17. Day eight
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It has been a week since I started living in this world. My current life is really enjoyable! I finally reached my adult size. I'm 1 meter tall! My sisters did not grow at all though. It feels good to be taller!


Anyway, today my sisters, Silvia and I decided to explore the forest. Well, I say explore but it is more like playing around... Either way, it will be a fun and productive day!


"Hahaha! I got another one!" Ya said proudly while holding her club. She used the club just a second ago to mercilessly kill a poor wolf. There's a bit of wolf meat attached to the club...


Is it weird that I find that gesture incredibly adorable?


"We'll have plenty of wolf meat to make some skewers." Mi said with a sleepy expression.


Wolf meat is incredibly tasty by the way. Silvia cooked some of it for our breakfast. I wonder if wolves also tasted like that back on Earth...?


"Ru! We are close! Let's go and see those rocks!" Na was dragging me towards a cave... Her golden eyes were filled with excitement.


"Okay." I just nodded.


Na really looks cute when she's excited.


Silvia was walking around with Ta and Da. They were collecting materials for potions and seeds to plant in the large gardens of Silvia's Castle.


"Ummm... Silvia... Are these the ones...?" Ta was holding a bunch of flowers. The petals were yellow coloured. She was a bit embarrassed.


"Yup! That was exactly what I asked for! Thank you very much, Ta!" Silvia immediately patted the head of Ta.


Ta didn't respond... She simply blushed before putting the flowers in a basket.


"Silvia! I got some berries! They are the ones that taste really bitter!" Da showed her hands. They were filled with some small reddish berries. Her hands also covered with dirt.


Bitter? Could it be...


"Oho! So there really were some coffee plants around these parts!" Silvia examined the berries.


Coffee... There's coffee! Oh man... I can't believe I have access to coffee!


I was an avid coffee drinker in my past life. It seems like I will continue to be drinking coffee even if I am in another world!


Hehehe! This is great!


"Ru! Walk faster! We are really close!" Na pouted.


"Sorry!" I apologized while grinning. I was incredibly happy thanks to the sudden blessing that was bestowed upon me.


"C'mon La! Ms. Ladybug wants to play with you!" Gi was holding an enormous ladybug on her hands... She was holding in front of La.


"T-Take that thing away from me!" La looked disgusted. She was walking backwards, trying to get away from the Gi and the ladybug.


I guess that I should mention that La really hates insects. Gi, on the other hand, likes them a lot.


"It is harmless! It just wants to play!" Gi rushed at La. She made the ladybug touch La's skin


"No!" La was trembling in disgust. She immediately ran away.


"Come back here! We were just playing!" Gi ran off to pursue La. She was smiling warmly...


I could only laugh bitterly at their interaction...


"Ra! Let's have a run! The winner will get a kiss from Ru!" Xi was looking confident.


Of course I'm the prize...


"Deal! You will be regret competing against me!" Ra was excited...


The two of them prepared themselves for a bit.


"Now!" Xi yelled.


Xi and Ra really like to compete with each other for some reason.


The two of them ran off towards god knows where... It might take a while for their race to finish... I would like to run with them for a bit as well.


Someone suddenly grabbed my other hand... It was Wa.


"..." She was silently looking at me.


"You want to come with us?" I asked her.


Wa nodded vigorously in response.


Na, Wa and Me went into the cave that used to belong to a pack of wolves. Yeah... The ground was filled with pools of blood...


"The rocks are a bit deeper inside the cave." Na was breathing roughly.


"..." Wa quietly following us while still holding my hand.


We went deeper into the cave. The walls of the cave changed. They were now red coloured...


Red coloured walls...? If I remember correctly that is a sign that there's an iron vein in this cave... Hoho! We can get iron!




How do you process iron again? I know you have to mine it, but I don't know what the rest of the processes to refine iron are... I should have paid more attention in chemistry...


"It is deeper! Follow me!"


Wa and I just nodded while we followed Na.


Man, I gotta tell Silvia about the iron of this cave! Even if we cannot use it or refine it right now, it might come in handy in the future. Perhaps we could sell it if we ever go to the human village.


Speaking of which, I wonder how the girl I saved is doing? Silvia told me this morning that she was feeling alright but she was really tired, so she was still sleeping.


