Helpful Wifey
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AN: Super very sorry for lack of update. This chapter was a bit of a hassle to finish.


Liang Fei was having a stressful sleep, his mind filled with images too vague and foggy to recall when he was awoken by a shout.

"Hey!?" The voice called out, coupled with his body being shaken. "Oi, wake up, Fei-ge. We've got shit to do."

Misty eyed and dazed, Liang Fei woke up with a long yawn. His mind was still trying to catch up with reality, his dream fading at the edges of his thoughts. He blinked at the somewhat blurry image of Xuejie.

"Good mor- evening?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Peeking at the window, he saw that night had already fallen. His movement disturbed the robe placed over him, unveiling his naked chest and the various marks left on him.

Xuejie could only grimace.

"Damn, did you guys really do all that in the library?" He complained, looking away. "Couldn't you be considerate and tell me so we can air the room out a bit? It's so awkward~"

This poor man, why did he have to suffer such injustices!? Not only did his bro get to sleep with all the beauties in the world but now he got to indulge to his heart's content the person he loved.

Where was the justice!?

Liang Fei, somewhat embarrassed about being caught, covered his chest.

"My apologies."

The man waved it off. "Whatever. It's already done."

"Thank you for your understanding."

"If I wasn't understanding, would I even be a man?" He retorted, tossing the man a change of clothes. "If I was dating someone, I'd definitely make my interests known."

"You are still single?" Liang Fei couldn't help but ask. Even when he was a student, the man was very interested in the opposite sex, constantly chasing after girls and trying to get their attention.

It was adorable how he would constantly be rejected yet keep trying.

"It's not from lack of trying, mind you." The man sighed, turning his back as the other got dressed. "I've just been super busy. There are all kinds of trouble going on as of late so I can't get any free time. And even when I do, He-ge needs me to be his bodyguard."

At this, Liang Fei frowned. "He Qing is fairly strong, right?"

He didn't know much about him since they had only met once, but he was sure He-Qing was very strong before. Since his own cultivation was low, Liang Fei couldn't say where the younger man was now but surely he wasn't so weak as to need a bodyguard.

"That is... a bit of a long story and not mine to tell."

"I see." There was a moment of silence, in which Liang Fei peeked back at Xuejie. His expression was closed off, indicating that the subject wouldn't be pursued any further. "What problems have you been facing then?"

"Conflicts in the southern border of the kingdom." He explained. "The sects seem to be gathering their forces to make an attempt at taking some land back. Worse still, since those living there might very well be helping."

"Ah, so that's why Xieren has been so busy." He had noticed Xieren seemed to be stressed as of late, muttering to himself often. It was why Liang Fei had chosen to spoil the man.

Xuejie let out a weary sigh. "Yeah, he wants to send some people down to resolve the conflict but no one cares enough to make the effort."

"How come?" Liang Fei couldn't understand why they wouldn't want to send anyone. The consequences of not doing so were too much of a risk yet they chose the hard path?

"Most of the land is populated by mortals." Xuejie explained with an awkward expression. It was an odd mix of annoyance and resignation. "Most of the demon clan resent humans and tend to take it out on mortals. "

"They aren't concerned about a coup?" Surely that was enough to spur them on, resentment or no.

Xuejie shrugged. "If it's just them, the demons can handle them easily."

"But if the other sects get involved..." Liang Fei continued, the rest of the sentence not needing to be said. The matter was a complex one.

There was resentment on both sides, he was sure. If the demon clan were resentful toward humans, there was a high chance that the people under the demon king's banner weren't treated well. On the other hand, the demons had only recently escaped a century long imprisonment at the hands of humans.

A bridge had to be built between them or they would crumble from the inside.

"How is Xieren handling the situation?" He asked, turning back to Xuejie. The clothes given to him fit well and made him look a lot more like a noble. So much so that even Xuejie had to admire how nice Liang Fei looked just then.

Clothes really do make the man. Xuejie thought with a brief grin.

"Bro is a strict king but he can't actually force anyone to go." He explained with a sigh. "Those who are unwilling won't be helpful and are liable to try and undermine him."

"Is there anyone he trusts?"

