Chapter 20: The Reaper’s entrance
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[Hero of Death] [Level:1]

[Title: The Grim Reaper]

[Summoning Familiar: Reaper of Life and Death]

From the air, it slowly spun around like a tornado, but it didn’t use air but the miasma from the undead monster that almost killed Theo, the wind and miasma merge with each other and a pitch-black color formed and spun, but slowly the pitch-black Miasma took the form of a cloak or man, no, it wasn’t recognizable.

Until finally it finished, a shadowy figure in a cloak appeared in front of the almost dead Theo, it floated in the air, its cloak was pitch black that emerge from the pitch-black air that it came from. After it’s summoning it looked at Theo’s body and analyzed him.


The shadowy figure of a floating man in a pitch-black cloak looked at Theo’s severely injured body, like a hunter looking at its prey, showing mercy and pity at Theo.

Theo was had just recently been knock out cold and lost consciousness due to the monster that stabbed him, due to his severe anger and loathing, along with his inevitable death, he was finally able to prove himself.

A monster with no emotions, no guilt, no remorse… he actually succeeded, his predecessors… even when everything and everyone was against them, still chose to be a hero of nothing, but this man… Your Grace, this human has exceeded my expectation.

The shadowy figure opened his palm and slowly dark particles gathered around it forming into a somewhat large cylindrical shape, a few seconds passed and the black particles soon stopped forming, circling and merging with each other, a scythe formed from the dark particles that formed on its hands.

He looked at Theo’s almost lifeless body, he was severely bleeding from his chest, legs and even head.

The Reaper looked at the monster that stabbed Theo and immediately in fear the undead monster dropped its sword and prostrated in front of the reaper, showing respect and fear to a more powerful undead being.

“Undead, swear your allegiance…”

It said in chilling and mysterious voice, like a voice coming straight out of a horror movie, the pressure and intimidation the undead knight heard from the Reaper’s voice alone made him cower and tremble in fear.

“Undead Knight, pledge your fealty his Grace’s Hero…”

He said, this time more intimidating and horrifying that the bones of the undead knight slowly faded in a dark like particles, noticing this, the undead knight kneeled in front of the reaper and said in a chilling and dark tone.

“Here I swear fealty and service to his Majesty… from what remains of me as a knight and an undead, I will, from this day forward… be his majesty’s sword and shield, I will remain true and loyal till the day I perish, this do I swear, from my sword and life and by my honor and the knight’s code, so say I, Kloni Vonllor.”

The undead knight said to the hovering reaper, even though he was an undead, he still held his memories, the only way the undead lives were neither by necromancers or those that died with a grudge, hatred, and yearn for revenge, Sir Kloni was part of the latter.

“Sir Kloni, His Majesty is in a dire state, I am not your lord, but this human is…”

The reaper explained to the undead knight, that he wasn’t his lord, but the human that was severely injured and on the verge of dying, with this happening, it immediately ordered the knight, as his majesty’s aide-de-camp.

“But, as his Majesty’s Aide-de-camp, I wish that you gather you men and take control of this floor, till his majesty regains consciousness and strength…”

It ordered the knight, but the knight responded with a depressed tone whilst kneeling.

“I, I have no men, Sire…”

“Then, do you wish, for your knights and subordinates?”

The Reaper extended his arm to the kneeling knight but received an unexpected response, the knight’s response to the reaper was:

“Sire, I do not wish for my subordinates to return, for they have died with honor and integrity, I do not wish for them to return to this rotten and corrupted world because of their selfish commander…”

He said, remembering and appreciating the knights that served under him before, he didn’t want his men to return to the world, because unlike him, didn’t know the truth for their premature deaths that led for Sir Kloni to stay at the dungeon as an undead.

“Then, how shall you control this floor?”

“I have longed to escape this wretched hole and simply be free, my resentment and hatred has reached its peak that those that come near me, human or monster shall simply die of the miasma I release.”

“Then, what shall you do, Sir Kloni?”

The Reaper said before adding,

“Do you seek revenge?”

The knight went silent but answered with another unexpected answer.

“No, the man that I want to kill, the man that I want to release the frustration and hatred that had been stored up to me for hundreds of years is dead… even if I get out of this hellhole, he is already dead…”

“Then what do you seek?”


The reaper didn’t answer, but immediately complied, in a sudden movement the reaper swung his scythe on the undead knight, killing it instantly, it left nothing but dark particles dissipating into nothingness.

“This is why I despise them, so naïve…”

It said before a dark particle formed behind the reaper, it took on a human-sized capsule, the dark particles spun like crazy, like a large tornado that can only form in the vast grasslands at the surface.

But it wasn’t only one capsule, there were more, they were being added every minute, more and more until a total of 30 capsule formed and took on an undead form, they wore destroyed armor and their bodies were already skeletons, nothing left, not even an ounce of life.

“Gather and kill the monsters then control the floor…”

It commanded the group of undead knights, the group split into groups of 15 and went on opposite directions, their armor clanked and bones clacked whilst making each step.


“Lord, we have already cleared the floor and are now ready to push to the next floor!”

A skeleton knight reported to the reaper who was still guarding the unconscious and injured Theo, the Hero of Death.

“Good, his Majesty will be please.”

The reaper soon raised his hand into equal height with his shoulders and at his back, its miasma and dark particles soon collided and soon merge with each other, but unlike the first skeleton knights that were summoned this time there were only 5, but their capsules were more larger and wider than the normal Skeleton knights that it summoned earlier.

As they were finally finished in being summoned and the dark particles soon dispersed, revealing 5 heavily armored, buffed and large, knights, undead knights, their bones were grey or darkish grey with blood-red eyes glowing, they each held a door-like iron shield that could cover most of their bodies and two of the large undead knights were armed with axes rather than swords like the other three.

“Go on…”

The Reaper ordered the knights to continue their advances and make enough space for Theo to accept the levels that have been accumulated in the past 9 months of him commanding his personal army of mercenary.

Normally the exp he could gain are only in the mere hundreds since there were almost 5,000+ mercenaries, but since he was purged along with the other members, he is the only living member left alive, so it is near the amount of 10o-28,000 accumulated exp, basically placing him immediately up to level 25 or 28.

Once he receives the exp he now has obtained the ability to summon and command a general and at least 18 summons, any type of undead summons, he also has an ability that only the grim reaper has and that is… [Soul Devour].

Just, simply, this human is worthy as death’s Right hand… A Demon…