Chapter 24 – Gift Feature
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Hm... I have a quite hectic day lately.


After escorting Ichika to her apartment, it was already past 9 PM when I arrived at the apartment. Kinda late, but Yukino was still awake while watching some animal documentary on T.V.

I was kinda surprised when I got a message from Sae-sensei that Yukino was in the apartment. After what happened last night, I thought she would be at her home rather than in this apartment.

"Do you want some snacks?" I offered her some sweet snacks that I bought. Yukino, in blue pajamas, accepted the snack. It was a red bean jam buns that still felt warm. Magic or mana was convenient since I could easily keep the food warm.

"Hm… delicious." She took a bite with her mouth and enjoyed the red bean jam bun.

"I will prepare the tea," I said to Yukino, who took another bite and nodded her head a little.

I poured hot water into the teapot and steamed the tea leaves while waiting for them to warm. Yukino was rarely out in the living room, especially at this hour, so she might be waiting for me to come home. She obediently awaited the tea.

A few minutes had passed.

"Please enjoy your tea." I poured the tea and handed Yukino a cup of tea.

"Ah, thanks." She took the cup and sipped the tea I gave her. "Not bad," she said. She took another red bean jam buns. As for me, I took a sip of my tea and bit another flavour of the bun. I bought a cream one too.

"So, are you done with your thing?" Yukino asked after she finished eating her buns.

 "Oh, yeah. I just accompanied Ichika for a bit to meet our senpai that graduated last year."

"Hm… so you went together with Ichika." She murmured with some hint of jealousy in her tone. "So what are you two doing?"

 "I took her to meet our-senpai that was recommended by Sae-sensei. She works in the entertainment industry." 

"Entertainment industry?"

"Yeah, I helped Ichika to found a trusted agency after what happened recently in that industry. I didn't want something bad to happen to her after all." Upon seeing the puzzled expression on her face, I explained it to her a little.

"That's true. I heard some bad things about the entertainment industry lately."

Well, of course. All of them, because of me.

"But… I hope you can take it easy a little bit." Yukino stood up and headed to my back. Her hand touched my back that had bandages with such care.

"Aren't you still injured? But, you still took part with the club and went home late."

"You don't have to worry. This wound didn't feel hurt."

"But, still… I take care of this, where's your medication?"

"Ah, in my room." Yukino held me back when I tried to stand up and told me that she would take care of me. So I sat and let Yukino tend to my wound.

Actually, for me, the wound was just a scratch that quickly healed. The problem was she could see my body. I could feel she stopped since she saw my back covered with a scar, several of the wounds were quite big.

"These are…" Yukino murmured weakly. I could feel her hand touch my past scar.

"Ah, You don't have to worry about those. It was something that happened a long time ago."

"Eh.. but how…."

"It was something that happened in the past. You could say that as an orphan in another country, life was not that easy." I told her a little about my past if I recalled a little about my past. Those scars happened in my early life as a soldier experiment and sent as a child soldier at seven years old.

My magic was still in development, and the organization rated us from military action rather than magic. The organization wanted to see the reaction of their rat laboratory... How was their rat on the battlefield?

"That sounds awful," Yukino said as she tended my wound and didn't say anything. When just the two of us alone, she was kinda more likeable.

It was a starry night after Yukino was done with my wound. We said goodnight to each other. It was a more peaceful night than yesterday.


Next Day.

Lunch period rolled around, and everyone started putting away their books and other stuff. I got out of my classroom while bringing my lunch bag. This morning, after doing a routine, I was welcomed by Yukino's scoffed smile as a manner of expressing her disagreement. She didn't like what I was doing after I got hurt two days ago. Yukino still makes breakfast and a surprise bento for me.

I really felt grateful for her, and she told me to eat with her in the clubroom. Since I had been invited, I didn't have any reason to reject her.

But, I was stopped by Ichika just about to leave the classroom.

"Ah, Saku-kun. Thanks for your help. How about we go to lunch together?" Ichika invited me to lunch together, but when she saw me bring a lunch bag.

"Ah… Someone invited you too?" Ichika showed a slightly sad expression

"Yes, I'm having lunch together in my clubroom." I quickly replied to Ichia, who changed her expression.

"Eh, you are in the club. What club?"

She was kinda shocked when hearing that I was in a club.

"Service club."

"Service club?"

"Yeah, it's a club that does community service, which helps students or schools or communities around this school," I explained to her a bit.

"Hm… That club kinda suits you. You're always helping us, after all. If we need something, we'll come to your club." Ichika said while leaving me alone. She may have gone to the cafeteria.

After that short conversation, I was walking towards the clubroom, but once again, I stopped by someone who called me while running at me.

"Don't run in the corridor, Yui." I gave her a warning.

"Hahaha… Sorry---sorry, where are you going?" Yui asked me and took a little breath.

"Me… I'm going to the clubroom to have lunch." I replied to Yui's question.

"Ah, with Yukino?"


"Can I join? There's something I want to give it after all." Yui said as she looked up at me with puppy-like eyes.

"Hm… Yes, I think."

"Really!? Can I invite Nino too?" Yui clapped her hand. She was like a puppy, and I was kinda weak after seeing her cute attitude.

"Why not… Increasing one person makes no difference."

"Yay… wait. Okay."

Yui ran to the classroom and brought Nino as fast as possible. Yui brought Nino in her hand, locked by her.

"Yahallo!" Yui came into the clubroom with a greeting in a cheerful way.

Yukino's face was helpless when she saw Yui while glaring at me for a second. That face was like asking, 'Why is she coming here?'

"...what is it?" Yukino let out a sigh.

"Huh? What? That's not much of a welcome… perhaps… Yukinoshita, do you hate me?" Yui said with a low voice.

"I don't hate you. I just… find you difficult." Yukino answered in her usual monotone.

"Eh… Isn't that same thing…"

"So why are you here?"

"Ah, I want to thank all of you."

Yui said while taking the cutely wrapped bag of cookies from her lunch bag. She gave it to Yukino and Nino, who also entered the room and just sat in there. Before Yui came over to me and gave me one.

"This is for you. I gave a little special to you." Yukino gave me a bag of cookies that looked good enough and also the cookies with heart-shaped. "This is also as thanks for saving Sable."

"Ah… thanks."


Yui and Cookies Quest Completed

+ 100P

One Random Gift

You unlock Gift Feature

Opened the gift.

You got knowledge of the First Love Album.


I got another feature from the system, and I immediately got information about the First Love album, all of the song, lyrics, and of course, the instrument too.