1 – Enter The Apocalypse
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You ever have a dream or idea that will just not leave you alone? This was it for me. I will be continuing my other stories and releasing this when I have time or the urge to write. 

Just a warning, this will be a slow-paced story. The MC is meticulous and very careful. It is really fun to write this way! Hope you enjoy it as well!

1 – Enter The Apocalypse

The crash of thunder wakes me violently from my sleep. I sit up from the couch I find myself on and look around the unfamiliar room.  

'The fuck...?'

I don't recognize anything. Well, I know what everything is: The flat-screen TV mounted on the wall, the broken toaster sitting in front of me on a dirty coffee table, the appliances and names of items all are there, but I can't associate myself with anything in the room. It was like I got drunk and crashed at a stranger's house and now have no idea where I am. It went deeper than that though, I realized as dread welled up inside me. 

'Who am I?'

Oh, fucking hell. Don't tell me this is a lame Isekai amnesia story!!! I read so many of those...they can be so cringy if not done right.

'Wait...how do I know I read manga if I have amnesia...?'

This is when true panic sets in. I can remember things I read, watched, felt, and experienced, but I remember nothing about me in any of them. It is like I have been watching a poorly edited and not very interesting movie for years and years. The memories are there, but I am not in them. 

I start to look at my body, hoping beyond hope to find a nametag. To put it plainly, I am fat. I wear a red t-shirt with the Fl*sh superhero logo on it. It is stretched and...*Sniff* Jesus...it smells awful. Like I poured spoiled milk all over it and thought, "This is fine."

I look down further and see the bulge of my stomach push out over my hips and crotch. beyond that is a ratty pair of gray sweat pants with several small holes and suspicious stains all over them as well as one stain that is clearly mustard. I continue down and see that I am wearing long white socks with gray checkered slippers. 

'I am assuming I was a shut-in...but it is too early to make conclusions yet. How am I so fat? I remember watching hours of workout tapes and videos...did I just watch them and never do anything with them? Am I an idiot?'

While I am pondering this very important question, a blue box pops in front of my face. 

Welcome To The Apocalypse!

I am Guru, your personal interface and guide for this tutorial section.

"Shit!" I yell and nearly fall off the couch. Gotta admit I wasn't expecting a game popup box. So I really have been Iseaki'd...Oh well, no use dwelling on it. Not like I can do anything about it now. Better to move forward.

'Hold up. Apocalypse? I thought this was supposed to be a fantasy world? Did I get a bad end already?'

"Hello, Guru...When you say apocalypse..."

That's right! The end of the world. Civilization as you knew it is toast and zombies, ghouls, and other monstrosities walk among you!

You are probably going to die a horrible death!

"Well...That's reassuring. Can you tell me who I am, where I am, and why I am here?"

One moment, please...



Ok! The Goddess has allowed me to say the following:

You are Desmond, you are in a suburb of Fountain Colorado, and you are here because you chose to be!

"I...chose to be here?"

That is correct! You are in the tutorial section of this world. There are several things I need to explain to you before you are set loose.

"Hmm...Can I ask you questions along the way?"

Yes, During the tutorial period, you can ask me anything you'd like! I may not be able to answer all of your questions, but I will do my best.

"Thanks. So I only have you with me for this tutorial?"

I will be with you until your death, however, we will only be able to talk like this during the tutorial section. After that, I will only inform you of system messages.

"I see...Ok... Where to start..." I say while running a chubby hand through my greasy hair.

You could, you know, allow me to continue the tutorial?

"Noted, but I need some more information before we get started...Say, can I have a notepad and a pencil or pen to take some notes? It will help me organize my thoughts and form better questions to ask."

One moment, please...



A notepad and a freshly sharpened #2 yellow pencil pop into existence on the coffee table in front of me.

'At least this Goddess seems amenable.'

I pick up the paper and pencil and flip it open to the first page. Blank blue lines on white paper greet me. I look at the pencil and realize an issue.

