SS26 – Aleesha – Bandits In Another World
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Strong language.

What are they? Aleesha thought as they stalked the figures Zanadell had spotted in the distance. The caravan had made camp for the night by the time they caught up with it, and the travelers were now in the middle of eating their dinners. 

The new world they had arrived in kept giving new surprises - the world had not one, but two suns. They made everything bright during the day - so bright it had caused all of them headaches. 

Over the days since arriving, they had yet to see a proper forest; the enormous valley between the two mountain ranges they had teleported into was covered in grasslands, as well as the occasional lake and cluster of trees. 

Yet the strangest difference to Whildernae was how they somehow felt heavier the moment they arrived. Their first day of traveling in the new world had taken them by surprise, as the additional weight took its toll on them. Although the difference wasn’t immense, it was noticeable - and over the course of the day, the strain became increasingly taxing.

Remembering the tales of meetings with demonic magicians, she had first suspected that they were attacked when they arrived. But as they were alone upon arrival, they had to conclude that it was simply a property of the world they were in. 

The last surprise Aleesha found was the path of stones that crossed the valley they encountered. The stones had been well fitted with one another, and almost perfectly level to create a smooth surface with little gaps. 

Vandelor had apparently encountered something similar on Ramay, yet the natives there had instead only used stone-paved roads within or near cities. Reminded by Vandelor’s words that the humans of Ramay tended to bend nature to their will, rather than live alongside it, troubled Aleesha somewhat. Although she saw little problem with the road they had encountered, it could suggest that the natives of this world had even less regard for the life of nature. But for the sake of their mission, she couldn't let such differences affect her mood.

After all, they were about to initiate first contact with them. 

Illuminated by the campfire and the lanterns that hung from the carts, Aleesha and her companions were able to get a closer look at the natives of the world. They were similar to elves in the sense that they were bipedal and seemingly made of flesh, but they were shorter and burlier.

"Dwarf." Vandelor whispered.

Aleesha turned to look at the archmage. "How do you know what they're called? Did you meet them on Ramay?"

"I appraised them." Vandelor replied with a shrug before he continued. “They seem to be mostly between thirty and forty. Three of them are around level sixty, the highest being a sixtyone knight. No magicians.”

Aleesha raised an eyebrow. As Vandelor glanced at her when she didn't reply, he realized she had no idea what he was talking about before he elaborated with a smile. "It's a spell. Gives you some basic information about the target."

Aleesha nodded. "You should teach me that. Sounds useful."

"Very." Vandelor replied with a wry smile.

Aleehs frowned as a realization dawned on her. "I didn't notice you casting a magic circle."

"Silent Casting." Vandelor said in a hushed voice.

"A spell?" Aleesha asked.

"An elder magician class skill." Vandelor corrected.

A harsh whisper was heard from behind Aleesha. "If you're done talking about things that can be talked about when - I don’t know, like when I'm sleeping - how about we discuss the matter of first contact?"

""Ah."" (Aleesha)(Vandelor)

There’s so many of them that even if they are lower level, they’d be a threat as a group. But if we need to kill them, then Vandelor could probably deal with them mostly on his own. The problem might be those that are around level sixty, but since Zanadell and Vandelor are both over level one hundred, they could probably handle this without me if things go wrong.

But if things do go wrong, it's still better if we run. 

Aleesha thought for a moment before she whispered. "Just stick with the plan. We've got the drop on them, so if we announce ourselves without weapons at the ready, they'll likely lower their guard in response as well."

As they got closer, Aleesha cast the translation magic Vandelor had taught her during the moons of preparation. Once they were at a suitable distance, Aleesha called out while waving her arm. “Greetings, strangers!”

The dwarves in the caravan all flinched and turned as one to look at the trio. Although Aleesha had spoken in front of groups often in the past, knowing that the people she was talking to now were complete strangers - combined with the weight of her purpose, somehow put her on the spot. Or perhaps it was simply the dwarves' wide-eyed staring.

Keeping a friendly smile on her face, she continued. “We’re elves from Whildernae, who have come here to-”

The sudden bellow of one of the dwarves interrupted her.


"GET 'EM!" (??)

"KILL 'EM!" (???)

Aleesha's eyes widened in confusion before she realized what the dwarves were saying. The ruckus they were making, while running about getting their weapons at the ready, made Zanadell lower her stance and put her hands on her sheeted sword.

"Shau. I think they're unfriendly." Zanadell said seriously.

You don't say!


Aleesha started backing away while turning around. "Run!"

As they ran through the tall grass, chased by dozens of dwarves, Aleesha wracked her brain. Did I say something wrong? 

No. They seemed to attack us just because we’re elves. 

Does that mean there are- 

“Shau, what should we do?” Zanadell asked as they were running. 

Right. We’re under attack. I can think about that later.