Xuejie shrugged. "A handful but he can't use them. I'm protecting He-ge, Yao Da has her own mission, Xinyi would be helpless on her own and you are just a mortal."

"I've cultivated a little bit." He argued, feeling somewhat annoyed that he was being dismissed so easily.

"Yeah, a little." Xuejie shot back. "I doubt you could even use a sword." He blinked, suddenly remembering something. "Speaking of, did bro ever return yours to you?"

"Mine? My sword? He has it?" Liang Fei hadn't expected to see the blade ever again. While it was clingy and refused to budge, he had somehow managed to lose the thing when he was being chased.

The one time he needed the thing.

"Of course he did. Bro loves yo- your style of teaching so he kept it safe for you." He quickly said, hoping his near slip wasn't noticed. He really didn't want to get involved in their love story. He was cool with them since he liked both Xieren and Liang Fei but it was none of his business.

Bro's don't talk behind each other's back. Especially about who they were in love with.

"He found it?"

"I guess so." He replied, relieved to have the subject be shifted so he spoke too candidly "I assumed he was the one who found your body after you died. At the very least. I know he buried your body."

"He did?!" He echoed, a strange feeling blooming in his chest.

That twice then. He thought, clenching his fist. Twice that someone he cared for found his corpse. He would have much rather have his body discovered by strangers or even eaten. Anything but forcing his loved ones to find him like that.

Yet Xieren was so much younger than his sister at the time.

Xuejie looked back at Liang Fei, sensing the man's thoughts were drifting away again. Really, how did this guy survive this long if he just started daydreaming out of nowhere?

"Fei-ge?" He called, to which the man said nothing. Xuejie sighed. "Oi, Fei-ge! Earth to Liang Fei?!"

Still, the man stared past him, his mind clearly elsewhere. Xuejie wasn't sure what to do with this guy. How could such a serious-looking guy be so airheaded? They were having a conversation and yet he somehow lost track of reality?

Was he always like this?!

Thinking back, he thought of a solution. He looked over Liang Fei's shoulder, staring with surprise at the door to the library

"Oh, hey bro!" He called out, with a wave. "What are you doing here? Didn't you have a meeting?"

The elder blinked, spinning on his heels to face the person at the door, only to see no one there.

"Hm?" Liang Fei frowned, looking for Xieren. Before he could say anything further, Xuejie burst into laughter behind him.

"Ah? That got your attention, did it?" He snickered, walking past the elder. "Ah, how cute~ Is Fei-ge starting to like Bro?"

Liang Fei blushed and looked away, a curious reaction Xuejie wasn't expecting.

"M-me?" The elder denied, a nervous hand canting through his hair as he looked away. "No, I wouldn't dare presume..."

"Really?" Xuejie drew close, a sly smile on his face. "So you sleep with him for what? The experience?"

He had never bothered to ask why the two were together. Xieren's reason was pretty obvious. The man was head over heels in love with this stone-faced ditz. Yet he had no idea why Liang Fei went along with it.

Liang Fei was wondering the same thing at that moment, his mind scrambling to figure out why he'd said yes. He could tell the truth and say it was because he wanted to teach Xieren courtship but that would sound strange.

Thinking about it, did he have to sleep with Xieren to do all that? All the kisses and hand-holding was unnecessary when he thought more about it. He didn't have to date Xieren to teach him, right?

So why did he allow Xieren to do all that?

Because I liked doing that with him. His mind supplied, surprising him.

Did he like doing that kind of stuff with Xieren? When they had slept together the first time, he had enjoyed himself greatly. Even before that, he had fun spending time with Xieren.

So, had he said yes because it was Xieren asking or because it was something he wanted?

Despite everything, his mind had no answer this time. It was silent and the elder was left with no clear answer. He would have to pursue the matter at a later time.

Yet now he had a Xuejie standing in front of him, waiting for an answer.

"Do you really want the details of our relationship?" He shot back, cocking a brow.

Xuejie opened his mouth, fully intended to pursue the subject. Seeing this stoic man act nervous and blush was hilarious when paired with Xieren's insecurity. The two of them, it turns out, were both idiots when it came to love.