"I don't suppose I could ask for a small pencil sharpener, could I?"

Don't push your luck.

"Understandable. Sorry for the hassle." I say with a wave of my bulbous hand.

I take a moment to organize my thoughts and jot down several questions I have. Looking at the list and nodding, I start at the top.

"Alright Guru, I have my thoughts in order now. Ready for some questions?"

I literally have no choice in the matter.

"I could wait an hour or two for you if you need a break?" I offer.

Don't be a smartass.

"That was not my intention...but alright, let's get started. First, you say this is the apocalypse and I am in Fountain Colorado. Is this my world or another dimension's version of my world?"

This is a separate dimension from your world but matches the structure and layout as well as everything else exactly as it was on the date Jan 1st, 2020.

"Does that date hold any significance or is that just a convenient date to start?"

I cannot answer that question.

"Alright," I say and smile to myself. I open the notebook to the back page and start a new list titled, "Important Things To Remember." I add the date with a question mark at the end. That should be enough for me. I am used to shorthand notes...though I cannot specifically remember why. Probably the college and all those study groups I see in my memories.

"And what is today's date? You said Jan 1st, 2020 was the start date, but you didn't say that was today's date."

Jan 1st 2050.

"Oh wow...30 years into the apocalypse. Why was this date chosen?"

The start date and state of the world were decided based on the difficulty you chose.

"And what difficulty did I chose?"

You chose nightmare difficulty. The hardest of the 6 difficulties.

"Hmm...I am guessing we will cover those during the tutorial, yes?"


"Ok, let's move on for now then." I say and quickly write "Difficulties?" into the margins of the first page. If we do not cover it, I will circle back to ask later. I make quick notes of the answer to my first question and then mark a check next to it to show it has been answered. 

"Next, you have mentioned a Goddess. Can you tell me anything about her?"

Merseria is the Goddess of Transition. In charge of harboring lost and tortured souls from one realm to another. 

'Well, that is a lot to digest. I can make some assumptions based on what Guru said, but I might as well ask clarifying questions while I have the chance.'

Just then, another very important question comes to mind. Something that could fundamentally change my approach moving forward.

"I will come back to Goddess Merseria in just a second, but first, does this tutorial have a time limit? Will I trigger any events by waiting here talking with you? Also, am I safe here to talk to you, or do I need to move quickly?"

...There is no time limit, the tutorial events are planned and will not happen until we continue on in the tutorial, and you are unable to die during the tutorial. Or, rather, if you die, you will simply reset to the last stage of the tutorial. 

This was fantastic news! I have a free encyclopedia right in front of me for as long as I like and have all the time in the world to use it. I will take my time with this and make sure I am moving carefully. I have memories of games I must have played and I know that choosing a difficulty like this will mean I am almost assured to die. This was not the time to act rashly. Slow and steady keeps Desmond alive.

'Hmm...I still have some concerns, however.'

"Thanks, Guru! How about hunger, thirst, and bodily needs such as sleeping and using the bathroom?"

...None of those affect you during the tutorial... You are going to abuse this, aren't you?

"I would rather say that I am going to use all the tools at my disposal."

Relations With Goddess Merseria +10


It seems the Goddess approves of your decision.

"Oh...a relationship system, huh? This is for diplomacy and interpersonal relationships, I am guessing?"

Relations With Goddess Merseria +10


"Am I also correct in assuming that she will be watching me and is taking some form of entertainment from this?"

Relations With Goddess Merseria +50

...I cannot answer that question.

I smirk at the blue window and look up to the ceiling. I give a quick wave and then say, "I am not sure why I chose to accept this, but I did and that is all I need to know. Thank you for allowing me this tutorial section and for the paper and pencil, Goddess Merseria. I surely would have died in seconds if not for it. I truly appreciate it."

