Chapter 14
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[Oh there is the entrance, man walking through this dungeon every time is starting to annoy me.]

I said that as I found the entrance to the next floor. It didn’t take me much time but because I ran all the way I didn’t have much stamina left. After killing many golems with magic I just ignored them. It was nearing the max level but I didn’t want to fight the monsters anymore. The low grade jobs were leveling up pretty fast because they didn’t need much exp. I went down the stairs to see what boss is on the tenth floor. The dinner time was near so I had to do it quick. I took only a glimpse of the boss. It was some type of a kobold, it had about the same height of the goblin general.

(A kobold huh, are the bosses just in order? They probably are, well that’s all for today. Time to get back, it’s almost time for dinner.)

After several teleports I have arrived near the walls. I got back to the city and came straight to the inn. I ate the delicious dinner and went straight to bed. The next day was a day off for me so I could sleep soundly.

The tenth day came and as I got up I wondered what to do today. Doing my morning exercise was a must so I started on that. While exercising I thought about my plan for today.

(I have a lot of resources on me so going to the adventurers guild is a must. Maybe I should buy a new weapon too, considering that my dagger broke. I have enough money to buy it and I should gain some money from these wolves and crystals too.)

After ending my exercise and washing myself with magic I went down to get the food. I was pretty hungry again so I ordered more food.

(I’m starting to eat more and more, won’t I get fat like this? Maybe not, considering that I exercise I shouldn’t get fat. I wonder, if my stamina is so high does it mean that I need to eat more too?)

Munching on the food I thought that and didn’t notice Maria coming closer. She sat near me and started a conversation.

[Satoru-san will you go to the dungeon today too?](Maria)

[Nope, not today. I’m having a day off today.](Satoru)

[A day off? Do you have plans for today?](Maria)

[Well I wanted to walk around the town and see what this city has to offer. I spend most of my time in the dungeon so I know only some shops.](Satoru)

[Then I can tell you some places that you could visit. They have various dishes around here you know?](Maria)

[Really? Thanks, that will help me a lot.](Satoru)

I listened to Maria as she told me the locations of the various shops in the city. She even told me where the clothes shop is. I thanked her and after eating left the inn. I decided to go to the adventurers guild first.

(Since I got transported to this world I talk a lot with other people huh. In japan the only people that talked to me were my sister and the duo of childhood friends, Yasudera-san and Hirose-san. Well talking with them was exhausting as I got a lot of unwanted attention. The behavior of Maria reminds me of Eriko so maybe that’s why talking with her is nice. The rest of the class gave off a weird felling so I didn’t even bother talking with them. After some time I started enjoying being alone, it was quiet and nice. Well time to sell the materials and go shopping!)

I went to Hugo-san to sell my materials. He was again pretty surprised seeing that many bodies of the wolves. The amount of crystals was big too. The magic crystals of the boss sold for whole 15 silver coins each! I had a lot of money so I could spend it on today. The sword came first, then the rest. I went out of the guild after taking the money and walked in the direction of the blacksmith. As I entered the blacksmith Radak-san wasn’t there. I heard some sounds from the back door so I concluded that he was forging something. I looked around for the swords, there were some new ones. Luckily two of them had a better quality so I chose one of them came to the counter. As I arrived at the counter with the sword, Radak-san came out of the back door.

[Already getting a new weapon? Did you break your dagger already?](Radak)

[I used it plenty so it broke after the boss fight.](Satoru)

[You fought the boss already? You don’t look that strong, well it’s not my business. First let me see your hands.](Radak)

(My hands? Why would he want to see my hands?)

I showed him ma hands and then he nodded.

[Looks like you really used the dagger right. It seems you are quite good with it.](Radak)

[Maybe, I don’t know. I want this sword here, it’s 60 silver correct?](Satoru)

[Well, you are a good customer so I will sell it for 54 silver.](Radak)

[I will take the discount then. I also want to ask something, where is a good place to buy ores or ingots?](Satoru)

[Ores and ingots? I think that they sell it in Zarc city and it’s quality is pretty good too. It’s east from this city but it’s pretty far away. If you want to go there from here it will take around 3 days or so.](Radak)

[Three days huh, well thanks for answering.](Satoru)

I handed him the money and took the sword. After leaving the shop I started walking on the streets. There were some stalls that were selling food. There were balls of rabbit meat, I bought three of these and tried them. In the ball were spices and stuffing, it tasted pretty well with the rabbit meat.

