I feel a large influx of energy at the back of the building and I turn to examine the area. "Prepare fo-" an explosion at the back of the building interrupts me, and someone screams from off to the side of me. I immediately draw the Estoc from my hip and focus through the dust cloud. A cool breeze blows in through the gaping hole in the wall where the door used to be, and quickly dissipates the dust.
Stephanie moves over along side me with her long sword in her hand and she starts to approach the hole. “Stay away from it,” I whisper and she pauses.
The front door opens and I turn to the side to keep any eye on the back door at the same time. Melodiana steps in wielding one of her shorter swords and I call out to her, “Secure the front of the building and move the carriage as close as you can. Don't let anyone near the front door even if it means breaking both of their legs.”
She doesn't say anything but nods her head and steps back outside. My gaze falls on Maya and the Queen as they huddle together and the Queen gently strokes the back of Maya's head, and Morgan is standing between them and the hole wielding a piece of metal he picked up from a pile.
I twist back towards the hole and part of the way there I hear a very distinctive twang. There is a whistling and I bite my lip and resolve to take the hit. I stagger back as something slams into my shoulder and a sharp pain runs through me, but it is better than it hitting anyone behind me.
I look down at the short metal shaft with red fletching sticking out of my shoulder and I can feel blood run down my chest. "Freeze my blood," I command to help combat any poison, and as my temperature plummets a man in half-plate and with a long sword and a buckler runs in the hole and to my left and Stephanie moves to intercept him.
I catch more movement at the hole and a small woman wearing a mask steps in with a hand-crossbow that she starts to aim in the direction of the Queen and Maya. My hand drops to my belt and in the same movement that I draw my dagger I launch it at her. I don't have time to look but there is a rapid sound of metal on wood and occasionally metal from off to my side.
It is a messy throw but she still has to drop her aim and dodge to the side. I rush forward and switch my grip to my uninjured arm. I thrust at her and she back steps and dodges to the side and snaps her aim in my direction and fires another bolt.
I let my thrust carry me forward and I twist as I start to fall. My shoulder hits the ground as I roll sending pain racking through my chest but I grit my teeth and make a wide sweeping strike at her as I recover my feet. My blade scrapes the stone and I see some sparks out of the corner of my eye before there is a solid sounding thud and the vibrations run up my arm.
There is a clatter of wood as the crossbow hits the floor as she draws a small sword from her hip, followed by the ringing of steel as our blades crash together. We break our lock and I try to take some distance but she steps in to try and keep us closer.
She takes another swing at my side that I intercept and twist her sword away as I start to gather energy from the air. Her sword changes direction, coming from the upper right, and I hop backwards enough to let it graze me as I put my faith in Leyla's metal again.
There is pressure down my front and side as the tip of the blade runs through my shirt and the leather padding. I watch the look of triumph in her eyes rapidly change and darken. Before she can recover from her swing I lunge in, slam my shoulder into the middle of her chest, and release the burst of energy into her ribs as I collide with her.
I can feel the chain under her shirt but it does nothing to protect her as raw Magik hits her and violently throws her into the wall. She crumples to the floor as any breath she had is forced out of her lungs and she looks dazed.
I quickly step in and with a downward thrust I push my sword through her throat and into her chest. As I withdraw the blade I flick it to the side ripping out a chunk of her throat, spraying blood across the ground, and up to the ceiling with a wet sucking sound.
She looks shocked but her hand still goes up with that damnable small chunk of wood in it.
I quickly release the little excess energy from my last blast as I drive the heel of my boot into her skull. There is a sickening crunch and a large splatter of blood, and chunks of brain go up the wall behind her and my legs as well. I pick up my dagger and turn to the other fight going on.
Stephanie and Morgan are fighting with the man who is breathing heavily. Morgan steps in and aims the metal rod in his hands at the mans knee, and at the same time Stephanie moves in, striking downwards at him. The man blocks the downward swing but isn't fast enough to stop the rod, and he buckles as it collides with his knee.
Stephanie readjusts and her sword bites deeply into the mans neck causing blood to gush and his body collapses.
I move over to the hole and quickly peek through it before throwing myself backwards. Nothing happens so I take a proper look out of it before I block it. Our captain and the woman he was with are crumpled in a puddle of blood. Both are naked from the waist down and I cluck my tongue at them as I form a shell of ice to cover the hole.
I turn back around and Stephanie is just standing in front of the body of the man, looking pale and a bit ill.
