Chapter 93- There is something you could eat here
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After turning Danzo into dust, Haru looks around and saw the battlefield filled with corpses, he then looks at Shisui, Shisui by this time already canceled out his Susanoo, he notices Haru's gaze and said

"Sensei, thank you for coming"

"Of course I will come when my student is in danger, however thanks to you, we already dealt with Danzo. He being dead is a good thing for Konoha due to all those things he did."

Shisui nodded but you could see that he is thinking deeply and Haru notices this and ask

"Are you thinking about how he got those eyes?"

Shisui nodded and Haru answered

"Hmm… I'm sure you already know the answer to your question, however"

Shisui did not say anything and kept silent, Haru also keep silent and conjured his flames to burn the bodies, after doing that Shisui ask

"Do you think, Minato sensei know this?"

Haru shook his head and said

"Nope, I don't think so, this is how cunning and secretive Danzo is, that's why we needed time to gather evidences towards him, however now that he is dead I'm sure the third and his two stugees won't sit still"

Shisui nodded and said "Then, are we going to be alright sensei? I mean we did kill him"

Haru laughs at this and said "Hahaha, who do you think your sensei is? I am not the one who makes a move without any plans"

Shisui breathe a sigh of relief and said "Okay then sensei, I will leave now to do my mission"


"Yeah, there is a report that said a large number of ninjas from the rock are gathering in the borders, and I will go there to know if it's true"

Haru thought for a bit and said "I see, but I personally think that is a false report"

Shisui was confused by what Haru said and ask "Why do you sa-" but stop and realizes late what Haru meant.

"So should I still go and check it out?"

"Well we could, I will accompany you and just teleport back to Konoha since I think that they are on turmoil right now"

Not long after Haru said that, back in Konoha…

"Hokage-sama, the root ninjas are in turmoil" said one of the ANBU's

Not long after a root ANBU ninja came to the Hokage office and ask

"Hokage-sama, did you know where Danzo-sama is?"

Minato was confused for a moment and said "No, I do not know where he is? Why do you ask?"

"Is that so" the Root ninja then disappeared without saying anything

"Tsk! Root ninjas really are something, they come and go as they please" said the ANBU

Minato just sigh and he heard a knock on his door, he approves and a troubled Kinoe and Kakashi entered the door.

"What's wrong Kakashi, Kinoe?"

"Minato-sensei, Kinoe have something to say to you"

Minato then looks at Kinoe and Kinoe said

"Hokage-sama, I think Danzo-sama is dead"

Minato is surprise by what Kinoe just said and ask "Why do say that?"

Kinoe then took out his tongue and showed it to them, they were confused for a moment and then Minato said "It can't be?"

Kinoe nodded and said "The seal on our tongue is only there when Danzo-sama is alive, however now that it disappeared it just meant that he is dead"

"How can this be?" ask Minato

When Minato was thinking an ANBU appeared before him again and ask

"Hokage-sama, the root ninjas are restless, what are your orders?"

"Hmm… since Shisui is on a mission right now, call Sakumo-san and ask him to lead the root for now"

The ANBU nodded and left, Minato then said

"Make a report to Haru and make him comeback ASAP"

"No need Minato-nii, we are already here"

Said Haru while he and Shisui directly appeared in the Hokage office

"Good thing you came back Haru, Danzo-" said Minato but Haru cut him off

"Danzo is dead" said Haru spilling the tea to everyone

The people in the room were surprised by the sudden bomb dropped to them and Minato ask

"How do you know?"

"Well I-"

When Haru was about to fill in the details, the room of the Hokage-office was burst open and Hiruzen, Homura and Koharu entered

"Minato, did you know where Danzo is?" ask Hiruzen

"The roots are restless and without leader, they said that Danzo is dead" said Homura

Minato just stared at them and look at Haru, Haru nodded at him and said

"Yes, Hiruzen-sama, Danzo is really dead"

"Who? Who did it? They need to pay for killing an elder of Konoha" said Koharu

"Well you are looking at the one who did it" said Haru nonchalantly at them

The trio were surprised by Haru's nonchalant attitude and by what he said

"What did you say Haru?" ask Hiruzen and continued

"You know joking around like that is punishable, and killing an elder to be exact" 

"Well I was about to spill the beans but you entered suddenly, anyways…"

Haru then told everyone what happened, when the trio heard this Homura reacted

"Impossible! You expect us to believe your lies?"

"You know killing an elder, is punishable and we will brand you a missing nin and become an enemy of Konoha" said Koharu

"Heh! And what do I get by lying to the three of you," said Haru while slowly increasing his momentum

His momentum made the two behind Hiruzen to have difficulty of breathing and cold sweats started to run on their backs, they seemed to remember who they are dealing with, the strongest ninja of Konoha or the unofficial strongest ninja of the current era.

"Enough! Haru!" said Hiruzen

Haru receded his momentum, he looks at Hiruzen and said

"You must also remember Hiruzen-sama, that you have given me authority to punish whoever harmed my family and anyone close to me, regardless of who they were."

