Whatever that last thing was
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So..this is..it? Its hard to believe but... It could be an illusion. But there are others who have now awakened. This word awakened, I don't like it, it sounds too childish, something a superhero fan would say but its easier to...think? Its easier to think awakened rather to think awakened their powers. I just now felt a heat wave on my right cheek. A chill on my left one. A slight tremor almost knocked me out of my feet. But my eyes stayed on the screen. Like a child staring at the night sky...that metaphor was too childish...stop this, brain 

"Ah, so many talented individuals. As expected of the heroes. Simply, marvelous. You may experience symptoms like nausea or dizziness. They are very common, please do not hesistate to contact us. Please do not fret if your powers didn't mature. It is a sign that they are very powerful amd require special training. Hence It is requested if them to please form a line." Said the slender man. He looks completely unfazed now, as if that apology minutes ago never happened. I never thought it was sincere anyway but he could atleast pretend to be remorseful. Anyway, now...what is...sambha....sabh...sambhaya....the first option.

[Shambhala, which is a Sanskrit word meaning "place of peace" or "place of silence", is a mythical paradise spoken of in ancient texts, including the Kalachakra Tantra and the ancient scriptures of the Zhang Zhung culture which predated Tibetan Buddhism in western Tibet.]

Hmmmmmmm, I see....it still doesn't make any sense. Well, atleast its English, I think. I doubt the qi thingy will be helpful either. Anyway the third option, it made the least sense. I noticed the symbols had changed now. It said


Well, its all or nothing, thinking this I pressed the third option, even though just thinking would suffice.

[Thank you f○r cho0sing

P€r$onality m@y change

Skill tree chosen: q¥ techniques]

There was more gibberish now. You..you called yourself system, didn't you. System, what are you.

[Provide suitable tasks to user.]

Where is this

[No data found. 

No related searches.]

System...are these people, good?

[No data found

Related searches: Task

End tyranny of the corrupt (currently unavailable)]

Do demons exist?

[Information unavailable]

System, can i win against that slender man?

[Chances of winning....0.019%]

I see. I have to run. No, leave this place. Now is not necessary, I have to wait. Till then, I have to be sneaky. Or do I have to? I doubt they would attack a child. I can attack him saying my powers went out of control. That distraction..or I can say I am feeling sick. They may take me to somewhere with even less security, but that's just a chance. Hospitals ussually have tighter security, don't they. There is also the option to join that failure programme with special training. It may help my powers grow but I doubt they woukd treat failures kindly. Uhhhhhh what to do. This is an important choice. I might get killed.

The man's back is turned. Now is the chance
  • Run Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Play along Votes: 9 32.1%
  • Pretend sick Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Join the special training Votes: 13 46.4%
  • Attack Votes: 2 7.1%
Total voters: 28