*Spoiler* Timeline End of Volume 3 *Spoiler*
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Timeline as per original work

Event-related to story so far

1491 (B-)


Rose D. Ezra was born

1494 (B-)

Nico Robin is born

Rob Lucci is born

Kuzan (Aokiji) Joins the Marines


1500 (B1)

Gol D. Roger is executed at Lougetown


1501 (B1)

 Koala is born

10-year-old Ezra

Massacre at Amagus Village by pirates

Start of training on Sea God Island

1502 (B1)

Ohara Incident

Hatchan saves Silvers Rayleigh

Shiki escapes from Impel Down

Portgas D. Ace is born

Sabo Is born

Sugar is born

Helmeppo is born

Training continues

1503 (B1)

Zoro is born

Sanji is born

End of training on Sea God Island

West Blue Marine Academy enrolment

Cadet year begins

1504 (B1)

Whitebeard claims Fish-man Island under his protection

Nami is born

Cadet year ends

End of Year Break

Apprentice year begins

Battle at Oykot Kingdom

1505 (B1)

Boa Hancock and her sisters are kidnapped and sold to Celestial Dragons

Luffy is born

Usopp is born

Bellmere discharge and adoption of Nami and Nojiko

Apprentice year ends

Promotion to Petty Officer 2nd Class

End of Year Break

Ezra’s Adventure

Fisher Tiger Rescue

Final Year begins

1506 (B1)

 Vivi is born

Fisher Tiger’s Journey back to fish-man Island

Final Year ends


L.C Rose D. Ezra - Assignment to V.A Tsuru

Time Skip

1507 (B-)

Queen Otohime begins her campaign to gather signatures from her fellow fish-men to appease the world government for coexistence

An incident on an island leaves 500 soldiers being held hostage by pirates. World government unleashes Rob Lucci.

Chopper is born

Time Skip

Fisher Reports to the King and Queen.

Changes in Fish-man Island

1508 (B-)

Original Corazon Vergo passes on the name to Rosinante, as he goes on a secret mission

Time Skip

1509 (B2)

Fisher scales the red line to attack Mary Geoise, freeing all the slaves including Boa Hancock and her sisters.

Sisters are found by Gloriosa, Rayleigh and Shakuyaku, who take them back to Amazon Lily.

Vergo leaves Donquixote pirates to join the Marines on a secret mission.

Time Skip

Pact to meet – Fisher Tiger

Rescue the slaves

Boa Sisters return to Amazon Lily

1510 (B2)

Vergo enters G-5 base after personally requesting it

Battle at Minion Island North Blue

Recommendation for promotion

One Year of Kuja pirates

1511 (B2)

Boa Hancock becomes the new empress of the Kuja and Captain of the Kuja Pirates. She is also given a position in the seven warlords of the sea.

Doflamingo recruits Sugar and Monet

Sanji is expelled from Gemma Kingdom. He boards a nearby cruise ship the orbit working as a trainee chef for the next 2 years.

News of Sun Pirates attack on Mary Geoise

Promoted Captain

Hancock invitation to Warlord

1512 (B2)

Sugar eats Hobi Hobi no Mi. As a side effect of the Devil Fruit, she remains biologically 10-years-old forever.

Shanks visits Luffy’s hometown. Luffy eats Gomu Gomu no Mi.

Garp takes Luffy to train with Ace and Sabo under Curly Dadan.

Celestial Dragons come to visit Goa kingdom on Dawn island. 

Sabo attacked by celestial dragons joins revolutionaries.

Bluejam Pirates set fire to Gray Terminal in preparation for their arrival, but most who resided there are saved from the fair by Dragon and the revolutionaries

West Blue ARC

Building Atlantis

Officer training

Elite training

1513 (B2)

Koala rescued by fisher

Koala returns to her hometown.

