012. Sergeant Thomas bags an intern job!
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"Hello there! Ha!" Tom says to Kate awkwardly. 

"Kate? You didn't tell me that I am replaced by some joker!" a senior photographer who comes along with Kate mocks Tom, saying, "it seems Fashions and Styles has no quality control hiring an incompetent roadside passerby as a photographer!"

"True! Maybe that's why they hired me to try to bring some change in the so-called quality control that you blabbers about!" Tom gets back at him. 

"You? A photographer in Fashions and Styles?! Don't kid yourself! You're not worthy enough even to be an intern in my company! Now you are responsible for our deal to be friends to go down the drain! Now get out of here before I kick you in the nuts!" Kate embarrasses Tom before she walks away from him and sits in her chair and starts drinking coffee. 

"Sometimes it happens. A dog thinks it's god and dies a dog's death. You know the way out, right? Be on your way then." The senior photographer humiliates Tom. He is so angry he's about to beat that guy up but holds back and lets him leave, controlling his anger. 

Tom walks toward Kate and crouches beside her chair, saying, "if you treat everyone like this, who would want to work with you, eh?!" 

"Those who want to fulfill their dreams. Those who love and respect their work. Those who believe in their talent more than their ego. Those who would do anything to achieve their goals." Kate says to Tom. 

"Hmph! Go and get yourself a dog then!" Tom mocks Kate, gets up and starts walking toward the exit when he gets a call on his mobile from Messy. 

"What the fuck do you want?!" Tom shouts at her on the call. 

"Now what happened? Why are you shouting at me?" Messy shouts back. 

"What else?! Kate happened like she's been happening from the past two days." Tom says, "she humiliated me and told me to leave, that bitch. I'm done with her and her fucking deal. I'm leaving here now. We'll talk later." Tom says angrily. 

"Wow! Never listened to anyone in your life before then what changed now suddenly?!  Oh! I get it! You've become a wuss being afraid of losing to her, haven't you?" Messy taunts Tom. 

"Yeah, you're right! Now that I think about it, why the fuck was I about to leave listening to that bitch. To hell with her and to hell with her desperate cunning acts to make me drop from the challenge. Haha. It's my turn now. Get ready to face my stupendous act, you crazy queen bee." Before Tom says all this, the call gets disconnected from her end due to network problem but that doesn't stop him from being stupid and talking to himself with nobody on the other end of the call, and to top it off, he hangs up without saying goodbye to her while Messy on the other end who doesn't get to hear any of that self centered shit of his, thinks he is leaving from there and hurries to that photo studio to convince him against it. 

Tom gets back to the same crouching position beside Kate and imitates a dog's bark with an innocent face. 

"I'm ready to do whatever it takes to win your friendship." Tom says to Kate. 

"Whatever it takes, you say?" Kate asks Tom. 

"Sorry. I mean whatever you say." Tom says with a fake smile. 

"Alright then. Bygones are bygones and the deal is still on. And one more thing. Welcome to Fashions and Styles. I'm making you an intern in my company and arguing about it is not up for any discussion." Kate says to Tom. 

"You think you are the only one who can work two jobs at the same time, you narcissistic bitch. I'll show you just how capable I am and how inferior you are in front of me." Tom thinks in his mind. 

"What?! That's not at all fair! But since you don't give me any choice, I guess that's it." Tom says to Kate. 

"Now, you're my intern. Go assist the models with their costumes." Kate orders Tom. 

"Wow!" Tom mouths sneaking at the female models. 

"Thank you very much, ma'am! I knew that deep inside you care about me!" Tom stands up and starts walking toward the female models when Kate stops him, saying, "not them. Male models."

Tom's bright face turns into a sad one full of despair with slight signs of anger. But he controls his anger and starts assisting the male models, trying his best to take his eyes off the female ones but he just can't. 

Kate sits there enjoying torturing Tom with her orders bossing him around with an evil smirk on her face. 

"Excuse me! Can you help me with my back zip please!" one of the female models asks Tom. 

He rushes toward her from what he was doing and when he's about to get close to her, another male model orders him to help with his costume. 

"It's okay. I will ask someone else to help." that female model gets away from him making him feel so wretched. 

He gets so excited and happy just for a second though, before returning to the hell which is the male models dressing spot. 

That senior photographer shows the pictures he took in today's shoot and Kate appreciates him saying, "good job." and when she's about to leave to the precinct, standing up from her chair, that senior photographer extends his hand expecting a shake hand from her but she leaves without giving him one. 

A few minutes after Kate leaves the studio, Messy comes in barging through the door looking for Tom in a hurry. She calms down only after seeing Tom there assisting the male models. 

"Hey, Elijah! Check her out! She is your type, isn't she?!" one of the male models says to the other, looking at Messy. 

to be continued...