“Any other Magik in the area?” I ask Shiva as I walk to the front door past everybody and look out it. Melodiana, Aya, and Sarah have surrounded a person and quickly finish them off. I notice a couple more bodies on the ground and I scan the rooftops but don't notice anything suspicious.
“I can't sense anything out of the ordinary,” Shiva responds, “How is your shoulder?”
“It hurts,” I grimace as I turn back around and call out, “Lets go, the carriage is here. Only grab the most important things.”
Everybody looks towards me still looking slightly stunned. Maya has a look of fear on her face when her eyes meet mine, and I turn away wanting to hide the blood I'm covered in.
A set of steps runs over to me and Maya steps around in front of me. The fear on her face is gone and all I can see is concern. “Y-you're hurt,” she gasps looking down at the bolt in my shoulder.
“See you had no reason to be concerned,” Shiva whispers comfortingly in my ear.
“It's okay,” I whisper to her, “You should gather up your things. I want to move us somewhere safer.”
She looks like she wants to say something, but she bites her lip, nods her head, and moves back into the room. Morgan is checking on the Queen and Stephanie is shuffling around looking lost.
Maya moves over to the wall and pulls the cloak she gave me off of it and steps towards me and makes to wrap it around me.
I shake my head, “I need my arms free and I'll just get it bloody.”
She nods her head and rolls it over her arm and stands next to me to wait. The Queen steps over and Morgan grabs Stephanie by her arm and pulls her along. I cluck my tongue slightly and step out of the front door and call to the others, “Gather round, and send a runner to Marion.” I notice movement down at the alleyways and a few of the soldiers from before make their way over as well. A few of them carry light injuries as well.
They wordlessly move next to the door while keeping an eye on our surroundings. I motion the others though and they are instantly guarded on all sides as we quickly march over to the carriage. We usher them in and the soldiers from the alleyway climb up on top of the carriage
Once everybody is in I look up to our driver and order him, “To Marion's estate.”
“Yes Ma'am,” He nods his head in response.
I climb into the somewhat crowded carriage and I throw a glance around as I shut the door behind me and the carriage starts to move. Melodiana looks to be unscathed, as does Sarah. Aya is sitting next to Sarah and is bleeding lightly from a shallow cut on her cheek.
I step over, cup her cheek, and wipe her wound with my thumb before giving it a light lick. As I pull back she blushes, and Sarah looks completely shocked. “Your blood tastes fine,” I nod my head, “So it likely wasn't a poisoned edge but let me know immediately if you feel anything strange at all.”
I drop in the empty space next to Maya, who immediately turns and her hands move towards the bolt in my shoulder.
“You shouldn't touch it,” Melodiana calls out stopping her before I can.
“S-shouldn't we remove it,” Maya asks sounding concerned and unsure.
“We will just do more damage,” Melodiana explains while shaking her head, “It is best to leave it to someone trained to do so.”
The wagon jolts over the road and I gasp past gritted teeth as pain shoots through me. “I-isn't there anything we can do?” Maya asks weakly.
“I'll be fine,” I sigh as the pain subsides slightly as Shiva numbs me even farther, and then laugh “This much isn't enough to kill me.”
She looks down at my lap after a moment and then looks back up to me with determination. She scoots closer, links our arms together, slips her hand into mine, intertwines our fingers and squeezes my hand. A moment later she tilts her head to the side resting it partially on top of mine, and her tails wrap around my hips.
“Let me know if I can do anything at all,” She whispers.
I nod my head slightly, The queen is across from me and she keeps throwing her concerned gaze in my direction as well. I close my eyes and do my best to ignore my shoulder.
The carriage rocks again and Maya squeezes my hand again. With her sitting so close to me I notice that her scent is stronger than the smell of blood. It's rather comforting, and i find myself turning more towards her.
“Smells nice,” I yawn as the adrenaline starts to wane, leaving me feeling exhausted.
“Oh,” Shiva gasps, “And whats your opinion on Iris'?”
“Not bad.”
“Not nice?”
“Nnn, ...I think I like it.”
Would think a queen would have more protection....also, captain, wtf.
Thanks for reading
Thanks for the chapter, and a happy New Year
and the Queen gently stokes the back of Maya's head
Thanks for reading.
Maya did wag her tail an awful lot, gotta make sure her engine is nice and topped up with headpatium.
Happy new years~

Also that captain
Thanks for reading