Glancing back, she realized that despite being short, the dwarves were closing in on them quickly. It wouldn’t take long for them to catch up with them, if they could keep up the pace. 

Aleesha called out to their magician. “Vandelor, can you slow them down without hurting them?”

“It would be easier to cause a smokescreen and lose them by changing direction. It’s already dark, so it should be easy to get away.” The reply came.

“Do it!” Aleesha yelled.

Aleesha noticed in the corner of her eye how a large magic circle appeared in front of Vandelor’s hand. A few seconds later, he was finished with the spell and a thick wall of white fog appeared in front of them - so thick that once they entered, even though Vandelor and Zanadell were next to her, she could only see their figures through the fog on occasion. 

After changing direction, they moved as quickly as they could without alerting the dwarves by making noise. Twice they were about to collide with a dwarf that rushed past them. Soon they heard how the dwarves were falling away as they spread out and slowed down, shouting to each other.


“ELFS O’ER ‘ERE!” (??)


While they kept moving, Aleesha couldn’t help but smile in amusement as the angered voices of the dwarves faded into the distance.




“Well, that was fun. Could’ve gone better, though.” Vandelor chuckled. 

Aleesha nodded as she let out the question that had been hanging in her mind. “Why do you think they attacked us?”

“Well...they seemed to attack us for being elves.” Vandelor replied in a contemplative tone.

“...Does that mean there are elves in this world?” Aleesha asked.

“It’s possible, I suppose.” Vandelor sighed. “We won’t know for certain unless we find them, or ask the dwarves or some other inhabitants of this world.”

Aleesha pinched the bridge of her nose. “If the dwarves are hostile towards us, how are we supposed to ask them?”

“We could take one captive.” Zanadell replied.

“That’s…” Aleesha sank into thought. It wouldn’t be good for the relationship between us to further deteriorate. But if they already hate us...we might not have any other option.

“We’ll do that as a last option. It would be better if we could have a peaceful conversation with them, without having to resort to methods that can result in a diplomatic incident.” Aleesha said with a sigh.

“...Then we simply have to find another group of them. One with fewer numbers, so they won’t feel inclined to attack us at sight.” (Zanadell)

Aleesha considered for a moment as she looked back in the direction of the caravan they had encountered. “It might be difficult to find another group.”

“I don’t think so.” Zanadell replied. “They wouldn’t have made a path laid with stone unless it had a lot of travelers. We simply have to travel along it until we find another group.”



“I told you.” Zanadell whispered as they huddled in the tall grass. 

Yes, you did. But we had to wait for two days. Aleesha thought with a wry smile. The lone cart pulled by a large, curly-haired ram was slowly shaking its way along the path. 

“Two around thirty and one seventy three. No combat classes.” Vandelor said quietly. 

Aleesha nodded and decided to test the spell Vandelor had taught her. Choosing the grey-haired dwarf that seemed to be the eldest, and likely the highest level of them as they were lacking combat classes, she discreetly formed the magic circle. Appraisal.




Appraisal has reached level 2!

Appraisal Result


Name: Holly Kraze

Age: 80 Seasons (Whildernae)

Level: 73


Eighty seasons? Seems dwarves are quite long-lived. 

“Shau.” Zanadell whispered. “It’s time.”

Aleesha realized that they had to move into action unless they wanted to let the cart move past them. “Right then.”

“Let’s not mention being elves this time, and see how they react.” Vandelor reminded her before they cast the language translation spells.

They stood up from the grass and stepped onto the road as Aleesha called out to them. “Greetings, travelers!” 

The cart came to a halt as the dwarves stared at them wide-eyed. One of them groaned while the driver of the cart spoke quietly with an anxious tone. The two of them argued with hushed voices, before the dwarf in the middle that Aleesha had appraised let out a frustrated groan and grabbed the purse at the driver’s waist. The driver called out and reached for it, but the aged dwarf had already hurled the purse at Aleesha.

Zanadell instantly drew her sword and stepped out in front of her, deflecting the purse towards the ground with the flat side of the blade. 

Was it a bag filled with poison? Aleesha thought before the aged dwarf hollered at them.

“There! That be the last of our money, if ye want the rest, go get them from yer friends down the road! Now FUCK OFF!!” (Holly)


Aleesha thought she had heard the term before, before Vandelor leaned in and whispered. “I think it’s similar to what they used on Ramay to trade goods. In other words, their valuables.”

Aleesha frowned in confusion. “Why are they giving us their valuables?” 

“...I don’t know.” Vandelor admitted. “By the sounds of it however, they think we want them. Perhaps they thought we’d take their money by force?”

“Are you saying it’s not dangerous?” Zanadell asked while keeping her eyes on the dwarves and the purse on the ground.

