Chapter 29: Summoning
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“Since everyone has been gathered, I suggest summoning our servants. Because let’s be honest, only a servant can defeat another servant. I know it looks bad when you look at the enemy’s lineup. They're mainly made up of kings. I guess you could say that we’re royally screwed.” Carter told everyone. Constantine understood the situation. “How does this summoning work, mate? What do you need?”

“First off, we’ll need a big space. J’onn, do we have a place like this? How about a helipad.” J’onn took everyone to the helipad on the roof of the DEO. “Alright, give me a while to draw the magic circle. Imprint…Caster” once he took Caster’s form, Carter drew a magic circle in the air, and then he created six more like it. He then arranged the seven magic circles into a larger circle. He also places several magic jewels at key points around each magic circle. Seeing the magic circles, Constantine was flabbergasted. “This magic is far older than any known magic. It is far older than anything I practice. This level of magic is in line with True Magic, Primordial Magic.” When Constantine looked back at Carter in his Caster form, He could see an aura of old magic around Carter. It was not just old, it was ancient. He then realized that Carter might not have been making things up if the magic of such a level is involved.

After drawing the magic circle, Carter retrieved six a large chest from his dimensional storage pocket. He took out several items. “When summoning a servant, you need to have a catalyst. If you don’t, then the servant summoned will be one that has the greatest affinity with you. Think of it like this, without a catalyst, it’ll be like choosing seven people from a large crowd. With the catalyst, we can zone in on a specific target. Do you understand this so far?” Everyone nodded.

But Sarah interjected, “Shouldn’t the servant we have the most affinity with, be the best possible option?” Carter rubbed his temples and gave Sarah a disapproving look, “That’s not necessarily true. What if the servant that you summoned, couldn’t put up much of a fight against someone like Gilgamesh. Then there would be no point in summoning that servant, as you’d need an even stronger one to put up a fight.”

Carter then told each master to take a circle. He then went through his storage dimension and brought out several items and gave them to each master. Carter decided that he would let each of them summon a powerful servant that was suitable for them.

“Lena, you will take this coil and bulb. Joey, you will take these rune stones.” One of the things that Carter took out were books. Constantine took a look at the books, “Sherlock Holmes, Romance of The Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West. How can these help, their fictitious characters. How would”. Carter stopped her, “Greek Heroes whose legends are still retold today are not? It is not how true the legend is. It is how it affects the minds of humanity, as well as the Mystery behind their legend. In this day and age where Heroes, such as yourselves, rely on technology to get things done, even if that technology is so advanced it may appear like magic, you could never ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become Heroic Spirits if the legends about you don't live on."

Carter proceeded to take out a few more items. One of the items he set aside as a book titled Minamoto no Yoritomo monjo no kenkyū. Another item Carter had set aside was a kimono, and katana. He even took out a sword and a black cloak from the storage dimension. He also retrieved a magic stone and drew a symbol on it before setting it aside. The last item Carter took out was a gold medallion. After he had taken out and set aside the items he was going to use, he distributed them to Eddie, Cisco, Sarah, and Henry. “I’ve already considered which servants we would need to fight. I’ve also just distributed the catalyst for these heroes. I will now tell you who you will summon. I’ll summon Saber, Lena will summon Archer, Cisco will summon Rider, Sarah will summon Assassin, Joey will summon Caster, Eddie will summon Lancer, and Henry will summon Berserker.”

“Wait, why do I get Berserker?” Henry was unsatisfied. “You’re getting Berserker because he would have the best affinity towards you. You do realize you have a temper don’t you?” Carter humored Henry. Henry was clearly dissatisfied, “Yeah, but” “No buts. Besides, Berserkers may be all about brute strength, but that doesn’t mean they can’t think. When I’m in my Berserker form, I still retain my mental faculty. The mindlessness only sets in if you tell him to use Madness Enhancement. If you don’t, Berserker will be like any other servant. Heracles is using Madness Enhancement. That’s why he’s, wall a mindless monster.” “Fine”, Henry was still dissatisfied with Carter’s excuse.

“Henry’s matter aside, does anyone have any questions? Otherwise, we’ll begin the summoning process right away.” The others did not know what questions to ask. After a period of silence, Carter continued, “Then, let’s begin, everyone take a circle, stand before it and place your catalyst in the center of the magic circle. A word of warning, a servant needs to constantly be supplied with mana to sustain themselves, without it they will return to the Throne of Heroes. The mana can either be supplied by the master or taken from others. Another way would be to consume the life force and soul of other people”.

Hearing Carter’s words, Constantine snapped, “I knew a price had to be paid for such powerful magic, you’re off your rocker if you think I’m going to let you continue, you wanker.” Carter created a barrier around Constantine, “You didn’t let me finish. After your whole fiasco of returning magic back to the Earth and the recent Crisis event. The amount of mana in the atmosphere has drastically increased. Don’t you feel it, Constantine? The mana all around us and throughout the entire multiverse has become more concentrated. With this amount of mana available, the servants don’t need to be supplied with mana to sustain them. They could just take it from their surroundings.”

Constantine could not argue. “Besides, that is one of the reasons for the Holy Grail War. If the concentration of mana is too high, then it can be fatal to normal people. If the concentration of mana continues and increases, then in a few years, it can become poisonous to normal people. They are not used to that level of mana. Think of it like this, if the air becomes so polluted with harmful toxic and poisonous gases, can humanity still survive? That is why Alaya started the Holy Grail War. By doing so, humanity will be able to live for a few hundred more years.”

Constantine still could not argue with Carter. He knew the man was right. Too much magic in the atmosphere can kill. Everyone now understood the importance of the war. “Now that everyone has understood the severity of the situation, we’ll begin the summoning procedure. Now you must all repeat what I say.” The red command seals on their hands started to glow, and the magic jewels that Carter had placed around the magic circles started to melt travel along the lines of the seven magic circles.

"Let silver and steel be the essence.”

"Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.”

"Let white be the color I pay tribute to.”

"Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall.”

"Let the four cardinal gates close.”

"Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate".

A bright red light started to appear from each of the magic circles, and a crackle of red magical power burst out from beneath them. A doorway was being formed between Earth-Prime, and another dimension, somewhere in the vast multiverse. A connection was being made with the Throne of Heroes. A storm started to brew, thunder roared across the skies, and red lightning made the sky glow red. Some felt the storm to be ominous but others simply smiled. They knew that the great battle was upon them.

“Let it be declared now.”

“Your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword.”

"Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail.”

"Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth"

"An oath shall be sworn here.”

"I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven;”

"I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell.

"From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power,”

“Come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!"

When they finished their incantations, images and memories that were not theirs flowed into the minds of the seven masters. From the seven magic circles appeared seven figures.