[Chapter 7] Then There Were None.
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Attending the volleyball practice after school hours burned me out. After taking a quick shower, I threw myself into the soft bedsheets. Soon I could sense my weight. My body demanded that I slept. 

I needed to find an excuse to quit the volleyball team. I had only joined to keep up a lie that I told to my parents, but if I kept going at it, the training would destroy me. But that was an issue for another day.

When I woke up the following morning, it was hell on earth to make my way down the stairs. Not only did my legs stung with each step. But also the pain made me laugh. 

'I can do this.'

When I finally arrived at the dinning table, both of my parents were waiting for me. I hadn't been living with them long enough to know if this was a regular thing or not. "Is today a holy day?"

My mother did not respond. "Come, sit down." 

I sat down, only for my phone to go off and force me to get up. It was my morning alarm warning me that I was going to be late. "Can we do this another time? I don't want to get detention again."


My mother sounded both surprised and annoyed. But my father waved his hand and put a stop to whichever inquiries she had. "You won't be going to school Today."  

Father's tone sounded serious, more than usual from what I could tell.

"Am I in some type of trouble?" 

"Sit down." 

Why was he so adamant to answer my simple question? 


Father made a slight pause. "A student was murdered on school grounds. Your mother and I have decided that it would be best if you finish your education at home." 

"What? Who?"

The conversation did not conclude in a way that I desired. After eating my breakfast, both of my parents left for work. What was I supposed to do in the house all alone? 

The house lacked a computer, and all the channels on the TV were boring. With nothing better to do, I went back to my room and laid on the bed. Then I had a small stroke of genius and texted Ayuna. Maybe she knew more about what happened at school. But she did not respond.

"Comme on, it was only some muffins."

I can't believe she left me on read. I peeked outside the window of my room, but the morning was thick with mist. "What a shitty day." 

Your favorite lazy author is back! And I promise to introduce the stand next chapter.