Relations With Goddess Merseria +50

Your relationship with Goddess Merseria has changed from Neutral to Acquaintance.

She says, "You're most welcome. Please, do stay alive as long as possible. I wish you luck, Desmond."

"I will do my best," I promise with a bow to no one. "Okay, Guru, I am ready to continue. My next question is why I was chosen for this?"

I cannot answer that question.

Again, this went to the back of the notepad.

'Might mean something or it might not. Best to jot it down for now.'

"Alright, then how did I lose my memories of myself. Was that part of the process?"

That was, again, a choice you made on your own. You offered the Goddess your personal memories in exchange for a weapon. The Goddess accepted this proposal and wiped away anything that had to do with you specifically. You still have the knowledge you obtained in your last life, but nothing that applies to yourself.

"I see... And I am betting asking you anything else about myself will result in an 'I cannot answer that question,' right?"

Correct. The Goddess decided to give you your first name, but that is it. If you impress her, she may give you more in the future.

"Alright! We have our first goal!" This got its own page in the notepad. He left several pages in the back blank in case he needed to expand the important information section, then made two new sections for goals and quests, with 20 pages between them for the future. 

"Going back to Goddess Merseria, you mentioned she was the Goddess of transition. I am assuming that means I died in my original world?"

I cannot answer that question.

"Ok, what about her harboring lost and tortured souls, can you tell me anything about that?"

No. The Goddess can tell you if she wishes. I am not obligated to do so. Keep your questions to this world.

"Fair enough. Next, what is the name of this world?"


"Makes sense. What major changes have taken place between this world and the one I came from?"

I cannot answer that question, though I have mentioned zombies, ghouls, and other monstrosities.

"Can you tell me any other monsters or creatures that might be enemies?"


"Alright, I know a dead end when I see one." Another section of the notepad was segmented out for an 'Enemies' entry.

"Next question, why Fountain Colorado? As far as I remember from the geography, I lived in Ohio."

I cannot answer that question.

'To the back of the notebook with you!'

"You mentioned a weapon I bartered with Goddess Merseria for, yet I am not able to see it now. Am I correct in assuming I will get it during the tutorial?"


"Great! That works just fine. I will get it before my first combat, yes?"

Yes. If you would progress the tutorial and end my suffering, you would get it much faster.

"From the way you are speaking...texting?... You are an actual person, aren't you? Maybe another God or Goddess? Or a servant of Goddess Merseria?"

Relations With Goddess Merseria +50

I cannot answer that question.

Another section of the notebook was made for 'People of interest.' There, the Goddess Merseria and Guru were the first entries.

"Please let me know if any of the following will not be explained during the tutorial: Food, water, rest, power, armor, buildings, construction, crafting, looting, travel restrictions, nearby towns or cities....hmm anything else? Oh! And an explanation of the relationship system."

...That was not a question...but fine. All of those but travel restrictions and nearby towns and cities will be explained. There are no travel restrictions and you will be responsible for finding or not finding nearby civilization on your own.

I look through my list and reach the end. Two left.

"You mentioned I will respawn in the tutorial, is there a life or respawn system outside of the tutorial?"

Yes, but not for you. On Nightmare Mode you will only get 1 life after the tutorial. If you die, you are dead forever. You may change your difficulty, but only in this tutorial setting. If you change your difficulty now, you will lose all the bonuses you received for picking the difficulty, including the weapon from the Goddess, and you will not be given back your memories. 

"Thanks again Guru, just one more question before we get started on the tutorial...How many people are currently on Nightmare Mode?"

Normally I would not be able to answer this question, but this is a special case, so I will make an exception. Only one person has ever left the tutorial on Nightmare Mode. Most are overconfident and arrogant and this causes them many deaths in this tutorial setting. All but one changed the difficulty and gave up on Nightmare Mode. The one who didn't...was eaten on his very first day. =)

'Sounds like I am destined to die...better take this very, very carefully then.'