Chapter 4 – I Can Be A Demon Lord?!
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Shikato said, "Um... Shinobu? How did you get to become the Chairman at such a young age?"


Narukami got flustered.


"W-W-W-W-W-W-W-Who do you think you're calling by the first name?! I'm the Chairman. You can't just call me by my first name without having permission."


"Why would I be scared, Shinobu?"


"There it is again. You called me by my first name again. Do you want me to kill you?"


Nakamura interrupted and said, "How dare you say that to Ran? Do you want to die?"


"I don't care. I'm not going to die, anyway."


"Are you immortal, Shinobu?"


"Stop using my first name like that and also, I'm not immortal. I'm not going to die because I'm stronger than all of you here but I don't know about you. I think you're far stronger than me."


"Am I that strong?"


"I don't know about you though. No one can calculate your power here so that's why we can't prove that we are or you are stronger than me."


"I see."


When Shikato looked at Class A and Class B, they were so silent.


Shikato asked, "Um... why are you guys so silent?"


May answered, "What? You don't get it?!"


"What do you mean by that?"


Narukami interrupted and said, "It means that you are the strongest magician here but please don't become a Demon Lord. It would really become a pain and countless people will die."


"I can be a Demon Lord?!"




"What is a Demon Lord, anyway?"


"A Demon Lord, the Lord of all Demons and the strongest demon."


"I know all of that but what do they do?"


"That's... We don't know about that."


"So that means, there is a good chance that there is a good Demon Lord."


"That's true but there's also a good chance that there wouldn't be any good Demon Lords."


"How many Demon Lords are there, anyway?"


Narukami sighed and said, "Let's talk about this later. Just you and me in my place."


"Are you inviting me to go to your house together with you later?"


"Y-Yeah. That's what I said. If you don't want to then, you don't have to force yourself. I-It's not like I expect you to come with me to my place, anyway."


"What a tsundere."


"Tsun-, what did you just said?"


"Nevermind what I just said. Well then, let's go, Shinobu."


"Stop calling me with my first name like that!"


Narukami sighed and said, "Nakamura, lead Class B and give them a tour of this school."


Nakamura got angry and replied, "Oh my, I wanted to lead Class A."


"And why is that?"


"So I can have a date with my Ran."


"Well, I get to decide so I'm sorry but you're going to lead Class B."


Nakamura walked closer to Shikato and said, "Oh my, looks like we won't be having another date just like earlier."


Shikato replied, "It's okay. Let's do it some time."


"Oh my, what a really good boy. That's my Ran."


She hugged Shikato while putting his head in her chest. Narukami interrupted their moment.


"Um... could you put flirting into another time? We still have a job to do. Go on and lead Class B. Let's go, Class A."


Narukami and Class A started the tour, as well as, Nakamura and Class B. After a couple of hours, the tour has finally finished. Narukami and Class A met up with Nakamura and Class B in the dormitory.


Narukami said, "This is the dormitory. Class A will be living in that house and Class B will be living in that house. In each house, there are enough rooms for each one of you. Have a comfortable living and make sure to not break the house or you guys will fix it. Anyways, that's all in the tour. You can now start going inside the houses."


The students went into their house and started to claim a room. Before Shikato can enter, he was called by Narukami.


"Shikato, do you want to continue what we were talking about in my place, or do you want to continue our talk tomorrow night?"


"I want to continue it now."


"Well then, let's go to my place."


"Yeah. Take care of me, Shinobu."


Narukami got flustered and said, "W-W-W-W-Why did you said that? It sounded like I-I-I became your g-g-girlfriend."


"Oh, I'm sorry about that. Well then, lead the way, Shinobu."


Narukami led Shikato in his place. After a couple of minutes, they finally arrived in Narukami's mansion. Shikato was surprised to see what kind of place Narukami lived in.


Shikato said, "Um... Shinobu, is this really your house?"


Shinobu answered "Yeah, it's my house. Are you surprised?"


"Yeah, I am very surprised. I thought that you were living with someone but it looks like you are only living here alone."


"I am living with someone."


"Oh! Who are you living with, then?"


"I am living with my maids, my butlers, and my chefs."


"That still means you're living here alone."


"Huh? What do you mean by that?"


"Your maids, your butlers, and your chefs may be living within that mansion but do they talk to you other than asking for what you want?"


After what Shikato asked, Narukami has gotten silent.


She answered, "N-No."


Shikato replied, "And that's what I meant by you, living here alone."


"Then, can I live in your house?"


"Sure, if there is enough space."


"Then, I-I'll sleep at your room as well."


"Um... I think that would be wrong."


"What do you mean by that?! Is it wrong that I would be living there even though I am the Chairman?!"


"It's not like that. It would be weird for a boy and a girl sleeping in the same room. Our roommates might spread some fake news in the whole school that we are living and sleeping in the same room. That's what I mean."


"I haven't thought about it like that. I'll come up with an idea to prevent that."


"Are you still not giving up on sleeping with me in the same room? You can just sleep with some girls in my class."


"I don't want to."


"Why? You're a girl."


"But I want to sleep with you."


"W-What do you mean by that?"


"It's like what I said, you idiot. Let's go inside already. Let me tell you about the Demon Lord."




Shikato and Narukami went inside the mansion. As soon as they opened the door, the maids, the butlers, and the chefs greeted.


"Welcome back home, Miss Chairman Narukami."


Narukami replied, "I'm back. Could you cook dinner for us two?"


Narukami looked at the maids, the butlers, and the chefs. They were smiling and some of them were crying for joy."


Narukami asked, "Um... why are you guys smiling and crying?"


