive breeding program. This will strain our resources. What do you offer in return?”

“I ask that my people be able to keep our existing lands. But I will do anything else within my power to assist the mecromancers. The most immediate thing I can offer is access to the materials at this site, along with anything from similar sites.”

“That is enough for a basic agreement. I would like to revisit this soon once we both have had time clearly assess the new situation.” She held out her hand.

Azona shook her hand, then hesitated for a moment.

“I would like to ask for the Eleventh to breed as well. It will not help with treants in the short term, but diversity is still a factor, especially for any females they create.”

Karimere “I will talk with him. But the Eleventh’s situation is, complicated, at the moment.”

“I have my mothers’ memories. I know how complicated you have made things.”

Karimere glanced around and realized all the Mecromancers had left. The mob of dryads was staring intently at her. She swallowed. The diplomatic deal had been sealed. This was a personal matter.

“You made Jade watch.” Azona said with enough cold to make Zhaan shiver.

Karimere froze and cautiously weighed her options, only moving her eyes. She focused on morphing but felt nothing. The same was for sending a trace. She was barely standing and this place still throbbed with Worldtree energy. She wasn’t going to do anything that Azona didn’t want her to do. Karimere finally went to speak… She didn’t get out a sound before something hit her. She slammed face first into the large hanger door. She slid down to the ground and chose not to move.

Azona loomed over her. “I could have hit you harder, but if I do more damage it would take even more time from Jade.”

As much as Karimere liked to play with pain and humiliation, this was the opposite of enjoyable. She looked up at Azona with as little expression as possible. “What do you want me to do?”

“Spend time with her, or find her someone else for her to spend time with. If you are going to continue your games with the Eleventh, keep her out of them.”

Karimere nodded. “I will. I promise.”

“You are like a grandmother to me. I have very mixed feelings about you, from both of my mothers. I respect your strength and skill, but your face makes me angry beyond reason.” Azona straightened herself and held out a hand.

Karimere took the hand. She stood then bowed. The worlds flowed out of her. “I didn’t mean to neglect Jade. I am a cold hearted bitch. When things get crazy I focus on the mission. Gessil showed up and everyone was hurt. I have been beating myself up for not being there for that battle.” Karimere shook her head, “I don’t understand why Jade chooses to be kind to me.”

“You’re not all bad.” Jade said from the hanger doorway.

“You waited.” Karimere stared, stunned.

Jade stepped closer, “I told you, I want a massage. Who did you think I wanted one from?”

“I…” She couldn’t speak.

Jade nodded. “Come along, Rimmer. You have many punishments due to you.”

Rimmer bowed, “Yes Mistress.”

Jade turned to leave.

“Mother?” Azona said, with a slight tremble in her voice.

Jade stopped. “Yes?”

“She hurt you deeply. How can you forgive her so easily? I don’t understand.”

Jade took a moment, then shrugged. “I don’t know. I think we need to rest. Then we need to talk.”

“And that’s it?”

“I hate Cinder, but I fought Gessil to keep her alive. We are a family, a fucked up family, I will admit, but… I…well… I don’t know how to say what I mean.”

“Not wanting someone to die, is different than sharing yourself with them.”

Jade sighed and looked at Rimmer with hurt in her eyes. “I think she made me watch, because she wanted me to see her as irrevocably broken, like she sees herself. It would give me an excuse to move on.”

Rimmer turned to Azona, unable to face her lover anymore.

Azona said, “Klaus seems to think you could be being held prisoner or manipulated by her.”

“I don’t feel trapped at all. Rezu offered to introduce me to some felis and chosen. I have options. Rimmer, would you stop me if I were to move back to my old room?”

Rimmer said. “No. You have complete freedom. You have been a great Mistress and you have become much more self-confident in that time. I think you are plenty capable of forging your own path now.”

“Would you object if I found a Chosen, or felis to date?”

“No. You would have to make them a claim and bring them to the lab though.” Rimmer spoke the words mechanically and uncaring, like she knew she needed to, as she tried to convince herself that this was for the best.

“Would you object if I brought one of them home for us to play with?”

“No.” Rimmer smiled as her naughty mouth outran her brain. “If you are taking requests, I would like a male. I like a little, variety.” Falling back on old habits was easy and comforting.

