Chapter 3: Political Moves
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Do you know the most annoying thing for a Lich king who tries to establish good political connections with other kingdoms around him? Egos of nobles.


Soldiers, especially the not very high ranking ones, are much easier to establish a good relationship after war because there is sympathy between you and them.


He is a soldier, who listens to commands given to him, and tries to bear impossible tasks loaded on his back while risking his life for it.


Meanwhile, a spoiled kid of a noble, who uses the best equipment, and best soldier's money can protecting his ass, will have an ego like it killed the demon emperor minutes ago.


That's why I hate going to the parties hosted by other kingdoms, and I will avoid them much as I could do if it doesn't directly come from the head of the state.


I have more important things to do, like rebuilding an entire kingdom and demolishing a system of hate created by people before us to establish peace amongst my subjects.


"So, King Erwin, are you enjoying the party?" A man in expensive clothes approached me with two glasses of wine in his hands. 


That man is the king of the Verivola, Treecuter Michele, the third strongest kingdom near me. He is a young man who killed his father and everyone related to him to take the throne, and he is open to new crazy ideas.


Even though we have two kingdoms between us that keep us away, his open mind and strive for power makes him a possible ally for the future, when I will conquer all of my neighbors who oppose me.


"Everything is great." I grabbed the wine from his hand. "Decoration, food, dancers, and the maids serving drinks, I haven't been into many parties, but this is the best one amongst the ones that I attended."


Michele laughed, then placed his hand onto my arm. His touch is somewhat threatening and friendly at the same time. "I know you are bored. You are making everything too obvious, but bear all of this for five more minutes."


I tried to fix my posture and smiled. "Then let me enjoy this wine for that time being. We have a deal to make."



Singers sang their songs, and dancers did their art, then food enough to sustain a village for a week got either devoured or wasted by the attenders.


 People stopped doing whatever they were minutes before and began racing with each other to talk with Michele for a second. 


Various nobles, from wealthiest to poorest, are after something. That could be an early engagement between families or crucial information.

But it doesn't matter. People who seek something from the king must wait for now.


Thankfully Michele is aware of that as well, and without even changing the direction he is moving, he fends the people coming towards him with one move of his hand.


People kept annoying us until we finally exited the ballroom and entered a room far from all the ears.


There are only two chairs and a table inside, and nothing else. 


"Now, Lich. Tell me your deal. I know you have eyes on precious farming fields of Utos, and I have my eyes on trading docks at the south."

Spot on, thanks for this man's intelligence.


"Deal will be a basic one. I will supply your armies with our weapons in your war for trading docks, and I will give half of the first harvest from Utos. But for that, you must also attack Utos from the south and cut their kingdom into two."


My deal is simple, attack from two sides will force the Kingdom Of Utos to surrender, and I can add their land into mine with minimum civilian casualties.


But Michele was a little greedy. "And all the land my soldiers press their foot on as well. Utos is the fifth strongest kingdom around us, and I want a piece of their fertile lands as well."


"No, absolutely not." I am trying to control the food, and I won't create another competitor.


"But weren't you asking for my help seconds ago? You know, not even a single kingdom likes that a Lich is growing strong next to them." Oh? Trying to threaten me, we'll see how everything goes from now on.


"Please do not act like it wasn't my kingdom that conquered the Capital by turning mighty walls protecting it into dust. Don't see the fact that I value the lives of humans with weakness."


Michele smirked. "I wonder what a king who cares about others subjects more than his can last? My offer stats the same, or wait. I will change it. Half of the Utos, nor before you do, I will conquer it myself." He hit the table with his hands and got up.


"I wander answer of your question as well, but it appears that King Michelle, someone who has only one heir, could find itself in some not very good positions."


I hastily left the room and exited outside, where my pet Wyvern, Fionnlagh, was waiting.


"Be fast and go back to our kingdom, my friend."



Notes from Erwin: 


King Michele wants to extend his borders, and his army has a fair share of access to golems, magicians, and runic weapons. Beating them in a war will be hard. But I doubt if they can resist much after Michele dies.


When I arrive at my castle, my first act will be sending a messenger to the Kingdom of Utos. 


I will propose building a railway network between our kingdoms for trade then I will begin supplying them with weapons if they accept visualization.


With a stronger enemy at their gates and my renown of kindness to my subjects, I will take control of the Utos with words or brute force needed.