Chapter 27: Her circumstances
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Content Warning: Heavy implications of abuse and molestation. I've placed them in the spoiler tag for anyone that wants to skip it. It has to do with Ted's past.


Ted sat up with a start. He wasn’t in the tower. He was somewhere else. The surroundings slowly filtered into his awareness. His eyes widened with horror. He recognized where he was now. 


It was a small hut, decrepit and run down, little more than a hutch. It reeked of filth, sweat and booze. The floor was nothing more than dirt. The roof was no more than molding straw. And, the walls were really only a collection of poorly bound sticks. 


Yes. He recognized this place. He knew it all too well. 


It was his home once.


Even though it had never felt like one.


He was young. Too young. And, too small to defend himself. He was covered in dirt and grime. His face was gaunt with hunger. And, his body was haggard and worn from harsh treatment. 


Ted pushed his long overgrown hair away from his eyes. He had to focus on breathing. It wouldn’t happen again. He couldn’t let it happen again. And, despite his current appearances and circumstances…


“I’m safe. I’m alright. I’ve changed. He can’t hurt me. He can’t. He’s dead... He’s dead…”


At least, the man should be dead. But, memories, magic and the will of the source are often cruel. And, there are some wounds that time will never heal.




Ted heard the drunkard and fat slovenly man bellow for him. 


The hut was small. And, there was no privacy. No shelter to hide. No reprieve from this horrid memory.


BOY!” The man called again. He was getting angry.


Ted felt his body move on its own. As if it was separate from his will. But, then again, he remembered this day. He remembered all of it. Even when he tried so hard to block it all out. 


“Yes, Daddy?” Ted heard himself ask in a timid and naive tone filled with admiration. 


He watched as a disgusting smile spread across the tub of lard's face. The man licked his lips.


“Come here, child. Let's brush your beautiful hair.”


The man sat down on the floor with a heavy groan. And, motioned for the child to sit on his lap. 


No, no, no, no, no…”, Ted screamed inside of his mind. He didn’t want to be here. He didn’t want to see this again. It wasn’t right. He shouldn’t… He couldn’t...


He felt his body crawl forward and blissfully, innocently, sit on his father’s lap. He felt the bone teeth of his mothers comb brush through his hair. 


“You have such beautiful hair. It’s just like your mothers.” He heard the bastard mutter to himself. “So beautiful. Like a girl. Just like a girl.”


NO!” Ted woke up with a scream and stomach churning lurch. He sat up and immediately emptied his stomach.  A flood of notifications rang through his head.


[[Ted] has gained a level.]


[[Ted] is now [Bard] level 2]


[[Ted] has gained a level.]


[[Ted] is now [Bard] level 3]

Thank the gods. It was just a dream… just a dream.” He tasted the bile on his tongue from his stomach and grimaced.  "Ugh, so gross. What happened? Where am I?"


He glanced with bleary eyes around the room and tried to gain his bearings. And, with a sigh of relief, he realized that it seemed as though everything was in order. It was the same room and the same surroundings that were there when he lost consciousness…


He was back in the tower


And, yet, it seemed different somehow. It was all larger, slightly more colorful and grand. It felt warmer and more comfortable. 


The shadow was nowhere to be seen. And, with its absence, the tower returned to the safe haven that it was when they first arrived.


He felt something long and soft tickle at the back of his neck. And, something about him felt like it had changed. As if he was missing… something.


[[Ted] has gained skill: [Charmed Physique]]


[[Charmed Physique]: The ability to influence a target to believe that your body is their ideal type. You will gain an advantage to influence targets that find you attractive. 


Passive: +10 Charisma


Prerequisite: Female, 16 or more [Cha], Performance Lvl 2.]


"Wait… what?" Ted asked herself as she started to panic.


[[Charisma] has increased. [Charisma] is now at 26]


"Wait, what???" She screamed out loud. Her voice was soft and high pitched. And, warm and comforting. It felt as if she had discovered a piece of herself that had been missing. 


"Wait, wait, wait. No, no, no… oh gods this can't be happening. I can't be a girl."


