Chapter 1: New World
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Hey guys. The chapter this time is a bit shorter than the last one. Treat the length of the prologue as the normal length of each chapter Actually, I wrote this chapter first, before writing the prologue, so the difference is probably because of that.


I was surrounded by dark.

No, that’s not right. I was surrounded by darkness blacker than black and darker than dark.

Oww… god, this is not the time for me to be making stupid references. My heads killing me. Have you ever woken up with such a bad hangover that you can swear you will have brain damage later? No? Me neither, but I’m guessing that that’s what this is like.

This headache is really not making the whole thinking thing easy. I keep trying to organize my thoughts, but the pain keeps messing everything up.

Okay, here we go. I’m in an unknown situation with minor(?) amnesia. Time for the Five Ws.

Who: Alice Heart.

What: A junior at Sierra Academy. I was in the top class because of my grades.

When: I can remember the class meeting at the airport for our field trip and Ms. Kumon making sure that nobody forgot their stuff. Then we all entered the plane. Hmm… Oh yeah! On the plane, I kept crushing Ms. Kumon in Fight Brothers. That was fun. She’s really good at strategy games, but I can destroy her in anything else.

Let me think. We didn’t get to finish our last game because of the turbulence. Ms. Kumon had to address the whole class to calm everyone down. Leah, as Leah does, went crazy immediately. Then… oh. Oh.

Oh no. So, I guess we died? I mean, I don’t think anyone could survive that plane crash. Luckily for everyone involved, I’m pretty sure that we all died on impact. Silver lining, right? It would suck for someone to survive that, only to slowly die due to injuries.

Anyway, I don’t think I can answer the Where or Why. Mostly because I have no idea.

For the most part, the headache is gone. With this, I can begin to feel some semblance of, well, anything. It feels like I’m being held in a princess carry. It’s warm and comfortable. Ahh, I could get used to this.

No! Bad Alice! Focus!

My body feels heavy and… clunky? It’s like I’m trying to move a low-res character around, but instead of the body parts clipping through each other, actual physics apply. This is gonna get annoying real fast. I mean, it takes significant effort just for me to open my eyes.

After a minute or two of trying, they finally open. And what I see surprises me.

I see two very large people. A man and a woman. 

The man has big arms and a built body. If I had to guess, he was probably a construction worker. He brushed his light grey hair to the side and looked at the woman with a smile on his face. He looks young, so the grey hair was a bit out of place.

On the other hand, the woman is wearing big, round glasses and had a slender body. I would peg her as the secretary type if it wasn’t for her light blue hair. Wow, it went all the way to the roots. That seems like a nightmare to get done. Anyway, that’s not the most important detail.

They both have long ears. Like, longer than humanly possible. 

They’re speaking to each other in a language that I can’t understand. It has some resemblance to Latin, but a bit less German, if that makes any sense. It probably doesn’t, but that’s what it sounds like.

Okay, so I’ve finally figured out the fourth W: Where.

I’m in another world.

Yup, it seems like I got isekai’d. 

Hard to believe, right? Well, it would be if it weren’t for the literal elves right in front of me. I guess I should call them my parents?

Does that mean that I’m an elf too? Sick! I get to live, like, hundreds of years longer than humans. Wait, does magic exist in this world? Elves are supposed to be pretty good at magic.

Finally, my weeb knowledge will come in handy! Heh-heh-heh, this is the day I’ve been waiting for! Take that mom and dad, reading all of those light novels and spending literal days playing video games wasn’t useless.

Josh is gonna love this! He wasn’t much of an anime fan, but he loved to read isekai stories. He’s not going to believe that got reincarnated in another world.


Ah. Right. Another world.

Well, damn.

I-I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do; how I should feel. I was really excited for a whole new world with my old memories, but then I remembered the fact that I left behind my old one.

This is going to sound awful, but I’m not really that sad about losing my parents. I mean, our family was basically already gone. They had only married for economic politics or whatever you call it. I mean, I hadn’t seen the two together since what, my ninth birthday? 

They would drop by the house every now and then to check up on me; make sure I had good enough grades to not disgrace the family and all that. But, being honest, they were never really my parents. They didn’t raise me, and if they loved me, they didn’t show it.

What I really miss is my classmates. Since Sierra was an elevator school, I had been with them since elementary school. Ms. Kumon was great too. She was our homeroom teacher since 9th grade, and would also teach us history. She was the kind of teacher who gets along really well with the class. You know, she was less of a teacher and more of an older sister type.

Hopefully, the rest of the class got reincarnated too. I don’t want to be the only one who gets to experience this world. If that is the case, my goal is to meet up with everyone. But first, I have to get strong, or at least somewhat knowledgeable.

I want to explore the world with my class. And for that, I have to be able to protect myself. Usually, in these types of stories, the world isn’t that kind. Death is common and killing in self-defense is fine.

Also, it would be hilarious if we all meet up, only for me to flex on everyone else with my ridiculous strength. I’ve always liked the overpowered protagonist style of light novels, but I hated it when they would listen to people that are weaker than them for some reason. Like, why do you have to do this quest that you really don’t have to? It’s the rules? So what? Rules only apply when you can enforce them.

I don’t want to be that kind of protagonist. So, again, I'm going to get strong. 

So watch out, world, I’m coming for you.