Chapter 6
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“I have to find a way for me to get down from here…*sniff*”


Holding back the tears and sucking the snot back up my nose, I tear my eyes away from my baby and look for a way off the roof.


I spot a lower platform directly below the edge of the building. It was a cover for an entranceway. And directly across from it is an old car. It looks to be an old Ford Tempo. My training while I was in the army taught me how to hotwire vehicles from the year 1994 and below so if I can get to that car, I can drive out of here!


And if I can drive out of here, I can find who broke my bi- I mean go home, get my gear and then meet up with Nathan and Nicole. 


“It looks sturdy enough.”


I mean it’s made out of metal and it’s only a three foot drop,it  shouldn’t be too crazy of a jump. 


And so, I dropped off the edge of the building and onto the platform below me. And the result was…






It collapsed on me and fell to the ground with a loud crash. I rolled into the bushes next to me the instant I fell. Turns out one of the bolts holding part of the roofing in place snapped and like a domino effect, broke all the other bolts holding the support beams up as well. 


Talk about bad luck. Couldn’t this damn school pay for some repairs? Oi, where’s all my GI bill money going too?




The loud noise immediately drew the stares of a few of those crazies my way. But luckily thanks to the cover of the bushes, I wasn’t seen by them.


However, I should hurry up and find a way out of here. 


“The moment they find me I’m done for.”


Therefore, I started low crawling across the ground towards the Tempo with the bushes as my cover. Once I got to the edge of the bushes, I was met with a section of open area that stood between me and the car. If I spring full speed, I should be able to clear it and not be seen.


So, looking to my left and right, I make sure the coast is clear and sprint with all my might towards the car. And like Bo Duke, I slid across the hood of the car and landed on the driver's side of the vehicle. 


“Fuck! Why does it have to be locked?”


No more locked doors!


“Tch, I guess there’s no choice then. Please don't have an alarm.”


While saying that, I smash the window of the driver’s door with my elbow. Thankfully, no alarm went off as I did that.


Very quickly, I unlocked the door, hopped in the driver’s seat without a care for the glass shards under me and used my knife to pry open the compartment under the steering wheel. Trying my best to remember what wires are to be crossed to start the ignition, I managed to get the car started. 


Good job me! It seems I still got it!


“Oh! And it's almost a full tank of gas!”


The fuel gauge was reading ¾ full. It’s more than enough to get back home with. I thank the person who put the gas in this car beforehand. You probably didn’t expect your old ass car to be stolen but due to certain circumstances I had to commandeer it. And for that oh stranger, I’m sorry. 


Plus you’re probably dead anyway. On the off chance that you’re not… All I can say is tough luck, I was here first. 


“Now, let’s see if it can make it back to my apartment.”


Putting the car in drive, I smashed the gas and said nervously. I hope this car doesn’t die midway.




At the sound of the engine roaring, a bunch of crazies ran towards the car. Without hesitation…






I ran them over. Some were persistently trying to hang on to the car but after swerving a little, I threw them off.


But that was only the start. 


Before I could even make it out of the parking lot, I believe I ran over more than eight people. The hood was dented and smeared with blood and one of the headlights was out.


“Damn, that’s a lot of them.”


Looking out the rearview mirror, I mumble to myself. Behind me were more than twenty crazies trying to chase the car. And with the way they were running, they were sprinting full speed.




With this thought in my head, I warily drive my way back home.


“Let’s turn on the radio.”


I need to hear what’s going on in the city so I turn the radio up and flip through a couple of channels. Most of them were static.


“Come on. Come on…”


But to no avail, I couldn’t get a channel. 


“Sigh, I guess I’m going in dark.”


Despite knowing the overall condition of the city, it doesn’t hurt to try and gain more specific info. I wanted to know if there were any rendezvous spots for survivors of whatever is going on. Cause if there was, I was going to stay a hell away from it.


I have seen zombie movies, I know how that shit goes. One of them will always manage to sneak into a survivor camp and destroy it from the inside out.


It never fails. 


“Nathan, I just hope you’re smart enough to not go there either.”


Because if you do, you leave me with no choice but to go there and drag your ass back to safety.


Author's Note

       - Was watching All of Us Are Dead on Netflix and got in the mood to do a chapter. Low key wish I could turn this into a webtoon as well since it would feel somewhat easier to portray the scenes. But alas, I can't draw. Anybody have any suggestions? Cuz if it gets turned into a webtoon on the site Webtoon and then turned into a Netflix adaptation, ya boi is gonna lose it... That probably won't happen but hey, a dude can dream right?

      - Also, if you may be so kind