Chapter 9 – A Strange State
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He opened his eyes, looking completely confused. 

Rubbing his head, he tried to consolidate all the strange fragmented memories in his head. 

"Who...what.." he mumbled, looking at his hands

He couldn't remember anything, much less who he was. 

Now that the zombie virus in his blood has been neutralized, and his whole body seemed to have been rejuvenated

His whole body was already completely healed with no sign of his previous injuries.

He had a broken spine, internal injuries, his limbs were bent the wrong direction, his dick was bent and broken. 

He had a giant serpent's venom injected in him and multiple injuries by all the many monsters he faced in his delirium. 

Now now, he was whole and in fact, his erect dick even looked bigger!

The dragon blood helped him recover, but didn't increase his strength, speed or other physical attributes. At least, that was what he could tell. Who knows what the dragon blood that flowed into him had done to him. 

That said, he was ultimately much stronger because the blood neutralized the zombie virus in his body, but enabled him to use a zombie's strength. 

A zombie, much like a homunculus like the Frankenstein monster or a mummy, possessed beyond normal strength because being undead, they can use 100% of their human muscles without their brains subconsciously stopping them from tearing their muscles. 

Furthermore, they didn't fear pain and had no subconscious fear, enabling them to fight with their full physical capabilities.

Bonar received this anility to utilize 100% of his strength, although he was much stronger than an average person in the first place, being stronger than an orc.

He stepped out of the bloody chamber he was in and turned around and looked in shock and confusion!

He had been recuperating in, and eating the heart of a large black color dragon!

It was the legendary void dragon Skirvile, who was rumored to have disappeared in his lair in this forest named DragonGrave after him. 

Not only was the dragon body there, but around it in the lair was a mountain of gold and jewels, a typical dragon's treasure.

Of course, all this meant nothing to him as he seemed to be moving on instinct and intuition rather than thought. 

He had already eaten out most of the dragon's heart and drank it's blood, leaving only the remnants and his own excrement and piss in the cavity that held its heart. 

The dragon looked old and decrepit, having been injured by a large ballista bolt stuck to it's chest that broke off it's reverse scale, hence opening the hole to his heart that he crawled into. 

But the bolt apparently injured the dragon so badly, as it fled although there was no other wound on it. 

The dragon had been unconscious for centuries, slumbering to recover from it's wound, but it could not pull out the black bolt imbedded in its chest. 

Bonar walked up to the dead dragon and pulled out the bolt. 

The spear was pure black in color, 3 meters long and weighed 150kg.

The material that it was made of was strange, as it was metallic, but it didn't shine at all. In fact, it seemed to absorb all light that shone on it.  

It was heavy, heavier than a normal person can wield or even carry, but not so heavy that Bonar himself couldn't lift it with one hand. 

He swung it around like a spear and accidentally smashed the dragon's jaw. 

It cracked due to the force generated and the cave rumbled as stones fell from the roof. 

A rock the size of a coconut fell on his head and he grunted and rubbed his head head

As he was naked, he looked at the dragon's body, wanting to use it's scales or skin as clothes. 

But the dragon scales were too tough to wear as it is and needed to be processed into armor before use. 

However, he searched for softer skin from the dragon's less protected body parts. 

After an hour of searching the body, he cut off a large piece of skin and wore it like a large bag with holes in it. 

He wore a black shirt, as well as a lioncloth, and crude shoes, all made from black softer skin he found on the dragon.

And the only part soft enough for him to cut with his "spear" was the dragon's penis!

Though he may look silly, but the dragon skin was more hardy than any leather armor around. 

Besides that, he used the dragon's scrotum skin to create a large bag, packing a huge amount of gold and slinging it over his shoulder.

Together with the gold was meat from the dragon penis that he had already skinned, for food.  

Although he couldn't remember much, he did remember that gold was precious, and that he needed to eat. 

He looked for a way out, but found that the dragon had collapsed the cave entrance to remain hidden, so the only entrance was the hole at the top of the cave.

After trying his spear to his backpack, he started climbing out of the cave. 

Less than 5 minutes later, he exited the hold on the roof of the cave. 

It was forest all around him, and he didn't know which way he came from. 

He was on top the highest hill around. As such, he picked a random direction and walked downhill. 


Late that night, as he barbequed a large portion of dragon penis meat over a fire, he heard a growl of a large beast nearby. 

Standing up, he picked up his spear and looked towards the direction the growl came from. 

A large 3m tall demonic bear pounced on him, far faster than he expected such a large creature to be able to move. 

His spear was blocked and swiped out of his hand as the bear slashed his chest with its claws. 

Bonar rolled on the floor from the impact, but found that although it hurt, his chest wasn't cut at all 

His dragon penis leather armor could not be cut even from such a beast's claws. 

He stood up and charged back at the beast. 

They wrestled for a bit as Bonar tested his strength against it, avoiding its fangs and holding back its claws with his arms. 

To his surprise, he was actually stronger than the bear!

Within minutes, he bear was subdued as he outmuscled the bear and snapped its neck. 

He pulled out the bear's heart and ate it with the dragon penis. Somehow, he had gained a liking to eating hearts. 

The smell of blood brought more and more monsters out of the forest. 

That night, he had a feast of hearts.