While I was thinking of possible future profits and that human girl, Na guided Wa and I towards a gigantic room at the end of the cave. The whole place was filled with crystals that were shining brightly.


"Whoa..." I was genuinely taken aback thanks to the beauty of those crystals.


The whole area was filled with crystals that were glowing in different colours. It was a spectacle to behold.


"Hehehe! See? They look incredible!" Na's face was completely filled with excitement. She launched me a wink and a lovely smile.


I can only say that my heart was immediately taken by those simple gestures...


"They are pretty." Wa talked for the first time today.


"Not as pretty as my sisters." I said with confidence.


"Ru! W-What has gotten into you? To compliment us all of a sudden..." Na's face was completely red. Her bewildered expression was adorable.


"..." Wa was silent. I instantly noticed that her cheeks were also completely red like her eyes. She was embarrassed.


My sisters are beautiful!


Anyway... What do we do with these crystals? I mean, they really pretty so they must be worth something, right?


I decided to use Mana Perception on the crystals...


"Holy crap!"


The whole area was covered in mana. The crystals were generating outrageous amounts of mana... That was probably the reason why the crystals were glowing in different colours.


Hmmm... If they can produce this much mana, they must be extremely valuable! I need to show this to Silvia!


"Na, Wa, we are taking some crystals with us! Please help me!"


"That's what I wanted to hear!" Na answered with excitement.


"..." Wa just nodded in response.


The three of us approached the largest cluster of crystals... I prepared myself to use my gladius to mine the crystal but I was stopped by Na.


"Wait! Let's examine it first!" Na said before touching the crystals.


Na started looking and touching the crystals... Nothing relevant happened. The crystals were still shining brightly. For some reason Na decided to pull the crystals towards her... It worked... Na now had a bunch of crystals on her hands.


"Ehh?" Na was confused...


Wa also looked a little flabbergasted. I was completely shocked! I believe that crystals are not supposed to be mined that way...!


"Ru... I think I broke them..."


"So it would seem... Well, I guess we don't have to mine them anymore..." I said as I sheathed my gladius.


The crystals were still producing mana even when they were taken away from the cluster... I decided to touch the crystals on Na's hands.


"What the...?" I looked at the crystals in confusion.


"Ah..." Na was looking at the same crystals with an ecstatic expression.


The crystals on Na's hands were shining in a different colour than the rest of the crystals in the area. The crystals on Na's hands were now pink coloured...


"Pretty..." Wa said before also touching the crystals.


The pink colour of the crystals was even more intense now...


"How strange..." I said while being perplexed thanks to the mysterious crystals.


These are definitely valuable! And beautiful!


"Hehehe! So pretty and shiny! I love it!" Na was euphoric. She was grinning from ear to ear...


"I want one too... Ru, can I take one?" Wa asked with an embarrassed expression.


Well, I was planning on taking them anyway so...


"Sure. We have to bring everyone and grab some more!" I said to Wa.


Both Wa and Na had ecstatic expressions on their faces. The two of them started to gather crystals. I grabbed a large chunk of the crystals.


"Na, Wa, I will show this to Silvia and bring everyone here. I'll be back soon."


"Okay!" Na said with a smile.


Wa just nodded vigorously before she continued gathering more crystals.


I left the two of them on their own and walked back to the entrance of the cave. As soon as I left the cave, I was greeted by La being harrassed by Gi and the multitude of insects she had in her hands and another corpse of a wolf with Ya and Mi standing proudly next to it.


Silvia was sitting on the ground with Ta and Da while checking the materials they got.


I ran towards Silva, Ta and Da to show them what we got from the cave.


"Silvia! We found something cool inside the cave! Check it out!" I said to her while showing her the crystals.


"This is..." Silvia seemed a bit confused.


"Pretty..." Ta muttered.


"Ru? Can I have one?" Da asked me with a smile.


"Ah, of course. There's plenty of these crystals inside the cave." I smiled back at her.


The crystals were suddenly snatched out of my hands... Silvia was examining the crystals thoroughly.


"No way..." Silvia was shocked.


Silvia grabbed my hand and made me touch one of the crystals. She placed her own hand over the crystal... The crystal was now shining in a deep red colour.