Fisher is ambushed by Rear Admiral strawberry

Fisher dies

Along is captured by Vice Admiral Borsalino - Kizaru

Noble to Fish-man island

Fish-man islands position

Fisher becomes a Warlord

Elite Training

1514 (B2)

Jinbe agreed to the world government terms to become one of the seven warlords of the sea, which allows Arlongs release from impel down.

Sun Pirate is disbanded

Zeff returns from the Grand Line. A storm sinks the orbit and Zeff ship. Zeff and Sanji end up stranded on an island with little food for 85 days.

Zoro rival Kuina dies, Zoro receives his first sword Wado Ichimonju

Elite training

1515 (B2)

After capturing ships holding heavenly tribute for the celestial dragons and blackmailing the world government for the position. Doflamingo is made a warlord of the sea.

Doflamingo frames Riku Doldo 3 and his soldiers for various crimes against their own citizens before swooping in and claiming the position of king of Dressrosa.

Arlong invades Cocoyashi village to build his empire. Bellmere is murdered by him and Nami is conscripted into the Arlong pirates

Tom completes the sea train, the puffing tom.

CP 5, led by Spandam frames Tom who was carted away to Enies Lobby. Franky is presumed dead after attempting to stop the sea train carrying tom.

Princess Shirahoshi gets touched by Vander Decken IX making her a target for his powers

Queen Otohime is assassinated.

Hody steals energy pills then resigns from The Neptune Army.

G-8 assignment

Encounter with a Celestial Dragon

My justice is Impartial 

Doflamingo becomes a Warlord

Gecko Moria becomes a Warlord

1516 (B-)

A violent war occurs on Kuraigana island, coating the island with blood and dead bodies. Thus ingraining a violent personality into the Humandrills (monkey) of the island

Koala joins the Revolutionary Army

Promotion Denied

1517 (B3)

Dr Hiriluk finds chopper and saves his life. He takes chopper as his assistant and adopted son.

Hiriluk dies and chopper is taken in by Dr Kureha, who teaches him Medicine.


Fishman Island Arc

1518 (B3)

CP9 goes undercover in Galley-La company in order to learn about Plutons blueprints.

Brook is captured on Thriller Bark, where his shadow is taken by Gecko Moria and transferred to the corpse of the samurai Ryuma. Brook manages to escape after wreaking havoc on thriller back and creating the legend of the humming swordsman.

Return to Foolshout Island Marine Base

News of Pluton

Mizu Mizu no Mi appears

To Arabasta


1519 (B3)

Franky returns as a cyborg to water 7, he receives the blueprint of pluton from Iceberg

Nico robin joins crocodile (Baroque Works) as a partner

Shanks acquires the status of Emperor

Arabasta's Drought

Baroque Works Arrested

Crocodile Down


Recruit Robin.


1520 (B3)

Captain Kuro fakes his own death and takes the name Klahadore.

Drought starts in Arabasta and the king is framed for using dance powder.

Axe-Morgan is honoured for capturing Captain Kuro

Ace leaves Luffy's hometown

Sent to G-5.

Axe-Morgan is honoured for capturing Captain Kuro.

Vergo's Journal.

Recruit Caesar.

Rescue Instructor Z.


1521 (B3)

Vivi and Igaram join Baroque Works.

Spade Pirates founded by Ace.

Kaya’s parents die, Kaya falls ill.

Koby accidentally ends up on Alvidas pirate ship.

Caesar clown experiment on Punk Hazard.

G-5 Unit 2 Training.

Scouting Dressrosa.

1522 (B3)

Don Krieg leaves the East Blue to conquer the grand line and is defeated by Dracule Mihawk.

Mocha and Sind were kidnapped and brought to punk hazard to be the first 2 subjects for the gigantification experiment.

Cavendish appears in the new world as a powerful super rookie.

Ace and crew arrive on Onigashima to fight Kaido.

Dressrosa Campaign.

Doflamingo Down.

Declaration to Find One Piece.

World Government New Force.

War Approaches.



1523 ()

Luffy leave Foosha village, Meets Koby, Zoro, Nami, Usopp and Sanji

Volume 4
