Chapter 52 – Cruel Eyes
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“Will you let me marry her?” 

The stillness that settled upon the room delighted the mischievous duke.

Seeing the stupefied look of bewilderment at those watching him made his heart flutter with delight.

All Marion's thoughts amounted to how finally there was one more to his cousin’s weaknesses besides the young daughter Berit. He had no desire to go after a child. There were limits as to how far he would go for his revenge.

Marion’s doings felt justified in his mind.

After all, his little sibling failed to protect the person who gave him life. To the duke, Rosalia was like his own mother. She was the only reason he could look forward to the future without despair.

Marion then remembered the recent snowy day where he found Dalion standing firm in front of a young woman, protecting her from the crowd at the entrance of the palace.

The lady did not seem to be a concubine nor a shady companion. Her attire seemed too simple. Her hair was short and loose.

Shyness, quietness were not qualities his cousin liked nor he had any patience for that type.

At that moment, Marion knew Elisi was not an ordinary woman to the man in front of her and for that reason, he will take her.

Besides, Dalion would show his intentions towards a lady in front of busy bodies. 

What would he say? How could he refuse without outing himself?

Between quiet murmurs, the subordinates were waiting for the king’s response.

Dalion clenched his jaw.

“Let’s see,” he said, and with those words, the king began his nonchalant stroll that came to an end by Elisi’s toes.

An imaginary drop of sweat tickled her temple, exacerbating her uneasiness.

His iced eyes lowered themselves playfully to meet hers. The nervous woman sneaked a little glance, only to immediately drop it in fear of saying the wrong thing. Elisi wanted his eyes to turn back to be clear as the lake facing the sun.

That’s what she liked them to be.

“Do you know him?”

Even if he did not show any emotion, the aura coming from him was too heavy to bear.

How could she forget how scary he was?

“Answer, do you know him?” He said meekly, with an innocent smile.

‘I don’t know what to say… please save me, your majesty. If I say no, would it be rude towards the duke?’

“I’ve just met him, your majesty. “

“And would you wish to marry the duke?”

Elisi shook her head in disagreement.

Dalion straightened his back and walked towards Marion.

“Sadly, I cannot give you my blessing,” 

Dalion tapped the duke’s shoulder with a smile of condolence.

“I wouldn’t want you to be cursed, so don’t hold it against me.”

What does it mean he doesn’t want him to be cursed? Is he calling her a curse now as well?

How cruel.

“I will make her know me and I will make her choose me”

Why did Dalion pretend not to hear him while exiting the room?

The advisor, the butler and his subjects they all left with the king.

There were many things yet in need of discussion. It should have been the perfect opportunity for them to talk about it.

“Dammit Dalion,” 

Passing by him, Elisi left the room in a hurry, but he caught out to her in the hall.

Her eyes were filled with concern. Was it towards the king’s reaction?

He would not give up on her.

Despite the fact that he just met her, Marion knew she was for him.

Her quiet demeanor and her calming voice were all he wanted.

‘I will take you Elisi.’

“Lady Elisi,”


“Why did you dismiss me without giving it a mere thought?”

“I do not wish to get married. I’m a healer.”

Those were little lies that she said. She wanted to get married, but not to him.

Can he shake her heart if he were to instill doubt in it?

“Don’t wait for him. You know he loves another.”

“That does not concern me, my grace. I’m just doing my duty.”

“Are you really? My lady?”

He leaned closer. 

“He still loves her,”

“It’s doesn’t concern me,” she repeated in anger.

Her eyes were about to tear. His hand reached towards her face, but stopped midway.

At that moment, the healer run away.

When Marion tried to chase after the running healer, he could not move his body, just like his hand a moment ago. It froze. Something else took control.

It’s like a force came upon him.

A demon figure came from beside. Did not speak, did not stop, just spared him as he walked away from him.

Was he heading to meet Elisi?

Marion took a big breath after he was released from the invisible shackles.

‘Damn magicians.’

“I won’t let it go, Dalion.”


The side of her body leaned on the wall for rest.

“It doesn’t concern me,” Elisi repeated once more, with tears fighting to come down.

It was an unfamiliar place, and Elisi still didn’t know where her own room was.

It was miserable.

The healer knew he had another in his heart, and she knew not to expect anything.

She pretended all this time Eloise didn’t exist, that at least the king did not dislike her presence. 

Why did the duke felt the need to say it out loud?

A presence cast a shadow on the floor.

It all looks blurry behind her wet eyes.

“Why are you crying?” the presence said.

He placed a finger under her chin, tilted up her head. Her eyes could not escape his.

His dumb became dump as it crossed her cheeks.

“Did you really want to marry him Elisi?”

So cold he felt.

“To cruelly play with my empty heart you came… you filled it, then healed me…. ”

‘Were is it coming from? It never happened’

“Then you will leave to be with him?”