Oi... Is that a bad sign? A red flag!? Sorry, that was a bad joke.


I looked towards Silvia who had a look of ecstasy on her face... I'm a bit lost here...


"Ummm... Silvia? Are you okay?"


"I'm fine...- No! I'm better than fine! I'm so happy!" Silvia was smiling from ear to ear.


She even stood up and started dancing around... For some reason both Ta and Da decided to imitate Silvia's dance... Mi and Ya were looking at them in confusion.


Can someone explain to me why is she reacting like that? I mean, those crystals must be pretty valuable considering her reaction...


(It is not really about the value of the crystals, you know?) A familiar voice spoke in my mind. It was the bitch of a goddess...


(What do you want, Lady Electra?) I asked without trying to hide my annoyance...


(I was just calling to see how you were doing... Sigh...) She sighed heavily.


Hmm? She's not being a bitch today... That's suspicious!


(The crystals you just found are called "Aurevium." They are not particularly useful.) She said with a depressed tone...


I'm getting a bit scared... Electra is not acting like a bitch today!


(...) She did not respond to my insult.


(So, can we still get money for these?) I asked.


(Sigh... It is not about the money, you know? The crystals are rare, you could obtain some coin for them but not much.) Electra said with her depressed tone.


That's a shame... Well, I guess I can still sell the iron once we figure out how to process it.


(These crystals have a nice feature. Once you and someone you love touch the crystals, their colour will change depending on the level of affection you hold towards each other. You and your sisters touched it and it became pink, right?) She explained.






(That indicates that you have mutual and deep feelings of love.)


So it is like that huh... It makes me happy that they love me that much!


(But what about Silvia? When we touched the crystal it was red coloured.) I asked Electra.


(Ah... About that...)


I was suddenly hugged tightly by Silvia... She was pressing her large breasts against my back...


"Hehehe! I'm so happy!" Silvia said as her hug got tighter... She was now dancing around while holding me in her embrace... I was getting a bit dizzy...


(Usually when it is painted in a deep red it means that the two people who touched the crystal are destined to be together. In other words, you two are genuine soulmates. It is like the Red Thread of Fate.) Electra still sounded a bit depressed...


So Silvia and I are soulmates huh... Well, she was already saying that I was her soulmate, so I guess this just confirms it...


"Hehehe! It came out red! It came out red, Ru!" Silvia was understandably excited about it...


"Silvia, why are you so excited?" Mi asked with her usual blank expression.


"The rocks are very pretty! Can I have one?" Ya asked with an easygoing smile.


(You could make some accesories for them with the crystals, you know? They are very popular in human settlements!) Electra suddenly cheered up...


(Is that so?) I asked her.


(Yeah! You could even use it to practice and raise the proficiency and the grade of your "Crafter" skill!" Electra said happily...


Okay, I'm getting a bit spooked... First she acts depressed and now she's all cheerful... I have the feeling that she's planning to do something to me... I need to be careful!


(I'm not...) She said with a dejected tone.


(Your personality changes won't trick me! You're surely thinking of something humilliate me further!)


I will not be fooled by the bitch goddess!


(Sigh... I'm not really trying to trick you...) Electra spoke with a depressed tone again.


(Then? What do you want?) I asked her with a bit of annoyance.


(...) Electra was silent.


So she got silent because she was really planning something! I cannot be fooled by her!


(Ru, I would like to talk about something very important... Do you have a minute?) She suddenly asked.


(What is it?) I was skeptical about Electra's motives.


(I would like to apolo...-)


"Heeeeeeelp!" Electra was suddenly interrupted mid-sentence by a girlish scream.


"Run as fast as you can, Ra! It is getting closer!" Xi was yelling as well.


"Ru! Heeeelp meeeee!" Ra was panicking...


Silvia, Ta and Da stopped dancing and moving around. La and Gi were no longer playing with the insects. Mi and Ya had a serious expression...


An unfamiliar smell invaded my nostrils... I felt shivers down my spine...




"Heeeelp us!"


Xi and Ra finally came into view... Both of them were running with tears in their eyes. Behind them, a large bear was chasing them closely...


