10. Prom Part 2
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From the entrance of the hotel, we walked to the park near there. It was a good 10 minute walk.

There were no words spoken between us, so all that was left was to look. There was no one at the park when we reached the gate.

In the park, there was a swing set, a few slides, a pole, and this climbing thing. It was kind of like the spider dome, but in an upright rectangle. Oh, there were also monkey bars and a pull-up bar.

I opened the gate for Melody and she went over to the swings.

“Would you like me to push you?” I asked.

“Sure.” she smiled at me.

She got on the swing and I started pushing her. Since her dress wasn’t super long, it didn’t touch the floor. She was also short, so she couldn’t touch the ground.

“So, Helix. Why don’t you have a date?”

“Do I need one?”

“That’s kind of how these things work.”

“Then, why don’t you have one?”

“My boyfriend broke up with me.”

“Oh, why?” I acted surprised.

“I don’t know. He just decided to end things.”

I could sense she was about to cry, so I changed the subject.

“Hm, well it is a beautiful night.”

‘Damnit, Helix. Talking about the weather? Pathetic.’

I don’t know who started that trend, but when you immediately want to change the subject to something else, the weather is the first thing that is said.

I’m cringing inside.

“It is a beautiful night. The moon is so bright!”

‘Shit, that actually worked?’

We were both now looking up at the sky. The moon was a bright white color, or so it looked. It was a full moon tonight as well. There were many stars around it as well, but the moon outshined them all.

“Melody, are you okay? You seem to have a lot of things on your mind.” I suddenly said.

“I do. Would you care to listen?”


She then explained her problems and troubles, from the beginning of her life to now. If someone else was telling me their life story, I’d make an excuse to leave, but since it was Melody, I stayed and listened.

Eventually, it ended up back to her relationship with Jack.

“I don’t understand. At the party, Jack and I were having so much fun. Why would he leave me?”

“...” Sometimes silence is the best answer one can give.

“I also don’t understand why you won’t tell me what happened during that time.”


“And even though we are friends, you won’t tell me. How is that fair? It’s my life.”

I had stopped pushing her on the swing and it stopped swaying.

“To protect you.”

“No, that’s what they all say! My mother and Mark, and now you! Why won’t you tell me anything?!”

Uh..? I guess she bottled up all these feelings and it exploded tonight.

“You’re not ready for it.”

“Yes I am! You can’t hide things from me when they involve me. That’s not what friends do!”



“Calm down and listen.”

“Why should I? Tell me what I want to know first.”

“By acting like this, shows you are not ready. You’ll know when it is the time.”

“I can’t believe you--” She choked on her words and tears started streaming down her face.

Oh, I see what happened now. She hadn’t properly released her pent up feelings, resulting in her anger being taken out on me.

Humans are so complex.

I took off my jacket and put it around her shoulders. And crouched down in front of her.

I looked up at her as she tried to hide her face from my view.

Me, personally, I don’t know how to handle a crying person. If I was in a different form, perhaps, but I’m human now.

I looked around to see if anyone else could help me, but no one was around.

‘What do I do? Can’t kiss her cause she’ll misunderstand my intentions. Maybe..’

I finally figured out what to do.

Looking at her bawling her eyes out, I leaned in and embraced her. A hug can solve a lot and release emotional strain. In fact, it helps the embraced person calm down and regain control over their emotions.

Just like a little kid, she grabbed onto me and started crying even harder. Her hot tears were dripping onto my shoulder. I rested my head on her shoulder as she cried.

This is a good thing. Maybe she’ll make better decisions in men.

She sat and I kneeled in front of her as she cried and cling onto me for about 10 minutes.

After she had no more tears left, I took out the handkerchief that was in my chest pocket and handed it to her.

“Thanks.” she said.

“Hm? For what?” I asked with genuine curiosity. What did I do worthy of thanks?

“For being my shoulder, comforting me, and lending me your handkerchief.”

“Oh, you don’t need to thank me.”

‘You don’t need to thank me because you’ll hate me after you graduate.’

My heart hurts thinking about how I’ll part with Melody after our 12 long years together. Of course, she only thinks we met this year, but my meaning was with both Night and as Helix.

“Well, if you don’t want to talk about it, then we won’t talk about it.”

She looked up at me as I bowed to her.

Her eyes widened in surprise.


I then looked her in the eyes with a smile on my face.

“Will you go to prom with me?”

As I watched her, she had no reaction for the first few seconds. After she finished processing what I had asked, her cheeks instantly became red.


I smiled widely and offered her my arm. She smiled back.

“Now that’s the Melody I know.”

She giggled and we both made our way to the hotel again. During our short walk back, she returned my jacket to me and I put it on again.

We went up the elevator and arrived at the ball floor. As we entered the room, people were cheering and most of the lights were out. The spotlight was pointed at center stage and there was an emcee there with a card about half the size of a piece of paper.

“And now, for the moment you have all been waiting for..!” she exclaimed.

Two muscular men in suits came out carrying out a crown and a tiara.

“We will call forth the Prom court princes and princesses. Please make your way to the stage!”

Cheers erupted throughout the hall. The emcee showed her palm of her hand to silence everyone.

“Now, drum roll please!!!”

The drums began to “roll” and everyone waited in anticipation.

“Our Prom king is…… BRYCE!!! Congratulations!”

Everyone cheered and clapped. It was really loud. The girls went crazy and they were screaming at the top of their lungs. Bryce was super excited as well. He had a happy smile and accepted the crown.