[[Ted] has gained skill: [Skill Monkey]]


[[Skill Monkey]: Whether through practice, luck, or sheer fucking will, you have become more proficient in your skills. You will gain a small advantage in all skills that are available to you. You are able to learn new skills more quickly, gain a small bonus to leveling skills, and gain ½ of your skill level to all skills.]


She was momentarily distracted by her drastic physical change by the new information streaming into her head.


"Oh, that's really nice. And, I think it said that I'm level 3 earlier. I'm considered a fully fledged adventurer now. 


But, how did that happen? It should've taken me a couple of years, at least, to gain that much experience.


Gods that's not important right now. I'm a girl! A girl!"


She glanced down at her body. 


"... I guess it's not that hard to believe that I leveled this quickly. I mean, I fucking changed into a girl.


Oh fuck, what is everyone else going to think.


Will… will they accept me like this?"


[[Ted] has gained skill: [Inspire Competence]]


[[Inspire Competence]: Your encouragement inspires your ally to succeed at a skill. You may make a performance check to aid an ally. If you succeed, you may add half of your performance level to their skill check.]


"... Well. I did get a huge power upgrade. Maybe… maybe, I can smooth it over with them by being really good at my job. They…They won't toss me out if I'm valuable to them… right?"


She shook her head to clear her self doubt and unease. 


"No, I've known them since we were kids. Surely they won't… I mean, they'll be able to accept this… right?


Wait… fuck. More important.


Am I able to accept this?"


[[User]:[Ted] has been granted one [User] rename token.]


"Oh, that will make some of this transition easier. It would be kind of weird to go by Ted all the time now.


I don't think I look like a Ted anymore. Maybe a different name will be nice.


Wait… why am I okay with this?


Why am I not panicking? 


What happened to me?"


The young girl glanced down over her body and steeled her nerves. There was a way to find out what all had changed for her. 


The system records everything that happens to everyone.


"S-status…", she called out meekly. A little worried and afraid to see the result.


[STR]: 14 

[INT]: 9

[Name]: Theodore Barr - (1 Name Change Token Remaining.)

[AGI]: 12

[WIS]: 8

[Race]: Human

[CON]: 12

[CHA]: 26

[Height]: 4'8"



[Weight]: 90 lbs.

[STA]: 100

[MANA]: 75

[Sex]: F



[Class]: [Bard] - Lvl. 3



[Aspect]: None



[Magical Abilities]:

L3 - [Inspire], L3 -[Mana Manipulation], L3 - [Fascinate], L4 - [Regenerate Stamina], L1 - [Skill Monkey], L1 - [Inspire Competence]


 L10 (+5) - [Dumb Luck], L1 (+1) - [Singing], L4 (+2) - [Persuasion], L2  (+1) - [Bluff], L1 (+1) - [Diplomacy], L2 (+1) - [Athletics], L1 (+1) - [Dodge], L4 (+2) - [Performance], L3 (+1) - [Stamina]

[Unique Skills]: 

 [Obnoxious and Adorable], [Charmed Physique]


L2 - [Light Weapon], L2 - [Light Armor], L1 - [Short Bow], L1 [Parry]






It was the only word that she could manage to squeak out from her chest. She had stopped breathing. And tried to absorb everything that she had read. 

"I'm... I'm really… this actually happened."

A single tear rolled down her face. She curled into a ball as she sniffled and wiped away her tears. 

"Whats-, what's going to happen to me now?."

Her emotions roiled in a sea of turmoil as years of pent up grief and confusion crashed through her. 

"No. No one can see me like this…

I have to-, I have to leave. Right now. 

I can't. I can't have them reject me. I can't be alone. I won't let them.

I have to go."


She stood up on her unsteady feet. It was weird to stand and move her body. It was so much smaller than. It used to be. And, everything else seemed so much bigger. It all seemed so much more terrifying and unpredictable than it had. 

The terrified girl rushed to gather her things. She threw them haphazardly into her pack. And, glanced around for everything useful that she could find.

To her pleasant surprise, she found a few sets of clothing that had been laid out for her in her size. They were form fitting, bright and colorful. It seemed that she felt a little bit happier just looking at them.

But, she quickly shoved those thoughts out of her mind and continued on her frenzied packing spree.

A noise sounded behind her. She froze. Stood still. And, held her breath.

Phil had stood up. He was staring at her.