Chapter 12: The Dead Don’t Disturb Her Sleep
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I stood under the awning outside Marshall’s Used Books with Ashe and Ventusa, when out of nowhere a great beast appeared out of nowhere in front of us.

It stood over six feet tall and eight feet long, even longer if you counted the long brown tail that matched its mane and body hair. It had what appeared to be several rugs draped over its back along with a couple of bags that were tied together.

It would have easily crushed me if it had wanted to. I was frozen in abject terror at the giant creature for a moment before Ashe broke the silence.

"You rode here from the waypoint on a horse during a storm?"

"Obviously," Ventusa responded irritably. Despite her annoyance at the question she seemed genuinely puzzled why Ashe even bought it up.

"Don't you think people are going to think that it's a bit strange if they see a woman in armor on a horse galloping along the street in this downpour?"

"I fail to see what is so odd about it," she said. Ashe looked at her incredulously, then she added "Humans have used horses for millennia, it is not such a strange thing for someone to be riding in the rain."

"Whatever you want to think. Anyway, there's no way they could hold all three of us."

"Quite true, you ought to procure transport for yourself," she suggested.

"So you can leave while I'm gone? I think not."

The two sidhe argued like that for a while and I had a few moments to regain my composure.

As long as I could remember I hated horses. I wasn't sure when it started, but I've never liked them. I've never understood why some girls obsess over them, horses are dangerous animals.

For starters, I don't think people understand just how deadly they can be. Horses can get up to 2200 pounds or a little under 1000 kilograms if you like measuring systems that make sense. There are cars that weigh less than that.

They call an irrational fear of horse equinophobia. Is it irrational to fear something that could easily maim you without much effort? Well, yeah, probably in this case, but that didn't stop my blood from running cold as I stared at the creature before me. 

"I'm not getting on that thing," I eventually managed to say. 

The horse, who to this point had seemed uninterested in the going ons of the on-going argument suddenly turned to look at me. I instinctively cowered behind Ashe and he turned to me in concern.

"Hey, you all right?" he asked.

"I don't like horses and this one is giving me a weird look."

The horse snorted loudly and turned away from me. It might've been a coincidence, but I could've sworn it had been reacting to me.

I miss two minutes ago when there wasn't some sort of magical horse judging me, I thought.

"What do you have against horses?" Ashe asked.

"They… kinda scare me," I admitted.

"Very well. If you would prefer other transport, then we shall use that instead," Ventusa sighed, then added. "Eamon, you're dismissed for now."

Eamon didn't reacted to that news and just continued to chill under the awning with us.

"Can either of you drive?"

They shook their heads in response. Shit, I fucking hate driving, but I guess there's no helping it. We are kinda fucked if I get pulled over since I don’t have a damn driver’s license. 

"I'll go get Mark's keys," I said.

Ashe let me back inside and I got Mark to loan me his car keys. When I returned the two sidhe had blades drawn on each other.

"For fuck's sake, you two cut it out! We’re on the same side here!” I shouted.

“We are certainly not on the same side as this nuisance,” Ventusa denied. “Or have you forgotten he is from Winter?”

“You’re both on my side,” I countered.

“He does have a point,” Ashe admitted.

“Ugh, fine, but do not complain to me when he sides with Winter over you,” Ventusa sighed.

By the time I got the two in the car it was nearly 11 AM. One thankfully silent and uneventful drive through the rainy streets of Charlotte later we arrived in the parking garage next to my dad's and my apartment.

"Excellent, his car is here," I noted.

"Good to hear," Ashe agreed. "I just hope he hasn't done anything with the book."

The three of us made our way out of the garage towards the apartment, but our exit was cut off by a woman standing at the entrance of the alleyway.

She looked to be in her 30s, although the accuracy of that guess was still to be determined. There was a certain something about her that made her unreasonably hot. 

She wore a low cut cocktail dress of light blues that showed off her more than ample curves. Her snowy white hair complimented her porcelain-like skin perfectly.

She stood with one hand resting on her wide hips and had a predatory smile. The kind of smile promised a good time, if only you could handle it. Her eyes widened with recognition when she saw Ashe. 

"Hello, baby brother," the woman smirked.

"Eiry, what a surprise to see you here." Ashe replied in a level tone. He was clearly not overjoyed at the impromptu family reunion. I could practically hear him grinding his teeth. 

"You have a sister? Why didn’t you think to mention this earlier?" I whispered angrily.

"She's never involved herself with politics before, so I didn't think it relevant," he grumbled quietly, then addressed Eiry again, "I thought you were off murdering random people in Scotland with your selkie friends or some such." 

A small smile crept across her face at Ashe's reaction, then her incredible beauty was diminished when I saw her teeth were green with what looked like algae.

And here I thought Greenteeth was just an odd family name. She literally has green algae growing on her teeth. I wonder why Ashe's teeth aren't like that.

"I was with them, that is until I heard the news that our mother was murdered by the hand of a mage. The selkies agreed to set our business to the side for the time being and I came here as soon as I could!"

She didn't sound the least bit upset about her mom's death. I was starting to get the feeling that a lot of people felt that way about Jenny.

“How understanding of them,” Ashe said curtly.

Supposedly she's never bothered with politicking, but turns up after her mother, who she clearly didn't like is murdered. It would all make perfect sense, but if that's all true then why was she waiting here?

