Chapter 7
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Unexpected Events

I woke up to the sun almost overhead, the embers from last nights fire still smouldering. Breathing in the nice air I get up to head down stream a little bit to bathe. In the village we had a well so it was a cloth bath.

The stream is cold but nice. For the last couple of days I’ve been trying to think of a way to use the water to clean myself and not just dirty the water. This morning as I saw a random leaf flowing with the current downstream it clicked.

Just go further down from where I drink from and problem solved. I facepalmed at the fact that I just figured that out, even though it’s a constantly moving body of water, I’ll still feel gross drinking from the spot I washed myself.

After air drying, I put on my clothes I made out of my old clothes. Even though it’s practically just ripped rags around my shoulders and waist it’s comfortable. I started wishing I knew more about the world. 

Damn that means I’m gonna be looking like a wild animal if I ever go into a village again?

Practically my entire life has been in that village and until it was destroyed I hadn’t seen anything outside it. I also wish I was bigger and that I had actual equipment instead of a wooden spear and rusted knife.

Now that I think about it I probably am more animal than anything.

But I cant feel bad about that, I shouldn’t feel bad about that. I’m surviving, I’ll do what’s needed, if something interferes with my life I’ll destroy the obstacle.

As I was trying to cheer myself up I hardened myself for any coming storm.

I cant loose to anything, I need to get stronger. Everything that’s happened in this past month has seemed like it’s been absolutely random.

Maybe there’s nobody but myself looking out for me, I murmured as the fact dawned on me.

I laughed hard out loud at that moment.

“ Of course, if it were anybody else they would’ve died from that goblin or even from trying to survive ”. 

Like a lightning bolt a thought rang in my mind, the same one I remembered feeling from the presences in the abyss. 

“ Destiny “, whatever that is, if what has happened led me here is destiny....

Eh enough of that for now. After arriving back at the camp, I heard rustling followed by a screech, so I immediately crouched to be hidden from view behind my grass bed.


Three men, soldiers split up from their squadron from orders to search their area, while on the way to the destination marked by a stream.

While walking along they notice the path seems to have been tread on, one of the soldiers, Abbas, becoming alert they begin walking faster, paying more attention to their surroundings-

Immidiatley after Abbas hears twigs snapping as one of his comrades, Dan falls into a hole and screams as spikes penetrate through his legs, leaving him a bleeding, wailing statue.

[Abbas] “ Haron be careful of the ground!!” 

But before the words registered to Haron, he too fell into a similar state to Dan, an impaled bleeding statue.

Seeing the blood being drain from their faces and hearing their pained wails Abbas was now frightened at the hidden ground traps, was unsure of where he could stand so he slowly tried backing up.

Then his eyes met with a child’s. No maybe it just looked like a child. Whatever it was Abbas knew he couldn’t look away.

Unnaturally white hair going in all directions, dressed in torn and tattered rags. Had Abbas not suddenly met eyes with this child hed have just ran the other directing not thinking twice.

The child well featured face, if that were all then Abbas wouldn’t have been locked by its gaze.

It’s left eye was normal, with a brilliant blue, but the right eye... the whites were blood red, and where the blue of his eye was supposed to be was completely black, penetrating the red of his eye and through Abbas’s being making his blood freeze.

A hardened soldier, frozen by the gaze of a child.

He couldn’t speak when questioned, as he was thinking this he realized he’d become a statue too. Thinking he’s already dead since his comrades are in a worse spot than he is and he can’t do anything but stare.

Suddenly Abbas saw a shadow lurch from the child stomach, knowing this was the end he gritted his teeth. He had not expected to feel what he felt. An indescribable feeling, like he was being ripped apart by every smallest piece of himself.

This was the oblivion of the abyss.


After Treyu heard the other cry of distress he creeped around the bushes to a vantage spot to scoop out the situation.

Seeing that two men were half in hold looking pale, a feeling struck Treyu.

A need, no desire. The feeling from looking at the men, or not at themselves, what they had.

He felt the desire to engulf their person, to devour their existence.

I don’t know where this feeling is coming from but it’s making me feel elated.

Ah shit I got too excited and stepped out from the bush and the man that’s still standing without spikes is starting at me.

That’s weird he isn’t even doing anything, I can’t be hideous right? I bet I’m good enough looking.

I decided not to worry on the opinion of others and asked the man why he was here. 

No response, not even a blink.

I asked one more time and the same thing with no response, so I shrugged. My mind got distracted from the elation of thinking about the elation i felt just a minute ago I felt stirring inside me.

Startled at the sensation but not questioning it I let go of thoughts surrounding why, and just let it do as it was.

Even though I was thinking these things I was still locked in a gaze with the man, I was gonna ask him questions abou the world but cant really do that since he’s not even blinking.

Suddenly I felt something strange, like I was entering the abyss and absorbed another presence, but I was still staring at the man how can that be right?

Then a shadow shot from my stomach branching into three different shadows, each encapsulating a man. The shadows slowly pulled something from the men.

It seemed like it had a harder time with the man still standing but as soon as it left him he dropped to the ground as if forgetting he had legs.

The shadows condensed and gathered into one on my hand, I formed a fist and felt myself absorb their being. 

I felt elation, pure ecstasy at the fact I absorbed their souls. After I took their swords, they were only 70 cm but still more reach is better.

I felt great, like way too great, why is that? I feel actually stronger, and I’m definetly faster, what’s with this? I decided to check my status.

Name[Treyu] Race [Human] Age [7]

Attributes [Vitality:350 Strength: 230 Stamina:270 Dexterity: 195 Intelligence :???

Mana: ???]

Deadly Sin [Pride] Greed, Gluttony]



After looking at my status I had to stop and think about things for awhile. First my attributes, they increased by like at least 200 or more around 160 but still, my health, strength and stamina increased massively.


Also what’s the hell is with that jumble of symbols? 

Furthermore my Deadly Sin [Pride],

it stands like it should proud and by itself. But Greed and Gluttony aren’t. So does that mean connect to [Pride]?