To Fall In Love Again
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Why is it, that I don't want to see you,
but when I say your name
I see you again in the back of my mind?

Your care-free aura made me believe
in that smile when we sent selfies
for the first time.

The slight blush, and the shy eyes
made me wish that we had passed each other by
once in our life.

If we had, at least we were close--
at least we were an "almost".

Being miles apart,
of course, we never had a chance,
but we liked to pretend we did
didn't we?

And that's what I miss the most.
Our naivete made us feel timeless
like everything was in our favor
no matter how many times
the day ended and began again.

I would be here, and you would be there,
and we'd never hurt each other
the way that others have hurt us,
yet we managed to hurt each other
the way only we could.

I never want to see you again,
but this image of the way we were
is ingrained in my mind as a reminder
of a time I was happy
and I hate that I fall in love
all over again in yet another reverie.