Vol.1 Chap. 18 – Gods, Goddesses & Party
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Cosmos stands in front of a mirror, checking on the choice of dress & style that she made for the party which she will be attending. She had chosen to wear an orange & purple gown which is made of silk & satin, decorated with lace & embroidery.

While Cosmos is still engross with herself, a woman dressed in a pink long slip dress with frills in a crisscross pattern entered her room. It is Pixar & she is here to attend to her mistress in making the final preparations for the event.

“Mistress, the time is near for our departure.” Pixar informed her mistress.

“Bring me my jewellery box.” Her mistress instructs her which she complies immediately.

“Which one do you like?” Her mistress asked her, after opening the box for her to choose the ornament of her choice.

“Mistress, I can’t simply use your belongings.” Pixar protested.

Ignoring her attendant’s protest, Cosmos decided to choose a pair of simple pink diamond earring shaped like a tear & a pink topaz necklace where its gems have been carved to shape like a heart.

“There, look at how pretty you are.” Her mistress compliments her after wearing those jewels on her.

Pixar smiled, elated by her mistress compliments. She in turn helped Cosmos to wear the jewellery of her choice, which is an oval shaped amber jewel attached to a necklace & a pair of baguette shaped amethyst earrings.

“Is my knight here?” Cosmos asked her attendant.

“Yes, right on time as you require mistress.”

“Let us make haste shall we.”

Both mistress & attendant proceed to make their way to the atrium of the castle where the find that there is a knight donned in a magnificent formal coat & pants. Upon seeing them, he bowed to those heavenly maidens as a sign of greeting & respect to them.

“Ah, Lord Applegate, good to see you, it appears that you will be keeping me company again.” Cosmos said to the being, who is an Elf.

“It is good to see you too milady. The honour is mine to serve you again.” The knight replied.

“This is Pixar, my attendant.” Upon being introduced by Cosmos, the Feary maiden curtseyed at him.

“”Aye, you have grown well child, since the last time we met. How long ago I wonder?”

“That would be a few decades ago good sir.” Pixar replied to him.

“Indeed, your mistress has raised you well.” He commended.

“Alright, let us save the chitchat later. We have a party to ruin.” Cosmos interrupted them.

They then move to another chamber near the atrium, which housed a strange device which is crystal sphere located at in the middle of the room. Pixar placed her hand on the sphere which makes the room starting to glow with a shimmering blue light from the floor of the room.

Within second after the device was activated, all three occupants in the room vanished, indicating that they have been transported to another location of their choice by the device as instructed by its user.

At the auction house, many preparations have been made to welcome the guests who will be attending the party held by Vivelka, the owner of the auction house. Ever since dusk has arrived, streams of guest have been arriving nonstop to the auction house, keeping Carnelia busy with her duties on the reception.

Many of the guest there are gods & goddesses, they come from many parts of the universe. Some are patron of religions, while others are patrons of worlds. These patrons of religions & worlds are further divided into sole patrons who come alone to represent their religion & world & commune patrons who send a few of their kin as representative to represent their commune.

The auction house owner, Goddess Vivelka & her archangel, Carnelia are both busy working around the clock to ensure that the party guests will be entertained & the auction proceedings will be running smoothly for their customers.

Vivelka have been keeping tabs on everything that is going on at the party, ensuring that there are no issues arising which will derail the event into disaster. They already had much of their operations hampered in the mortal realm where the frontier world which their syndicate was under attacked by unknown forces.

That is why precaution & better than cure & they will never allow such forces to deal another blow to them. Their caution is well placed, but little do they know that their adversaries had already made plans in advance to deal with them.

The reception area of the auction house is busy, where the reception attendant, who are celestial automatons under the supervision of Carnelia are busy helping their guests & customers to check into the event. The guests all arrived with various method of transportation, which are either by celestial vehicles, portals & teleportation.

“Welcome to Vivelka’s Auction House. May I see your invitation oh divine one?” A reception attendant inquired its recently arrived guest.

The goddess, who is Cosmos, accompanied by Pixar & Lord Applegate produces a card out from her handbag & passed it to the automaton for it to inspect its contents. The construct took a look at the presented object, sensing that there are no abnormalities with the item begin to glow in a green hue, indicating that they may pass.

“Welcome Goddess Anisa, thank you for gracing us with your divine presence.” It greeted Cosmos, which is actually using an alias to attend the event.

Cosmos did not say a word, but nodded as a sign of acknowledging her identity which have been verified by the soulless construct which have been deceived. All these setup was done in advance for a major crackdown on such syndicate.

The moment they are through the reception area, they are greeted by the sight of a lavish & magnificent party in front of them. Gods & Goddesses who come in various forms & sizes are all in attendance.

Many of the gods & goddess are here to celebrate the great plunder made by Vivelka. Some are here for business at the auction which will be happening in a short time. While the remaining are for devious reasons, especially Cosmos’s retinue.

“Aspire, I am in the market, what about you?” Cosmos relayed her thoughts to him with her mind.

“We are all ready to strike.” He replied.

“Good, we will scout around & weaken their defences.”

“Acknowledged, we will be waiting for your signal.”

With this, Cosmos & her retinue begin to split up, probing the whole area of the auction house while waiting for the auction session to start. The night is still young & as more guest & customers joining the event, excitement begin to rise for all who has a stake in this game.

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