Jade was stern, “No males. I have enough kids right now.”

Rimmer pouted.

“I think I am beginning to understand.” Azona said. “All of the memories of you and Klaus and the Worldtree blend together. It is hard to sort through everything.”

Jade took a deep breath, “I’m sorry Azona. You are my daughter and I was going to leave without even saying goodbye. I’m mad a Rimmer, but I, was going to neglect you.”

“Do not worry. My people used and hurt you. It’s ok mother.”

“No, it’s not. How you were created is not your fault. I am still your mother. I didn’t even get to watch you grow up. Now you are married, and fighting giant bugs, and running a whole species. You’ve done more in a day that I have in my lifetime.”

“I was made to be the Worldmother. It is why I am here.”

Jade squashed Azona in a hug. “You are far more than that. Never forget, you are a person of your own. If you ever need me, come find me. ” Jade choked up, “I really don’t know what else to say, so try to remember the lessons Zaggy taught me. I think he did a good job of raising an unexpected child.”

Azona nodded. “Yes mother. I will.”

“You grew up so damned fast.” Jade kissed her cheek, let her go, spawned a leather bag, and held it out to Azona. “I can’t let you have a birthday without a present. Happy Birthday.”

Tears poured down Azona’s cheek as she clutched the bag to her chest. “Your favorite marbles, I will treasure them forever.”

Jade spawned a wrapped cloth and unfolded it. There were three yumyums. Jade took one, handed one to Rimmer and offered the other to Azona. “It’s not a full party, but it’s the best I can do today.”

Azona took a bite and squirmed with joy. “It’s sooo good.”

Rimmer ate hers quietly, letting them have their moment.

Jade looked over at the mob of dryads who were staring. “I ‘m sorry I don’t have enough for everyone.”

“I appreciate the thought. But they have received the blessings of a Seedfather. That is more than they could ever want.” Azona said. “Soon, they must go and prepare for the change.”

“Change?” Jade said.

Azona hesitated.

Rimmer spoke. “Dryads don’t give birth to treants. They become them. They have to plant themselves, until they mature into a full treant.”

“Oh.” Jade sighed.

“Don’t feel sad. Those are the stages of life for treefolk. Functionally it’s like a slow, permanent, polymorph. They are still the same person.”

Azona nodded. “That was a good description. Thank you, Rimmer.”

“Call me Karimere. That name belongs to Jade.” Rimmer ordered.

“Yes, sorry. Jade has my most recent, and vivid, memories of you. I will try to break her habit.”

“I will have yumyums made for all the bred dryads, and have them delivered here within an hour, in Jade’s name. I will also make sure that those who breed Rezu will get one as well. It will celebrate the rebirth of the treefolk.”

The crowd of dryads muttered.

Jade spawned another pack of yumyums and gave them to Azona. “This is the last of my stash. Enjoy them.”

Azona took the package and hugged her. “Thank you mother. I have much work to do now, but I will find you, when I have the time.”

“We need to be going.” Rimmer said, “The longer Azona remains here, the more likely another swarm will come.”

“Yes.” Azona said. “The newly bred must leave. Demeter will remain to collect your gifts.” Azona bowed to Jade. “Goodbye mother.”

“Goodbye.” A tearful Jade said.

The whole area glowed with golden arcane. Azona and the dryads sang a soft note as an arcane circle larger than the military base lifted into the air. With a flash the dryads, and every trace of the Worldtree, disappeared.

Jade held back the floodgates as they turned to leave. “Do you have any children?”

They walked, “I have given birth to Klaus, three times. He has permission to use my body, if needs a host in an emergency. And he does well as a Lifeshaper. But any other pregnancies have been moved to surrogate mothers. I am not mother material. My work comes first.”

“Why does that not surprise me?”

“I am who I am.” Rimmer shrugged.

Jade nodded. “I know.” As they entered the hanger she pointed. “Can you bring that ArcFury back with us?”

“I will send Chosen here to collect everything. This is a valuable resource for us. Maybe Azona will give us access other such sites in treefolk territory.”

They stepped into the glowing circle of the telepad and with a flash they were back in the lab.

Jade caught her in a death grip hug as the tears poured out of her.

