7 – An Unexpected Help
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This is the last update of the week. The next chapter will be updated on Monday. Happy reading!

European Continent
Top Floor of Illusion Corporation Headquarter, Chairman Office.

Damon von Karma facing the window with his hand in his back overlooking the cityscape outside.  With a frown on his face, a heavy atmosphere filled the room. The bustling night view of the city cannot changes his heavy mood.

*Knock knock*

A knock was heard from the door. He sighed and walk to his table and sit.

"Come on in"

The door opens and a man in his thirty could be seen. You could see that his face bears a 65% resemblance to Damon's. The man who just enters is Kristoph von Karma.

"How is it, Kristoph? Did you find him?" Damon asked his eldest son.

"No, father. He didn't bring anything with him on the day he left home." Kristoph fixes his glasses and said with helplessness.


"That unfilial kid! I don't mind if he wants to be a prodigal son, then so be it!  Our family had so much money, even we can't spend it in our lifetime! But he didn't even want to follow his grandfather's wish!" Damon shouted and slammed the table.

"Father, please be calm. I promise I will find him soon." Kristoph is also concerned about his younger brother's whereabouts. He didn't bother about his grandfather's wish, which is a marriage arrangement between families. A month ago, his brother ran away from home and he was concerned that with his brother's lazy character, he will starve to death.

*Ring... ring...*

The phone ringed breaking the heavy atmosphere. Kristoph takes out his phone from the pocket and saw that his sister called him.

"Hello, sister? What is it?" Kristoph said on the phone.

"Brother, you won't believe this! I already sent a piece of important information to your email! Quick, open it!" a sweet sound was heard from another side of the call.

Feeling the urgency of his sister's voice, he hangs up the call and opens the email. Some screenshots along with some photos were attached to the email.

[Miracle Game Studio won the Amateur Game Design Competition by Crimson Company] - Crimson Company Blog Post
[Joshua, an unknown and ungraded Video Game Designer won the competition surpassing some E Class Video Game Designer?] - Star City's Game Forum
[Pokemon Fire Red and Water Blue, newfangled two flavored games] - Star City's Game eMagazine

The photo contains Joshua holding the winning trophy with his charming smile, the booth Joshua used in the competition, and some random shoot with Joshua inside it.

"What is it?" Damon who saw his son's frantic expression asked.

"Father, look at this!" Kristoph snapped out of his daze and show the email he got from his sister.

After reading the email, Damon kept silent for about 5 minutes. He then slams the table and laughed.

"Hahaha! Good! He really a son of Karma family!"

"Then father, do we tell grandfather about this good news?" Kristoph also smiled.

"No, do not tell your grandfather yet. It is a good opportunity to change his character! Just keep an eye on him, let society shape his character. Oh, right. Go to Asian Continent after the new year. Cooperate with Crimson Company about your brother's game marketing. Promote it heavily, but do it in secret. Just tell them that we are interested in that game. Don't let your brother finds out!" Damon said after a brief contemplation.

"Yes, father. Don't worry!"


3rd January, Crimson Company Headquarter

This morning, the employee of Crimson Company was busy. Some mid-level employees frantically instructing some normal employees to decorate the meeting room.

"Hey, what day is today? Why the company is busy when a new year just started?" an employee asked his friend.

"You don't know? Today our company will receive a guest! Even the CEO came to the company early!" his friend said.

"Really? Which bigshot will be coming?" the employee said with curiosity.

"Hey! You two! Stop talking and move that table quick!" A mid-level employee berated them and they both stop talking and move the table.


A sleek-looking black colored expensive car stopped in front of Crimson Company. The driver came out and open the door for Kristoph.

"Welcome, Mr. Kristoph von Karma! Welcome to our company!" The CEO of Crimson Company came forward and shake his hand with Kristoph.

"CEO Lee, you don't have to receive me with great fanfare. Just a normal employee will do." Kristoph said while smiling.

"How could we? Please, come inside! We will talk further in the meeting room." CEO Lee smiled and lead Kristoph to the meeting room.

They both arrived at the meeting room and sat face to face.

"So, may I know what intention Mr. Kristoph came to our small company?" CEO Lee said. Even though that Crimson Company is a big corporation in Asia Continent, but if compared with Illusion Company, it's miles apart. 

Crimson Company just a company that dabbles in a handheld system, a system that has already been forgotten by the majority of the Earth Federation population. But Illusion Company is the top 5 company in the whole world, not just European Continent!

"Don't worry, CEO Lee. Our Illusion Company will not acquire your company. I just want to talk about cooperation." Kristoph said with a smile. Hearing Kristoph's word, CEO Lee breathes a sigh of relief. He was worried that his company enters the sight of Illusion Company. If it did, then there is no hope holding his company anymore. They could easily make his company bankrupt in one day.

"What kind of cooperation would Mr. Kritoph propose?" CEO Lee said with visible excitement in his voice.

"We want to help Crimson Company to promote Pokemon Fire Red and Water Blue!" Kristoph said. CEO Lee was confused at first, what game? But then he remembered that Pokemon is the winner of the Amateur Video Game Designer competition. But why?

"Ummm, Mr. Kristoph, the reason you want to promote that game is...?" CEO Lee was curious. If he could, he wants to persuade Kristoph to promote his own game.

The smile on Kristoph's face faded. He looks at CEO Lee with his sharp eyes. CEO Lee bows his head and didn't dare to look him in the eyes.

"Don't ask any further, just do what I told you. All the expenses will be paid by our company. And don't tell anyone that our company involved in this cooperation. If not..." Kristoph shows a vicious grin to CEO Lee which made him shivered.

"Yes, yes, yes... Forgive my impudence... I will carry the task with perfection! No one will know Illusion Company hand in this matter." CEO Lee nodded like a chick pecking the earth. Anyway, he didn't lose anything in this cooperation. He even didn't have to spend any money on the promotion!

"Do it right, and our Illusion Company will reward your company handsomely. Then, CEO Lee. I will excuse myself." Kristoph shows his usual harmless smile and stood up.