"Ah... That's a Braten Grizzly... Yeah, this is bad..." Silvia muttered. Her previous cheerful attitude was nowhere to be seen.


All of my sisters immediately prepared their weapons. Silvia finally let go of me.


"Ah... Wait... This actually really good." Silvia suddenly changed her mind.


"Aaaaaah! It is going to bite me!" Ra was running as fast as she could while crying.


"Ruuuuuun, Ra! Stop talking and just run!" Xi was also in the same state as Ra.


The bear suddenly stopped when it spotted us. The bear was now standing upright... Yeah, the bear must easily surpass the two and half meters of height.


That thing will crush us! How the heck is this actually good, Silvia!?


"Ru, today is really our lucky day! You may manage to evolve today!" Silvia smiled again.




"Are you serious?" I asked her with a bit of confusion.


"Yep! You just need to kill that guy!" She pointed at the bear...


"Graaaa!" The bear roared at us. It was now slowly approaching us on all fours. It was being cautious.


Oi oi... Please don't joke around.


"In fact, I think your sisters might evolve as well if you kill it." Silvia grinned from ear to ear.


I don't know why but I am fearing for my life right now... Not because of the bear, but because of this self-proclaimed wife of mine...


(Sigh... I'm still here, you know? Sigh... Forget about it. We can talk later. Also, Silvia is correct. Braten Grizzlies give a lot of EXP and they give a title to those who have defeated them. It might fulfill the conditions you need to evolve.) Electra explained with a depressed tone.


(And why are you telling me that? Don't you want me to die and to become your eternal slave or whatever?) I was very suspicious of Electra


(...) She didn't answer.


"Ru... What do you think that thing tastes like?" Ya's eyes were completely focused on the bear... She licked her lips several times.


"I want to taste it as well!" Gi said with a sinister smile.


"The fur looks comfortable! I want to take a nap with that!" Mi's eyes were sparkling for some reason.


"You're right! I can imagine myself taking a nap in blanket made with that fur!" La's eyes were also sparkling.


"But isn't better to make some clothes? I think we could make something cute for all of you." Silvia suddenly joined their conversation.


"New clothes? Can I have some like yours Silvia?" Ta asked Silvia while tilting her head.


"I want some new clothes too! I want to learn how to make them!" Da said with a cheerful smile.


Oi! Don't talk like we've already killed the poor animal!


Xi and Ra ran towards me at full speed and then hid behind me...


"Ruu..." Ra was crying...


"It was scary!" Xi was completely terrified.


For how long have they been chased by that thing...? No, it doesn't matter now...


"Silvia, we are going to have bear meat for lunch..."


I'm fucking pissed! That stupid bear thinks it can terrify my sisters? I'm gonna fucking kill it!


"Hoho! That's the spirit! My hubby is very brave!" Silvia answered with a teasing tone.


Just as I was thinking about what I was about to do to the bear, Na and Wa came out the cave. The two of them were carrying a bunch of crystals on their arms.


"Ru! We got more crystals!" Na yelled with excitement.


"We got lots for everyone!" Wa also looked really excited.


"Na, Wa, we can talk about the crystals later. That fucking thing over there was terrorizing Xi and Ra!"


Both Na and Wa placed the crystals on the ground and prepared their weapons without saying a word.


"Alright! Looks like all of you are motivated, I will be supporting you from the back so give everything you got!" Silvia said to encourage us.


I nodded at her.


"Let's get some food!" I yelled.


My sisters were incredibly motivated, especially Ya.


I ran directly towards the front of the bear. I pointed my spear towards its face.


"Grraaaa!" The bear roared at us, once again.


My sisters, with the exception of Xi and Ra, were surrounding the bear from all angles.


Ya and Wa were climbing some trees to find an appropriate spot to launch an attack. Na and Gi were pointing their spears at the beast. The two of them were on the right side of the beast. On the left side, Mi and La were in a similar position. Da and Ta were behind the beast while trying to poke the bear and distract it.


Too organized? I mean, We have been together for all of our lives (A week) and we have hunted together several times. Words are unnecesary for us!


I started to thrust my spear towards the animal with the intentions of provoking it. It was working. The bear tried to strike me down with his right paw. I was barely able to dodge its claws thanks to Mana Perception.