(I wonder if I could do something with the rabbit meat. When I will have a big amount of free time I should consider making something. This world’s ingredients are very good, you can’t compare the meat in japan to the meat here.)

I munched on the food and tried various foods. All of them were good, I liked the taste of all of them. I was walking in the direction of the shop so while I was munching on the food I arrived in front of it. I finished the food and entered inside. There various clothes were hanging on the hangers. I came to the clerk to ask what would she recommend to me to wear for adventuring. She measured me and then gave me a set of clothes. They were well made so I wondered if the price was high. But then I got surprised when I heard the price. It was only a little more than the dagger that I bought. In my opinion they suited me so I bought them. I left the shop and decided to go back to the inn to sleep some more.

After the nap I didn’t have anything to do anymore. I got bored so I went out to the dungeon to level up and upgrade my magic. I stopped to talk with Alfred for some time and then went to the dungeon. I just wanted to grind the magic crystals so I just hunted the boss and golems. I didn’t use the sword as I wanted to enhance it first. I tried the idea of granting my attacks an attribute. Before I thought that if I for example added fire attribute to my fists I would burn myself. But to my amazement that thought was wrong. After adding the fire attribute to my fists I didn’t feel any discomfort, I only felt a pleasant warmth.

After defeating the boss my level went up to the max. I opened my status to chose the next job.

Choose job:[Warrior(low grade)], [Apprentice Scout(low grade)],[Mage(low grade)],[Elementalist(middle grade)],[Blacksmith(low grade)],[Enchanter(low grade)], [Swordsman(low grade)], [Magic Fist(middle grade)]

To my surprise there was another job that appeared.

(It probably appeared because I added an attribute to my attack. Well that’s good to know but I’m going to chose mage. I have low mana compared to my HP and I need to have more of it. The goddess asked me to have as much mana as possible after all.)

I continued to hunt the boss and golems. I only used magic and fists as I wanted to level up the skills as well. I defeated the boss and resumed hunting the golems.

(This job needs more exp than the ones before even if it's the same grade. Does that mean that the grade only affects the points? Well the difference is small but I can manage. I should get all of the low grade jobs first because I need less exp to level them up.)

I continued to hunt them until the evening. Maybe because this floor wasn't visited much I could have the whole floor to myself. I had a lot of magic crystals so I intended to enhance the weapon. I felt like my magic will level up soon. I took out the sword along with the magic crystals. When I wanted to enhance the sword all of the magic crystals that I took out combined. This time it was a lot bigger than before.

[Metal Sword]
[Enhancement]: [Sharp Edge], [Toughness]

(Toughness? That's a new one. It should upgrade its durability so I will pick it.)

I picked the toughness ability and the crystals merged with the sword. I took out more of the crystals to see if I could enhance a weapon again. When I repeated the enhance process the sharp edge could still be added. I chose it and the weapon’s rank upgraded from F to F+. I then stored it into the item box and heard an announcement in my head.

[Enhancing leveled up!]

(I don’t have much to enhance right now so the level of enhancing will be low. I want to have as many creations skills as possible to be self sufficient. The more powerful I get the more materials I will have. This normally couldn’t be possible as a blacksmith or alchemist aren’t able to beat powerful monsters. They have adventurers guild for that, to create requests for those materials.)

I teleported back to the gate and walked to the inn. While eating the meal I wondered how much time will it take me to make it to the thirtieth floor.

(Should I faster the peace a bit? Even if my stats aren’t similar to the boss I have a lot of skills as well. The boring thing is finding the stairs, should I just ignore the monsters and just try to find the entrance? Well that will be for tomorrow, I’m sleepy.)

After finishing my meal I went to bed.