The swirl of emotions from her Mistress hit her like a titan. There had always been a small connection whenever they touched but now she felt like she was drowning. Rimmer endured the onslaught and held her while she let it all out. It was a testament to her strength that Jade had managed to keep it together until they returned home.

When Jade eventually let go, she stepped back and turned away as she dried her face.

Rimmer waited for what felt like forever for Jade to speak.

“Two missions in and I’ve fought an undying monstrosity, I’ve given life to a Worldmother, I drove a ramdart into a swarm, and was almost eaten by a chomper.” Jade let out a sad chuckle, “Being a mecromancer is an insane job.”

“You will be a legend among legends, Jade Shadowbane.” Rimmer bowed.

“If I survive long enough for that to happen.” She turned to the door. ”Do you have some mission critical things to do or can we go to your room?”

“My time is yours.” The walk through the lab was silent. There was no need to give orders. Lilithana had taken over command the moment Rimmer collapsed. As they traveled Rimmer mentally wrote up a report about her conversations with Azona and sent it to Lilithana, along with a few suggestions about how to implement a breeding program. The treefolk problem was pressing, but for now, the purple haired goddess needed to rest. She had maybe a half hour left before the low-grade stimulant wore off.

Once they were inside Rimmer’s room Jade spun her and pressed her into the wall while looking her in the eyes, “You hadn’t fully recovered when you came to rescue me, had you?”

“I brought Kytheras and Lilithana on what should have been a purely diplomatic mission. Does that tell you anything?”

Jade shook her head then kissed her softly.

For the first time in millennia Rimmer allowed herself to consider someone as more than just a sexual partner. There was a small, childish urge to throw herself at this woman and promise her everything. She had made that mistake once and paid dearly for it.

Jade broke the kiss, “I am still pissed at you. But thank you for coming to my rescue.”

Rimmer whispered. “I would have dissected every tree in that forest to reach you.”

“I believe you, and that worries me. Are you ok?”

“I’m fine. I just need some rest.”

“Karimere Lifeshaper.” Jade said, speaking her real name, with intent.

“You want to talk about us, don’t you?”

Jade nodded. “Yes.”

“I just learned the last Worldtree is dead and Rezu is married a million times over. I think my brain is fried for today.”

Jade smirked. “You are just trying to avoid the topic.”

Rimmer froze again, unable to find the words. Rattling off half-truths was her specialty. But it increasingly felt wrong when acting like that with Jade.

“Tell me the truth, without all the games.” Jade demanded, calmly but firmly. She was not letting this go without an honest response.

“Both of us have been through a lot. Can we talk later?”

Jade crossed her arms. “You diced a chomper into mush and I attacked the silver armored mecromancer when they grabbed you. We need to figure out what we are before something bad happens.”

She attacked Zhaan?! A quick check of her combat recorder confirmed the event. Rimmer suddenly had questions she needed to ask Jade. A wave of dread washed over her as she contemplated the answers unsure of which outcome she feared more. Her hands absently picked a small piece of bug out of Jade’s hair.

“I can sense your unease.”

“I am sorry my Mistress. I don’t have the words right now.”

“We don’t have to talk right this minute. But you need to promise to talk to me, soon.”

“I will keep my promise to Azona. I will spend the rest of today with you and you can sleep in my room every night until we can talk. Is that acceptable?”

“Ok. Deal.” Jade nodded, then hesitated. “There is… something else, we need to talk about.”

“What?” Rimmer had a good guess as to the topic.

“Zagreus told you to ‘decide’ didn’t he?”

“Yes. I assume he did the same to you.”


“What are you going to say?”

Jade shrugged. “I don’t know.”

Rimmer sighed, “Neither do I.”

Jade grabbed her arm pulling her towards the shower, “Well, enough of all that. No more talking. Time for that massage.”

They striped, quickly wash each other and were barely patted dry when they made it to the bed. Rimmer fought off her exhaustion as she tended to her Mistress’ back. She had a thought of running away with Jade. A desire to take her away from this place and this mission before it corrupted her any further. Karimere Lifeshaper could never do that, but the thought was still there.

With a glance down she realized that Jade was completely out.

She lay down beside her, pulled the covers over them and held her close. With a kiss on her lover’s cheek Rimmer said, “I don’t deserve you.”