Chapter 35 – Don’t Need To Care
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He sat beside Elisi, who was sleeping, unaware of what happened to her.

That she was in danger of her being taken away from him by the temple, that he did not allow it.

His hand gently caressed her forehead. That was no longer hot from the fever. Also, she is not having nightmares anymore.

Dalion felt somewhat relieved.

Then the door opened abruptly.

“Didn’t I order that nobody should enter?”



She jumped and shook after hearing his menacing words. It was the first time her father spoke to her this way, not even by mistake did he ever do that.

She was confused. 

He was sitting on the floor next to that woman. Why does she need to be here?

“Father, please let her stay in my room. That way, you won’t need to worry about her. Would you like me to send her there? I need to practice, this is a perfect opportunity to use my skills”

She got closer to her father.

“She has no reason to be in your room,”

“I still insist father, is not good for her to stay here”

He just kept looking at the maid playing with the shits converting the girl, it annoyed her.

“And if the servants come to your room, what will you tell them when they see her laying in your bed?”


She stayed silent and lowered her gaze to the ground 

He is right, but she still didn’t want that maid in her father's bed.

Why is she In the bed in the first place?

“Please move her to the divan. I ordered Jeremy to bring some tea and soup for later. You haven’t eaten”

Since when does her father care to take care of anybody besides his herself?

The king could not argue with his daughter.

He took slowly the blankets of the maid and set her in his arms, then walked to the divan where he placed her preciously in the resting place.

With magic, he brought some blankets and placed them on over her.

Such a gesture even made Berit heartthrob.

“Please don’t be full by her father”

“What do you mean?” After there was no reply from his daughter, who instead looked to the side with her lips tense, he added  “She saved my life...”

“Since when do you care about that? Since you were with my mother, you don’t care about that”

“Since I’ve been with your mother?”

Dalion could not believe her words. Nobody knew about him and his mother. It was a fast and passing love that ended once she fell for his brother.

His brother suspected them, but could never blame them for that.

Why did Berit say those words?

“Sorry, father I should have called the healer. I left you with this mess to clean”

She runs toward him looking a little nervous and as soon as Elisi woke up, she runs out of the room.

Dalion didn’t understand why his daughter was behaving so strangely.


Once Berit exited the room, she met Tiago whose eyes look cold and disappointed.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“What were you trying to do?”

“None of your business”

And she ran away from him.


Dalion stayed alone with the maid once again.

This time the color has come back to her cheeks.

He just took his eyes away from her for a moment to sip his tea and the maid was on the floor, trying to get up.

Again, she was trying to leave him.

He picked her and put her on the bed. Then brought her the soup.

For some reason, she had a great face of concern, as if she was doing something bad if she were to eat.

It could sense her fear.

He took the spoon and gave it to her.

Finally, she started eating.

She looked like a small, scared bunny he wanted to pet her.