Then he recalled how candid Liang Fei was and shivered.

"N-no thanks." He conceded, taking a step back. Knowing this guy, he was sure to tell Xuejie all the details of his relationship. While Xuejie knew the basics of Male on Male relationships, mostly because of rotten girls on forums with no filters, hearing it outright was just too much.

Relieved the subject had been dropped, Liang Fei turned his back on Xuejie, intending to leave. Xuejie followed him. While walking, Xuejie spotted a curious sight.

"Ah, bro is too much sometimes." He hummed, drawing Liang Fei's gaze as he continued. "It's embarrassing to watch."

Liang Fei frowned. "What is?"

Xueije said nothing, reaching back to tap the back of his own neck. Curious, Liang Fei followed the gesture, touching his own neck and flushing red at what he felt there.

A very distinct bite impression.

The flesh was raised and felt mildly sore when touched, making him flinch. His eyes went to Xuejie, who pointedly looked away, saying nothing. What could be said? His boss had bitten the back of his partner's neck like a wolf marking his territory.

It wasn't something one could just talk about.

Liang Fei was left reeling, fixing his hair to cover the mark. How long had the mark been there? Was it new? Was it old?! N-no, it had to be new since it was sensitive to the touch.

Which meant that the mark had been done when they had sex before. He vaguely recalled feeling Xieren bite his neck when they were together but he always did that, so he paid it no mind.

Liang Fei then recalled the time he had pulled his hair into a high ponytail due to the heat and got a number of flustered looks. At the time, he'd assumed it was just the heat making everyone so flushed but if his neck looked like this back then...

Ah~ How embarrassing.

"I-I'll go and chastise him." Liang Fei stammered, rushing down the hall.

Xuejie just chuckled as he watched the man run away. How was it that Xieren was the only thing that made him flustered? Yet he claimed not to have any feelings for him.

That flushed face says otherwise though. He thought as he went about his day.

He really didn't think Liang Fei was in love with Xieren but seeing all that made Xuejie wonder what Liang Fei's feelings toward Xieren were. He had said that he was just acting the part but the displays of affection felt way too real to be an act.

Plus, could any truly straight man act so convincingly if they didn't have some feelings for the other party? Xuejie adored Xieren and would follow him anywhere but there was no way in hell he could bear the thought of kissing the man.

He shuddered at the mere thought.

He had just exited the private wing where the Library was housed when he was spotted by He Qing. The man came close, frowning at his bodyguard's expression.

"What are you thinking about?"

"What it'd be like to kiss bro." He answered, not thinking about it for a second.


Xuejie was shocked when he was suddenly kicked down a flight of stairs. He was fine, as he was much stronger than he looked but why was he being glared at throughout it all by He-ge?

When he asked, all he got was an "if you dare to act so shamelessly, shouldn't I punish you accordingly?"

Eh? Why was he being punished? Whatever it was, he was innocent.


Xieren was atop his throne, surrounded by ministers and advisors, all of whom were trying to convince him that their plan was the best. That if he just gave his approval, all would be well and good.

Yet all of their plans were shit.

Some thought the conflict was overblown and would pass without them having to do anything. Others thought they should wage war against the sects and just take over the continent since their kingdom had grown in the last decade.

But the worst plan was the one that got brought up the most often.

"You think killing the inhabitants of our border towns is a solution." Xieren sighed, his question so flat, it was hardly an inquiry. This seemed to be the most common solution his ministers had come up with.

"Your majesty, please consider it." One of the ministers pleaded, looking surprisingly refined as he continued. "Our problem is the risk of our human towns siding with the cultivators outside our borders. If we dispose of them, the other villages will know better than to align themselves with our enemies."

A plan of deterring further rebellions. If done right, it could instill enough fear to dissuade most from rebellion against the demon kingdom.

Yet there were problems.

"Doing that would just make it easier for the sects to take back the land." Xieren pointed out. He had needed those villages as place holders to span his empire. Burning it down would reduce the land he had taken.

"A small sacrifice, Your Majesty." Another argued. "The sects care about the lives of these humans and won't dare risk their lives by invading our kingdom."

