4.4 The Stubborn Lang Yuan
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Despite being an introvert, Lang Yuan is still updated to what is the trend of the masses. His family is poor but it doesn't mean that Lang Yuan didn't have the usual things every teenager would crave for. He owned a smartphone that he won from a lottery. He also has some few Gameboys that was handed down by his older brothers, and sooner would be handed down to the younger siblings.

So when it comes to trends, Lang Yuan is still informative. On the century he was given birth, writing and art became widespread that bookstores would often be filled with people to buy any books ranging from engineering topics to manga scripts. He has both a few of fiction books whenever the store will have a discount sale for every certain number of purchases.

When Lang Yuan is already fourteen, the trend of the hardbound books changed. Electronic devices became popular. News and movies that can only be seen on newspapers and TVs can now be watched on phones. Pictures can also be taken without a real camera. Music can be played without a CD or mp3 player. And of course, web novels welcomed the era.

He has read many stories that can't be published through paper but can be posted from writing sites. There is more variety than the known local bookstore. The fiction stories are also diverse. It is not the usual damsel in distress and the knight in shining armor stories. There are more stories, fiction to non-fiction, which can affect the readers.

He stumbled over many topics in the internet. And one of this close to death discovery is searching BL. Yes, Lang Yuan has met about this genre before. It is a story of two men. A story of no matter how many naked ladies would come to the male lead, the male lead only has eyes to that one tsundere man that will take a hundred times courting before the bed scene arrives.

Actually, Lang Yuan didn't care at all! In his situation right now, he could tell the resemblance of the story where the characters is the emperor and some little virgin shou that will have his chrysanthemum broken after the pa pa pa. No matter what the shou do, he can never escape from the emperor and everyday would be full of rolling on the sheets.

Lang Yuan is worried ba! He can't help touching his ass wondering when will it be broken. He should be careful.

He should not drop the soap!

The laughing voice of Zhong Song echoed through the hall sweetly like birds chirping in nature. But for Lang Yuan ears, it only sounded some Dracula laughing shit like those in a horror movie. He is currently doing a dogeza, his head bowed touching the ground with his nose still dripping blood. JiDan is on his side, happily disturbing the sit-kneeling Minister Jiang XeXun.

"Sorry... I just can't... no I have to stop... Ha ha ha," Zhong Song is still laughing.

Emperor Yu XueQin ignored the mad man. Instead, his gaze is focused towards the shivering rabbit in front of him. They returned to the hall after the grand chase (It's not grand, actually). Yu XueQin sat on the highest chair with the servants and guards on his side. Zhong Song is rather leaning on a lower chair because the chair can't hold his laughing self very much.

The emperor asked, "What seems to be the problem?"

Lang Yuan knows that the majesty is talking to him. He lowered his body more, to what his head could still be any lower than the ground.

"The servant committed a crime, your majesty. This servant will receive any punishment other than death, your majesty."

"Oh? So finally recognized me now?"

The figure nodded in fear.

"Phew, that almost killed me," Zhong Song finally consumed his laughing gas. He playfully walked towards Lang Yuan and scanned the boy.

"So this is the soon-to-be Empress, huh? He looks pretty. But he looks nowhere close to a strong man," Zhong Song faced the emperor. "Why did you choose this lad?"

"He gave birth to my son," Yu XueQin replied.

"Oh yeah, the small dragon boy," Zhong Hong's attention went to the small kid talking gibberish towards Minister Jiang XeXun. He crouched down before the child so JiDan to notice him.

"Ugwaaa?" What?

"Look at you, looking the same with Qin Ge ge. But..." He pats JiDan to which JiDan tried to avoid his hand. Zhong Song chuckled. "You have beautiful pair of eyes."

"Your Highness," Minister Jiang XeXun called, cupping his hand and bows down.

"Yes, Minister?" The emperor heard his plea.

"This servant wanted to know when will be the date of the wedding. The Emperor did not gave us the exact date. This servant is ready to held the wedding anytime the emperor wanted," Minister Jiang XeXun said.

"Hm... I really do want to get married the next hour..."

The emperor observed Lang Yuan's reaction. The boy flinched when it heard about marrying the next hour. Yu XueQin grinned and said: "... but it would be irrational to wish for such thing. We have time; we don't need to hurry up. Set the wedding for the next three days."

Lang Yuan paled so much more! Three days? In three days he will be t-taken... The emperor wanted to laugh like Zhong Song did but his status stopped him. He just savored the ghastly expression of Lang Yuan hearing the news. Lang Yuan raised his head to see the emperor.

Yikes! It seems like I will be devoured!

"Oh wait, I still have something to say," Zhong Song interrupted. "The Wedding can't happen in three days."

The close to death expression of Lang Yuan brightened. Zhong Song chuckled. Why does it seem like this youth doesn't want to marry his powerful brother ah?

"Zhong Song, what do you mean?" Yu XueQin glared at him.

The crowd shivered in fear. But Zhong Song only shrugged his shoulders and faced the emperor. Now, he formally cupped his hand while bowing.

"The Empress Dowager wanted to meet the candidate. The emperor suddenly announcing his matrimonial surprised the Lady very much. The Empress Dowager wanted to know if the Candidate Empress is suited to sit beside the Emperor.

"Hmmm... but the Empress Dowager already knows my condition. Once a human managed to give birth to my egg then I will bring that person as the Empress. This candidate not only made the egg alive but also hatched it in the shortest period of time. It will be normal for us to get married as soon as possible."

"Your Subordinate did point it out, your majesty," Zhong Song said. "But not only did the Empress Dowager give the request. Most of the ladies in your harem wished to have an audience with the candidate."

"And why would that be?" The emperor raised a brow.

"Well, isn't it normal for the maidens to know who is this person who just snatched the golden thigh away from them?" Zhong Song shrugged.

The emperor chuckled. He searched for the reaction of the youth and expectedly Lang Yuan paled more than earlier. Earlier, he is worried that he will get married. And now, not only that he will be married but also meet the emperor's mother? And not just the mother, also the harem!

For a person who often have anxiety attacks and hated the crowd so much, he'd rather want to marry the emperor the next hour.

"Very well, we will be returning to the palace to meet the Empress Dowager," the emperor told the minister. "Hold the wedding until next month. Keep the festivities active. I wanted to have the people gift the Empress once he receives the crown."

"This servant accepts the command," Minister Jiang XeXun bowed down.

"Well then..." The Emperor stood up from his seat.

He walks towards Lang Yuan and carried him bridal style. Zhong Song whistled as how Yu XueQin boldly carried the young man. The emperor searched for the little fella but JiDan is busy irritating the Minister. That's good. No small fry to disturb them.

"We and the Empress have something to do. Do not disturb us!"

"Yes, your majesty!" Everyone chorused.

And the emperor carried the shivering rabbit back to the room again, open the door, and closed it with a bang.

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