As soon as the bear attacked me, My sisters counter attacked by thrusting their spears against the beast.


"Ehh!? It doesn't work!" Na yelled in surprise.


This angered the beast... It was now swinging its paws trying to tear me apart with its large claws...


(The skin of the Braten Grizzlies is simply way too tough. You won't be able to kill it with those makeshift spears. The horns of the Jatum Rabbits are good enough to hunt wolves and boars, but not bears.) Electra explained.


"This is troublesome..." Mi looked annoyed.


(Then what do you suggest we do!?) I asked Electra while trying to dodge the attacks of the bear.


"My spear is stuck!" Gi yelled at us. Her spear stuck on the sides of the animal. This only enraged the bear more...


(Magic would usually do the trick.) She said with her usual depressed tone.


(I can't use magic!) I can see mana, but I can't use magic yet... I was barely dodging the attacks filled with bloodlust from the enraged animal.


"Ah... My spear got stuck as well!" La screamed in surprise.


(Well, Magic is out of the question then... Just use blunt force, it will work.) Electra said with a bit of annoyance thanks to the situation.


But what about Silvia, isn't she called The Calamity Witch for a reason? She should be able to kill the beast with one attack... After all, she defeated a Demon King easily.


No, I shouldn't think like that. This is my opportunity to grow. I can't be depending on Silvia for every little thing.


Unfortunately for me, when I was thinking of that, I was hit by the bear and I was sent flying...


"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" I yelled as I traveled through the air, gritting my teeth. Not because I was in pain... I was angered, just like last time with those wolves...


Now it is fucking personal!


"Owww...." I shouted as I crashed against a tree...


"Ru!" Ra yelled at me... She looked worried.


The rest of my sisters were looking worried as well. They were still keeping the beast in check.


"I'm okay!" I tried to calm them down.


Thankfully, all of my limbs were still in their place. I also didn't have any external injuries.


"Thank goodness..." Xi was relieved.


I immediately stood up and grabbed my spear. I ran back towards my original spot. I noticed that Silvia had her eyes closed... A huge amount of mana was being gathered around her.


What is she planning?


I then noticed while I was running that Ya and Wa had jumped and were about to attack the beast.


"Die!" Ya looked extremely angry. She grasped her club with all of her strength.


"..." Wa's gaze was completely focused on the neck of the bear.


But the bear suddenly turned around... It hit Ya in same manner it had hit me before. She was sent flying at an incredible speed...


"Ya!" I screamed... I was now beyond pissed.


"RAAAAAA!" The bear roared in pain... It had lost one of its eyes thanks to Wa. She had managed to stab the right eye of the bear with her dagger.


Wa quickly jumped again using the large body of the bear as a support. She barely managed to escape the rampage of the beast...


"Got you!" Silvia suddenly yelled.


I noticed that for some reason, Ya and Wa were now floating in the air. They were in a safe distance from the bear.


"Thank goodness..." I let out a relieved sigh...


I forgot that Silvia can use magic... Well, I didn't know she could do that, but I'm relieved... I'm still really pissed at the bear though...


"Why am I flying!?" Ya yelled while panicking.


"I got its eye." Wa didn't seem too surprised and smiled at me.


At this point, the bear was on a rampage. Thanks to the enraged animal, several branches of the trees around it were completely destroyed. My sisters took some distance from the bear.


Ya and Wa were suddenly teleported towards where I was... That surprised me so much that I almost ended up falling to the ground while I was running. I immediately stopped to check on Ya.


She seemed okay. She didn't have any visible injuries.


"Ru... Let me kill that thing! I want to taste its meat so badly!" Ya said with a strange expression on her face... It was not anger...


"..." Wa quickly reached for my dagger without saying a word. She grabbed it and then smiled at me.


"My spear also got stuck!" Da yelled.


"It broke my spear..." Ta said while looking at the remains of her spear which has been broken in half.


In that instant I saw how Na thrusted her spear into one of the limbs of the bear... A little bit of blood came out but the spear also got stuck...


Well, it is not like our attacks are not having any effect...


(It still won't be enough. Just use blunt force, it is your only option right now.) Electra said.