As if on cue, all the other ministers spoke up, one after another.

"Not to mention that the other villages will think twice about helping our enemies if they know that doing so will end in their death."

"The human villages lost will act as a shield while our empire grows in strength."

"It's a marvelous plan, Your majesty. We just need your approval."

The ministers argued amongst themselves, each one wanting to be the head of such an expedition. They had all shown their disapproval when Xieren had chosen to take human villages under his protection, never allowing the demons to harm them.

Yet the rumors of a rebellion had stirred their hearts to action. This was their chance to satisfy the bloodlust within them.

Xieren knew all this, staying silent as the men in the room shouted and argued. He wanted to know who was saying what so he could cull them later on.

He raised a hand and the room fell silent.

The youngest man in the room, crowned the demon king well before he had even hit 20, stood and stared down at his ministers. Despite their age and confidence, their eyes fell, not daring to meet their king's gaze.

They had their wants and desires but to attempt to speak when the king was standing was suicide.

Yet one person was brave enough to speak, for she knew she wouldn't die.

"Your Majesty," Leilian spoke, her eyes downcast as she bowed. "If I may, might I suggest-"

[Knock knock]

The gaze of everyone in the meeting room snapped toward the door as it smoothly opened, their minds reeling. Who dared just walk into the meeting where their king was presiding over? Did they not want to live?

Yet only two people in the room recognized the man standing in the doorway, though their reactions were starkly different. Unseen by the others in the room, Xieren's eyes brightened as he gazed at his lover walking into the room. His gaze was soft and filled with a happiness that one could only have when they see a loved one after a long day.

Leilian, having been the only one to see her king's reaction, showed an ugly expression as she clenched her fists. That look, that soft look that spoke volumes of the feelings hidden behind those eyes, was one she had been seeking for years. She had worked hard to make herself useful, offering her blood when the king needed it and showing off how capable she was to be his partner.

Yet this random man got the look she'd yearned for just by walking through the door!?

Liang Fei felt the eyes burning holes into him as he walked in yet chose to ignore them. In this room, no in this kingdom, there was only one person who's opinion mattered.

That was the king.

Reaching Xieren's throne, Liang Fei bowed, lowering his head as he spoke.

"Your Majesty, my apologies for interrupting your meeting this evening." He said, his smooth voice echoing through the hall. Despite all the eyes on him, his voice didn't waver in the slightest.

Xieren felt a rush of respect for his master flare within him. He was basically a mortal yet dared to ignore a room full of hardened and powerful demons.

His Shizun truly was the best.

"Think nothing of it." He replied, his tone indifferent but his words sending a clear message to the rest of the occupants.

The human was going to stay.

The ministers had been staring slack-jawed as the human bowed and walked in, their words trapped in their throats. This was the human their king had shown such a great interest in, the male known as Lord Fei.

"Fei-er," Xieren continued, his words silencing the room and the thoughts of those within. "what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to assist His Majesty if you would allow me to."

"Oh?" The king hummed, curious. No one could read his expression as he rested his head on his fist. "And how did you presume to do that?"

"Forgive me for my rudeness but I heard about the problems facing the empire and wish to offer a suggestion for consideration."

A haughty voice from behind him scoffed. "So you were eavesdropping?"

The other ministers snickered, happy to be allowed at least this much leeway against the arrogant human who presumed to enter their discussion. This human was young and surely wasn't equipped to handle a room full of enemies.

Yet Liang Fei was at his best in such situations. If he could handle a room full of cheating girlfriends, their jilted lovers, and a slag friend hiding behind him, he could definitely deal with some pompous old demons.

"Well," He started, remaining poised and calm. "if you call me hearing your belligerent shouting from down the hall 'eavesdropping', I suppose it will have to suffice."

"You-" The man started before stopping as king let out a rapid breath. The man in question stepped back, hoping not to be singled out by their king. He couldn't have been happy at his outburst.

Ah, he laughed. Liang Fei thought, peeking up at his partner. Xieren hid it well but the elder could hear it clear as day. He felt a mild sense of pride for having done so.