A maid answered, "Because you were just a cold girl when you were still a little girl. We never imagined that you would bring a boy to this property. This is life-changing."


Another maid asked, "So, what do you like about this guy?"


A butler said, "I'm glad your boyfriend is older than you. So, what do you like about this guy, Miss Chairman Narukami?"


Narukami said, "It's not like what you think. He's just a friend. I just brought him here because we have some personal business to do."


A chef said, "Are you sure that "personal business" you are going to do isn't indecent or something like that?"


"No! We are just friends. We are not going to do something like that."


A maid said, "O-Okay. But if you like him to become your boyfriend, we can help you with that."


"I am not going to become his girlfriend so don't even think about it."


A voice came out.


"You guys. Stop teasing our Miss Chairman like that. She's not going to make a move like that if you guys have attitudes like that."


Narukami said, "Head Chef. I'm glad you told them that and also, I don't know what you are talking about making a move. Anyways, prepare us dinner."


The Head Chef replied, "As you wish, Miss Chairman."


"Let's go up to my room. Follow me."




Narukami led Shikato to her room upstairs. When they arrived at her room, Narukami opened the door. They entered the room and Shikato saw Narukami's clothes including underwear.


Narukami got embarrassed.


She said, "You idiot, don't look at those."


She slapped Shikato and pushed him out of the room. After a couple of minutes, Narukami dragged Shikato inside her room.


"I'm so sorry about that."


"It's okay. I shouldn't have looked at those, anyway."


"Okay. Let's start talking about you, being the Demon Lord."




"I already told you that you have the power to become a Demon Lord. We don't know how you can become a Demon Lord but all we know is that you need to have some certain nourishment to become a Demon Lord."


"I see. So, how many Demon Lords are there?"


"As we have seen so far, there are ten Demon Lords."


"So, who are those Demon Lords?"


"The first one is Mukuro Ray. He is the weakest in the ten. The second one is Juzo Daiki. He rarely uses magic at all and he only relies on the sword. The third one is Kou Kugisaki. He uses daggers with his older brother, Yuki Kugisaki. The fifth one is Tobiro Minami. He uses the spear. The sixth one is Nizu Rento. He uses the bow. The seventh one is Kabane Ryuzu. He loves torturing a lot of people. The eighth one is Esther Kuroo. He loves starting a ruckus in public. The ninth is Zen Shino. He uses magic to make weapons. Finally, the last one, Morris Tsuki. He is the strongest of all ten. That's all of them."


"I see. So, Morris Tsuki is the strongest of all ten Demon Lords. If I become a Demon Lord. Who's stronger? Is it me or will it be Morris Tsuki?"


"I don't know about that. I haven't fought Morris Tsuki nor I have seen him so I can't tell who is stronger. Anyways, do you got any questions?"


"Nope. I understood all of that."


They heard a knock on the door.


Narukami asked, "Who is it?"


A maid answered.


"The dinner is ready. Would you like to eat in your room or in the dining room?"


"We will eat in my room."


"Well then, I'm going to serve your dish now."




The maid entered the room and placed the dish.


She said, "Please help yourself."


"We will."


"Well then, I will leave now. I will come back to take this later."


The maid left the room and it turned into complete silence.


Narukami said, "Anyways, let's eat now."


"Yeah, that's right. The food might get cold faster than we thought."


Narukami and Shikato started eating dinner. After a couple of minutes, they finished eating. The maid entered the room and took the dishes and then, left the room.


Shikato said, "Thanks for the meal. I probably need to go now."


"Wait, I'm going to take a bath because I'm coming with you and, give me some time to prepare to live and sleep in your room."


"Oh, you were going to be sleeping in my room."


"Don't tell me you already forgot about it?"


"Yeah. I really forgot about it at some point while we were talking about the Demon Lords."


"I'm now going to take a bath. You better not peek. If you peek, I'll poke those eyes and slap the crap out of you."


"I won't peek. I'm a man of my words."


Narukami started taking a bath. After a couple of minutes, she finally finished taking a bath. She was going to prepare to live in Shikato and Class A's house but when she got out of the bathroom, she saw Shikato sleeping in her bed.


Narukami thought, "What? Is he sleeping? Well then, I'm going to go to sleep as well but where shall I sleep though? There is still some space in the bed. I'll just go to the other side of the bed and sleep there. Well then, let's do it."


Narukami went to bed and slept right beside Shikato's side.


"This is fine, right? Yeah, this is fine."


After a couple of minutes, she finally slept.


On the next day, Narukami woke up and saw her being cuddled up by Shikato. She woke him up.


"Shikato, is this how you really sleep with someone?"


Shikato woke up and noticed what he was doing to her.


"Um... I'm sorry about this. Did I do something worse than this one?"


"N-No. Anyways, let's just go to school or we'll be late."


"But where am I going to take a bath?"


"You can take a bath here. Do you have extra clothes?"


"Yeah, I have extra clothes but can you check the time first?"




Narukami looked at the time and she was surprised to see what time it was.


Shikato asked, "What time is it?"


"It's 7:25 AM and the classes are going to start at 7:30 AM."


"That's a problem. Would it be okay to be late?"


"No, it isn't okay. It will hurt my position."


"That's true. Well then, I have a suggestion."


"What is it?"


"We could speed things up if we take a bath and eat at the same time. I can handle the walking."


"B-B-B-B-But taking a bath at the same time is bad."


"If we don't do it, we will be late."


Narukami sighed and said, "Fine, let's do it. But I'm only doing it because we are going to be late if I don't do it."


"Well then, let's start."