Vol. 1 Chapter 5: Sheldon And The Spider
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"We're to die, aren't we?" I said, trying to ignore what Matt said.

"God, it's gonna be uncomfortable to move for a while." he said.

"T-that's too much information!" I responded.

Then I looked at Vera. She was frozen. She couldn't move.

"Vera?" I said.

She didn't respond.

"W-where's my notebook?" said Justin, who was suddenly back on his feet, "I gotta write this down!"

"Now is not the time!" I yelled.

I knew we had to get out of there, but we were all frozen by our fear. It seemed highly likely that this was where we were going to meet our ends.

"So, got any ideas?" asked Matt.

"What makes you think I'D know what to do?" I responded.

"You're smarter than me…?" he replied.

"That doesn't mean I'd know what to do if an unrealistically huge spider suddenly appeared!" I yelled.

Justin was off in the corner, writing something down on a piece of paper with a pen.

"What are you doing!?" asked Matt.

"Taking notes for my next article." he answered, "Luckily, the nurse had a paper and pen lying around.

"Do you seriously have to do that NOW?" I asked.

"Uh… yeah." he replied.

"Let's not worry about that now," I said, "we need to get out of here."

"Right!" said Matt, "Um, Vera?"

She still wasn't responding.

"This isn't good." he said.

"Let's just grab her and go!" I suggested.

"Wouldn't it be nice if someone just came in to save us?" said Matt.

"This is real life!" I exclaimed, "Nothing like that-"

I'm interrupted by the sound of someone screaming. Sheldon rushed into the room with a giant sword and swung it at the spider!

"I don't even know what's going on anymore." I said.

Sheldon wasn't even paying attention to the rest of us. He just focused on fighting that giant spider as we just stood there and watched. None of us said anything since we had no idea how we were supposed to react to any of these events. Sheldon didn't seem to have too much trouble fighting it. He was dodging every single one of its attacks. It didn't take too much longer for him to cut the creature's head off. After that, there was this bright light and the monster disappeared entirely.

"What the hell was that!?" exclaimed Matt.

"Can I ask some questions!?" asked Justin, running up to Sheldon.

"What just happened…?" I said.

As for Vera, she was still silent. Sheldon looked around the room and put his sword away.

"Are you all okay?" he asked.

"We're fine." I said, "But what was all that!?"

"That was a spider." answered Sheldon.

"We know that!" I responded, "Why the hell is it so big!?"

"Spiders aren't normally that big in this world?" he said.

"No!" I exclaimed.

"This world?" said Matt, "What do you mean?"

"Ah, yes." said Sheldon, scratching the back of his head, "You were all there when you saw the portal, right?"

"That's right." I said.

"Well, I came out of that portal." he said.

"Why?" responded Matt.

"I was bored, I guess." he said, looking a bit sad, "But now I can't go back home."

"So the one that created the portal wasn't you?" I asked.

"I can't really use magic." replied Sheldon.

"Do you know who did make it?" asked Justin.

"No, I don't." answered Sheldon.

"Did you see anyone when you went through the portal!?" I asked.

"Now that I think about it," said Sheldon, "I didn't get a good look, but I did catch someone's shadow heading the opposite direction on my way through."

"That must have been Ken." said Matt.

"You said you're stuck here, right?" I said.

"Yeah." said Sheldon.

"Well, I guess we can't ask for your help." I replied.

"Sorry." responded Sheldon, "If I can find a way through, I'll let you know."

"You were able to settle into this school pretty fast," said Justin.

"I guess you could say I have acquaintances that entered this world ages ago." answered Sheldon.

"So, where are you staying?" I asked.

"In a cardboard box." answered Sheldon.

"Y-you're not serious, are you?" I replied.

"Oh, but I am!" said Sheldon, confidently.

"Why couldn't you stay with one of those acquaintances?" asked Justin.

"They didn't have any room." answered Sheldon.

The more I heard this guy talk, the less I understood him. Him being from another world was one thing, but how could he be happy being pretty much homeless? Things went quiet for a few seconds.

"We need to run!" exclaimed Vera.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." said Matt, "We already took care of that spider."

"I missed it…?" she said, sounding disappointed.

"Why are you disappointed about THAT!?" I exclaimed.