As soon as he was crowned, the emcee picked up the mic once again and looked at the court princesses.

“Now, the queen for our king is……”

‘God damn, her dramatic pauses are making me want to punch her.’


The same effect was the same for Sarah. The guys were cheering loudly and the girls were clapping and cheering as well.

Sarah was blushing as she was crowned Queen. Now that I think about it, Bryce looks a lot like her boyfriend. Oh, never mind. He is her boyfriend.

“We’ll have the first formal dance for the Queen and King.” the emcee spoke.

Bryce walked over to Sarah and took her hand. They walked down the short staircase (It was only about 1m high) and walked towards the center of the ballroom.

The sea of people parted as they made their way down. Soon enough, a circle was made and everyone’s eyes were glued onto them.

A slow song began to play and they started dancing to the music. They had really good chemistry with one another. Sarah, being at 5’7, with blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing an ocean blue sleeveless dress, outlined in silver. Bryce was wearing a navy blue tuxedo with a silver handkerchief. His shoes were black and he stood about 6’0.

They looked really good together.

As the song neared the halfway point the court princesses and princes joined in. Soon enough more people joined as well.

I looked at Melody and bowed with my left arm outstretched and my right arm behind my back.

“Would you honor me with a dance?”

She giggled and agreed.

“I accept.” She also curtsied.

We then too, started dancing.

Melody was smiling the entire time. If I could give her anything in the world, it would be at least one night of happiness.

With that, the night ended peacefully. 


We got back outside. Everyone was in overdrive from the crazy night and adrenaline. Of course the party was over, but kids always have a way to keep the fun going. Or so they say.

It’s a common and well known fact that after prom, kids will bring alcohol. Since we’d all be adults, we could drink, but not on school property or at the event.

It just so happened that there was a convenience store not too far from the hotel and it also happened to have alcohol.

Many people had bottles of liquor with them and they got inside their limousines.

It’s also another fact that a lot of people have sex on prom night. The party was great and all, but these horrible influences were quite much.

Since Santana and Sarah along with their friends were going to hang around for a while, I decided to go home. Of course, not without Melody.

I walked to the edge of the street and called for a Lyft. Since the hotel was cramped with limousines, I chose an easier destination to get to.


Once the driver was here, Melody and I got in. On the app, the destination had been set for Melody’s house.

The ride was a while and we were both tired. She fell asleep once she sat down in the comfortable seat of the car.

I guess the mental, emotional, and physical strain tonight is taking their toll now. She should sleep some more.

We arrived at her house and I carried her to the doorstep. I knocked on the door a few times and it opened a minute later.

Mark opened the door and let me in the house.

“What happened this time?”

“Nothing. She’s just tired. Partying for hours takes quite a bit of energy.”

“Alright. Can you put her in her room?”

I looked at Mark with an annoyed expression.


“...” There was no need to answer. He knows exactly what.

“I was just um..” I waited for his excuse as to why he couldn’t take his daughter to her room himself. It was amusing to watch him figure out what would be a valid excuse.

Mark’s eyes met with Celia’s and she was coincidently holding a wine glass. He took the glass out of her hand, almost spilling it, and downed the wine right in front of me. From the smell, it was a Merlot. A woman with good taste.

“I was drinking and I don’t think I can walk up the stairs by myself, let alone another person.”

‘Bullshit. I call BS!’

I rolled my eyes and turned away from the scheming duo, heading towards the stairs.

I got to her room and opened the door. I knew it was her room for two reasons: I have lived with her as a cat for 12 years and know the house like the back of my hand, and her room had a sign with her name on it.

I walked into her room and set her on the bed. I then started to walk away.

I reached the living room of Melody’s house and found Celia and Mark chatting.

“Mrs. Celia. Can you please help Melody undress? Sleeping in her attire is uncomfortable I bet.”

“Oh, right, right.” She hurriedly ran upstairs to help Melody.

“And you, Mark.”


I went and sat down next to him. He looked at me, confused. I returned his gaze and looked him dead in the eyes.

“I know what you two are planning. Don’t think about it.”

“Wh-whatever do you mean? Planning? Who is?”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. She’ll only get hurt in the end, I guarantee you. Please don’t force it.”

“You’re right. But it’s so hard to find good people like you.”

“Hm. I’m not a good person. Good is a term that is used based on opinion and favorability.”

“To me, you’re a good person.”

“I’m honored. Now, I’ve got to go. You do remember what tomorrow is, right?”

“Hm..? OH! Stay here for the night then?”

“Why? Santana also lives with me, and we’d be coming together anyway.”

“Please. We really loved your dinner after our workout session. We’d like to try your breakfast.”

“Fine, but flattery will get you nowhere.”

“Heh, but it got me somewhere this time, didn’t it?” Mark chuckled under his breath.

“I can leave if you like..?”

“No no, I didn’t say anything. Flattery will get me nowhere.”



It was about 1 AM and I was very tired.

“Mark, I’ll sleep on your couch.”

“Got it. Here’s a blanket.”

He handed me a red blanket and I set it down on the couch.

“Let me get a change of clothes for you.”


After waiting a few minutes, he came back down and handed me some basketball shorts and a zippered sleeveless jacket.

“These are also some of my old clothes. They might fit you.”

“Alright. Thanks.”

I took off my suit jacket and shirt and put on the one Mark gave me.

Same with the pants and basketball shorts.

After I was done dressing, I plopped down on the couch and fell asleep.

Thank you for reading!