When Hiruzen heard Haru he was shocked at first and remembered that he did gave permission to Haru after the war because of his merits.

Koharu and Homura were surprised at this revelation and if Hiruzen really did gave Haru permission, no matter what they say, Haru is on the right. They look at Hiruzen questionably and once they saw him nod his head, their faces were grave.

Haru then throws at them a crystal ball, Hiruzen catches the ball and Haru said

"This is a new device I was working with, just like the crystal ball you used; this ball will record what it sees and play it back when needed" 

When Hiruzen heard this he knows that it is evidence, he then plays the video and saw everything that really happened; Danzo really did surround Shisui and tried to kill him, when it was in the part where he removes the metal bracers on his arms the trio was shocked by this.

Haru then took out Danzo's right arm with the Sharingans in it, they were all silent by this and Haru is not finish yet, he looks at Minato and nodded his head, Minato caught what he wanted to say and said

"Aside from those, we also gathered evidences against the atrocities of Danzo's action against Konoha" 

Minato then took out files and gave it to them, Hiruzen and the two read all of these and was shocked further, they did not know that their friend would sell important information to Konoha, even Hiruzen was in disbelief, that's why during his reign, many genins and ninjas went missing and even died on doing simple missions, because their mission information was given to enemy countries.

Danzo tried to weaken Konoha, and blame it all on him for him to become Hokage. The three were silent for a while, Hiruzen look at the people in the office and sigh, Haru then said

"It is not your fault Hiruzen-sama, I understand that he was your friend, however you should not turn a blind eye on what he did, it's a good thing that we notice this sooner, or else it will ruin Konoha from the inside."

Hiruzen sigh and said "Do as you wish, however, he did was once a ninja of Konoha and serve it, just let his name be on the memorial stone, may this be at least a reward for what he did in the last two wars"

Haru and Minato sigh and this, they thought for a while before compromising

"Very well" said Minato and Haru just nodded, however he really did not want to agree but, 'sigh whatever'

The trio then left the office dejectedly and Haru and Minato discuss what their plans are for the future and for the root,

They both decided to dissolve root and absorb the remaining root members to his ANBU and let Shisui train them; he will also use his abilities to them since the majority of the root members are loyal to Danzo and not Konoha.

After that they will spread rumors on the village that said 

[Danzo-sama was ambush by a criminal organization and died for the sake of Konoha, he selfishly laid his life, to not spill any information from Konoha and died as a hero]

'Well if Danzo heard this, he may cough up blood, too bad, he's no longer alive.' Thought Haru

"Now that is done, here is my report for the completion of my mission" said Haru

"Oh right, thank you for your hard work Haru, now you may take your rest" said Minato

"Hehe thanks Minato-nii," said Haru

He then turned around and saw Kakashi behind him; he smiled and hugs Kakashi in front of everyone

"I miss you" said Haru

Kakashi hugs Haru back tightly and said "Me too"

The people in the room smiled wryly at the two and Kinoe cough, bringing the thought of the duo, Haru look at Kinoe and ask

"Who are you?"

"Oh Haru right, you did not know him, he is Kinoe, and he was a part of the root previously…" Minato then explained to Haru who Kinoe was and once Haru heard all of this he thought

'Oh my god! So he is captain Yamato, well he did not look like someone from the anime at all, well maybe because he  just got out from the root, but whatever'

"I see, well since Danzo is dead, means that your curse seal is removed right?"

Minato nodded and said "Yes that should be the case; I am planning to bring him to ANBU and train him for a while, and after that I will let him join Tsunade-hime, since he can use the Mokuton"

Haru nodded and said "Well it's a good choice, but can I see your Mokuton jutsu?"

Well Haru already know that he can only use dead tree, but he wanted to see it in person,

Kinoe nodded and made hand signs, he summoned a wooden tendril in his palms, Haru nodded and said

"Okay great, once you finish training, I will try to purify your body to make you stronger, well you can train under Kakashi"

Kakashi was confused by what Haru said and ask "Why should I train him?"

"Well it was your idea to bring him, so take responsibility; I don't want an irresponsible lover you know"

Kakashi pouted at what Haru said 

"I'm not irresponsible,"

Haru laughs at this and said "Really? And who said that they don't want to do missions anymore and just wanted to lie down and sleep?"

Kakashi was dumbfounded when he heard Haru, because it is true, that he don't want to do mission because he just wanted to be with Haru, 

"Well I said that because I just want to be with you"

Haru turned red from what Kakashi said and retorted

"Well if you don't work, what would we eat, what would I eat?"

Kakashi then whispered in Haru's ear "Well there is something you could eat here, a very long sausage, your favorite"

Haru's face flushed red, even Minato and Shisui who have high perception heard what Kakashi said and smiled wryly,

Minato then cough and said "Okay you two may go now, Kinoe, join the ANBU tomorrow and train under Shisui for now and Kakashi after, Shisui you can also go back and rest"

The four of them nodded and Haru and Kakashi quickly leave the room due to embarrassment.