Blunt force... I looked towards the club of Ya.


I think I have an idea!


"Ya, can I use your club?" I asked my sister.


"Sure! What are going to use it for?" Ya tilted her head as she gave me her wooden club...


It was heavy... I don't know how Ya can carry it as if it was nothing...


I turned around and faced Silvia.


"Silvia, can you teleport me like you did with Ya and Wa?"


"Oh! I see what you want to do! Leave it to me!" She nodded vigorously before closing her eyes.


Suddenly, a stupid amount of mana surrounded me... Next thing I know is that I am 10 meters floating in the air just above the bear... The bear was still going on its rampage.


(That's pretty clever, my cute believer.) Electra said with a strange tone of voice...


Ehh? Am I being praised by that bitch of a goddess? What the hell is going on!?


(...) Electra didn't answer.


I didn't have the time to figure out that mystery. I was now falling directly towards the bear. I grabbed the club with both of my hands and put all of my strength and weight into my next attack.


With increasing speed, I was falling on top of the bear. The beast raised its head only to see me about to crush its skull with Ya's wooden club. I managed to hit the face of the bear. I heard a loud crack when the club came into contact with its face...


I think I also managed to hit Wa's knife... It should be deep into its brain now.


Unfortunately, I was not able to think of a good one-liner before killing the bear... I was suddenly teleported away again.


I found myself resting in the arms of Silvia. She was sweating a lot... Her entire face was covered in sweat.


"Ahh... It is falling down! Run!" Mi yelled as the bear was falling to the ground.


"Ruuuuun!" Na also yelled.


I heard a loud crash as the bear came into contact with the ground.


"Phew... I can only manage to cast three teleports for now... That was rough..." Silvia said with a bitter smile. She seemed visibly exhausted.


"Sorry... I ended up depending on you, Silvia..." I was embarrassed.


Sigh... I was supossed to defeat that thing without relying on Silvia...


"What are you talking about!? That's why I'm here. I'm your wife, dummy!" She said while smiling from ear to ear.


"But still..."


<SYSTEM: Battle, Clear! / EXP REWARD: 1000 XP / Enemy: Braten Grizzly / Condition: Defeated / Two titles are about to be given to the user... "Apex of the Forest", "Bear Killer" have been acquired. Check your STATUS for more information.>


<SYSTEM: You have leveled up!>

<SYSTEM: You have leveled up!>


The mechanical voice announced that two things.


"I managed to level up again..." I said.


"Did you get a title?" Silvia asked.


"I got two... Apex of the Forest and Bear Killer."


There should be more predators... I mean, I can't just become the Apex predator of this entire forest in less than a week...


(Well, considering that most of the wildlife around here are herbivores, it is not that strange. Braten Grizzlies are difficult to defeat for other creatures, so it is natural for you to get that title after defeating one.) Electra explained.


(It that so? How strange...) I was a bit bewildered...


(Well, you are also living on a small forest. The only predators around these parts are wolves or the Braten Grizzlies. Congrats! You have conquered the forest!) Electra said cheerfully.


Huh? I did? What the heck!?


<SYSTEM: Attention! A new evolution is available for the user. You can now evolve into a "Hobgoblin." Would you like to evolve now?>


The mechanical voice announced in my head...


"Ummm... Silvia, you were right... I apparently can evolve now."


"Then what are you waiting for!?" Silvia was smiling from ear to ear.


"Okay, I'll evolve now" I nodded.


<SYSTEM: Attention! A new evolution is available for the user. You can now evolve into a "Hobgoblin." Would you like to evolve now?>


The mechanical voice announced again...


Yes, I would like to evolve.


<SYSTEM: Understoood. The process of evolution will start now.>


As soon as the voice said that, my body started feeling incredibly hot... It felt like I had been thrown into an oven... My heart was beating really fast... It hurts...


"Ugh... Silvia... It hurts..." I complained...


My vision was getting a bit blurry... The last thing I heard was Silvia's beautiful voice. She was singing me a lullaby...


Needless to say, I fell unconscious...


Heya! Long chapter today! Finally MC is able to evolve! I feel bad for Electra, she had a good chance to apologize... Hopefully she will manage to apologize soon! Thanks for reading!