"Lord Fei." All eyes fell onto Leilian, who smiled serenely and captivated all but two men in the room. "May I inquire about how you presume to assist his majesty? Surely you know that these matters are to be decided by demons as this land belongs to the demon clan."

"You have humans living on your lands too, correct?" He asked, looking over to the woman. She smiled.


"Have you asked them what they want?"

Another demon spoke up, growing tired of the questions. "Why would we bother asking humans-"

"You want something from them but refuse to bother to ask the same?" He interrupted, knowing where this was going. "And you wonder why they refuse to work with you?"

"Who do you think you are?!" The demon snapped, his protest echoed by the other ministers who shouted their disapproval.

"Me?" The elder continued after the room had quieted down. "I'm the ignorant human telling you how to run your empire correctly. If I'm wrong about my suggestion, please tell me where the faults are. I'll be sure to relay them to His Majesty for you since you seem to be lacking in any foresight."

"You-" Whatever protest that might have left the elder demon's lips would never leave it for the silent king had chosen then to speak."

"Lord Fei is correct." Xieren said, rising from his throne. "If we want to get anything from the humans, we can't tyrannize them. Nor can we kill them." Cold eye fell onto the ministers, who quickly lowered their gaze. "That's how we demons ended up going to war with them so long ago. It'll be a repeat of history."

"You'll still be able to present yourself as the dominating force but giving them what they want in exchange for their compliance will ensure you won't suffer a coup." Liang Fei continued, not moving as Xieren approached him. "Moreover, happy people tend to get more done than those under duress."

"That is... true." Leilian reluctantly conceded as she watched the two men. "There are still things our human subjects refuse to let us learn."

Early on in the conquering of land, the humans somehow learned how to make themselves useful as to discourage the vengeful demons from killing them outright. It was Xuejie that proposed trade between the humans since there were things that only humans could make that the demon clan enjoyed.

It was solely because of this that the destruction of the human villages was opposed so heavily by the public. The ministers had hoped the rumors of a rebellion would allow them to sweep past the citizens' concerns and do as they wished.

Yet this lord Fei didn't allow for such a thing to take place. They cursed the man, even as he dared to continue.

"More importantly, ensuring the safety of the humans under your banner can only be a net benefit when it comes to keeping the sects from attacking."

The other ministers couldn't stand such nonsense and spoke out. "We can use them as shields by threatening them and-"

"And that will result in a more fevered response from your enemies."

"How so?"

"If, as you say, the sects care about the well being of the mortals, how do you think they'll respond if you wantonly slaughter them?" He countered, turning to face the dozen or so men who hated his guts with nary a flinch. "If they learn that the demon kingdom is killing hundreds of innocents, they will become even more determined to invade in order to rescue those left. Especially if they learn you did it solely to send a message to them."

The ministers flinched, biting their tongue to keep from voicing their thoughts. They all remembered the war and how determined the humans back then were to win. The war was hard and while both sides suffered losses, the demon clan fell into ruin as a result.

As such, it was evident that war would be the worst possible outcome to this conflict.

Yet Liang Fei was not done, having sensed that there are still those who dared think he could be refuted.

"But if you are confident in your strength, perhaps this isn't even a concern for you." He challenged, his monotone echoing through their minds like a metronome. "The empire fell before but if you think the cultivators haven't grown stronger in the last century, you can cross their bottom line and challenge them. I'm sure it will go quite well for you, dear elders."


After the room had cleared out and the two men were alone, Xieren couldn't hold back his grin as he turned to face his master. The lovely man stared back, his expression unreadable as his young lover approached him.

"Shizun, that was amazing~"

How could Xieren resist the urge to praise his master? The man had managed to silence the room in mere moments. Sure, Xieren could have done the same by beheading them all but to see someone tear them apart with mere words was very satisfying. Especially when it was someone the ministers looked down upon.

"Was it?" The elder muttered, feeling pleased with being praised. Though his joy quickly diminished as he recalled why he was being praised to begin with. "If just something as simple as this is a struggle for your advisors, I fear you might be in a worse situation than I thought."

"Not everyone can be as smart as Shizun."

"You are too kind."