“Don’t think so.” (Vandelor)


Aleesha wracked her brain at what to do. “Why are you giving us your valuables?”

“What the - ye stupid or somethin?” (Holly)

Aleesha’s eyes widened in confusion. “Forgive me if I’ve caused offense, but we don’t want We simply wish to talk.”

“Then give us back our money! And what ye hidin in the grass for, ye morons! Ye fugitives or somethin?” (Holly)

Aleesha shook her head. “We’re travelers. We simply want to ask some questions.”

After telling Zanadell to throw the purse back, the dwarves seemed to settle down - although the driver seemed somewhat distressed that the elderly dwarf had taken it from him; when he attached it back on his waist, it was on the opposite side of where it had been previously. 

“Watcha waitin for? Ask yer stupid questions then. Gonna die of old age at this rate.” (Holly)

“Wouldn’t be too soon.” (??)

“You shut yer trap, boy.” (Holly)

Are dwarves always this uncourteous? Aleesha mused before she asked the important question. “What is the name of this world?”

The trios stared at each other in silence before Holly suddenly burst into a loud cackle. “Yer funneh. Really! How can ye not know? Unless…oi, what are ye? Even if ye were northerners, yer a bit too tall. And frail-lookin too.”

Aleesha smiled as she carefully answered the question. “We’re travelers from another world. We’re in search of Teyrin, after we received a message regarding an impending battle between Ryc’zamul and Amara.”

Aleesha had first intended to ask if the dwarves had heard a similar message, but it didn’t appear to be needed as the two younger dwarves stood up in the cart and started yelling. 

“Oi-oi-oi! Travelers from ‘nother world?!” (??)

“Ye got the message too?!” (???)

“Shut yer pieholes! Yer an embarrassment to yer blood, losin yer compose like that!” Holly bellowed at the pair, before she returned to glaring at the elves. “Before we answer ‘bout ye tell us who ye are? Whose side ye on?” (Holly)

Aleesha considered before she answered. Let’s see how far we can go without saying that we’re elves.

“I am Aleesha Shau Thessinda. My companions are Vandelor and Zanadell. We’re on Amara’s side. We were already fighting the demons before we received the message.” (Aleesha)

Holly nodded in response. “I’m Holly. These nitwits be my nieces, Rick and Mick.” 

“Oi-oi-oi!” (Rick)

“Nephews!” (Mick)

“As if. Tsk.” Holly shook her head with crossed arms before she furrowed her brows and looked at Aleesha. “Hold Take of yer helmet and show me yer ears.”

Aleesha’s eyes widened. “Why?”

“If yer asking, I take it ye got a problem with it, huh?” Holly countered. “Yer an elf, aren’t yeh?”

The other dwarves suddenly paled as they heard the word elf. With three pairs of eyes staring at her, Aleesha let out a sigh. 

We were found out. But how?

“...It is as you say. We’re elves. But why do you-” (Aleesha)

“AIIEEH! AN ELF!” (Rick)

“RUN!!” (Mick)

The pair both leaped off the cart, running away back in the direction they came from without looking back at the elder they left behind. Holly on the other hand, merely twisted her lips as she stared at Aleesha before she looked back to watch her nephews running away without showing any surprise.

“Unfilial little shits.” Holly muttered before she rummaged behind her in the cart, dug something out that looked like a handle with a bow at the end, which she pointed at Aleesha. 

Before she had time to react, Holly had released the bolt and Zanadell had moved in front of her again, deflecting the projectile with her sword.

Zanadell didn’t stop in the process, but instead continued until she reached the cart and pointed the tip of her sword at Holly’s neck. The aged dwarf merely snorted in response, tossing the weapon into the back of the cart without looking - seemingly unsurprised at how the events had unfolded.

Why do they keep trying to kill us?

“Was that really necessary?” Aleesha asked as she approached the cart. 

Holly scoffed before she replied. “It was worth a try, no?”

The dwarf glanced at the sword pointed at her neck before she looked at Zanadell. “Get on with it then.”

Zanadell, who didn’t have any translation magic on her, merely kept her eyes and sword unmoving. Aleesha thought that maybe she could understand what Holly was saying anyway, but she wouldn’t humor her request since they needed answers.

“We’re not going to hurt you. We just want some answers.” (Aleesha)

“Ask somewhere else. I ain’t tellin anythin to those who consort with demons.” Holly replied icily as she crossed her arms.

Consort with demons?

Aleesha furrowed her brow in confusion. “We don’t consort with demons. We’re at war with them.”

“Tsk.” (Holly) 

“What makes you think we’re consorting with demons?” (Aleesha)

“Go away.” (Holly)

Aleesha sighed as she turned to look at Vandelor for advice. As he merely shrugged his shoulders, she knew they were in for their greatest challenge yet.