Ashe squinted at her probably thinking the same thing I was. Meanwhile Ventusa was doing her best statue impression. Eiry didn't acknowledge the unspoken question and continued on like she hadn’t noticed the shift.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your companions?" she asked.

"This is Lucas Page, he's a friend of mine. Ventusa on the other hand is not," Ashe said.

"Ventusa, now where have I heard that name before?" Eiry repeated the name a few more times as if tasting it to better identify it.

"You stand before the First Bolt of the Spring Storm, the right hand of Countess Glaistig the Green herself!" Ventusa proclaimed proudly.

"Ah yes, Glaistig's knight in shining armor," Eiry said with contempt. "Tell me, how long did she wait after the murder to send you away? Hours? Minutes? You'd almost think she doesn't trust you enough to have you nearby."

"Shut your damned mouth," Ventusa growled.

"But no matter, there are more important things at hand than Glaistig's second choice."

"How dare you!" Ventusa roared. 

Eiry ignored Ventusa's outrage, but I noticed a slight adjustment in the women's stances that anticipated combat.

"That does leave the question why is little brother working with the enemy. If our dearest mother were still with us she wouldn't be pleased to hear this, no, not in the slightest."

“I really don't care what the moistened bitch would think and neither do you,” Ashe retorted.

“Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong baby brother. Now that I am the head of House Greenteeth and am therefore obliged to replace her as ambassador until a suitable replacement can be found."

“Mhmm, so what’s your business with us then?” 

“Oh my, don’t you want to catch up with your dear old sister?”

“Perhaps another time, we’re quite busy now.”

“I would imagine so! Betraying Winter once again seems like hard work," Eiry casually accused.

"I've never betrayed Winter!" he shouted with more fury than I thought the cute little guy capable of.

"You truly are deluded, aren't you? What do you call this?" Eiry gestured to Ventusa as if she were a trash bag Ashe hadn’t taken out yet.

“Speak your piece and be done with it,” Ashe demanded.

“Very well, where is Mark Johnston?" Eiry asked in a conversational tone.

Ah fuck, she is here for him. This could get ugly fast if I don't do something.

"He’s at-” Ventusa started, but Ashe and I interrupted in unison.

“Stop!” I yelled. “No!” Ashe cried.

“Telling her is the logical course of action to keep you safe,” Ventusa reasoned.

“You’d just sell him out to Winter just like that?” I seethed.

“Your mate is none of my concern, your well-being is all that matters right now,” she answered.

There’s that word again. I noted.

“Don’t you fucking dare tell her where he is!” I commanded.

“Is that an order?”

“W-what?” I sputtered. I was completely thrown for a loop at her question.

“Are you ordering me to keep his location secret?” she reiterated.

“Yes? Can I order you around like that?”

Ventusa gritted her teeth in annoyance. Ashe looked about as surprised as I was and Eiry seemed rather amused by the whole affair.

“As per Glaistig’s orders, you may give me commands which I must follow,” Ventusa practically had to choke out the words.

“Glaistig actually compelled you?” Ashe gawked.

“We can discuss the details later,” Ventusa hissed.

I glanced over to Eiry and did a double take when I saw her typing on a cellphone she had been keeping God knows where.

“What the hell are you doing?” I demanded. 

She gave me that same smirk as before, but this time there was bloodlust in her eyes. I heard a tire screech behind us and when I whirled around a windowless van was pulling up between us and Mark’s car.

"Dead of Winter!" Ventusa snarled while pulling her claymore off her back, then threw off the scabbard.

"Fuck!" Ashe spat as he drew his rapier. I followed suit and took the Red 9 out of my arm sling and aimed it at the vehicle’s driver, who was getting out of the van. 

I guessed she was 30 at the oldest, but the ragged expression, bags under her eyes, and black hair with patches of grey made her look much older.

She wore an ash colored robe and an amulet with a large ruby embedded in it. I could've sworn the gem emitted a dim pulsing light, but I couldn't be sure in the lighting of the garage.

“Where is the boy!” the woman hissed. Her voice was bitter and cold as a gust of wind in a blizzard. 

Whoever she was, she wasn't friendly. That's for sure, no one who demanded someone's location with such vitriol wasn't planning on sitting down with them for an unforgettable luncheon.

Her attention flitted between Ashe, Ventusa, and me deciding who was the biggest threat. Despite me aiming a gun at her head her eyes settled on Ventusa.

The van’s side doors opened and six people in formal wear clambered out the van. They moved  stiffly and sluggishly, then I noticed their eyes were all closed and their faces were completely emotionless. They formed a loose line between the newcomer and us.

What the hell is up with these people? 

“Met my assistant, Gravetender,” Eiry introduced.

“Ooooh fuck,” Ashe swore, “that’s a necromancer name if I’ve ever heard one.”

“Holy shit, are those fucking zombies?” I gestured to the people in formal wear, I got no answer as it seemed our foes were about done talking.

“Last chance, where is Mark Johnston?” Eiry said calmly.

I wasn't sure how much of a chance we actually had fighting as we were seriously outnumbered by the necromancer's goons alone, not to mention Gravetender herself and Eiry, but what choice did we have?

"Get fucked you-" I started to shout, but Gravetender bellowed a word in a language I didn't understand and the undead lunged at us.


I promise Lucas isn’t Brian David Gilbert in disguise


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Chapter 13 comes out August 28th. See y'all then! 

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Written by BrieIsCheese (she/her) 

Edited by Alyssa Katze (they/them)

Cover Art by Kas (she/her)