Xieren stared down at Liang Fei, admiring every aspect of his partner. The man was smart, sharp-tongued yet kind, and silly all at once.

Truly, was there a more lovely man to have by his side?

Unable to resist, Xieren wrapped his arms around Liang Fei, surprising the older man.


"Shizun!" Xieren looked nothing at all like the king who had controlled the room with his mere presence. This man, this smiling man who called out to him so joyfully, was the Xieren Liang Fei had grown used to.

That was a bit scary though.

"Must you hug me so often?" The elder chided, trying to pull away.

"Does Shizun dislike it?"

"No but.."

"Then may I continue hugging you?" He asked, pouting cutely as he stared down at his lover.

Liang Fei tried to stay strong, fearing himself to be getting more involved than anticipated. Yet when he saw Xieren smiling and cuddling close, eager to be spoiled, how could Liang Fei not melt at the sight?

How could this be the fearsome and cruel protagonist destined to kill him once upon a time? Had his little actions truly made such a stark difference?

He sighed. "...I suppose so."

"Thank you." Xieren beamed, happy to have won the battle of hugs. Yet looking at the elder's expression, he knew there was something else on the man's mind. "Was there something else you wanted to talk about?"

Xieren breath brushed his neck, reminding him of the marks there.

"I wanted to talk about... about these." He mumbled, brushing his hair aside to reveal the bite mark on the back of his neck. Xieren lets out a strange growling sound at the sight, though it made the elder think of a cat purring. Demons don't purr though, so he ignored it and continued. "You've been leaving a lot of marks on me."

Xieren smiled, looking so proud of his marks on his man. 

"Yes, they look lovely on you, Shizun." He growled, leaned down to press a loving kiss against the bite mark his master had so generously presented him. When he sensed the man was about to move, he pulled the man into his arms, smiling in such a way that heated the blood of any faced with it.

Liang Fei was no exception.

"D-don't say things like that." He stammered, pushing Xieren away as his eyes darted about the empty room. "People might misunderstand."

I might misunderstand.

Xieren turned the elder to face him. "Is Shizun not my lover?"

"At the moment, yes but-"

"Then there is no issue right?" Xieren was quick to cut him off, not wanting to hear any more. "This is what lovers do, correct? Or perhaps Shizun wishes to mark me too?"

If it was possible, Liang Fei got redder.

"N-no, never!" He cried, shaking his head. Just the thought of marking Xieren... ah, he can't get aroused at a time like this. Xieren would misunderstand his intentions.

Xieren, misunderstanding more than just the man's intentions, pouted.

"Never?" He grumbled unhappily. "Shizun is willing to tie me up and make me beg but won't mark me?"

"T-that is a different... thing."

"Is it?"

"Yes!" He insisted, staring at Xieren's chest rather than risk looking the man in the eye. "I get a bit... carried away at those times so it's fine since we both agreed to it. But marking me makes others think that we-"

"I get carried away too." He interrupted, smiling at how flustered his master was getting. "When I see Shizun under me and making those noises, how can I not bite you?" He asked, growling as he pressed another kiss to his master's cheek. "Should I not do so? Is it bad to want to mark my lover?"

"N-no, it's not bad." He rushed to say, fearful of misleading Xieren. "I'm sure there are girls who like it. It would make them want to show them off, I think."

He had heard his sister talk about how attractive vampires and the like were. Apparently girls were into that kind of thing, though he couldn't really begin to understand why.

Women were weird.

"Would Shizun show them off?" Xieren asked, interrupting the man before his mind wandered elsewhere.

"What?! How could I-"

Again, the cute pout returned with a vengeance.

"But if Shizun doesn't like it, how can I be sure others will? What if I mark someone else" As if he'd ever do such a thing. "and they don't like it? Won't they dislike me?"

"Never! My Xieren is an excellent lover!" He proclaimed, taking Xieren's face in his hands. With furrowed brows, he continued. "You are considerate and kind, so there is no one in this world who wouldn't be proud to show off your bites."

Xieren preened under the praise, loving that his master had claimed him. Perhaps the silly man would forget his words soon enough but Xieren loved it nonetheless.