“Are ye just playin dumb, or just plain stupid?” (Holly)

Aleesha had a strained smile on her face as she replied. “I’m asking because we don’t know.”

“Tsk. Typical.” Holly muttered. 

The suns had already set. They had helped the aged dwarf make camp for the night, and Aleesha had finally started to get Holly to loosen up and talk a little. They hadn’t stopped Holly from doing anything besides hurting them; they even helped her lead the ram and cart off the road when she wanted to make camp. 

Aleesha’s strategy had simply been to show what goodwill they could, and pester the dwarf with questions at regular intervals. Realizing that it would take a long time, she had to take turns with Vandelor to conserve and replenish their mana for the language translation spell. Although it didn’t use much, if it was active for longer periods of time it would eventually drain their mana.

“Come to think of it, they haven’t returned yet.” Aleesha said when she thought of the two dwarves that had run off once it was revealed that they were elves.

“Astute observation ye got there.” (Holly)

The corner of Aleesha’s mouth twitched. “What about if they’re hungry? They didn’t bring anything with them.”

“Let those bastards starve. They deserve it for all I care.” Holly replied. 

Aleesha sighed and turned to look at the night sky. I really don’t know how to get her to talk.

Maybe we should just give up on her and try with someone else? One of the brothers perhaps?

“...I thank ye for askin ‘bout ‘em though.” Holly said, interrupting Aleesha’s thoughts. “Can’t really blame ‘em for runnin from elves. Woulda done the same if these old bones could still carry me.”

Aleesha sighed as she repeated her question. “Why run though? What’s with the hostility against elves?”

As she expected, Holly didn’t reply. But the dwarf seemed to be contemplating something.

“Ye said you received a message from the gods? What did it say?” (Holly)

Aleesha glanced at the dwarf that was staring into the campfire, before she retold the message she had committed to memory. After she was finished, all she could hear was the crackling campfire and the cool night wind brushing the grass. 

“If yer speaking truth...then it sounds like Amara is both yer and our goddess now.” Holly eventually replied.

Aleesha looked at the dwarf earnestly as she responded. “It’s the truth.”

“Even if ye say so, there’s no way for me to know.” Holly replied. Just as Aleesha felt her hopes sinking once again, she continued. “...But I’ll answer yer questions. Just so ye’ll stop pestering me.”

Aleesha’s eyes widened as she gestured to Vandelor, who cast his translation magic while she replied. “We’re most grateful. We don’t want to cause any trouble, only-”

“Spare me all that. I’m too old for pleasantries.” (Holly)

As if we couldn’t tell already.

“And once yer done with yer questions, I suggest ye leave this world. Ye’ll find no friends here.” (Holly)

The dwarf took a deep breath as she considered before she spoke. “As ye already asked so many times, I can tell ye a few things right off the bat. This world ain’t Teyrin - ‘tis Dular. And no, there ain’t any elves here. Not anymore. There’s only dwarves here now.” 

Aleesha stared at her. “Not anymore?”

“Dead or gone. To the last one.” Holly replied simply. Just as Aleesha’s suspicions on what she was implying started to make her angry, the dwarf continued. “And before ye ask, yes, we killed ‘em. But twas long in the past. So long ago that it borders on legend, if it weren’t for the records.”

Aleesha calmed herself and collected her thoughts. “...If it’s so long ago, then why do you still hate us?”

“Tis what we’re taught. Never trust an elf. ‘Tis to the point that yer better off dead in our eyes - just like demons.” (Holly)

“But why?” (Aleesha)

Holly sighed and frowned for a while before she met Aleesha’s gaze. “For yer betrayal of the gods.”

Aleesha frowned. Zenon...the sapling said that we scorned the gods, and that’s why we were abandoned. Is this the same thing?

“Do you know how my people betrayed the gods?” (Aleesha)

“Not questionin it, are yeh?” Holly snorted. 

Aleesha shook her head. “I can’t tell if we did or not. I’ve heard something about how our people might have been at odds with the gods, but before the message we received we didn’t even think the gods existed. We have little to no records from that time as well, so I don’t know if our people made a mistake - and if we did, of what kind.”

Holly nodded and considered for a moment while staring into the flames. “While the details are unclear, yer betrayal is the gods confirmed it for us in the past.”

Holly turned her eyes to Aleesha. “Do ye know of demon lords?” 

Aleesha nodded. “We’ve even met one. We were only able to escape thanks to Vandelor.”

“Hmm.” Holly glanced at the magician, who nodded in response. “Sounds about right. Ye’d be no match against a demon lord. Well, knowing about ‘em should make this easy to understand, even for an elf.”

Aleesha’s lips twitched at the insult, but she kept quiet to hear what the dwarf was going to say next. 

“From what we’re told, the actions of the elves spawned the first demon lord.” (Holly)