Chapter 8
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Prides Glory

I noticed my changed hair color from brown to a ghostly white idk when or how I haven’t noticed, another facepalm moment for me. 

There’s another’s thing, I haven’t really noticed it before but ever since I have it hasn’t gone away, I felt like I’m not complete, it’s strange I cant tell exactly what but I have an idea, I think it has something to do with my [Pride].

It’s been what I assume to be a month since I first experienced what I assume is me devouring souls. I made this conclusion after remembering my mom talk about how living things have souls.

I don’t remember my parents too much and it hasn’t even been that long. I wish I would’ve awoken sooner then maybe I could’ve protected them.

This last month I’ve hunted so many goblins that I’ve irradiated them in my space. Not much in the big picture but it’s a lot especially their souls.

It’s odd, I didn’t gain anything in the sense of numerical strength but I felt like I could conquer anything.

Eventually I ran into a Gotüng, which is like a mutated ogre, it’s stronger and it has a characteristic horn coming from its chin. It’s skin is also green but instead of being absolutely incapable like goblins it can command them and fight better, it stands around 1.5m which is tall for a 7 year old me but even so all I need to do was rip in soul out, I thought.

It resisted and rushed towards me swinging its fist down towards my skull.

Caught off guard by the first resistance to what I thought was an instant win. I quickly dived to the ground feeling the shockwave of the Gotüngs fist smashing into the ground.

I panicked as I was still trying to think of what to do, I felt a hand grab my leg and suddenly felt my entire body flying through the air.

Shit shit shit, I cant die from this thing-

As I was trying to distract myself from what’s most likely to happen I felt my bones crack as by back smashes into a tree pain surged through me as I blacked out.

 I felt a familiar sensation, my awareness roused from a presence calling to me.

I reached out for it but I couldn’t move, slowly I felt it envelop and absorb into me.

My eyes jolted open and I sent the shadow that was stirring inside me as I spit the blood from my mouth.

It enclosed on the Gotüngs body and it fell to its knees, it looked like it was struggling to get back to its feet. 

Still laying on the ground as my body is painful if I move, I sent the other shadow that was stirring. It upon swallowed the gotüng, i could hear its yell, but just holding my conscious together by a thread I wanted to increase the power, all of it right here, right now.

My eyes started getting double tunnel vision and I could hear the gotüng roar and collapse, upon that I felt the surge of bliss and power and lost consciousness.

Upon waking up my back was stiff but I was glad I wasn’t snapped in half. I gotta remember that I can be win but I can’t think I can win without knowing possibilities, from now on I’ll work on gaining information before an attack.

When I thought about what happened with the gotüng, all I can think of is it’s a new Deadly Sin that can stop movements by exerting force on the body.

I figured that out by looking at the gotüngs corpse, in softer spots of its body is quite literally crushed.

After I thought for a moment, I tried activating [Pride]. As soon as I did I felt something happen.

I felt I learned immidiatley some things i otherwise wouldn’t have but they were definetly different than what they used to be.

Name[Treyu] Race [Human] Age [7]

Attributes [Vitality:350 Strength: 230 Stamina:270 Dexterity: 195 Intelligence :???

Mana: Corrupted

Deadly Sin [Pride] Greed, Gluttony, Sloth]


Skill [ Tainted Swordsmanship- Amateur]

First off, why did my manas question marks become ‘corrupted’? Also a skill? And one that I can use with the new sword I took, thats awesome!

 The only link I can make is to eating monster souls, but I didn’t know anything of corrupted mana as my parents never spoke of such a thing. 

The new Deadly Sins name was Sloth, and the symbols changed into abyss, is that in connection to the abyss I know? I hope so.

After finding out about the new skill I could only think that [Pride] had something to do about it. Greatful that I was born who I am,  I started walking.

After going back to camp it was still only midday, so I decided to go and collect sticks with decent length and thickness. After piling enough I propped them on a tree nearby, I supported by the tree itself and the other sticks I lay around the tree.

Finally at least something that resembles a home, I said. After piling a new grass bed on one side of the tree I ate a rabbit I prepared happy with myself and the progress I’ve made.