This silly man couldn't be pressed too hard or he'd run and Xieren would be forced to really bind the man to his side. Or better yet, chain him to the bed so he didn't have to suffer from the annoying people who dared to draw close to his beloved master.

Yet he didn't want his master to dislike him so he smiled sweetly at the elder.

"So Shizun likes them too?" He pressed, pulling Liang Fei closer. His smile was sly in its innocence, catching the man off guard. "You'll show them off?"

"Eh? Is that what I said?"

"Isn't it?"

Liang Fei blinked at him, his mind considering the logic. It... kind of made sense, right? Wasn't that what he said? Something didn't feel right about this but seeing how sincere Xienre looked, he cast aside his doubts.

Xieren wouldn't lie to him after all.

"...I see." He mumbled, nodding his head. "Then I will be sure to show them off."

Xieren beamed, making that weird purring sound again. Seriously, he was sure demons couldn't purr so perhaps Xieren was just part cat or something.

It wouldn't be the weirdest part of his time in this fantasy world.


After Liang Fei's gave in to Xieren's whims, the elder was forced to remain in the throne room for quite a while as his lover strove to make as many marks on his skin as possible. Apparently, Xieren wanted to make sure his partner could keep his promise even if the man forgot.

Still, if you know a man's weakness, you shouldn't take advantage of it so readily! He inwardly complained, his face flushed as he recalled how they had almost had sex in the throne room as a particularly intense makeout session.

In his defense though, Xieren shouldn't have bit his neck like that if he didn't want to be kissed.

Xieren voiced no complaints, raining praise upon his master as they continued to kiss and caress each other. The only thing that saved the throne from being used was the fact the night had settled quite a while ago and Liang Fei was tired.

To have been pressed against the seat, his lover looming over him with a racing heart and a hungry look in his eye, only to yawn straight in his face was quite an experience. The look on Xieren's face had him chuckling in his heart.

"Shizun is tired despite sleeping the day away already." Xieren chuckled, tucking a stray strand of hair from the elder's face. "How cute."

"It's night time. It's only proper for me to be tired." He retorted, rolling from underneath Xieren. Any longer and he might forget that he had things to wake up for like... "Ah! What are you planning to do about the situation at the border?"

He had almost forgotten why he had come by, to begin with. He couldn't be sure how Xieren would resolve the issue.

Xieren sighed, turning to sit on the throne and pull Liang Fei onto his lap. The elder said nothing about it, settling Xieren's gloomy heart so he could continue.

"I can't rely on many people in the castle." He said, playing with his lover's hair. "Sending them would just make things worse."

"Is there any way I can help?" He asked, a bit worried. He really had tried to help tonight but he felt like he'd only made things more complicated.

Or put a target on his back.

Xieren smiled, looking ecstatic to have his master speak such words.

"En. Just stay by my side and support me." He stated, taking the elders' hands in his own. "If it's just that, I can get through it all."

Those words stitch in the elder's mind, each part making him wonder about its meaning. Xieren wanted his company and his support? Of course, he'd give him that. Xieren was incredibly important to him. He'd always support the man.

Xieren wanted that and not anything else.

Liang Fei let out a sigh.

So it really was just him misunderstanding things. Xieren was surprisingly affectionate and Liang Fei had come to like how sweet this man was to him. But these were just lessons.

Liang Fei would have to be an adult and remember to keep his head straight.

With his heart somewhat settled, Liang Fei put the subject of his feelings aside, considering how he could help Xieren with his problems.

A familiar beep sound echoed through his head, rooting the man in place. Before he could blink, he saw big bold letters appear before him.




[YES                                     [NO

Curious, Liang Fei chose yes, blinking at the empty space. Fortunately, there weren't many people around and those that did see him knew better than to speak ill of their king's consort



Phoenix feather? There were phoenixes in this world? He had read about them as myths but to know they exist was incredible.

But all that didn't matter. He had wanted to help Xieren before a reward had been offered. He'd gladly take on the task, though he was sure he had no choice in the matter. It was the least he could do for Xieren.


AN: Honestly, this chapter was going to be longer but this apple has to sleep at some point so we be making this a two parter~